Island Creek ES Croc 5K
Washington, DC
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Conducted by RacePacket, Inc.

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Female Finishers 
1.   Meredith  Ayala , 35         Alexandria VA               24:18 1/24 
2.   Karen Smith, 46              Alexandria VA               26:49 1/17 
3.   Audrey DeBruler, 14          Lorton VA                   29:25 1/5 
4.   Alison Smith, 32             Alexandria VA               29:32 2/24 
5.   CE Hatakeyama, 34            Alexandria VA               29:36 3/24 
6.   Anne Cestane, 44             Alexandria VA               29:50 2/17 
7.   Diana Smith, 13              Alexandria VA               30:01 2/5 
8.   Lisa Lundell, 33             Alexandria VA               31:19 4/24 
9.   Yue Ming Huie, 37            Alexandria VA               32:39 5/24 
10.  Catherine Kim, 35            Alexandria VA               33:38 6/24 
11.  Kate Odell, 28               Alexandria VA               33:41 1/1 
12.  Julie Macrina, 35            Springfield VA              33:59 7/24 
13.  Ava Foy, 7                   Lorton VA                   34:00 1/20 
14.  Michelle Foy, 36             Lorton VA                   34:04 8/24 
15.  Katie Duckett, 39            Alexandria VA               34:11 9/24 
16.  Jessamyn  Saltysiak, 38      Alexandria VA               34:13 10/24 
17.  Elizabeth Bruce, 41          Lorton VA                   34:30 3/17 
18.  Zada Smallwood, 7            Lorton VA                   34:37 2/20 
19.  Jennifer Shroff, 36          Alexandria VA               35:42 11/24 
20.  Cassie Jurasits, 42          Lorton VA                   35:51 4/17 
21.  Margaret von Kolnitz, 44     Alexandria VA               35:56 5/17 
22.  Finnie  Caldwell, 41         Lorton VA                   36:27 6/17 
23.  Victoria Munevar, 11         Lorton VA                   36:31 3/5 
24.  Rosa Munevar, 47             Lorton VA                   36:32 7/17 
25.  Grace Gurrola, 6             Alexandria VA               36:33 3/20 
26.  Kay Balzane, 47              Alexandria VA               36:48 8/17 
27.  Kathryn Killin, 47           Lorton VA                   37:01 9/17 
28.  Ana Seehman, 41              Lorton VA                   37:04 10/17 
29.  Sonia Castano, 37            Alexandria VA               37:07 12/24 
30.  Cristina  Zarhloul, 9        Alexandria VA               38:17 4/20 
31.  Deneen Zaetta, 40            Alexandria VA               38:48 11/17 
32.  Marjorie Romero-Ricci, 38    Alexandria VA               39:09 13/24 
33.  Andrea Ricci, 8              Alexandria VA               39:09 5/20 
34.  Glory Gurrola, 2             Alexandria VA               39:12 6/20 
35.  Laurie Underwood, 37         Alexandria VA               39:26 14/24 
36.  Martha Smallwood, 30         Lorton VA                   39:35 15/24 
37.  Roseann  Contreras, 33       Alexandria VA               40:01 16/24 
38.  Melissa Pikul, 33            Alexandria VA               40:02 17/24 
39.  Diane Bungato, 41            Lorton VA                   40:20 12/17 
40.  Andrea Gurrola, 42           Alexandria VA               42:22 13/17 
41.  Jacqueline DeBruler, 7       Lorton VA                   42:43 7/20 
42.  Megan Bungato, 8             Lorton VA                   42:44 8/20 
43.  Julie DeBruler, 33           Lorton VA                   42:48 18/24 
44.  Karin Vermeulen, 40          Alexandria VA               43:11 14/17 
45.  Stephanie LeClair, 35        Lorton VA                   43:44 19/24 
46.  Theresa Painter, 	           Alexandria VA               43:45 9/20 
47.  Reghan Rawlings, 10          Lorton VA                   44:18 4/5 
48.  Cara Rawlings, 44            Lorton VA                   44:29 15/17 
49.  Vanessa Vega-Pena, 37        Alexandria VA               44:44 20/24 
50.  Jordan Diehl, 8              Lorton VA                   45:03 10/20 
51.  Elizabeth Diehl, 30          Lorton VA                   45:13 21/24 
52.  Kim Taylor, 35               Greenbelt MD                45:27 22/24 
53.  Alison LeClair, 6            Lorton VA                   46:06 11/20 
54.  Anja Smith, 7                Alexandria VA               46:41 12/20 
55.  Carmen Mazyck, 9             Mason Neck VA               48:14 13/20 
56.  Heidi  Miller, 30            FT. Belvoir VA              49:12 23/24 
57.  Susan Tatum, 50              Arlington VA                49:22 1/2 
