
Home Page
Overall Year Leaders
Blank Awards
Runners with 50-99 races
Runners with 100-149 races
Runners with 150-199 races
Runners with 200 or more races
Runners with 250 or more races
Runners with 300 or more races
Runners with 350 or more races
Runners with 365 or more races
Double Awards
Runners with 300-399 miles
Runners with 400-499 miles
Runners with 500-599 miles
Runners with 600-699 miles
Runners with 700-799 miles
Runners with 800-899 miles
Runners with 900-999 miles
Runners with 1000 or more miles


Awards and Achievements for 2024

Runners who WIN! fifty (50) races in a year earn the Poulos Award.

Jon Williams is the first runner [with (50) wins] to earn the Poulos Award. Jon Williams is the first runner [with (100) wins] to earn the Double Poulos Award. is the first runner [with (150) wins] to earn the Triple Poulos Award. is the first runner [with (200) wins] to earn the Quadruple Poulos Award.
Jon Williams has 147 WINS Terry McLaughlin has 17 WINS Cori Uccello has 10 WINS Jeanette Novak has 10 WINS Ted Poulos has 6 WINS Alan Mulindwa has 6 WINS John Way has 4 WINS Kirk Gordon has 3 WINS Eric Johnston has 3 WINS Mary Lowe Mayhugh has 3 WINS Noah Wood has 2 WINS Karen Young has 2 WINS Kam Yee has 2 WINS Karsten Brown has 2 WINS Chad Merrill has 2 WINS Adam Kiely has 1 WINS John Winkert has 1 WINS Duane Christy has 1 WINS

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Runners who run more than fifty (50) races in a single distance earn the Blank Award named after Peter Blank whose sixty (60) 5Ks in 1999 is the first known instance. Currently there have been 229 times a BLANK Award has been earned and 24 Double BLANK Awards, (100) races in a single distance, and 2 Triple BLANK Awards, (150) races in a single distance. Multiple BLANK Awards are for more than one category with a BLANK in a Year. There have been 17 BLANK Doubles and 8 BLANK Triples. As of 12/31/23

Ted Poulos is the first runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Mike Cannon is the second runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Robert McGill is the third runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Alan Mulindwa is the fourth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. John Ramsey is the fifth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Dave McSherry is the sixth runner [with (50) 10Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Bill Stahr is the seventh runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. James Moreland is the eighth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. John Winkert is the ninth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Karen Young is the tenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Jeanette Novak is the eleventh runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Mary Lowe Mayhugh is the twelfth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Kirk Gordon is the thirteenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Mike Trott is the fourteenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Tim Ramsey is the fifteenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Duane Christy is the sixteenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Mitche Radella is the seventeenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. Jon Williams is the eighteenth runner [with (50) 5Ks] to earn the Blank Award. JOn Williams is the nineteenth runner [with (50) 10Ks] to earn the Blank Award.

Ted Poulos is the first runner [with (100) 5Ks] to earn the Double Blank Award. Jon Williams is the second runner [with (100) 5Ks] to earn the Double Blank Award.

is the first runner [with (150) 1Ms] to earn the Triple Blank Award.

is the first runner [with (50) 1Ms and (50) 3Ks] to earn the Blank Double Award.

is the first runner [with (100) 1Ms and (100) 3Ks] to earn the Double Blank Double Award.

Blank Awards

On Pace for FIFTY
NAME                   DISTANCE          TIMES
=====================  ================= =====
Ted Poulos             5K               158
Jon Williams           5K               108
Mitch Radella          5K                96
Mike Cannon            5K                91
Robert McGill          5K                83
Bill Stahr             5K                79
Alan Mulindwa          5K                73
Dave McSherry          10K               69
Karen Young            5K                69
John Ramsey            5K                67
James Moreland         5K                66
John Winkert           5K                65
Jon Williams           10K               61
Jeanette Novak         5K                57
Mary Lowe Mayhugh      5K                53
Kirk Gordon            5K                52
Mike Trott             5K                51
Tim Ramsey             5K                51
Duane Christy          5K                50
Steve Scudder          5K                42
Kam Yee                5K                41
Terry McLaughlin       5K                41
Ted Poulos             3K                41
Eric Johnston          5K                40
James Scarborough      5K                38
Terry McLaughlin       1M                36
John Way               5K                34
Ted Poulos             1M                33
Adam Kiely             5K                28

