HCS Friday Night XC Series Centennial HS 5K
Columbia, MD
Friday, June 26, 2009
Conducted by Howard County Striders

The NEW Striders Friday Night XC Series had its first race on Friday June 26 at Centennial High. If you run 3 of the 5 races in the series this Summer you will receive at special Strider shirt.
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93 Finishers 
1    Carlos Renjifo        17:55
2    Pekka Stenholm        18:22
3    Eric Schuler          19:04
4    Sean Kirby            19:26
5    Kevin McCoy           19:26.8
6    Tim McGee             19:39
7    Patrick Perez         19:45
8    Luis Diaz             20:02
9    Jared Allen           20:03
10   Matthew Haile         20:07
11   Marc Hermstein        20:12
12   Nicolas Salciccioli   20:39
13   Patrick Maynard       20:40
14   James Gilmore         20:46
15   Dominique Hoskin      20:49
16   Greg Schuler          20:57
17   David Miller          21:14
18   Bobby Gessler         21:33
19   Beth McCubbin         21:43
20   Harrison Colby        21:47
21   Conner McIntyre       21:51
22   Keith McIntyre        21:55
23   Steve Bohse           22:01
24   Nicole Dawson         22:10
25   Stephen Wancowicz     22:15
26   David Jun             22:18
27   Justin Atkins         22:19
28   Julie Gessler         22:27
29   Corey Hamilton        22:47
30   Marc Burger           22:48
31   Nick Lampron          23:00.4
32   David Kearns          23:00.9
33   Katie Sacker          23:09
34   David Milkulis        23:16
35   Ray Burleson          23:34
36   Ryan Hermstein        23:35
37   Thomas Harsham        23:46
38   Brandon Kinney        23:56
39   Amy Gessler           24:01
40   Chris Farmer          24:07
41   Anthony Janiszewski   24:11
42   Tom McManuels         24:14
43   Kenneth Sevik         24:16
44   Abby Malkin           24:17
45   Alicia Bazell         24:34
46   Becky Gessler         24:46
47   Alan Robson           24:53
48   Reese Western         25:04
49   Will Woodcock         25:35
50   Vince Chaverini       25:43
51   Geoff Baker           25:48
52   Kiernan St. Denis     25:50.4
53   Karen Young           25:50.9
54   Jen Pullen            26:02
55   Megan Miller          26:08
56   Wilson Oldhouser      26:10
57   Adam Sachs            26:17
58   Jon Palks             26:29
59   Paul Gross            26:54
60   Becky Ramsing         26:57
61   Steve Radant          26:58.1
62   Pat Wilkerson         26:58.6
63   Liliana Jackson       26:59
64   Lisa Fichman          26:59.4
65   Mary Heinrichs        27:05
66   Matt Johnson          27:31
67   Sam Janiszewski       27:49
68   Nick Ramsing          27:52
69   Shamere Law           27:53
70   Janelle McIntyre      28:06
71   Alfredo Argumedo      28:11
72   Greg Goulet           28:12
73   Shane Bogan           28:37
74   Jeff Dannis           28:47
75   Phyllis Sevik         29:01
76   Pat Brooks            29:06
77   Scott Stahr           29:13
78   Grace Kuo             29:16
79   Kevin Spaulding       29:21
80   Ryan Levine           29:27
81   Emma Warman           29:45
82   Trey Warman           29:46
83   Brianna Walker        29:59
84   Tiffany Lang          30:50
85   Emi DiStefano         32:31
86   Natalia Diaz          32:38
87   Janet Lam             33:17.2
88   Bruce Hart            33:17.4
89   Meghan Smith          35:22
90   Francesca Smith       37:24
91   Dee Smith             37:48
92   Francesco Smitty Smith 37:49
93   Bev Byron             38:50


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