PVTC All-Comers Meet #4
Alexandria, VA
Sunday, June 10, 2001
Conducted by Potomac Valley Track Club
F = Fully Automatic Times
S = Hand Times
Home | Men's Results | 2000 Results
100 Meter Dash Women's
13.10 S Sherise Green 18
13.91 F Nia Smith 15
14.10 S Kellie Ileto 12
14.40 S Maria Harris 13
14.45 F Michelle Jacobs 14
14.46 F Khala Frazier 15
14.57 F Kelley Smith 13
14.80 S Hillen Stubendorff 52
15.10 S Shaiday Doyley 10
15.10 S Raven Gilmer 11
15.20 S Brittany Deans 11
15.30 S Judy Lim-Sharpe 50
15.80 S Kyeisha Hill 10
15.90 S Lauren Kenney 11
16.10 S Melissa Jenkins 16
16.40 S Kanesha Johnson 10
16.70 S Latrese Banker 9
17.00 S Evelyn M Wright 64
17.20 S Lasette Sewell 8
17.60 S Jasmine Bagnerise 7
17.60 S Vicky Garcia 11
17.70 S Kaylisa Gilmer 10
17.80 S Pamela H Wusthof 48
18.50 S Jasmine C Steadman 8
18.70 S Adrienna Crutchfield 8
23.20 S Brittany Harvey 6
25.60 S Carla C Convery 81
200 Meter Dash Women's
25.90 S Vieoletta Wong 23
27.30 S Fatima Azazi 20
27.50 S Morgan Buckman 13
28.30 S Monika Viola 18
28.80 S Nayda Pirela 14
29.20 S Michelle Jacobs 14
29.40 S Khala Frazier 15
30.20 S Maria Harris 13
30.40 S Kelley Smith 13
30.90 S Ashley Armstead 10
31.80 S Hillen Stubendorff 52
33.80 S Kyeisha Hill 10
35.20 S Kanesha Johnson 10
35.60 S Lauren Kenney 11
36.20 S Erin White 22
37.40 S Pamela H Wusthof 48
38.40 S Vicky Garcia 11
38.50 S Lasette Sewell 8
39.40 S Adrienna Crutchfield 8
40.30 S Aquia Bratcher 10
40.50 S Jasmine Bagnerise 7
41.00 S Jasmine C Steadman 8
45.10 S Virginia Hill 6
47.90 S Verkia Smith 5
57.70 S Brittany Harvey 6
1:05.40 S Carla C Convery 81
400 Meter Dash Women's
1:00.50 S Kelly O'Connor 23
1:03.40 S Fatima Azazi 20
1:03.70 S Monika Viola 18
1:03.80 S Nayda Pirela 14
1:04.80 S Serina Rochester 16
1:06.80 S Morgan Buckman 13
1:08.20 S Kellie Ileto 12
1:11.10 S Ally Weiss 17
1:13.00 S Shaiday Doyley 10
1:21.10 S Lauren Kenney 11
1:21.20 S Caroline Staples 10
1:22.30 S Kamila Benzina 10
1:22.40 S Jasmine Bagnerise 7
1:22.90 S Kanesha Johnson 10
1:27.60 S Aquia Bratcher 10
1:29.30 S Kyeisha Hill 10
1:29.30 S Amy Greco 9
1:32.10 S Vicky Garcia 11
1:39.80 S Jasmine C Steadman 8
1:47.90 S Verkia Smith 5
2:23.90 S Brittany Harvey 6
800 Meter Run Women's
2:30.70 F Kelly O'Connor 23
2:37.97 F Serina Rochester 16
2:44.70 S Ashley Armstead 10
2:45.30 S Veronica Salado 11
3:01.60 S Aliese Lovelace 9
3:05.17 F Erin White 22
3:08.90 S Yeseucia Garcia 15
3:09.20 S Tiara Lovelace 10
4:21.50 S Wendy W Briggs 7
3,000 Meter Run Women's
13:16.80 S Sarah Starks 10
13:26.10 S Rachael Starks 10
13:33.70 S Hillen Stubendorff 52
14:29.90 S Erin White 22
800 Meter Race Walk Women's
6:00.00 S Tyree Williams 7
1,600 Meter Race Walk Women's
