
List of Races Cancelled or Postposed due to the COVID-19 virus concerns:
- March 13 - Baltimore's St. Patrick's Day 5k
- March 14 - Four Courts Four Miler, Arlington – cancelled. https://www.runpacers.com/race/four-courts-four-miler/
- March 15 - St Pat's Runfest (5K & 10K) Washington DC – cancelled. https://www.runpacers.com/race/st-pats-run/
- March 14 - All parkruns in the U.S., including March 21 &28. In our region: Washington, DC - Anacostia, Fletcher's Cove, Roosevelt Island; Maryland – College Park, Kensington, Leakin Park; Virginia – Deep Run. https://www.parkrun.com/news/2020/03/12/covid-19
- March 15 - B & A Trail Marathon and Half-Marathon Severna Park, MD - Cancelled. https://www.annapolisstriders.org/race/2020-ba-marathon-and-half-marathon/
- March 15 - New York City Half Marathon - cancelled https://www.nyrr.org/races/2020unitedairlinesnychalf
- March 21-22 - Yuengling Shamrock Marathon, Anthem Half Marathon and TowneBank 8K, Virginia Beach. VA - https://www.shamrockmarathon.com/
- March 20-21 Wilmington Marathon, Wilmington NC - Cancelled https://www.wilmingtonncmarathon.com/
- March 21 - McDaniel Pi Mile/5K, Westminster, MD - https://www.wrrclub.com/pi-mile
- March 21 - All parkruns in the U.S. In our region: Washington, DC - Anacostia, Fletcher's Cove, Roosevelt Island; Maryland - College Park, Kensington, Leakin Park; Virginia – Deep Run. https://www.parkrun.com/news/2020/03/12/covid-19
- March 22 - Piece of Cake 10K, Gaithersburg, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/piece-of-cake-2020/
- March 22 - Tim Kennard 10 Mile River Run & 5K Run/Walk - Registrations deferred to 2021 (date TBD)
- March 24 - Crosshairs Garage Races, Arlington, VA - https://www.crystalcity.org/do/crosshairs-garage-races
- March 27-28 - Greenbrier Ultras - 100M/50M/50K, Boonesboro, MD - https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=70284
- March 28 - Rock 'n' Roll DC Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K
- March 28 - Marine 17.75K, Quantico, VA - cancelled https://www.marinemarathon.com/events/17-75k
- March 28 - All parkruns in the U.S. In our region: Washington, DC - Anacostia, Fletcher's Cove, Roosevelt Island; Maryland - College Park, Kensington, Leakin Park; Virginia – Deep Run. https://www.parkrun.com/news/2020/03/12/covid-19
- March 28 - Ukrop's Monument Avenue 10K, Richmond VA - postponed to Sept. 26. https://www.sportsbackers.org/events/monument-ave-10k/coronavirus-covid-19-update/
- March 28 - Harford Christian Educational Foundation, Bel Air, MD - https://www.charmcityrun.com/calendar/harfordchristian5k
- March 28 - Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K, Hampton, VA - https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Hampton/JoeSueMooreMemorialScholarship5K
- March 29 - W&OD Trail 5K, Arlington, VA - http://www.safetyandhealthfoundation.org/wod/
- March 29 - Spin in the Woods 4-Miler, Silver Spring, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/spin-in-the-woods-4-miler-2020/
- March 29 - Mission 10-Miler, Frederick, MD - https://steeplechasers.org/event/mission-10-miler-4/
- March 29 - Harford County Inspiration Walk & 5K Run, Aberdeen, MD - https://www.charmcityrun.com/calendar/harford-county-inspiration-walk-and-5k-run
- March 29 - Healthy Kids Running Series, Cape May, NJ - Postponed. https://healthykidsrunningseries.org/race-locations/cape-may-nj/
- March 31 - Crosshairs Garage Races, Arlington, VA - https://www.crystalcity.org/do/crosshairs-garage-races
- April 4 - Salisbury (MD) Marathon/Half Marathon/5k - Registrations deferred for next year’s event, 4/3/21. https://www.sbymarathon.com/
- All DC large public gatherings cancelled through March 28.
- April 4 - Virginia Happy Trails Running Club cancels all races through Mid April including the Bull Run 50 Miler http://www.vhtrc.org/news/index.php
- April 5 - Cherry Blossom 10 Miler & 5K - cancelled. http://www.cherryblossom.org/aboutus/covid_19.php
- April 5 - Healthy Kids Running Series, Cape May, NJ - Postponed. https://healthykidsrunningseries.org/race-locations/cape-may-nj/
- April 8 - Main Street Mile, Westminster, MD - https://www.wrrclub.com/main-street-mile
- April 11 - Easter Classic 5K, Arlington VA - postponed.
- April 18 - Capital for a Day 5K, Olney, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/capital-for-a-day-2020/
- April 18 - Joe & Sue Moore Memorial Scholarship 5K, Hampton, VA - Virtual option available. https://runsignup.com/Race/VA/Hampton/JoeSueMooreMemorialScholarship5K?aflt_token=vkmwDmweQ4iCYn8otSOOnKQ3vCO8buOw
- April 18 - Earth Day 5K - Cape May Court House, NJ - https://results.rmraces.live/Cape-May-County-Park-Zoo/events/2020/5k-earth-day-race
- April 20 - Boston Marathon - Postponed until September 14, 2020. https://www.baa.org/races/race-updates
- April 26 - Pike's Peak 10K, Rockville, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/pikes-peek-2020/
- May 2 - La Milla de Mayo, Gaithersburg, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/la-milla-de-mayo-2020/
- May 2-3 - Frederick (MD) Distance Festival - https://www.frederickrunfest.com/ - Postponed; new date TBA.
- May 3 - Run Aware 5K, Bethesda, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/run-aware-2020/
- May 9 - Kids on the Run, Gaithersburg, MD - https://mcrrc.org/calendar-event/kids-on-the-run-2019-copy/