HCS Club Challenge
Columbia, MD
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Conducted by Howard County Striders

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603 Finishers
Pl   Name                       HomeTown                     RaceTeamName                        Time
   1.Smits, Kyle                Baltimore, MD          M30   Falls Road Running              53:25.39
   2.Renjifo, Carlos            Columbia, MD           M26   Howard County Striders          54:41.76
   3.Williams, Tom              Columbia, MD           M33   Howard County Striders          54:56.55
   4.Oates, Doug                Hagerstown, MD         M30   Frederick Steeplechasers        55:08.64
   5.Mehmedovic, Izzy           Columbia, MD           M24   Howard County Striders          55:20.38
   6.Stenholm, Pekka            Columbia, MD           M36   Howard County Striders          55:20.77
   7.OHara, David               Washington, DC         M32   Unattached                      55:35.62
   8.Mock, Doug                 Ellicott City, MD      M41   Howard County Striders          56:12.47
   9.Ingram, Ben                Baltimore, MD          M31   Falls Road Running              56:24.16
  10.McDermott, Randy           Alexandria, VA         M36   Howard County Striders          56:29.69
  11.Feldhausen, Brennan        Baltimore, MD          M24   Falls Road Running              56:39.50
  12.Belford, Luke              Baltimore, MD          M26   RASAC                           57:04.00
  13.Majumdar, Arjun            Baltimore, MD          M25   Falls Road Running              57:22.25
  14.Klaschus, Matt             Street, MD             M22   RASAC                           57:28.87
  15.Timm, Nathan               Mont Village, MD       M28   Unattached                      57:40.87
  16.Aramayo, Eduardo           Baltimore, MD          M22   Falls Road Running              57:45.18
  17.Gerbereux, Justin          Baltimore, MD          M33   Falls Road Running              57:49.49
  18.Tripp, Jason I             Ellicott City, MD      M36   Howard County Striders          57:53.81
  19.Marsteller, Mike           Philadelphia, PA       M26   Unattached                      58:04.64
  20.Timpson, Rodney            Baltimore, MD          M44   Falls Road Running              58:12.76
  21.Berardi, Dave              Baltimore, MD          M48   Howard County Striders          58:12.96
  22.Brown, Karsten             Front Royal, VA        M34   Baltimore RRC                   58:18.95
  23.Fesler, Rick               Camp Hill, PA          M27   Unattached                      58:31.49
  24.Loper, Shawn               Bel Air, MD            M31   RASAC                           58:34.75
  25.Keating, Peter J           Columbia, MD           M43   Howard County Striders          58:35.23
  26.Powell II, Charles         Abingdon, MD           M42   RASAC                           58:45.54
  27.McGrath, Ryan              Baltimore, MD          M27   Falls Road Running              58:55.24
  28.Henderson, Jerry           Bel Air, MD            M43   RASAC                           59:01.83
  29.Diaz, Luis                 Jessup, MD             M31   Howard County Striders          59:09.08
  30.Yates, Kevin               Olney, MD              M37   Montgomery County RRC           59:16.40
  31.Fleming, Brian             Columbia, MD           M26   Howard County Striders          59:21.20
  32.Hunsberger, Joshua         Bethesda, MD           M29   Montgomery County RRC           59:29.15
  33.Chattin, Chris             Columbia, MD           M45   Howard County Striders          59:32.96
  34.Rumbaugh, Jeffrey A        Pikesville, MD         M38   Falls Road Running              59:40.72
  35.Arbeit, Jeffrey            Washington, DC         M26   Unattached                      59:50.05
  36.Cretella, Victor           New Market, MD         M38   Frederick Steeplechasers        59:51.11
  37.Damiano, Jeff              Bel Air, MD            M29   RASAC                           59:52.31
  38.Hamley, Christopher        University Park, MD    M44   Prince Georges RRC            1:00:01.48
  39.Zander, Zach               newark, DE             M29   RASAC                         1:00:07.29
  40.arbona, serge              Baltimore, MD          M43   Baltimore RRC                 1:00:14.19
  41.Allen, Brian               Laurel, MD             m19   Howard County Striders        1:00:25.24
  42.Snyder, Jordan             Rockville, MD          M42   Montgomery County RRC         1:00:27.84
  43.Geiser, Steve              Washington, DC         M26   Prince Georges RRC            1:00:29.59
  44.Olenick, Stephen M         Ellicott City, MD      M32   Howard County Striders        1:00:49.06
  45.Clements, Ian              Alexandria, VA         M44   DCRRC                         1:00:52.87
  46.Chasen, Paul               Cockeysville, MD       M28   Baltimore RRC                 1:00:57.58
  47.Wojenski, Mark T-Bone      Pikesville, MD         M28   Baltimore RRC                 1:01:09.25
  48.Degenhardt, Sheldon L      Marriottsville, MD     M44   Howard County Striders        1:01:13.21
  49.Hogan, Gregory M           Columbia, MD           M28   Howard County Striders        1:01:14.08
  50.OHara, Laura               Washington, DC         F28   Westminster RRC               1:01:15.30
  51.DAmanda, Kevin             Bethesda, MD           M47   DCRRC                         1:01:20.94
  52.Weathers, Robert           Crofton, MD            M40   Howard County Striders        1:01:25.14
  53.Pierson, Kip               Washington, DC         M31   DCRRC                         1:01:30.24
  54.hewitt, kevin              Baltimore, MD          M36   RASAC                         1:01:51.84
  55.Trombatore, Ken            Germantown, MD         M36   Montgomery County RRC         1:01:53.69
  56.Foudos, Louis              Baltimore, MD          M21   Falls Road Running            1:01:54.17
  57.McFadden, Weems            Columbia, MD           M51   Howard County Striders        1:01:54.72
  58.Braam, Richard A           Leonardtown, MD        M43   CBRC                          1:02:00.66
  59.Koonce, Scott              Gaithersburg, MD       M37   Montgomery County RRC         1:02:03.63
  60.Medley, Remus              Baltimore, MD          M38   Falls Road Running            1:02:05.32
  61.Lancaster, Jim             Baltimore, MD          M31   Baltimore RRC                 1:02:05.90
  62.Young, Brian               Washington, DC         M30   DCRRC                         1:02:10.55
  63.Peterson, Paul             Bethesda, MD           M54   Montgomery County RRC         1:02:19.96
  64.Barlett, Dylan             Arlington, VA          M22   DCRRC                         1:02:26.48
  65.Sweeney, Brian             Timonium, MD           M34   Baltimore RRC                 1:02:28.33
  66.Ripley, Douglas            Baltimore, MD          M41   Falls Road Running            1:02:30.12
  67.Bertram, Mary              Baltimore, MD          F21   Falls Road Running            1:02:34.11
  68.Stanford, Matt             Baltimore, MD          M27   Falls Road Running            1:02:36.99
  69.Tregoning, Robert          Silver Spring, MD      M43   Unattached                    1:02:52.67
  70.Rankin, Chris              Cabin John, MD         M37   Montgomery County RRC         1:02:58.10
  71.Kauffman, Mark             Columbia, MD           m19   Unattached                    1:03:01.21
  72.Rogers, Philip             Baltimore, MD          M28   Howard County Striders        1:03:02.43
  73.Williams, Jake             Laurel, MD             M18   Howard County Striders        1:03:03.12
  74.Riley, Seamus              Baltimore, MD          M24   Unattached                    1:03:04.01