9:24.90 S Virginia Inglese 40
9:32.40 S Sarah Starks 10
10:50.40 S Alexandria Johnson 10
10:55.10 S Rachael Starks 10
12:34.10 S Dedra Moore 8
12:38.30 S Alissa Champliss 9
12:47.00 S Sashi Yuhen 13
3,000 Meter Race Walk Women's
18:03.10 S Virginia Inglese 40
20:00.40 S Sara Grimes 33
22:10.80 S Nancy Young 27
22:51.00 S Terry M Hamilton 73
High Jump Women's - not conducted
Long Jump Women's - not conducted
Shot Put Women's
30'08.00" F Alice A Chong 24
30'04.00" F Sarah Baker 19
28'01.00" F Evelyn M Wright 64
27'11.00" F Hillen Stubendorff 52
24'02.50" F Erin White 22
16'03.00" F Sharon E Good 68
Discus Throw Women's
116'04.00" F Teresa Henderson 39
111'11.00" F Sarah Baker 19
92'07.00" F Alice A Chong 24
79'04.00" F Evelyn M Wright 64
57'02.00" F Hillen Stubendorff 52
48'02.00" F Virginia Inglese 40
35'09.00" F Sharon E Good 68
27'01.00" F Carla C Convery 81
Javelin Throw Women's
202'02.00" F Hillen Stubendorff 52
79'00.00" F Evelyn M Wright 64
36'10.00" F Carla C Convery 81
30'07.00" F Sharon E Good 68
1,600 Meter Run Women's - Not conducted
1 Mile Run Women's
5:18.30 S Shannon Runge 18
5:34.40 S Emily Fertig 17
5:42.10 S Ally Weiss 17
5:51.60 S Boriana Bakaltchev 15
5:52.50 S Natalie Ludwig 22
5:59.50 S Alissa Slater 11
6:00.10 S Kristen Aversa 17
6:10.90 S Veronica Salado 11
6:57.70 S Caroline Staples 10
6:59.30 S Kamila Benzina 10
Women's 4x100 Meter Relay
1:11.60 S "A"
1) 3) Tiara Lovelace
2) Aliese Lovelace 4) Virginia Hill
80 Meter High Hurdles Women's - Not conducted
100 Meter High Hurdles Women's
21.74 F Erin White 22
Triple Jump Women's - Not conducted
Women's Weight Throw
No Throwers
Women's Pole Vault
100 Meter Dash Open Men's
10.90 S Peter McPherson 22
11.10 S Bryan Drummond* 26
11.20 S Aaron Hayes 28
11.40 S Richard L Mahy 21
11.50 S Michael Lansdowne 18
11.70 S Steven Garner 19
11.90 S Patrick J Deas 26
12.10 S Mike McDaniel 55
12.10 S Larry Hawkins 17
12.20 S Matt Texier 45
12.30 S Alby Williams 61
12.40 S Shaun Henderson 25
12.50 S Robert Walter 33
12.70 S Reuel Villaflor 29
12.90 S Ian Gallicano 35
12.90 S Mike Makara 18
13.30 S Anthony Banker 13
13.30 S Curtis Simpson 53
13.50 S David Wilson 11
13.70 S Patrick Pinchinat 11
13.74 F Devon Williams 13
13.80 S Travis Hawkins 10
13.90 S DeAntwan Williams 10
13.90 S Matt Summeour 12
13.97 F Kavon Calhoun 13
14.01 F Shawn Baker 15
14.10 S Jonathan Williams 10
14.21 F Gary Tilman 13
14.61 F Malik Simmons 13
14.65 F Bryant Keene 13
14.90 S Victor Oliveira 11
15.40 S Andre Perkins 11
15.50 S George M RobinsonII 12
15.50 S Jeremey Isreal 10
15.90 S Alex Twine 7
16.00 S Davon Johnson 7
16.00 S Johnathan Jeter 10
16.01 F Paul Moore 11
16.10 S Ralph Prather 10
16.10 S Daiquon Taylor 7
16.20 S Gregory M Robinson 8
