DCRRC Tidal Basin 3K
Washington, DC
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

Wet and wetter weather whetted 31 runners on Income Tax Day, but they were refreshed by Dan and Julie Clarke serving XS Energy Drink before and after the race. Sean Prinz was the royalty in the race, and Dee Nelson captured the women's division.
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31 Finishers
Place Name                       G Age Hometown                 Time   M   F
  --  -------------------------- - --- -----------------------  -----  --  --
  1   Sean Prinz                 M  24 Wantagh NY               9:39   1
  2   Mike Hamberger             M  29 Washington DC            9:59   2
  3   Charlie Mercer             M  38 Arlington VA             10:27  3
  4   Tom Matzke                 M  38 Rockville MD             10:34  4
  5   Brad Rippey                M  42 Bunker Hill WV           10:50  5
  6   Andrew Rice                M  32 Arlington VA             11:06  6
  7   Paul Kerrigan              M  37 Vienna VA                11:09  7
  8   Don Junta                  M  46 Springfield VA           11:29  8
  9   Ted Poulos                 M  47 McLean VA                12:02  9
  10  Bill Stahr                 M  48 The Plains VA            12:10  10
  11  Aldo Salerno               M  53 Silver Spring MD         12:17  11
  12  Dave Crawford              M  59 Arlington VA             13:01  12
  13  Brian Morreale             M  28 Baldwin NY               13:04  13
  14  Jose L. Salazar            M  45 Falls Church VA          13:11  14
  15  Gilbert Brown              M  45 Fredericksburg VA        13:12  15
  16  James Moreland             M  56 Gaithersburg MD          13:22  16
  17  Dick Conway                M  61 Springfield VA           13:29  17
  18  Jay Jacob Wind             M  59 Arlington VA             13:44  18
  19  David Gayer                M  57 McLean VA                13:49  19
  20  Peter Lamberton            M  57 Falls Church VA          13:56  20
  21  Jim Mort                   M  62 Burke VA                 14:22  21
  22  Dee Nelson                 F  65 Gaithersburg MD          14:25      1
  23  Lonnie Dunbar              M  26 Alexandria VA            14:33  22
  24  Bob Platt                  M  57 Arlington VA             14:37  23
  25  Maria Bouroncle            F  43 Washington DC            14:39      2
  26  Linda Powell               M  59 Arlington VA             14:43  24
  27  Doug Harvey                M  44 Potomac MD               14:46  25
  28  Unknown Runner                                            14:58
  29  Unknown Runner                                            14:58
  30  Susan Frederick            F  40 McLean VA                16:36      3
  31  Tim Ramsey                 M  50 Alexandria VA            21:19  26


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