  75.Chall, John W              Jessup, MD             M51   Howard County Striders        1:03:14.11
  76.Blatz, John                Baltimore, MD          M26   Falls Road Running            1:03:22.90
  77.Anderson, Matt             Fairfax, VA            M42   DCRRC                         1:03:29.19
  78.White, Ginn                Bel Air, MD            M33   RASAC                         1:03:31.33
  79.Drisko, Art                Bethesda, MD           M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:03:33.38
  80.Stick, Sherry              Sykesville, MD         F30   Westminster RRC               1:03:42.19
  81.Chattaway, Roland          Westminister, MD       M31   Westminster RRC               1:03:45.91
  82.Blackwood, James           Ellicott City, MD      M24   Montgomery County RRC         1:03:48.06
  83.Grimsley, Gary J           Springfield, VA        M54   Frederick Area Running Club   1:03:48.38
  84.Pool, Diana                Westminister, MD       F28   Westminster RRC               1:03:49.34
  85.Ashe, Gregory              Potomac, MD            M42   Montgomery County RRC         1:04:04.20
  86.Feinberg, Michael          Bel Air, MD            M45   RASAC                         1:04:15.68
  87.Pyle, Matthew              Alexandria, VA         M36   DCRRC                         1:04:21.30
  88.Ploskonka, David           Baltimore, MD          M27   Falls Road Running            1:04:42.03
  89.Meredith, Billy            Jessup, MD             M28   Baltimore RRC                 1:04:47.91
  90.Dworak, Kelly B            Carlisle, PA           F46   Unattached                    1:04:53.98
  91.Knickman, Denise           Baltimore, MD          F40   Falls Road Running            1:04:56.02
  92.Pinamonti, Shawn           Baltimore, MD          m33   Falls Road Running            1:04:59.35
  93.Meyer, Gerald              Baltimore, MD          M46   Baltimore RRC                 1:05:05.78
  94.LaChance, Steve            Baltimore, MD          M27   Falls Road Running            1:05:06.00
  95.Harwood, Patrick           Rockville, MD          M24   Montgomery County RRC         1:05:06.19
  96.Neff, Mark                 Rockville, MD          M46   Montgomery County RRC         1:05:07.38
  97.Basford, Joe               Adamstown, MD          M30   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:05:13.52
  98.Prada, Michael             Baltimore, MD          M28   Falls Road Running            1:05:16.41
  99.Albright, Keith            Greenbelt, MD          M40   Unattached                    1:05:25.12
 100.Russell, Kevin             Timonium, MD           M38   RASAC                         1:05:29.70
 101.Mashner, Michael           Baltimore, MD          M29   Falls Road Running            1:05:42.64
 102.Stott, Thomas              Columbia, MD           M26   Falls Road Running            1:05:44.89
 103.Burger, Jeffrey            Bel Air, MD            M32   RASAC                         1:05:46.08
 104.Kinkead, Trey              Rockville, MD          M44   Montgomery County RRC         1:05:48.69
 105.Hays, Stephen              University Park, MD    M41   Montgomery County RRC         1:05:51.27
 106.Halpin, Bruce              Ashburn, VA            m52   Unattached                    1:05:53.83
 107.Fleck, Eileen              Baltimore, MD          F32   Falls Road Running            1:05:54.82
 108.MacNab, Aaron              Frederick, MD          M30   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:05:58.76
 109.Caswell, Bruce             Kensington, MD         M43   Montgomery County RRC         1:06:04.86
 110.Reyes, Franco              Springfield, VA        M29   DCRRC                         1:06:07.76
 111.Wright, Jim                Gaithersburg, MD       M59   Montgomery County RRC         1:06:08.88
 112.Cannon, Michael            Springfield, VA        M51   DCRRC                         1:06:13.85
 113.Ames, Kenny                Washington, DC         M31   DCRRC                         1:06:19.33
 114.Feldman, Elizabeth         Chevy Chase, MD        F41   Montgomery County RRC         1:06:22.67
 115.kuehn, Dan                 Bethesda, MD           M46   Montgomery County RRC         1:06:23.58
 116.Olean, George A            Ellicott City, MD      M48   Howard County Striders        1:06:24.76
 117.Stone, Tom                 Falls Church, VA       M43   DCRRC                         1:06:25.41
 118.Mehr, Jeff                 Chevy Chase, MD        M30   Montgomery County RRC         1:06:27.86
 119.miranda, daniel            Baltimore, MD          m22   Baltimore RRC                 1:06:33.24
 120.Mears, Fin                 Baltimore, MD          M52   Baltimore RRC                 1:06:36.63
 121.Mason, Michael             Spencerville, MD       M52   Unattached                    1:06:51.74
 122.conant, cindy              Kensington, MD         F47   Montgomery County RRC         1:07:00.65
 123.Stenholm, Sari             Columbia, MD           F31   Howard County Striders        1:07:04.23
 124.desmond, brian             Baltimore, MD          M30   Falls Road Running            1:07:11.40
 125.Connors, Chad              Adamstown, MD          M31   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:07:12.82
 126.Collins, Michael           Arlington, VA          M27   DCRRC                         1:07:14.87
 127.schwartz, mike             Phoenix, MD            M41   Baltimore RRC                 1:07:19.36
 128.McNew, Megan D             Baltimore, MD          f29   RASAC                         1:07:20.81
 129.Gruber, Kelly              Westminister, MD       F25   Westminster RRC               1:07:25.20
 130.Schuler, Greg              Laurel, MD             M48   Howard County Striders        1:07:25.91
 131.heller, john               Bel Air, MD            M36   RASAC                         1:07:27.15
 132.Johnston, Christopher      Fairfax, VA            M45   DCRRC                         1:07:32.00
 133.Commins, Stefanie          Columbia, MD           F25   Howard County Striders        1:07:35.14
 134.Hertz, Amber               Bethesda, MD           F23   Montgomery County RRC         1:07:39.50
 135.Gilmore, James             Ellicott City, MD      M38   Howard County Striders        1:07:42.98
 136.Garstecki, Jeffrey         Columbia, MD           M40   Howard County Striders        1:07:44.98
 137.Firestone, Lee             Gaithersburg, MD       M43   Montgomery County RRC         1:07:48.33
 138.Sheckler, Craig            Macungie, PA           M40   Unattached                    1:07:52.48
 139.Senior, Malcolm            New Market, MD         M58   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:08:05.71
 140.Nasuta, Brian              Baltimore, MD          M25   Baltimore RRC                 1:08:15.25
 141.Zemil, Brian               Pikesville, MD         M41   Baltimore RRC                 1:08:16.97
 142.Davis, John                Baltimore, MD          M36   Baltimore RRC                 1:08:22.26
 143.Wolfson, Marc              Olney, MD              M59   Montgomery County RRC         1:08:23.21
 144.Spurrier, Paul             Frederick, MD          M31   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:08:29.25
 145.Yinger, Tom                Westminister, MD       M38   Westminster RRC               1:08:35.19
 146.Pels, Paula                Bethesda, MD           f41   Montgomery County RRC         1:08:50.34
 147.Devlin, Dan                Silver Spring, MD      M54   Montgomery County RRC         1:08:51.84
 148.Way, John                  Mont Village, MD       M43   Montgomery County RRC         1:09:06.88
 149.Barker, John G             Rockville, MD          M47   Montgomery County RRC         1:09:11.81
 150.Chapman, Donnie            Clarksville, MD        M47   Howard County Striders        1:09:15.37