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One a Day Miles Raced Awards

Runners with more than

300 Miles Raced

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (300) Miles raced. Alan Mulindwa is the second runner to top (300) Miles raced. Kirk Gordon is the third runner to top (300) Miles raced. Robert McGill is the fourth runner to top (300) Miles raced. John Way is the fifth runner to top (300) Miles raced. Dave McSherry is the sixth runner to top (300) Miles raced. Mike Cannon is the seventh runner to top (300) Miles raced. Kam Yee is the eighth runner to top (300) Miles raced. John Ramsey is the ninth runner to top (300) Miles raced. James Moreland is the tenth runner to top (300) Miles raced. John Winkert is the eleventh runner to top (300) Miles raced. Eric Johnston is the twelfth runner to top (300) Miles raced. Bill Stahr is the thirteenth runner to top (300) Miles raced. Mitch Radella is the fourteenth runner to top (300) Miles raced. Jon Williams is the fifteenth runner to top (300) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

400 Miles Raced

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (400) Miles raced. Alan Mulindwa is the second runner to top (400) Miles raced. Robert McGill is the third runner to top (400) Miles raced. Kirk Gordon is the fourth runner to top (400) Miles raced. McSherry is the fifth runner to top (400) Miles raced. John Way is the sixth runner to top (400) Miles raced. Kam Yee is the seventh runner to top (400) Miles raced. Jon Williams is the eighth runner to top (400) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

500 Miles Raced

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (500) Miles raced. Alan Mulindwa is the second runner to top (500) Miles raced. Kirk Gordon is the third runner to top (500) Miles raced. Jon Williams is the fourth runner to top (500) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

600 Miles Raced

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (600) Miles raced. Alan Mulindwa is the second runner to top (600) Miles raced. Jon Williams is the third runner to top (600) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

700 Miles Raced

Ted Poulos /b>is the first runner to race (700) Miles raced. Alan Mulindwa /b>is the second runner to race (700) Miles raced. Jon Williams /b>is the third runner to race (700) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

800 Miles Raced

Ted Poulos is the first runner to race (800) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

900 Miles Raced

is the first runner to race (900) Miles raced.

Runners with more than

1000 Miles Raced

is the first runner to race (1000) Miles raced.

is the first runner to race (1100) Miles raced.
Name is the first runner to race (1200) Miles raced.
Name is the first runner to race (1300) Miles raced.

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Buckler Awards

Runners with (50) races are Single Bucklers. Runners with (100) races are Double Bucklers. Runners with (150) are Triple Bucklers. Runners with (200) races are Grand Slam Bucklers. If anyone ever reaches (250), they can make up their own title, which for NOW will be called Diamond Buckler. Runners with (300) will be called Platinum Buckler. Runners with (350) will be called Royale Buckler. One a Day Buckler when someone reaches 365.

ONE A DAY Bucklers

Runners with more than

365 Races

Bill Stahr is the first runner ever to reach (365) races.

Royale Bucklers

Runners with more than

350 Races

Bill Stahr is the first runner ever to top (350) races.

Platinum Bucklers

Runners with more than

300 Races

Ted Poulos is the first runner ever to top (300) races with 337 in 2003. Bill Stahr is the second runner to top (300) races with 369 in 2014. Terry McLaughlin is the third runner to top (300) races with 341 in 2021.

is the first runner to top (300) races.

Diamond Bucklers

Runners with more than

250 Races

Ted Poulos is the first runner ever to top (250) races with 337 in 2003. Bill Stahr is the second runner to top (250) races with 369 in 2014. Ted Poulos is the third runner ever to top (250) races with 265 in 2018. Ted Poulos is the fourth runner ever to top (250) races with 259 in 2019. Ted Poulos is the fifth runner ever to top (250) races with 279 in 2020. Terry McLaughlin is the sixth runner to top (250) races with 341 in 2021. Ted Poulos is the seventh runner ever to top (250) races with 263 in 2021. Ted Poulos is the eighth runner ever to top (250) races with 256 in 2023. Ted Poulos is the ninth runner ever to top (250) races with 277 in 2024.

