HCS Meet of Miles
Columbia, MD
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Conducted by Howard County Striders

Liana Mullican and Judson Lincoln defended their titles in the 5 and under 100 meter dash while Camden Gilmore won the 9 and under 400 meter dash for the 3rd straight year at the Meet of Miles Wednesday July 22 at Oakland Mills High. Kevin Wegner held off Kenneth Sevic to win heat 1 of the mens races while Eric Schuler won by over 10 seconds in a time of 4:48 to win the second heat with the fastest time of the day. Stefanie Commins won the womens race in 5:23 which was only 3 seconds off of the Meet of Miles record set by Kelly Barton in 1997.
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100 Meter Dash (5 and under)    
Place    Name          Time    Age
1    Liana Mullican    26.5    5
2    Kaylynn Walker    32.5    4
3    Lucy Howe         38.8    4
4    Sofie Hogue       41.2    3
5    Siena Mullican    48.6    2
Place    Name             Time    Age
1    Judson Lincoln, IV   24.3
2    Peter Keating        33.1    4
3    Jack Brunner         48.1    3
4    Reilly Radzville     52.8    2
400 Meter Dash (9 and under - boys and girls)
1    Camden Gilmore      1:18    8    M
2    Nathan Gears        1:31    9    M
3    Alexa Mullican      1:54    7    F
4    Bridget Keating     1:56    6    F
5    Angelo Diaz         2:01    4    M
6    Finley Stein        2:17    6    M
7    Daniel Walker       2:23    6    M
8    Simone Page Gilmore 2:27    7    F
9    Audray Collins      2:31    7    F
10   Vivienne Page Gilmore 3:04  4    F
Open Mile Women 
1     Stefanie Commins     5:23
2     Marquel Bowler       5:49
3     Nicole Dawson        5:50
4     Brittany Lang        5:55
5     Abby Malkin          6:21
6     Dorothy Beckett      6:24
7     Megan Miller         6:27
8     Kathleen Wegner      6:40
9     Lazara Ramos         6:44
10    Natalie Smolyek      6:47
11    Shamere Law          7:08
12    Anna Hogue           7:12
13    Amelia Mullican      7:36
14    Emily Howe           7:45
15    Madison Laudeman     7:51
16    Grace Laudeman       8:11
17    Justice Ramos        8:22
18    Jeanne Larrison      8:53
19    Emma Eyes            9:25
20    Mareencita Ramos     9:43
21    Katie Eyes           9:55
22    Jean Evansmore      10:42
23    Melinda Krummerich  10:43
24    Mary Brandenstein   12:58
Open Mile Men    
1     Eric Schuler         4:48
2     Michael Wegner       4:59
3     Luis Diaz            5:01
4     James Blackwood      5:01
5     Patrick Perez        5:02
6     Brian Fleming        5:05
7     Dave Berardi         5:06
8     Weems McFadden       5:10
9     Greg Schuler         5:23
10    John Chall           5:25
11    James Gilmore        5:27
12    David Miller         5:28
13    Jeff Garstecki       5:30
14    James Allen          5:31
15    Robert Blanco        5:33
16    Joseph Keating       5:34
17    Seth Gersuk          5:36
18    Gary Smolyek         5:38
19    Nick Lampron         5:38
20    Hafiz Shaikh         5:42
21    Chad Burger          5:45
22    David Jun            5:49
23    Greg Lepore          5:52
24    Kevin Wegner         5:58
25    Kenneth Sevik        5:58
26    Ronnie Wong          6:00
27    John Rudmin          6:03
28    Rick Smith           6:09
29    Russ Owens           6:11
30    Andrew Mullican      6:12
31    Jim Carbary          6:21
32    Kiernan St. Denis    6:24
33    Kenny Walker         6:24
34    Eric Johnson         6:24
35    Piriya Pinit         6:37
36    Dave Hogue           6:38
37    Davie Weber          6:38
38    Judson Lincoln       6:42
39    Mike Fleming         6:45
40    Juan Fernandez       6:52
41    Doug Sullivan        7:02
42    Richard Griffiths    7:05
43    Chris Vaughn         7:19
44    Tomas Fernandez      7:29
45    Len Guralnick        7:36
46    Adlai Lavine         7:37
47    Bill Brandenstein    8:29
48    Montaro Ramos        8:55
49    Tommy Eyes           9:06


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