 151.McMahon, Terrance          Woodsboro, MD          M43   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:09:23.86
 152.Smith, Scott               Abingdon, MD           M42   RASAC                         1:09:29.08
 153.Griffin, Dave              Westminister, MD       M47   Westminster RRC               1:09:31.22
 154.Peck, Henry                Timonium, MD           M51   Baltimore RRC                 1:09:34.74
 155.Rooks, Brittany            Baltimore, MD          F15   Falls Road Running            1:09:37.44
 156.Costello, Sean M           Ellicott City, MD      M49   Howard County Striders        1:09:47.92
 157.Dreizen, Howard            Owings Mills, MD       M54   Baltimore RRC                 1:09:49.66
 158.duRivage-Jacobs, Rebecca   Baltimore, MD          F24   Falls Road Running            1:09:52.25
 159.Harris, Hugh               New Carrollton, MD     M40   Annapolis Striders            1:09:54.04
 160.Dusenbery, Michael H       Columbia, MD           M30   Howard County Striders        1:09:56.47
 161.Nutt, Anne                 Rockville, MD          F31   Montgomery County RRC         1:09:57.46
 162.creutzer, christian        Baltimore, MD          M47   Baltimore RRC                 1:09:58.45
 163.Kessinger, John            Baltimore, MD          M41   Baltimore RRC                 1:10:00.51
 164.Tompkins, Michael          Columbia, MD           M51   Baltimore RRC                 1:10:02.67
 165.Fernandes, Conrad          Silver Spring, MD      M41   Howard County Striders        1:10:05.62
 166.Jewell, Chuck              Columbia, MD           M51   Howard County Striders        1:10:09.08
 167.Cox, Vanessa               Laurel, MD             F47   Howard County Striders        1:10:11.65
 168.Stahr, Bill                The Plains, VA         M48   RASAC                         1:10:14.90
 169.Hasson, Paul               Rockville, MD          M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:10:21.27
 170.Wong, Ronnie               Catonsville, MD        M62   Baltimore RRC                 1:10:22.34
 171.Holten, John               Gaithersburg, MD       M44   Montgomery County RRC         1:10:23.48
 172.Hulleberg, Paul            Baltimore, MD          M52   Baltimore RRC                 1:10:24.23
 173.Danoff, Hal                Gaithersburg, MD       M49   Montgomery County RRC         1:10:28.24
 174.Failing, Tucker            Ellicott City, MD      M18   Unattached                    1:10:37.70
 175.Leitner, Jesse A           Mt. Airy, MD           M39   Howard County Striders        1:10:44.54
 176.Dee, Michael               Mt. Airy, MD           M16   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:10:49.94
 177.Walton, Scott              Jarretsville, MD       M26   RASAC                         1:10:54.63
 178.Stewart, Rick              Cockeysville, MD       M34   Baltimore RRC                 1:10:58.98
 179.Waldhauser, Courtney       Fallston, MD           F19   RASAC                         1:11:11.02
 180.Stevenson, Robert          Abingdon, MD           M30   RASAC                         1:11:15.29
 181.Humphrey, Robyn L          Ellicott City, MD      F44   Howard County Striders        1:11:18.60
 182.Shapiro, Lou               Silver Spring, MD      M67   Montgomery County RRC         1:11:19.99
 183.Sinclair, Chris            Baltimore, MD          M41   Baltimore RRC                 1:11:23.57
 184.Lepore, Greg               Columbia, MD           M38   Howard County Striders        1:11:27.17
 185.Schmitt, John              Finksburg, MD          M51   Westminster RRC               1:11:35.63
 186.Bartholomew, Robert        Aberdeen, MD           M44   RASAC                         1:11:38.28
 187.Stevenson, David           Abingdon, MD           M33   RASAC                         1:11:41.36
 188.Jennings, Von              Clarksville, MD        M60   Howard County Striders        1:11:50.56
 189.Jacobson, Matthew          Ellicott City, MD      M29   Unattached                    1:11:57.58
 190.Hyde, Molly                Baltimore, MD          F26   Falls Road Running            1:11:59.14
 191.Oda, Yasuo                 Ellicott City, MD      M47   Howard County Striders        1:12:03.82
 192.Gross, Bob                 Forrest Hill, MD       M45   RASAC                         1:12:11.14
 193.Mager, Brent               Ellicott City, MD      M29   Falls Road Running            1:12:13.19
 194.Owens, Chad                Washington, DC         M26   Unattached                    1:12:15.59
 195.Hunsecker, Kelly           Germantown, MD         F24   Montgomery County RRC         1:12:19.39
 196.Engle, James               Arlington, VA          M48   DCRRC                         1:12:21.87
 197.McConnell, Mike            Phoenix, MD            M55   Baltimore RRC                 1:12:26.97
 198.Kinkead, Caitlin           Arlington, VA          F27   DCRRC                         1:12:32.00
 199.Clulow, G. Kevin           Pasadena, MD           M50   Baltimore RRC                 1:12:34.78
 200.Walsh, Orla                Baltimore, MD          F22   Falls Road Running            1:12:36.91
 201.Dolan, Kevin f             Owings Mills, MD       M49   Falls Road Running            1:12:47.80
 202.Myers, Trevor              Bethesda, MD           M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:12:52.44
 203.Krehbiel, Ken              Washington, DC         M55   DCRRC                         1:12:59.33
 204.Scott, Janeth              Columbia, MD           F46   Howard County Striders        1:13:00.75
 205.Lewis, Catherine           Columbia, MD           F24   Howard County Striders        1:13:01.11
 206.Tretton, Zak               Bel Air, MD            M15   RASAC                         1:13:09.81
 207.Hoppe, Christy             Havre de Grace, MD     F26   RASAC                         1:13:12.97
 208.McIntyre, Janelle D        Ellicott City, MD      F43   Howard County Striders        1:13:16.76
 209.parra, jose                Cockeysville, MD       M42   Baltimore RRC                 1:13:17.63
 210.Spradlin, Kevin            Ellerslie, MD          M30   Mountain MD Marathon          1:13:20.90
 211.Swartzendruber, Earl L     Cockeysville, MD       M57   Baltimore RRC                 1:13:24.79
 212.Lears, Claire S            Baltimore, MD          F26   Falls Road Running            1:13:30.96
 213.Arnade, Tim                Arlington, VA          M52   DCRRC                         1:13:31.94
 214.Kemp, Bob                  Baltimore, MD          m52   Baltimore RRC                 1:13:53.56
 215.Miller, Brian              Damascus, MD           M30   Montgomery County RRC         1:13:55.35
 216.Brown, Patrick             Baltimore, MD          M41   Baltimore RRC                 1:13:59.64
 217.Van Dinter, David          Baltimore, MD          M40   Baltimore RRC                 1:14:01.21
 218.Mairs, Chris               Edgewater, MD          M36   Annapolis Striders            1:14:09.56
 219.Smith, Steve               Germantown, MD         M42   Montgomery County RRC         1:14:17.40
 220.DiFonzo, Dan               Rockville, MD          M45   Montgomery County RRC         1:14:18.37
 221.Beckett, Dorothy           Columbia, MD           F51   Howard County Striders        1:14:22.82
 222.Gilbert, Pat               Baltimore, MD          M45   Baltimore RRC                 1:14:27.33
 223.Moreland, James            Gaithersburg, MD       M56   Westminster RRC               1:14:27.87
 224.Boyd, Marjorie             Annapolis, MD          F47   Annapolis Striders            1:14:30.24
 225.teufer, ronnie             Hanover, PA            M16   Baltimore RRC                 1:14:35.27
 226.Panebianco, Nicholas       Beltsville, MD         M45   Prince Georges RRC            1:14:36.97