Runners have raced 250 or more races in a year 8 times as of 12/31/2023.

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (250) races.

Grand Slam Bucklers

Runners with more than

200 Races

Runners have raced 200 or more races in a year 28 times as of 12/31/2023.

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (200) races.

Triple Bucklers

Runners with more than

150 Races

Runners have raced 150 or more races in a year 72 times as of 12/31/2023.

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (150) races. Jon Williams is the second runner to top (150) races.

Double Bucklers

Runners with more than

100 races

Runners have raced 100 or more races in a year 158 times as of 12/31/23.

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (100) races. Kirk Gordon is the second runner to top (100) races. Alan Mulindwa is the third runner to top (100) races. Mike Cannon is the fourth runner to top (100) races. Robert McGill is the fifth runner to top (100) races. James Moreland is the sixth runner to top (100) races. John Ramsey is the seventh runner to top (100) races. Jeanette Novak is the eighth runner to top (100) races. John Way is the ninth runner to top (100) races. Terry McLaughlin is the tenth runner to top (100) races. Bill Stahr is the eleventh runner to top (100) races. John Winkert is the twelfth runner to top (100) races Jon Williams is the thirteenth runner to top (100) races Mitch Radella is the fourteenth runner to top (100) races.

Single Bucklers

Runners with more than

50 Races

Ted Poulos is the first runner to top (50) races. Kirk Gordon is the second runner to top (50) races. Mike Cannon is the third runner to top (50) races. Alan Mulindwa is the fourth runner to top (50) races. John Way is the fifth runner to top (50) races. John Winkert is the sixth runner to top (50) races. Robert McGill; is the seventh runner to top (50) races. John Ramsey is the eighth runner to top (50) races. James Moreland is the ninth runner to top (50) races. Jeanette Novak is the tenth runner to top (50) races. Bill Stahr is the eleventh runner to top (50) races. Tim Ramsey is the twelfth runner to top (50) races. Eric Johnston is the thirteenth runner to top (50) races. Kam Yee is the fourteenth runner to top (50) races. James Scarborough is the fifteenth runner to top (50) races. Terry McLaughlin is the sixteenth runner to top (50) races. Dave McSherry is the seventeenth runner to top (50) races. Mary Lowe Mayhugh is the eighteenth runner to top (50) races. Karen Young is the nineteenth runner to top (50) races. Mike Trott is the twentieth runner to top (50) races. James Scarborough is the twenty-first runner to top (50) races. Steve Scudder is the twenty-second runner to top (50) races. Adam Kiely is the twenty-third runner to top (50) races. Jon Williams is the twenty-fourth runner to top (50) races. Mitch Radella is the twenty-fifth runner to top (50) races.

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Overall Year Leaders

Ted Poulos 21 1997, 1999-2006, 2011-13, 2015-20, 2023 Peter Blank 4 2007-10 Mitch Radella 1 1998 Bill Stahr 1 2014 Terry McLaughlin 1 2021

1500M - Mile
Peter Blank 11 2000, 2004, 2006-2014 Ted Poulos 11 1998-99, 2001-2003, 2005, 2015-18, 2023 Terry McLaughlin 3 2019-21 Jeanette Novak 1 2022

3000M - 2 mile
Ted Poulos 21 1999-2007, 2010-18, 2019, 2022t, 2023 Peter Blank 2 2008-09 Al Greuter 1 1998 Terry McLaughlin 2 2020-21 Jeanette Novak 1 2022t

3 Mile - 5000M
Mitch Radella 5 1998-2000, 2002, 2004 Robert McGill 5 2006-10 Jon Palks 4 2001, 2005, 2012, 2015 Duane Christy 4 2016-19 Ted Poulos 4 2003, 2020-21, 2023 Jon Williams 2 2011, 2013 Bill Stahr 1 2014

