Paul Thurston Family 4.5M
Burke Lake Park, Burke, VA
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

This race includes family teams, such as husband-wife, father-daughter, etc. Unfortunately, the times for all runners under 38 minutes were disgarded, and runners in the front part of the pack were asked to email in their times.
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135 Finishers
ChipPlace First     Last      Age       Gender    Net Time
 768  1   Abiyot    Abrebe            22M            0:24:51
 782  2   Karsten   Brown             35M            0:26:42
 834  3   Sarrah    Hadiji            20F            0:27:46
 794  4   Matt      Anderson          43M            0:27:52
 773  5   Matthew   Lofton            30M            0:28:10
 679  6   Dylan     Barlett           23M            0:28:32
 841  7   Nathan    Soules            25M            0:29:07
 774  8   Andy      O'Brien           38M            0:29:15
 817  9   Chris     Webb              21M            0:29:42
 821  10  John      Way               44M            0:30:25
      11  Tom       Stone             37M            0:30:38
 864  12  Chris     Johnston          45M            0:30:57
 803  13  Jason     Page              64M            0:31:05
 813  14  Jeremy    Brown             12M            0:31:07
 879  15  Miguel    Cuya              33M            0:31:07
 695  16  Brian     Danza             28M            0:31:45
 682  17  Jay       Wind              59M            0:32:09
 796  18  Greg      Anderson          14M            0:32:10
 717  19  Karen     Dickerson         23F            0:32:48
 762  20  Ann       Abbott            31F            0:33:10
  97  21  Kirk      Gordon            53M            0:33:30
 842  22  Pete      Pentzer           45M            0:33:33
 866  23  Stephen   Rothandler        41M            0:33:47
 863  24  Rodney    Fennell           50M            0:33:52
 744  25  Ken       Krehbiel          55M            0:33:56
 878  26  Emily     Halnon            24F            0:34:01
 683  27  Robert    Trost             63M            0:34:08
 599  28  Janet     Braunstein        43F            0:34:15
 801  29  Keith     Hosman            54M            0:34:23
 145  30  Dick      Conway            61M            0:34:26
 173  31  Keith     Campbell          50M            0:34:30
 322  32  Chris     Miller            36M            0:34:37
 770  33  Bernie    Gallagher         68M            0:34:50
 829  34  Jason     Steinbaum         43M            0:34:53
 839  35  James     Moreland          56M            0:35:08
  71  36  Ben       Richter           53M            0:35:12
 797  37  Barron    Collier           25M            0:35:37
 137  38  Greg      Chaconas          64M            0:35:50
 284  39  Alex      Albertini         27M            0:36:10
 832  40  Karen     Wallace           30F            0:36:16
 769  41  David     Kelly             56M            0:36:24
 642  42  Gary      Chidester         62M            0:36:35
 804  43  Ryan      McGeary           30M            0:36:44
 126  44  Bob       Platt             58M            0:36:44
 845  45  Bob       Thurston          64M            0:37:07
 262  46  Jon       Palks             60M            0:37:19
 620  47  James     Scarboroug        51M            0:37:20
 802  48  Luke      Lyons             15M            0:37:27
 856  49  Adam      Biberaj           26M            0:37:32
 837  50  Denise    Ovalle            21F            0:37:46
 811  51  Michael   Bigman            52M            0:38:11
 798  52  Ernie     Fone              59M            0:38:14
 808  53  John      Frazer            43M            0:38:26
 778  54  Angus     Wilson       6/22/93m            0:39:15
 824  55  Joel      Parker            39M            0:39:52
 772  56  Gary      Montclair         58M            0:39:52
 763  57  Dee       Maki              42F            0:39:58
 805  58  Dawn      Bellamy           32F            0:40:02
 823  59  David     Pinnick           52M            0:40:04
 751  60  lisa      schaffer          39F            0:40:14
 777  61  Menzues   Wilson            56M            0:40:32
 771  62  Marsha    Soergel           28F            0:41:10
 779  63  Kyle      Humbert          109M            0:41:41
 831  64  Kristen   Wallace           31F            0:41:42
 853  65  Jessica   Finkel            23F            0:41:46