 227.Gannon, Elizabeth          Frederick, MD          F24   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:14:38.80
 228.Richter, Ben               Washington, DC         M52   DCRRC                         1:14:46.88
 229.Morris, Melissa            Gaithersburg, MD       F33   Montgomery County RRC         1:14:58.59
 230.McElroy, Seth              Bel Air, MD            M40   RASAC                         1:15:03.67
 231.Lewis, Donna               Belcamp, MD            F54   RASAC                         1:15:09.50
 232.Webster, David E           Baltimore, MD          M30   Falls Road Running            1:15:22.05
 233.Nelson, Greg               Olney, MD              M48   Unattached                    1:15:23.89
 234.Bland, Cary                Washington, DC         M48   Montgomery County RRC         1:15:25.58
 235.Aversa, John Rocco         Ellicott City, MD      m33   Unattached                    1:15:27.90
 236.Warfield, Jerry N          Columbia, MD           M65   Howard County Striders        1:15:30.53
 237.Romero, Jose               Glen Burnie, MD        M43   Annapolis Striders            1:15:34.23
 238.Shaikh, Hafiz              Columbia, MD           M30   Howard County Striders        1:15:42.00
 239.Abbott, Ann                Annandale, VA          F30   DCRRC                         1:15:48.57
 240.Preston, Doug              Baltimore, MD          M59   Baltimore RRC                 1:15:52.64
 241.Carbary, James             Clarksville, MD        M57   Howard County Striders        1:15:57.25
 242.Pitarra, Jack              Baltimore, MD          M68   Baltimore RRC                 1:16:01.34
 243.Cutsay, Shawn              Hagerstown, MD         M30   Unattached                    1:16:01.86
 244.Rothandler, Stephen        Burke, VA              M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:16:13.84
 245.McGannon, Juda             Cockeysville, MD       F42   Baltimore RRC                 1:16:19.25
 246.Duelge, Kaleb              Rockville, MD          M16   Montgomery County RRC         1:16:23.83
 247.duelge, jason              Rockville, MD          M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:16:24.42
 248.Muhl, Robert               Sykesville, MD         M45   Westminster RRC               1:16:30.69
 249.Pierson, Kevin             Washington, DC         M28   DCRRC                         1:16:31.34
 250.Loomis, William            Silver Spring, MD      M54   Montgomery County RRC         1:16:34.90
 251.Goodwin, Robin L           Timonium, MD           F50   Baltimore RRC                 1:16:37.27
 252.Koshy, Jennifer            Baltimore, MD          F24   Falls Road Running            1:16:39.76
 253.Smith, Rick                Arbutus, MD            M55   Baltimore RRC                 1:16:42.07
 254.Pike, Brian                Rockville, MD          M43   Montgomery County RRC         1:16:44.62
 255.Foote, David               Westminister, MD       M43   Westminster RRC               1:16:48.57
 256.Robisch, Ron               Monrovia, MD           M42   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:16:48.83
 257.Kelley, Ed                 Catonsville, MD        M40   Unattached                    1:16:59.78
 258.Lawrence, Mark             Frederick, MD          M50   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:17:01.06
 259.Buccino, Dan               Baltimore, MD          M47   Baltimore RRC                 1:17:04.27
 260.Ford, Sandy                Columbia, MD           f47   Howard County Striders        1:17:06.19
 261.Dyer, Stephen              Columbia, MD           M54   Howard County Striders        1:17:08.01
 262.Gordon, Kirk D             Mitchellville, MD      M53   Prince Georges RRC            1:17:11.12
 263.Chidester, Gary            Dale City, VA          M61   DCRRC                         1:17:13.59
 264.Applebaum, Gary E          Owings Mills, MD       M50   Baltimore RRC                 1:17:14.19
 265.Ward, Robert               Owings Mills, MD       M29   Westminster RRC               1:17:15.36
 266.Kirk-Davidoff, Daniel      Columbia, MD           M40   Howard County Striders        1:17:20.03
 267.Riford, Mackenzie          Hagerstown, MD         F15   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:17:25.63
 268.Haggerty, Matthew          Olney, MD              M25   Montgomery County RRC         1:17:28.19
 269.Dewald, Laura              Baltimore, MD          F51   Falls Road Running            1:17:30.23
 270.Kammel, Carole             Rockville, MD          F40   Montgomery County RRC         1:17:40.34
 271.bowling, matt              Fallston, MD           M41   RASAC                         1:17:44.17
 272.Watt, Douglas              Gaithersburg, MD       M50   Montgomery County RRC         1:17:44.90
 273.Harris, Joseph             Jefferson, MD          M50   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:17:49.80
 274.zielinski, mary            Boonsboro, MD          F42   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:17:50.49
 275.OKeefe, Tim                Monrovia, MD           M55   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:17:53.69
 276.Albertini, Alexander       Washington, DC         M26   DCRRC                         1:17:58.30
 277.Burger, Chad               Columbia, MD           M30   Howard County Striders        1:17:58.55
 278.Senft, Curt                Baltimore, MD          M45   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:02.62
 279.Fraker, Ann                Stevenson, MD          F42   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:03.83
 280.Cooke, Greg                Kensington, MD         M58   Montgomery County RRC         1:18:08.03
 281.King, Dixon                Baltimore, MD          M48   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:14.36
 282.Mikulis, David             Ellicott City, MD      M15   Howard County Striders        1:18:14.78
 283.Arbelaez, Bill             Columbia, MD           M52   Howard County Striders        1:18:15.22
 284.Adams, Tyrone              Reisterstown, MD       M43   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:25.73
 285.kleiman, ron               Owings Mills, MD       M52   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:29.53
 286.Eshleman, Ron              Catonsville, MD        m40   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:30.13
 287.Olson, Steven              Owings Mills, MD       M37   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:31.87
 288.Bolton, Marie              Baltimore, MD          F27   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:34.34
 289.Francaneto, Edgard         Cockeysville, MD       m39   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:35.70
 290.Lazzaro, Steve             Phoenix, MD            M53   Baltimore RRC                 1:18:38.00
 291.Burger, Marc J             Columbia, MD           M36   Howard County Striders        1:18:44.85
 292.DeBruyn, Travis            Frederick, MD          M36   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:18:46.73
 293.Kusler, Ivy                Annapolis, MD          F32   Annapolis Striders            1:18:49.72
 294.Kim, Caius                 Germantown, MD         M42   Montgomery County RRC         1:19:02.55
 295.Waugh, Darryn              Timonium, MD           M44   Baltimore RRC                 1:19:03.79
 296.Gitlin, Jeff               Damascus, MD           M51   Montgomery County RRC         1:19:08.22
 297.Hutchinson, Paul           Unknown, NA            M51   Unattached                    1:19:13.70
 298.Anderson, Greg             Fairfax, VA            M14   DCRRC                         1:19:17.36
 299.Richardson, William        Baltimore, MD          M44   Unattached                    1:19:17.96
 300.Kohr, Scott                Westminister, MD       M47   Westminster RRC               1:19:30.20
