DCRRC Age-Handicapped 4-Miler
Carderock, MD
Saturday, July 3 2009
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

This race staggers the start time of each runner based on gender and 5-year age groups. In theory, if all runners were of equal fitness, they would all cross the finish line at the same time.

Elite master's runner John Tuttle of Villarica, Ga., crushed the competition at DCRRC's Age-Handicapped Four-Mile Run on July 4 at Carderock, Md. Tuttle, 50, who ran the marathon at the 1984 Olympics, defeated runner-up Jason Page, 64, by 1 minute, 19 seconds. Betty Blank, 56, was first woman and third overall. Rounding out the top five were Bruce Halpin, 52, and John Brittain, 65.

Race Director Ian Clements thanks his volunteers: Kristin Blanchat, John Clements, Sarah Clements, Michael Collins, James Engle, Vanessa Engle, Lee Glassco, Caitlin Kinkead, Matthew Pyle, Edelle Tracy, and Mindy Tracy.
RacePacket Home | 2007 Results
96 Finishers 
Place Name                 G  Age  City State       Gun Time Handicap Net Time
 --  -----------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------
  1  John Tuttle           M   50 Villarica, GA       37:36  15:06  22:30
  2  Jason Page            M   64 Hamilton, VA        38:55  12:33  26:22
  3  Betty Blank           F   56 Falls Church VA     39:06  10:05  29:01
  4  Bruce Halpin          M   52 Ashburn, VA         40:09  15:06  25:03
  5  John Brittain         M   65 Alexandria VA       40:14  11:00  29:14
  6  Eamonn McEvilly       M   66 Springfield VA      40:18  11:00  29:18
  7  Chris Hamley          M   44 Hyattsville, Md     40:37  16:59  23:38
  8  Kevin D'Amanda        M   47 Bethesda MD         40:59  16:05  24:54
  9  Geoff Riggs           M   39 Ottawa, CN          41:30  17:41  23:49
 10  Jatin Narang          M   16 Germantown, MD      41:50  18:44  23:06
 11  Devin Kelly           M   18 Washington DC       41:59  18:44  23:15
 12  Unknown Runner                                   42:08
 13  Ken Krehbiel          M   55 Washington DC       42:14  14:00  28:14
 14  Darline Buchannon     F   42 Stafford, VA        42:16  13:40  28:36
 15  Mark Drosky           M   48 Alexandria VA       42:28  16:05  26:23
 16  Ted Baca              M   63 Arlington VA        42:30  12:33  29:57
 17  Bob Thurston          M   65 Washington DC       42:32  11:00  31:32
 18  Unknown Runner                                   42:38
 19  Tom Nowicki           M   47 Fairfax VA          42:41  16:05  26:36
 20  Rich Carlson          M   47 Chantilly, VA       42:53  16:05  26:48
 21  Eldon Mack            M   44 Centerville, VA     43:07  16:59  26:08
 22  Ben Danforth          M   29 Arlington VA        43:13  18:44  24:29
 23  Dylan Barlett         M   22 Arlington VA        43:16  18:44  24:32
 24  Crawford              M   59 Kansas City, MO     43:22  14:00  29:22
 25  Unknown Runner                                   43:23
 26  Greg Chaconas         M   53 Washington DC       43:23  15:06  28:17
 27  Tracy Getz            M   55 Arlington VA        43:38  14:00  29:38
 28  James W. Engle        M   48 Arlington VA        43:42  16:05  27:37
 29  Eric Roland           M   33 Washington DC       43:45  18:31  25:14
 30  Tom Stone             M   43 Falls Church VA     43:47  16:59  26:48
 31  Tami Graf             F   72 Lusby, MD           43:52   3:30  40:22
 32  Robert P. Trost       M   63 Falls Church VA     43:55  12:33  31:22
 33  Ben Richter           M   52 Arlington VA        43:57  15:06  28:51
 34  Janet Braunstein      F   43 Washington DC       44:12  13:40  30:32
 35  Ernest Baumann        M   58 Washington DC       44:15  14:00  30:15
 36  Edward Grant          M   52 Arlington VA        44:17  15:06  29:11
 37  James Moreland        M   56 Gaithersburg MD     44:29  14:00  30:29
 38  Mariko Russell        F   49 Washington DC       44:31  12:38  31:53
 39  Carole Kammel         F   40 Rockville MD        44:35  13:40  30:55
 40  Dave Gayer            M   58 McLean VA           44:37  14:00  30:37
 41  Max Ahmadi            M   54 Dunn Loring, VA     45:01  15:06  29:55