16.90 S Tyrell Johnson 10
17.10 S Jonathan Isreal 10
17.30 S Donte Johnson 7
17.40 S DeAnre Cooper 9
17.40 S Dwayne Lawrence 10
17.50 S Keenan Dupre 7
17.80 S Desmond Jordan 6
17.80 S Malik Cobb 7
18.20 S Kharie Cobb 6
18.20 S Jordan Jeter 6
18.40 S Phillip Bowles 8
18.50 S Morris Williams 6
19.10 S Jeremy M Steadman 4
20.20 S Eli Crutchfield 6
20.30 S Sidney Johnson 6
21.10 S Jessie Frazier 6
21.40 S Joseph W Bagnerise 5
200 Meter Dash Men's
22.50 S Richard L Mahy 21
22.90 S Carlos Stennett 22
23.10 S Patrick J Deas 26
23.10 S Aaron Hayes 28
23.80 S Larry Hawkins 17
25.40 S Matt Texier 45
25.90 S Reuel Villaflor 29
25.90 S Alby Williams 61
26.40 S Quran Whitaker 15
28.50 S Devon Williams 13
28.70 S Gary Tilman 13
29.30 S Bryant Keene 13
29.30 S David Wilson 11
29.40 S Travis Hawkins 10
29.60 S DeAntwan Williams 10
30.10 S Malik Simmons 13
30.70 S Eric Zoehsow 11
31.10 S Jonathan Williams 10
31.30 S Shane Savage 11
32.00 S Victor Oliveira 11
33.30 S Paul Moore 11
33.80 S George M RobinsonII 12
34.20 S Ralph Prather 10
34.70 S Johnathan Jeter 10
35.50 S Alex Twine 7
35.80 S Gregory M Robinson 8
36.10 S Tyrell Johnson 10
36.40 S Davon Johnson 7
36.80 S Daiquon Taylor 7
38.30 S DeAnre Cooper 9
39.10 S Keenan Dupre 7
39.30 S Donte Johnson 7
39.50 S Jonathan Isreal 10
40.30 S Jeremy M Steadman 4
40.70 S Joseph W Bagnerise 5
40.70 S Morris Williams 6
42.50 S Jordan Jeter 6
43.40 S Phillip Bowles 8
43.40 S Eli Crutchfield 6
45.10 S Jessie Frazier 6
45.60 S Sidney Johnson 6
The seventh heat of the 200 in order of finish was:
Patrick Pinchinat, 11M
Shaiday Doyley, 11F
Raven Gilmer, 11F
Jeremey Isreal, 11M
Dwayne Lawrence, 11M
400 Meter Dash Men's
51.70 S George Ridley 38
52.20 S Carlos Stennett 22
55.50 S Garrett Vaughn 18
57.90 S Mack White 16
58.20 S Quran Whitaker 15
1:03.60 S Kavon Calhoun 13
1:05.70 S Patrick Pinchinat 11
1:09.70 S DeAntwan Williams 10
1:09.80 S D J Bertagnoli 54
1:10.40 S Mustafia Elzein 11
1:10.90 S Bryant Keene 13
1:13.80 S Travis Hawkins 10
1:15.90 S Harold Dockins Jr 9
1:17.40 S Ralph Prather 10
1:17.80 S Victor Oliveira 11
1:21.50 S Davon Johnson 7
1:21.50 S George M RobinsonII 12
1:22.50 S Gregory M Robinson 8
1:22.50 S Donald Smith 7
1:23.60 S Keenan Dupre 7
1:24.20 S Johnathan Jeter 10
1:25.20 S Jeremey Isreal 10
1:27.80 S Jay J Wind 51
1:28.40 S Dwayne Lawrence 10
1:29.00 S Tyrell Johnson 10
1:29.20 S Donte Johnson 7
1:30.30 S Khari Clark 9
1:32.00 S Jonathan Isreal 10
1:33.10 S Desmond Jordan 6
1:35.60 S Alex Twine 7
1:37.40 S Joseph W Bagnerise 5
1:39.20 S DeAnre Cooper 9
1:39.20 S Sidney Johnson 6
1:39.90 S Morris Williams 6
1:46.60 S Phillip Bowles 8
1:47.60 S Jordan Jeter 6
1:50.50 S Jeremy M Steadman 4