 301.Libby, Lewis               Baltimore, MD          M58   Baltimore RRC                 1:19:32.50
 302.Warren, Bill               Silver Spring, MD      M36   Montgomery County RRC         1:19:36.00
 303.Cloher, Laura              Silver Spring, MD      F27   Montgomery County RRC         1:19:36.45
 304.Loveland, Joseph H         Finksburg, MD          M59   Westminster RRC               1:19:41.49
 305.Shigetomi, Kent            Gaithersburg, MD       M46   Montgomery County RRC         1:19:41.90
 306.Shanks, Roger              Odenton, MD            M47   Annapolis Striders            1:19:42.48
 307.Ziolkowski, Jennifer       Hampstead, MD          F37   Westminster RRC               1:19:48.19
 308.Knost, James               Baltimore, MD          M50   Baltimore RRC                 1:19:51.70
 309.Hickman, Lisa              Jefferson, MD          F42   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:19:55.35
 310.Dawson, Sean               Jessup, MD             M40   Howard County Striders        1:19:59.55
 311.Orlik, Dave                Columbia, MD           M46   Howard County Striders        1:20:00.28
 312.Gardner, Karen             Keedysville, MD        F49   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:20:07.85
 313.Jennings, Brett            Clarksville, MD        M17   Howard County Striders        1:20:09.03
 314.Hemmig, Mark               Rockville, MD          m40   Unattached                    1:20:14.59
 315.Sevik, Kenneth             Ellicott City, MD      M44   Howard County Striders        1:20:17.35
 316.Fick, James                Baltimore, MD          M35   Baltimore RRC                 1:20:20.83
 317.Fleming, Mike              Columbia, MD           M63   Howard County Striders        1:20:22.74
 318.Rubeling, Maria            Hagerstown, MD         F43   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:20:23.37
 319.Chen-Mayer, Heather        Garrett Park, MD       F47   Montgomery County RRC         1:20:26.20
 320.Weisenborn, Beth N         Gettysburg, PA         F33   Westminster RRC               1:20:27.14
 321.Rein, Bart                 Forrest Hill, MD       M43   Baltimore RRC                 1:20:40.17
 322.Jun, David W               Ellicott City, MD      M24   Howard County Striders        1:20:44.34
 323.Holtz, Timothy             College Park, MD       M54   Prince Georges RRC            1:20:52.72
 324.Demaree, Marsha            Marriottsville, MD     F44   Howard County Striders        1:20:53.53
 325.Poole, Catherine           Gaithersburg, MD       F32   Montgomery County RRC         1:20:56.88
 326.Metz, Tim                  Elkridge, MD           m34   Howard County Striders        1:21:00.44
 327.Hopkins, David             Baltimore, MD          M40   Baltimore RRC                 1:21:01.78
 328.ODonnell, Rick             Frederick, MD          M59   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:21:20.74
 329.Horn, Crista               Ijamsville, MD         F37   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:21:25.65
 330.Goodwin, Bill              Rockville, MD          M54   Montgomery County RRC         1:21:27.15
 331.Dexter, Paul               Rockville, MD          M37   Montgomery County RRC         1:21:28.36
 332.Doherty, Kevin             Rockville, MD          M38   Montgomery County RRC         1:21:30.64
 333.Splete, Heidi              Washington, DC         F38   Howard County Striders        1:21:31.34
 334.Vail, Mike                 Baltimore, MD          M37   Baltimore RRC                 1:21:32.40
 335.Ross, Jason                Bowie, MD              M39   Prince Georges RRC            1:21:46.14
 336.Campbell, Keith            Springfield, VA        M49   DCRRC                         1:22:00.36
 337.Brond, David               Forrest Hill, MD       M49   RASAC                         1:22:07.58
 338.Giffhorn, Kevin L          Mt. Airy, MD           M38   Westminster RRC               1:22:08.73
 339.Weiland, Fred              Chesapeake Beach, MD   M52   Annapolis Striders            1:22:09.75
 340.Aguilar, Nancy             Baltimore, MD          F30   Unattached                    1:22:14.15
 341.Walter, Becky              Monrovia, MD           F28   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:22:17.73
 342.Galbraith, Ben             Bethesda, MD           M34   Montgomery County RRC         1:22:19.08
 343.Jenkins, Natalie           Gaithersburg, MD       F50   Montgomery County RRC         1:22:22.11
 344.Toth, Pete                 College Park, MD       M48   Prince Georges RRC            1:22:30.05
 345.Ikels, David               Bethesda, MD           M37   Unattached                    1:22:34.53
 346.Platt, Robert              Arlington, VA          M57   DCRRC                         1:22:39.53
 347.Lenehan, Pat               Baltimore, MD          M31   Baltimore RRC                 1:22:40.31
 348.Ammons, Derek              Laurel, MD             M48   Annapolis Striders            1:22:44.00
 349.Lee, Leonard               Silver Spring, MD      M43   Montgomery County RRC         1:22:47.71
 350.Burr, Marlene              Parkton, MD            F42   Baltimore RRC                 1:22:49.05
 351.Honeman, Gary S            Westminister, MD       M54   Westminster RRC               1:22:54.74
 352.Nelson, Dee                Gaithersburg, MD       F65   Westminster RRC               1:22:56.52
 353.Hall, Maureen              Lavale, MD             F44   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:06.24
 354.Szymanski, Ken             Bel Air, MD            M51   RASAC                         1:23:12.54
 355.Iannuzzi, Jo               Bel Air, MD            M48   Unattached                    1:23:13.95
 356.Meyer, Jane                Annapolis, MD          F48   Annapolis Striders            1:23:15.81
 357.Pennington, Chrissy        Westminister, MD       F33   Westminster RRC               1:23:17.46
 358.Bartholomew, Cathleen      Aberdeen, MD           F50   RASAC                         1:23:18.24
 359.Blair, Anthony             Bethesda, MD           M25   Montgomery County RRC         1:23:24.38
 360.Zemel, Marty               Owings Mills, MD       M53   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:27.70
 361.Wade, Jame                 Baltimore, MD          M50   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:30.29
 362.Buckheit, Sarah            Reston, VA             F48   Montgomery County RRC         1:23:34.70
 363.Bartlett, Lawrence         Bethesda, MD           M55   Montgomery County RRC         1:23:44.34
 364.Habner, Juergen            Baltimore, MD          M52   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:45.54
 365.Hughes, Mary               Timonium, MD           F42   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:48.81
 366.Jacobson, Cary             Ellicott City, MD      F29   Howard County Striders        1:23:49.11
 367.Hughes, David              Timonium, MD           M42   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:50.63
 368.Morris, Linda              Westminister, MD       F49   Westminster RRC               1:23:51.14
 369.Lang, Mary                 Pasadena, MD           F55   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:51.93
 370.Clorety, Joseph            Crownsville, MD        M66   Annapolis Striders            1:23:56.77
 371.Woodward, Lance            Monkton, MD            M62   Baltimore RRC                 1:23:57.48
 372.Puglisi, Larry             Gambrills, MD          M54   Annapolis Striders            1:24:00.53
 373.Wherley, Michelle          Timonium, MD           F28   Baltimore RRC                 1:24:02.80
 374.Gede, David                Reisterstown, MD       M44   Baltimore RRC                 1:24:04.28