 42  Masha Berge           F   20 Potomac, MD         45:12  15:47  29:25
 43  Christopher Turner    M   54 Fairfax VA          45:20  15:06  30:14
 44  Troy Ware             M   35 Fairfax VA          45:24  17:41  27:43
 45  Keith Hosman          M   54 Dale City, VA       45:30  15:06  30:24
 46  Stanley Wood          M   60 Alexandria VA       45:48  12:33  33:15
 47  Keith Campbell        M   49 Springfield VA      45:53  16:05  29:48
 48  Larry Dickerson       M   77 Burke VA            45:55   6:00  39:55
 49  David Kuebrich        M   65 Fairfax VA          46:05  11:00  35:05
 50  Bill Tracy            M   55 Burke VA            46:06  14:00  32:06
 51  Alyssa Campbell       F   16 Springfield VA      46:19  15:47  30:32
 52  Kirk Gordon           M   53 Mitchellville MD    46:23  15:06  31:17
 53  Gordon Gray           M   52 Vienna VA           46:25  15:06  31:19
 54  Lauren Bullis         M   39 Arlington VA        46:32  17:41  28:51
 55  James Scarborough     M   51 McLean VA           46:33  15:06  31:27
 56  Unknown Runner                                   46:39
 57  Bob Platt             M   58 Arlington VA        46:58  14:00  32:58
 58  Cynthia Wallace       F   51 Washington DC       47:14  11:25  35:49
 59  Aidan Connolly        M   42 Washington DC       47:23  16:59  30:24
 60  MaryEllen Gonyea      F   62 Alexandria VA       47:25   8:00  39:25
 61  John Ross             M   26 Arlington VA        47:36  18:44  28:52
 62  Walt Washburn         M   86 Vienna VA           47:45  -9:00  56:45
 63  Unknown Runner                                   47:49
 64  Michael Collins       M   27 Arlington VA        47:49  18:44  29:05
 65  Lisa Schaefer         F   38 Vienna VA           48:13  14:33  33:40
 66  Brigid McEvilly       F   26 Springfield VA      48:14  15:47  32:27
 67  Mindy Tracy           F   25 Baltimore, MD       48:15  15:47  32:28
 68  Kristine Sherwood     F   29 Baltimore, MD       48:17  15:47  32:30
 69  Andy Buechele         M   66 Washington DC       48:23  11:00  37:23
 70  Jaime Lopez           M   47 Silver Spring MD    48:50  16:05  32:45
 71  Tony D'Alessio        M   37 Arlington VA        48:55  17:41  31:14
 72  Jenna Covucci         F   27 Arlington VA        48:57  15:47  33:10
 73  P. Friedmann          M   56 Bethesda MD         48:58  14:00  34:58
 74  Samantha D'Alessio    F   36 Arlington VA        49:11  14:33  34:38
 75  Janet Garber          F   56 Alexandria VA       49:50  10:05  39:45
 76  Chris Gray            M   19 Vienna VA           50:05  18:44  31:21
 77  Julie Trapp           F   65 Silver Spring MD    50:07   6:00  44:07
 78  Joel D. Parker        M   39 Burke VA            50:27  17:41  32:46
 79  Tom Whitaker          M   64 Vienna VA           50:29  12:33  37:56
 80  Luke Sayner           M   42 Newton, NJ          50:53  16:59  33:54
 81  Blair Jones           F   65 Washington DC       51:11   6:00  45:11
 82  Kenneth Swab          M   58 Bethesda MD         51:33  14:00  37:33
 83  Laura Pormann         F   39 Burke VA            52:27  14:33  37:54
 84  Barbara Saffir        F   55 Fairfax VA          53:01  10:05  42:56
 85  Ana Zambrano          F   53 Potomac, MD         53:44  11:25  42:19
 86  Kevin Asher           M   30 Kensington, MD      54:49  18:31  36:18
 87  Colleen Griffin-RolandF   32 Washington DC       55:08  15:24  39:44
 88  Athena Sotirchos      F   35 Fairfax VA          55:18  14:33  40:45
 89  Meredith Turner       F   11 Fairfax VA          57:35  11:25  46:10
 90  Joe Broderick         M   71 Greenbelt, MD       58:31   9:00  49:31
 91  Prakriti Das          M   43 Williamsburg, VA    59:52  16:59  42:53
 92  Christina Carvoulias  F   54 Silver Spring MD    59:56  11:25  48:31
 93  Sharyn Gordon         F   51 Mitchellville MD    59:56  11:25  48:31
 94  Diana Bhaktul         F   26 Fairfax VA        1:01:45  15:47  45:58
 95  Tim Ramsey            M   50 Alexandria VA     1:08:44  15:06  53:38
 96  Ric Franke            M   62 Mclean VA         1:08:59  12:33  56:26


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