8000M - 5 Mile
John Way 5 2018-19t, 2021-23 Jon Palks 4 2003-2004, 2008, 2010 Imants Celtnieks 3 1998t, 1999, 2000t Robert McGill 3 2000t, 2005t, 2011t, 2019t Bill Stahr 3 2014-16 Mike Trott 3 2012-13, 2017 Chuck Raper Jr. 2 2001-02 Ted Poulos 2 1998t, 2005t Karsten Brown 2 2007, 2009 Bob Gurtler 1 2006 Karen Young 1 2011t Jeanette Novak 1 2019t Eric Johnston 1 2020

6 Mile - 10K
David McSherry 16 1998-2000, 2003-08, 2013-18, 2023 Bill Stahr 3 2009, 2019, 2022 Karen Young 2 2011-12 Ted Poulos 2 2020-21 Walt Washburn 1 2001 Imants Celtnieks 1 2002 Jon Palks 1 2010

15K - 10 Mile
John Way 6 2011t-12, 2014-15, 2018-19 Imants Celtnieks 4 1999, 2003-04, 2005t Karsten Brown 4 2005t, 2007, 2008t, 2009 Karen Young 3 2008t, 2011t, 2013 Mike Trott 3 2016, 2021-2022 Alan Mulindwa 2 2020, 2023 Dante Ciolfi 1 1998 Ted Poulos 1 2000 James Moreland 1 2001 John Winkert 1 2002 Jon Palks 1 2006 Kirk Gordon 1 2008t Chris Farmer 1 2010 Bill Stahr 1 2017

20K - HM
Karen Young 7 2005t, 2006, 2012-14, 2017-18 Bill Stahr 6 2007-08, 2015-16, 2019-20 Imants Celtnieks 4 2000, 2001t, 2004, 2005t Steve Scudder 2 2001t, 2002 Alan Mulindwa 1 2022-2023 Denise Knickman 1 1998 John Smeby 1 1999 Mitch Radella 1 2003t Patrick Griffith 1 2003t Robert McGill 1 2003t Chris Farmer 1 2009 Robert Wolhar 1 2010 Mike Trott 1 2011t Lisa Voicheck 1 2011t Mark Voicheck 1 2011t

Ronnie Wong 11 2004-06, 2008, 2013t-2014, 2016t-17, 2019-20, 2022 Karsten Brown 8 2007, 2009-12, 2013t, 2015-2016t Janet Newburgh 3 1998-2000 Billy Lese 3 2001-03 Lokesh Meena 1 2018 Mardiny Ung 1 2021 Alan Mulindwa 1 2023

Jon Palks 4 2004, 2006-07, 2009 John Way 4 2011-12, 2016, 2019 Bill Stahr 3 2014, 2015, 2022 Ted Poulos 3 2003, 2020, 2023 James Moreland 2 2001, 2002 Karsten Brown 2 2005, 2008t Karen Young 2 2010, 2013 Imants Celtnieks 1 1998 Richard Dean 1 1999 Robert McGill 1 2000 Shirley Sameshima1 2008t Cindy Cohen 1 2017 Jeanette Novak 1 2018 Terry McLaughlin 1 2021

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Double Awards

Double digits - 10 or more in a racing category

Runners with at least ten races in two categories earn a double-double. Ten or more races in three categories is a triple-double. Ten or more races in four categories is a quadruple-double and so on.

Double Double
Triple Double
Quadruple Double
Quintuple Double
Sextuple Double
Septuple Double
Octuple Double
Nontuple Double

Name Double Double John Way Sextuple Double Kirk Gordon Sextuple Double Ted Poulos Quintuple Double Alan Mulindwa Quadruple Double James Moreland Triple Double Terry McLaughlin Triple Double Jeanette Novak Triple Double Tim Ramsey Triple Double John Ramsey Triple Double Eric Johnston Triple Double John Winkert Triple Double Kam Yee Double Double Robert McGill Double Double Bill Stahr Double Double James Scarborough Double Double Mitch Radella Double Double Jon Williams Double Double Dave McSherry Single Mike Cannon Single Mike Trott Single Karen Young Single Dorothy Johnson Single Mary Lowe Mayhugh Single Adam Kiely Single Steve Scudder Single Duane Christy Single Jeanne Larrison Single Leeann Waltz Single Mardiny Ung Single John Johnson Single Karen Romecki Single Jaime Cantlon Single Noah Wood Single