 375.Dietz, Tim                 Silver Spring, MD      M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:06.81
 376.Greer, Mary                Washington, DC         F50   Unattached                    1:24:08.37
 377.Brown, Walter              Gaithersburg, MD       M65   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:11.79
 378.Harriman, Rob              Bethesda, MD           m23   Unattached                    1:24:12.94
 379.Walker, Charles            Olney, MD              M42   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:15.61
 380.Carpenter, Ray             Finksburg, MD          M53   Westminster RRC               1:24:18.09
 381.Schwartz, Betsy            Glenarm, MD            F28   Baltimore RRC                 1:24:18.94
 382.Davis, Richard             Frederick, MD          m15   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:24:22.40
 383.Burrell, Linda             Rockville, MD          F50   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:27.77
 384.Uza, Gabriella             Olney, MD              F32   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:28.63
 385.Wilson, Stephanie          Timonium, MD           F26   Baltimore RRC                 1:24:31.42
 386.Weiss, Andrew              Potomac, MD            M49   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:35.06
 387.Nasuta, Tom                Baltimore, MD          M52   Baltimore RRC                 1:24:36.37
 388.English, Carol             Germantown, MD         F54   Montgomery County RRC         1:24:40.75
 389.Del Grosso, Nick           Columbia, MD           M50   Howard County Striders        1:24:41.84
 390.Dawson, Jeannette          Baltimore, MD          F28   Baltimore RRC                 1:24:44.37
 391.Walker, Kenny              Columbia, MD           M40   Howard County Striders        1:24:47.04
 392.Perkins, Cindy             Laurel, MD             F46   Howard County Striders        1:24:47.92
 393.Sullivan, Doug             Clarksville, MD        M47   Howard County Striders        1:24:49.03
 394.Campbell, Gary M           Catonsville, MD        M49   Unattached                    1:24:52.69
 395.Cahalane, Dawn             Frederick, MD          F39   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:25:01.06
 396.Snodgrass, Patricia        Annapolis, MD          F54   Annapolis Striders            1:25:08.04
 397.Epstein, Gerald            Bethesda, MD           M52   Montgomery County RRC         1:25:15.14
 398.Okolita, Mark              Fulton, MD             M46   Unattached                    1:25:17.07
 399.Vale, Arnat                Elkridge, MD           M38   Howard County Striders        1:25:23.42
 400.Levintow, Nick             Silver Spring, MD      M52   Montgomery County RRC         1:25:34.59
 401.Early, Jerry               Kensington, MD         M37   Montgomery County RRC         1:25:35.05
 402.Gradoni, Richard           Frederick, MD          M52   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:25:35.41
 403.Walton, Rhonda             Jarretsville, MD       F35   RASAC                         1:25:38.61
 404.Grady, Gene                Timonium, MD           M60   Baltimore RRC                 1:25:43.05
 405.Carpenter, Dorothy         Finksburg, MD          F41   Westminster RRC               1:25:51.67
 406.DeSantis, Ed               Fort Meade, MD         m40   Annapolis Striders            1:25:52.79
 407.Owens, Russ                Columbia, MD           M35   Howard County Striders        1:25:56.11
 408.Chamberlain, Cat           Baltimore, MD          F26   Baltimore RRC                 1:25:58.11
 409.Redmond, Jane              Columbia, MD           F49   Howard County Striders        1:25:58.52
 410.Katz, Aaron                Chevy Chase, MD        M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:26:00.28
 411.Glover, Bet                Bethesda, MD           F64   Montgomery County RRC         1:26:01.68
 412.Walsh, Harold              Sykesville, MD         M55   Westminster RRC               1:26:06.56
 413.Ferris, Dave               College Park, MD       M50   Prince Georges RRC            1:26:07.74
 414.Yannakakis, George         Sparks, MD             M77   Baltimore RRC                 1:26:15.44
 415.Weber, David               Ellicott City, MD      M50   Howard County Striders        1:26:15.74
 416.Blessing, Cathy            Sterling, VA           F37   Montgomery County RRC         1:26:23.28
 417.Flowers, Willie            Unknown, NA            M37   Montgomery County RRC         1:26:35.03
 418.Means, John                Hagerstown, MD         M64   Unattached                    1:26:36.85
 419.Shea, Kathryn              Owings Mills, MD       F49   Baltimore RRC                 1:26:42.00
 420.Jon, Hill                  Finksburg, MD          M29   Westminster RRC               1:26:43.53
 421.Turo, Mia                  Baltimore, MD          F30   Baltimore RRC                 1:26:45.88
 422.Wojenski, Elissa           Pikesville, MD         F28   Baltimore RRC                 1:26:46.21
 423.Johnson, Pete              Glen Burnie, MD        M22   Unattached                    1:27:00.96
 424.Scarborough, James         McLean, VA             M50   DCRRC                         1:27:03.16
 425.Cohen, Cindy               Washington, DC         F40   Prince Georges RRC            1:27:14.73
 426.Mount, David               Westminister, MD       M38   Westminster RRC               1:27:17.35
 427.McCusker, Hugh             Bel Air, MD            M57   RASAC                         1:27:19.14
 428.Castellani, Alexis         Silver Spring, MD      F24   Montgomery County RRC         1:27:29.11
 429.Spears, Sara               Baltimore, MD          F26   Falls Road Running            1:27:45.96
 430.Paczynski, Bob             Marriottsville, MD     M48   Westminster RRC               1:27:49.88
 431.Yarchoan, Robert           Bethesda, MD           M58   Montgomery County RRC         1:27:54.19
 432.Fitton, Marjorie           Rockville, MD          F45   Montgomery County RRC         1:27:55.29
 433.Brandonisio, Luke          Bel Air, MD            M50   Baltimore RRC                 1:28:06.96
 434.Smidinger, Betsy           Crofton, MD            F45   Annapolis Striders            1:28:10.35
 435.Marino, Mike               Frederick, MD          M54   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:28:24.58
 436.Garcia, Hector             Ellicott City, MD      M51   Unattached                    1:28:33.49
 437.Honigfort, Mical           Gaithersburg, MD       F32   Montgomery County RRC         1:28:41.57
 438.Richey, Chris              Alexandria, VA         M38   Montgomery County RRC         1:28:43.20
 439.Manlandro, Cara Marie      Rockville, MD          F25   Montgomery County RRC         1:28:50.84
 440.Schaeffer, Frank           Westminister, MD       M57   Westminster RRC               1:28:59.77
 441.Thornton, John             Columbia, MD           M56   Howard County Striders        1:29:01.79
 442.Stuart, William            Kensington, MD         M57   Montgomery County RRC         1:29:10.36
 443.Bliss, Muffie              Westminister, MD       F28   Westminster RRC               1:29:16.20
 444.Simmens, John              Columbia, MD           M51   Howard County Striders        1:29:30.08
 445.DeSantis, Sarah            Freeland, MD           F35   Baltimore RRC                 1:29:56.40
 446.Trott, Mike                Joppa, MD              M55   RASAC                         1:30:11.28
 447.Wright, Lewin              Germantown, MD         M46   Montgomery County RRC         1:30:14.98
 448.Garcia, Danielle           Baltimore, MD          F24   Falls Road Running            1:30:17.08
 449.Godesky, Alyssa            Baltimore, MD          f23   Falls Road Running            1:30:18.67