800 Meter Run Men's
1:57.83 F Will Rayel 22
2:00.60 F Steve Nearman 41
2:00.64 F George Ridley 38
2:03.14 F Oscar Giron 20
2:13.22 F Mack White 16
2:15.38 F Chris Inzana 17
2:16.92 F Tom Inzana 47
2:21.86 F Brett Pelham 40
2:40.80 S Mustafia Elzein 11
2:40.91 F D J Bertagnoli 54
2:58.10 S Paul Moore 11
3:19.20 S Tucker Velez 12
3:22.40 S Khari Clark 9
3:27.60 S Donald Smith 7
1,500 Meter Run Men's
3,000 Meter Run Men's
9:28.60 S Andrew Moraghan 28
10:40.70 S Ted Poulos 39
11:29.70 S James Moreland 48
11:53.60 S Jay J Wind 51
11:59.70 S Sharif Sabur 16
13:32.50 S Adam Stark 14
17:13.50 S Bill Osburn 77
1 Mile Run Men's
4:40.50 S Christo Landry 15
4:40.90 S Joey Bylund 15
4:42.30 S Tarik Jones 16
4:48.30 S Brian Hanak 15
4:49.50 S Keith Bechtol 16
4:49.90 S Ted Poulos 39
4:49.90 S Mack White 16
4:50.20 S Bruce D Hamilton 46
4:59.80 S Jason Leslie 18
5:00.20 S Chris Inzana 17
5:07.80 S William T Greene 40
5:10.90 S Ian Clements 37
5:13.40 S Dan M Eddy 50
5:15.60 S Brett Pelham 40
5:29.30 S James Moreland 48
5:30.30 S Pablo Menchaco 16
5:30.70 S Richard Grinker 39
5:43.50 S Jim Darr 46
6:04.70 S Paul Moore 11
6:05.60 S Alex Reed 15
6:08.40 S Peter L Blank 46
6:17.70 S Bill Gruen 49
6:32.10 S Skip Hartquist 59
7:59.90 S Bill Osburn 77
800 Meter Race Walk Men's
6:00.00 S Kharie Cobb 6
6:00.00 S Ryan Cobb 8
1,600 Meter Race Walk Men's
8:52.80 S James Moreland 48
9:07.20 S Victor N Litwinski 57
10:09.60 S John R Gersh 53
10:27.20 S Peter L Blank 46
15:01.70 S Ed Dewey 81
3,000 Meter Race Walk Men's
16:43.20 S James Moreland 48
17:30.10 S Victor N Litwinski 57
19:42.30 S John R Gersh 53
21:43.90 S Basil Grant 62
300 Meter Int Hurdles Men's
42.00 S Larry Hawkins 17
47.80 S Quran Whitaker 15
400 Meter Int Hurdles Men's - not conducted
80 Meter High Hurdles Men's - not conducted
100 Meter High Hurdles Men's
18.13 F Curtis Simpson 53
110 Meter High Hurdles Men's
14.37 F Maurice Wegnall 23
14.40 F Karl Smith 41
16.14 F Lloyd Jeremiah 43
16.76 F Larry Hawkins 17
4x100 Meter Relay Men's
4x400 Meter Relay Men's - not conducted
Pole Vault Men's - not conducted
High Jump Men's - not conducted
Long Jump Men's - not conducted
Shot Put Men's
46'11.50" F Mike Zyvoloski 18
43'09.25" F Kunle Lawson 29
37'02.75" F Peter Pappaceno 38
32'02.00" P Victor N Litwinski 57
28'05.00" F Victor N Litwinski 57
Triple Jump Men's - not conducted
Discus Throw Men's
153'07.00" F Chris Pendergrass 39
147'06.00" F Mike Zyvoloski 18
145'06.00" F Kumle Lawson 29
143'09.00" F Greg McGeorge 18
125'10.00" F Norman E Johnson 60
119'00.00" F Peter Pappaceno 38
98'09.00" F Victor N Litwinski 57
93'08.00" F David Benjamin 15
Javelin Throw Men's
41'09.00" F Kevin Kanyan 31
Weight Throw Men’s - not conducted