 859  66  Amanda    Williams          27F            0:42:08
 822  67  Lidia     Baca              46F            0:42:12
 826  68  Mitch     Johnson           47M            0:42:14
 783  69  Jim       Kee               61M            0:42:24
 775  70  David     Barnes            48M            0:42:36
 857  71  Brian     Hudson            35M            0:42:47
 870  72  Eric      Eichelbere        74M            0:42:51
 828  73  Amy       Adams             35F            0:43:31
 812  74  Ryan      Brown             10M            0:43:52
 836  75  Ted       Cochrane          60M            0:44:06
 791  76  Erica     Lessard           24F            0:44:31
 825  77  Tara      Kleinert          32F            0:44:39
 786  78  Denise    Wujek             37F            0:44:51
 846  79  Julianne  Twining           23F            0:45:08
 788  80  Jack      Park              54M            0:45:17
 865  81  Pam       Gudsicki          51F            0:45:43
 827  82  Laura     Pormann           39F            0:46:10
 858  83  Bill      Rucker            34M            0:46:12
 793  84  Don       Morris            52M            0:46:54
 869  85  Ivette    Booher            43F            0:47:09
 867  86  Kelly     Eversole          41F            0:47:41
 810  87  Angela    Bolton            29F            0:48:38
 814  88  Marta     Epple             28F            0:50:15
 815  89  Robert    Gureler          109M            0:50:38
 780  90  Jennifer  Lykins            25F            0:50:48
 787  91  John      Wujek             39M            0:51:45
 855  92  Elizabeth Walsh             21F            0:51:48
 819  93  Jared     Scogna            39M            0:52:33
 818  94  Maggie    Scogna            34F            0:52:46
 860  95  Delabian  Rice-Thurs        64F            0:53:00
 781  96  Kyra      Brown             39F            0:53:15
 799  97  Howard    Kolb              37M            0:53:39
  96  98  Sharyn    Gordon            51F            0:56:39
 861  99  LaWanda   Briggman          34F            0:56:57
 871 100  John      Eichelberc        60M            0:57:13
 830 101  Kaye      Wallace           61F            0:57:35
 876 102  Lauren    Mogavero          23F            0:57:47
 838 103  Melanie   Winters           50F            0:59:05
 844 104  Amy       Neuman            17F            0:59:05
 852 105  John      Winkent           52M            1:00:31
 784 106  Ric       Francke           60M            1:05:41
 862 107  Freda     Briggman          38F            1:12:31
 800      Kristen   Abrahamson        26M         99:99:99.999
 820      Sonia     Becknse           36F         99:99:99.999
 854      Adriana   Biberaj           26F         99:99:99.999
 816      Sarah     Boatright         32F         99:99:99.999
 764      Adam      Condit            42M         99:99:99.999
 809      brett     cottrell          62M         99:99:99.999
 833      Chris     Duncan            36M         99:99:99.999
 792      Chris     Gibson            17M         99:99:99.999
 843      Greg      Grosickl          20M         99:99:99.999
 874      Gillian   Halke             43F         99:99:99.999
 789      Oudrey    Hervey            40M         99:99:99.999
 765      Tyler     Jordan            29M         99:99:99.999
 790      mike      kassem            45M         99:99:99.999
 872      Shawn     Landsman          22M         99:99:99.999
 766      Bum       Lee               53M         99:99:99.999
 633      Kelly     M                 26F         99:99:99.999
 688      Vincent   McDonald          50M         99:99:99.999
 287      John      McKeane           25M         99:99:99.999
 776      Gary      Muensterma        48M         99:99:99.999
 785      Mike      Musiowski         19M         99:99:99.999
 873      Paul      Parry             48M         99:99:99.999
 840      Ed        Ramirez           39M         99:99:99.999
 835      Andrew    Rouney            17M         99:99:99.999
 131      Barbara   Saffir            55F         99:99:99.999
 807      Colin     Shakie            21M         99:99:99.999
 767      Kele Ma   Tadesse           29F         99:99:99.999
 806      Monique   Wills             34F         99:99:99.999
 795      Eric      Zeronik           30M         99:99:99.999
 868      Shawn     Flaherty          38M


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