 450.Brown, Emily               Baltimore, MD          F32   Falls Road Running            1:30:19.17
 451.Sobhani, Jamie             Highland, MD           M35   Unattached                    1:30:26.34
 452.Boyd, Barry                Annapolis, MD          M51   Annapolis Striders            1:30:36.85
 453.Glose, Victoria            Baltimore, MD          F54   Baltimore RRC                 1:30:39.83
 454.Davis, Gwen                Kettering, MD          F49   Prince Georges RRC            1:30:44.29
 455.Flickinger, Katie          Baltimore, MD          F34   Baltimore RRC                 1:30:49.86
 456.Ford, Cheryl               Ellicott City, MD      F42   Howard County Striders        1:30:57.09
 457.Diak, Peter                Gaithersburg, MD       M30   Montgomery County RRC         1:31:07.44
 458.Mollica, Melanie           Gaithersburg, MD       F34   Montgomery County RRC         1:31:08.06
 459.Crabtree, Jeff             Baltimore, MD          M61   Baltimore RRC                 1:31:10.70
 460.Whitlock, Albert           Millersville, MD       M37   Annapolis Striders            1:31:11.30
 461.Beall, Mallory             Westminister, MD       F24   Westminster RRC               1:31:12.45
 462.Elliott, Debbie            Brookeville, MD        F35   Montgomery County RRC         1:31:22.03
 463.Eisen, Rona                Bethesda, MD           F56   Montgomery County RRC         1:31:29.30
 464.Moulder, Peter             Baltimore, MD          m52   Baltimore RRC                 1:31:31.65
 465.Gleazer, Susan             Columbia, MD           F60   Howard County Striders        1:31:42.54
 466.Otto, Henry                Kensington, MD         M49   DCRRC                         1:31:59.93
 467.Brudieu, Marie Anne        Ellicott City, MD      F26   Howard County Striders        1:32:06.06
 468.Henry, Karen               Bel Air, MD            F45   RASAC                         1:32:13.04
 469.Palmer, Jesse              Columbia, MD           M22   Montgomery County RRC         1:32:27.21
 470.Carson, Wayne              Germantown, MD         M51   Montgomery County RRC         1:32:35.24
 471.dang, jim yi               Gaithersburg, MD       M50   Montgomery County RRC         1:32:41.24
 472.burch, lily                Potomac, MD            F50   Montgomery County RRC         1:32:46.28
 473.Kirk-Davidoff, Paul        Columbia, MD           M13   Howard County Striders        1:32:50.61
 474.Trzcinski, Ron             Baltimore, MD          M53   RASAC                         1:33:06.08
 475.Weber, Judith              Ellicott City, MD      F49   Unattached                    1:33:10.49
 476.Weber, Ron                 Ellicott City, MD      M56   Howard County Striders        1:33:10.78
 477.Rehm, Catherine A          Gaithersburg, MD       F51   Montgomery County RRC         1:33:28.55
 478.Scialhoff, Casey           Alexandria, VA         f27   Unattached                    1:33:33.48
 479.JUNG, SUNG                 Clarksville, MD        M49   Unattached                    1:33:35.11
 480.Sieloff, Kristine          Baltimore, MD          F43   Baltimore RRC                 1:33:37.27
 481.Stanmore, John             Baltimore, MD          M46   Unattached                    1:33:41.61
 482.Walker, Norma              Ellicott City, MD      F55   Howard County Striders        1:34:11.87
 483.Clark, Offie               Aberdeen, MD           M51   RASAC                         1:34:30.46
 484.Stevenson, Joseph M        Bel Air, MD            M60   RASAC                         1:34:35.04
 485.Wannamaker, James          Baltimore, MD          M60   RASAC                         1:34:41.82
 486.EMMANUEL, JAY              Gaithersburg, MD       M40   Montgomery County RRC         1:34:52.00
 487.Nolan, George              Lavale, MD             M52   Queen City Striders           1:34:53.12
 488.Mason, Doug                Germantown, MD         m40   Unattached                    1:34:54.27
 489.Basso, Christopher         Centreville, VA        M32   Unattached                    1:34:55.87
 490.Stricker, Brian            Woodstock, MD          M48   Unattached                    1:34:56.10
 491.Joyce, Michael             Ellicott City, MD      M56   Howard County Striders        1:34:56.41
 492.Reilly, Cheryl             Baltimore, MD          F51   Baltimore RRC                 1:34:58.21
 493.Balke, Markus              Baltimore, MD          M45   Baltimore RRC                 1:35:03.00
 494.Hochheimer, Brian          Catonsville, MD        m49   Unattached                    1:35:04.84
 495.Montgomery, Sandy          Westminister, MD       F35   Westminster RRC               1:35:05.63
 496.VanHorn, Alycia            Baltimore, MD          F30   Baltimore RRC                 1:35:18.22
 497.Riley, Chris               Annapolis, MD          M65   Annapolis Striders            1:35:18.60
 498.Shoemaker, Heidi           Westminister, MD       F23   Baltimore RRC                 1:35:19.24
 499.McNew, Lonnie              White Hall, MD         m66   RASAC                         1:35:40.00
 500.Kim, Susan                 Laurel, MD             F41   Howard County Striders        1:35:42.15
 501.Heiliger, Phil             Columbia, MD           M56   Howard County Striders        1:35:42.40
 502.Scimonelli, Glenn          Columbia, MD           M58   Howard County Striders        1:35:43.34
 503.Kemp, Karen                Westminister, MD       F25   Westminster RRC               1:35:59.71
 504.Butler, Erika              Edgewater, MD          F32   Unattached                    1:36:05.14
 505.Basch, Vladi F             Columbia, MD           M60   Howard County Striders        1:36:13.80
 506.Garfield, Susan            Brookeville, MD        F57   Montgomery County RRC         1:36:17.13
 507.Kuczka, Sharyn             Timonium, MD           F29   Unattached                    1:36:28.73
 508.Warren, Kimberly           Woodstock, MD          F33   Unattached                    1:36:31.13
 509.Fennell, Skip              Westminister, MD       M64   Westminster RRC               1:36:35.55
 510.Nair, Sunjay               Unknown, NA            m39   Unattached                    1:36:48.46
 511.Fitzgerald, Tracy          Jarretsville, MD       F30   RASAC                         1:36:48.85
 512.Borders, Vicki             Hampstead, MD          F51   Westminster RRC               1:36:49.70
 513.FIROUZFAR, LILA            Bethesda, MD           F58   Montgomery County RRC         1:36:50.48
 514.McCarthy, John             Vienna, VA             M45   Unattached                    1:36:52.19
 515.Hoffmann, James            Severna Park, MD       M41   Unattached                    1:37:09.39
 516.Hanson, Heather            Gaithersburg, MD       F25   Montgomery County RRC         1:37:19.24
 517.Zipf, Lynn                 Silver Spring, MD      F44   Montgomery County RRC         1:37:23.84
 518.Sameshima, Shirley         McLean, VA             F42   Montgomery County RRC         1:37:41.06
 519.Kautz, Karen D             Silver Spring, MD      F65   Montgomery County RRC         1:37:42.48
 520.Hammel, Keri               New Market, MD         F35   Unattached                    1:38:02.91
 521.Wright, Ian                Laurel, MD             M33   Prince Georges RRC            1:38:42.97
 522.Lacey, Dwight              Mont Village, MD       M52   Montgomery County RRC         1:38:43.80
 523.Giamalva, John N           College Park, MD       M55   Prince Georges RRC            1:39:01.66
 524.Bennett, David             Riverdale, MD          M42   Prince Georges RRC            1:39:07.70
 525.Hughes, Michelle           Baltimore, MD          F30   Baltimore RRC                 1:39:15.74
 526.creutzer, vicki            Baltimore, MD          F45   Baltimore RRC                 1:39:19.49
