DCRRC Predicted Time 5M
Washington, DC
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

It was a great day at Fletcher's Cove for DC Road Runners first ever chip timed race. Franco Reyes won the speed portion of the race in 32:48, but Jonathan Wright had first choice for the prize pies by running only one second slower than his predicted time.
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13 Finishers - in prediction order

Chip Name                    Gender   Age   1.25 split   Net Time   Predicted Time   Difference Rank
5    Jonathan Wright          M       23    09:41.3      36:01.3    36:00.0          00:01.3    3
12   Robert Platt             M       57    10:58.6      40:42.1    40:50.0          00:07.9    7
1    James Engle              M       48    08:54.6      33:34.5    33:20.0          00:14.5    2
14   Estelle Maletz           F       29    11:37.0      43:20.4    43:00.0          00:20.4    8
3    Franco Reyes             M       29    08:54.8      32:48.1    32:00.0          00:48.1    1
7    Laura Pence              F       27    11:32.5      45:50.3    44:57.0          00:53.3    11
10   Greg Chaconas            M       63    09:50.2      39:01.0    38:00.0          01:01.0    6
2    James Whitehorne         M       43    11:09.0      44:16.3    43:00.0          01:16.3    9
11   Cynthia Wallace          F       51    11:28.8      45:11.1    43:52.0          01:19.1    10
8    David Forsythe           M       27    09:41.4      37:31.8    39:00.0          01:28.2    5
4    Brent Inscoe             M       34    09:25.7      37:17.4    38:47.0          01:29.6    4
6    Tris Krugar              M       55    13:45.1      48:33.7    55:00.0          06:26.3    12
9    Gene Fox                 M       76    18:32.3    1:11:47.3 01:19:10.0          07:23      13


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