Chris Farmer Nontuple Double or Farmer Reigning king from 2012

2023: John Way lead the way with a sextuple. Alan Mulindwa Ted Poulos had a quintuple. John Ramsey and Kirk Gordon and Eric johnston had a quadruple.

2022: John Way lead the way with a sextuple. Kirk Gordon and Bill Stahr and Ted Poulos had a quadruple. Jeanette Novak and Terry McLaughlin and James Moreland and Karen Young and Bill Stahr and James Scarbprough and Steve Scudder had the triple.

2021: Ted Poulos and Kirk Gordon led the way with a quintuple. Jeannette Novak and Terry McLaughlin had a quadruple. Bill Stahr and Mike Cannon and John Winkert had the triple.

2020: Ted Poulos led the way with a quintuple. Bill Stahr and Jeannette Novak and Terry McLaughlin had the triple.

2019: John Way again took the lead with a septuple. Bill Stahr and Jeannette Novak had the sextuple. Kirk Gordon and ted Populos had the quintuple. Tami Graf has a quadruple.

2018: John Way again took the lead with a septuple. There have been twenty-three times with seven or more categories. John Way has nine of them. Karen Young and Kirk Gordon dropped down to a sextuple. Ted Poulos was joined by Jeannette Novak at quintuple. New members Lokesh Meena and Hans Meuer had a quadruple.

2017: Four other runners including Bill Stahr, Karen Young, Kirk Gortdon, and Lokesh Kumar Meena moved up to the septuple along with John Way. There have been twenty-two times with seven or more categories. John Way has eight of them. Ted Poulos was joined by Jeannette Novak and Cindy Cohen at quintuple. James Moreland and Jay Wind had the quadruple.

2016: Bill Stahr moves up to the septuple along with John Way. There have been seventeen times with seven or more categories. John Way has seven of them. Kirk Gordon had asextuple double. Ted Poulos was joined by Jeannette Novak at quintuple. James Moreland and Mike Trott had the quadruple.

2015: Cindy Cohen moves up to the septuple along with John Way. There have been fifteen times with seven or more categories. John Way has six of them. Bill Stahr, James Moreland, Kirk Gordon, and Eric Johnston had sextuple doubles. Ted Poulos had the lone quintuple.

2014: Bill Stahr led the way with a septuple double, and wins in three categories as well as a record total of 369. Karsten Brown and Mike Trott had sextuple doubles. Ted Poulos, Jay Wind, and Cindy Cohen each had a quintuple double, with James Moreland the lone quadruple.

2013: John Way, Bill Stahr, and Eric Johnston had septuple doubles. Karen Young had a sextuple double. James Moreland, Cindy Cohen, Karen Young, and Mike Cannon each had a quintuple double. John Way, Ted Poulos, and Kirk Gordon had quadruple douubles.

2012: Chris Farmer breaks new ground with a first nonuple double. John way repeats with another septuple double. Karen Young, Bill Stahr, and Eric Johnston had quintuples
Five had quadruples.

2011: John Way leads all with a septuple. Karen Young, and Karsten Brown had quintuples
Bill Stahr, Ted Poulos, and Bob Gurtler had quadruples.
Eleven runners had a Blank with two missing by one race.

2010: John Way leads all with a first octuple. Karen Young, Bill Stahr, and Chris Farmer had quintuples
Jon Palks had the biggest Blank Triple with 5K, 5M, & 10K

2009: Karsten Brown leads all with a septuple. Jon Palks added to his OTHER record with 53.
Chris Farmer pulverized the HM record with 54. Bill Stahr climbed to the top at the 10K with 78.
John Way and Karen Young had quintuple doubles.