 527.Clarke, Deborah            Hanover, PA            F56   Westminster RRC               1:39:28.04
 528.Sheckler, Erica            Macungie, PA           F30   Unattached                    1:39:29.80
 529.Acaron, Carlos             Columbia, MD           M34   Unattached                    1:39:31.87
 530.Willett, Christine         Arlington, VA          F47   DCRRC                         1:39:45.64
 531.Elmore, Robert             Rockville, MD          M47   Montgomery County RRC         1:39:49.65
 532.McKinney, Langley          Rockville, MD          M58   Montgomery County RRC         1:39:52.58
 533.Deskins, Sharlene          Seabrook, MD           F44   Prince Georges RRC            1:40:09.30
 534.Coffey, Rich               Westminister, MD       M34   Westminster RRC               1:40:54.40
 535.Maynard, John              Frederick, MD          M39   Frederick Steeplechasers      1:40:56.92
 536.Ward, Tracy                Laurel, MD             F39   Prince Georges RRC            1:41:01.39
 537.Pitts, Warren              Baltimore, MD          M70   Baltimore RRC                 1:41:08.58
 538.Pushnik Doherty, Stacey    Rockville, MD          F37   Montgomery County RRC         1:41:24.72
 539.Stout, Sasha               Bethesda, MD           F25   Montgomery County RRC         1:41:29.44
 540.McIntyre, Alex             Cockeysville, MD       M53   Baltimore RRC                 1:41:39.41
 541.Moskowitz, Wendy           Baltimore, MD          F52   Baltimore RRC                 1:42:00.21
 542.Wilson, Hugh               White Hall, MD         M51   Baltimore RRC                 1:42:08.29
 543.Wachira, Alice             Gaithersburg, MD       F32   Montgomery County RRC         1:42:12.93
 544.Walker, Muriel             Mont Village, MD       F40   Montgomery County RRC         1:42:14.86
 545.Beam, Byron                Unknown, NA            M59   Unattached                    1:42:22.19
 546.Griffin, Cheryl            Germantown, MD         F52   Montgomery County RRC         1:42:40.61
 547.Gitlin, Bonnie             Damascus, MD           F48   Montgomery County RRC         1:42:41.86
 548.Klein, Jack                Spring Grove, PA       M63   Westminster RRC               1:42:47.78
 549.Simmens, Melissa           Arbutus, MD            F44   Howard County Striders        1:42:59.00
 550.Baldwin, Sara              Silver Spring, MD      F30   Montgomery County RRC         1:42:59.45
 551.McDonald, Barbara          Germantown, MD         F37   Montgomery County RRC         1:43:07.05
 552.Prem, Keifit               Baltimore, MD          m46   Baltimore RRC                 1:43:12.33
 553.Fisher, Laurie             University Park, MD    F57   Prince Georges RRC            1:43:15.16
 554.Rova, Bob                  Rockville, MD          M44   Montgomery County RRC         1:43:29.64
 555.Irwin, Corey               Gaithersburg, MD       F38   Montgomery County RRC         1:43:36.43
 556.Graf, Tami                 Lusby, MD              F72   DCRRC                         1:43:56.63
 557.Burki, Emaad               Gaithersburg, MD       M39   Montgomery County RRC         1:44:01.20
 558.Wilson, Barbara            Baltimore, MD          F31   Baltimore RRC                 1:44:18.97
 559.Jew, Caren                 Gaithersburg, MD       F44   Montgomery County RRC         1:44:33.24
 560.Zimmermann, Mark           Kensington, MD         M56   Montgomery County RRC         1:44:33.75
 561.Fairbairn, Mayra           Gaithersburg, MD       F43   Montgomery County RRC         1:44:38.74
 562.forsha, anne               Rockville, MD          F58   Montgomery County RRC         1:45:36.17
 563.Shepard, Elisabeth         Baltimore, MD          F28   Falls Road Running            1:46:09.38
 564.Wilson, Jonathan           Columbia, MD           M33   Howard County Striders        1:46:09.91
 565.Gautier, Mark              Ellicott City, MD      M49   Howard County Striders        1:46:42.04
 566.Hiscock, Robin             Silver Spring, MD      M56   Montgomery County RRC         1:46:45.56
 567.Pickett, William           Columbia, MD           M51   Unattached                    1:46:50.38
 568.Thomas, Evan F             Crofton, MD            M67   Annapolis Striders            1:47:01.29
 569.Gurtler, Robert L          The Plains, VA         M74   Unattached                    1:47:15.83
 570.Oquendo-Berruz, Yvette     Columbia, MD           F51   Howard County Striders        1:47:39.10
 571.Councill, Nancy            Monkton, MD            F50   Baltimore RRC                 1:47:42.34
 572.Merene, Deon               Bowie, MD              F49   Prince Georges RRC            1:48:12.30
 573.Snodgrass, Donald          Annapolis, MD          M58   Annapolis Striders            1:48:12.74
 574.Prater, Jeanne             Baldwin, MD            F50   Baltimore RRC                 1:48:23.63
 575.Farling, tina              Baltimore, MD          F45   Baltimore RRC                 1:49:28.29
 576.Case, Vera                 Baltimore, MD          F47   Baltimore RRC                 1:49:36.13
 577.Sandoval, Priscilla        Gaithersburg, MD       F42   Montgomery County RRC         1:50:12.59
 578.Williams, Clarence         Germantown, MD         M54   Unattached                    1:50:45.99
 579.Franklin, Mitch            Germantown, MD         M49   Unattached                    1:50:46.40
 580.Larrison, Jeanne           Chesapeake Beach, MD   f54   Baltimore RRC                 1:50:56.29
 581.Green, Edward              Washington, DC         M77   Unattached                    1:51:11.77
 582.st clair, bailey           Glenarm, MD            M70   Baltimore RRC                 1:51:19.55
 583.Mullaney, Constantina      Westminister, MD       F36   Westminster RRC               1:53:03.39
 584.Branscome, Jan             Germantown, MD         F51   Montgomery County RRC         1:53:12.98
 585.Wilson Jr, Clarence        Aberdeen, MD           M51   RASAC                         1:53:45.13
 586.Gibbs, Jim                 Timonium, MD           M57   Unattached                    1:53:47.25
 587.Knuth, Sandra H            Germantown, MD         F52   DCRRC                         1:55:03.61
 588.Smith, Dr Betty            Rockville, MD          F68   Montgomery County RRC         1:55:14.28
 589.Cinquegrani, Lisa          Westminister, MD       F24   Westminster RRC               1:55:17.28
 590.Arce, Paul                 Unknown, NA            m31   Unattached                    1:55:24.12
 591.Gordon, Sharyn             Mitchellville, MD      F50   Prince Georges RRC            1:55:31.44
 592.YOON, SUK                  Ellicott City, MD      M44   Unattached                    1:56:29.93
 593.Fromel, Virginia           New Carrollton, MD     F57   Prince Georges RRC            1:57:09.88
 594.FLECK, William             Baltimore, MD          M76   Baltimore RRC                 1:57:36.57
 595.Tompkins, Mary             Columbia, MD           F46   Baltimore RRC                 1:58:31.53
 596.Strawder, Ave              Columbia, MD           F47   Unattached                    2:00:07.42
 597.Green, Rodney              Hyattsville, MD        M60   Prince Georges RRC            2:01:30.93
 598.Flanigan, Vivi             Gaithersburg, MD       F41   Montgomery County RRC         2:01:38.28
 599.Caravoulias, Christina     Silver Spring, MD      F54   Montgomery County RRC         2:02:19.11
 600.Logue, Diane               Gaithersburg, MD       F52   Montgomery County RRC         2:04:45.84
 601.Derevjanik, Nancy          Cockeysville, MD       F46   Baltimore RRC                 2:06:23.78
 602.Lange, Mary Ann            Westminister, MD       F40   Westminster RRC               2:06:24.04
 603.Duelge, Xandra             Rockville, MD          F19   Montgomery County RRC         2:08:30.00


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