2008: John Way leads all with a septuple.
Bill Stahr tied his half marathon record with 14 while earning the
sextuple matching Kirk Gordon and Karen Young her earned her last double the final,
day of the year. Kasten brown had two nines
otherwise he would have had a septuple.
Both James Moreland and Shirley Sameshima also just missed.

2007: Kirk Gordon leads everyone
with a septuple. Karsten Brown and Karen Young both had a sextuple.
Bill Stahr led four runners with quintuples and a new half marathon
record with 14. Dave McSherry now has a record 69 10Ks.

2006: Ted Poulos slows to
quintuple while Karsten Brown stayed there.
Karen Young and Kirk Gordon joined James Moreland at the lead with a
sextuple. Jon Palks earned another trophy
with 28 10 milers and Karen Young broke the half marathon with 12.

2005: It was seventh year the
sextuplet for Ted Poulos. James Moreland also had the sextuplet too.
Karsten Brown and Jay Wind had a quintuple double. Three more runners
had the quadruple.Jon Palks scored another trophy with 146 5Ks.

2004: Sixth year the sextuplet
for Ted Poulos, as well as Christina Caravoulias, and Jay Wind. Imants
Celtnieks and James Moreland did the quintuplets. Four runners moved to
quadruple. Mitch Radella had another 100 plus 5K year. Jon Palks had
two Blanks, including the OTHER category. Now only the HM and 10M
remain unBlanked.

2003: For the fifth year Ted
Poulos had a sextuple-double, including
records in three categories and season's best in another. New comer
Kirk Gordon swiftly raced to a quintuple double as did Christina
Seven runners moved to quadruple. The big story was the specificity.
Jon Palks had only a triple favoring 5 milers, 5Ks and a long shot stab
at the other record. Dave MSherry had 63 10Ks and 36 5Ks and left the
other races alone. Prolific 5Ker Mitch
Radella had nearly 100 5ks but only a triple.

2002: James Moreland repeated
with his second septuple-double, closely followed by John Winkert's
first septuple. For the fourth year in a row, Ted Poulos had a
sextuple-double, three times
falling short in the 15K/10M category. Seemingly the easiest record to
beat, John Winkert
tied that record with 12 in that category. Christina Caravoulias
repeats the quintuple,
and while Jay Wind dropped back from last year's sextuple for the
quintuple, Peter Blank
leapfrogged the quad from last year's triple to gain his first
quintuple. Karsten Brown
surged up from last year's double double to the quintuple. Robert
McGill and Patrick
Griffith moved up to the quadruple double.

2001: James Moreland earned the
the first septuple-double.
John Winkert and Jay Wind moved up to the sextuple-double with Ted
Poulos. Chuck Raper and
Chris Caravoulias made the quintuple-double and Robert McGill made the
Five others tripled. Ted Poulos earned a sextuple-double in 1998, 1999,
and 2000 falling
just short of the septuple-double with 9 ten-milers the first two years
and the missing
the double in the OTHER in 2000. John Winkert also earned a sextuple
double, falling short
in the 10M. John Smeby earned a quintuple-double for two years but with
103 5Ks stopped at
a double-double this year.

2000: James Moreland rebounded
from five months
injured to have a quintuple-double, just missing the septuple with nine
in both the 5M
and the 10M. He slept in for the Cherry Blossom "snow storm." He also
was stopped at 99
races when the killer blizzard of 2000 canceled the Greenbelt 20 Miler
on December 30.
Imants Celtnieks had a quadruple-double in 1998, moved up to
quintuple-double in 1999.
He dropped back to the quadruple-double, going half marathon crazy with
10. Peter Blank
earned quintuple-double in 1999 and quadruple-double in 2000. Bill
Osburn earned
quadruple-double in 1999. Jay Wind earned quadruple-double in 1998,
in 1999, and quintuple-double in 2000. Robert McGill, even with 81 5Ks,
earned a
quadruple-double. Chris Caravoulias earned her first quadruple-double
in 2000.
Mitch Radella earned a triple-double even with 111 5Ks.