58.  Judi Booker, 62              Falls Church VA             49:24 1/1 
59.  Pam Jones, 48                Leesburg VA                 50:22 16/17 
60.  Madison Tobiasz, 8           Alexandria VA               51:06 14/20 
61.  Isabel Tashima, 9            Alexandria VA               51:56 15/20 
62.  Alison Tashima, 7            Alexandria VA               51:57 16/20 
63.  Maggie Markon, 8             Alexandria VA               51:58 17/20 
64.  Sarah Whiteside, 8           Alexandria VA               52:00 18/20 
65.  Tracy Tashima,               Alexandria VA               52:02 19/20 
66.  Jill Woodall, 50             Alexandria VA               53:34 2/2 
67.  Terri  Connell, 49           Alexandria VA               53:35 17/17 
68.  Casey  Matos, 30             Bristow VA                  56:19 24/24 
69.  Isabel Zarhloul, 7           Alexandria VA               59:01 20/20 
70.  Carla Pena, 10               Alexandria VA               59:05 5/5 
Male Finishers
1.   Ted Poulos, 47               McLean VA                   20:59 1/19 
2.   Jack Kammere, 46             Washington DC               21:14 2/19 
3.   Roger Craig Smith, 38        Alexandria VA               21:20 1/14 
4.   BRUCE KIMBALL, 41            ALEXANDRIA VA               22:37 3/19 
5.   Richard Moha, 35             Alexandria VA               22:46 2/14 
6.   Saad Zarhloul, 41                                        23:28 4/19 
7.   Tom Bolvin, 45               Lorton VA                   25:11 5/19 
8.   Glenn Sanders, 41            Alexandria VA               25:13 6/19 
9.   Mossab Alsadig, 14           Alexandria VA               25:32 1/13 
10.  Kent Bonner, 35              Alexandria VA               25:34 3/14 
11.  Jon Palks, 59                Bowie MD                    25:43 1/4 
12.  John  Balzane, 43            Alexandria VA               26:12 7/19 
13.  Jack Balzane, 9              Alexandria VA               26:13 1/13 
14.  Tyler  Seehman, 13           Lorton VA                   26:20 2/13 
15.  John  Cole, 36               Alexandria VA               26:45 4/14 
16.  Douglas  Scott, 39           Alexandria VA               26:53 5/14 
17.  Kyle Seehman, 10             Lorton VA                   26:59 3/13 
18.  Sheldon Hervey, 47           Lorton VA                   27:05 8/19 
19.  Paul Seehman, 46             Lorton VA                   27:22 9/19 
20.  Jonathon Bungato, 9          Lorton VA                   28:11 2/13 
21.  Leif Langabacka,             Lorton VA                   28:26 3/13 
22.  Andrew Smith, 16             Alexandria VA               29:26 4/13 
23.  Christopher Zaetta, 37       Alexandria VA               30:10 6/14 
24.  Jake Zaetta, 8               Alexandria VA               30:11 4/13 
25.  Brad Ringeisen, 36           Lorton VA                   31:26 7/14 
26.  Addison NewRingeisen, 7      Lorton VA                   31:28 5/13 
27.  Alhadi Alsadig, 49           Alexandria VA               31:55 10/19 
28.  Michael Sipes, 10            Alexandria VA               33:14 5/13 
29.  Michael Sipes, 38            Alexandria VA               33:15 8/14 
30.  Mike Macrina, 42             Springfield VA              33:50 11/19 
31.  Andy  Bruce, 44              Lorton VA                   34:31 12/19 
32.  Brandon Smallwood, 29        Lorton VA                   34:38 1/1 
33.  Tommy Huie, 30               Alexandria VA               34:39 9/14 
34.  Wesley Huie, 12              Alexandria VA               34:40 6/13 
35.  Phillip Hendrix, 38          Alexandria VA               34:43 10/14 
36.  Hank von Kolnitz, 11         Alexandria VA               35:56 7/13 
37.  Reem Khalil, 42              Washington DC               36:14 13/19 
38.  Casey Charbonneau, 11        Alexandria VA               36:21 8/13 
39.  John Connell, 49             Alexandria VA               36:24 14/19 
40.  Scott Day, 35                Alexandria VA               36:26 11/14 
41.  Anthony Taylor, 11           Greenbelt MD                36:30 9/13 
42.  Doug Edwards, 54             Ft. Belvoir VA              36:37 2/4 
43.  Jerry Jurasits, 52           Lorton VA                   36:50 3/4 
44.  Radames Pena, 8              Alexandria VA               38:18 6/13 
45.  Zachary Zaetta, 6            Alexandria VA               38:49 7/13 
46.  Matt Gurrola, 40             Alexandria VA               39:14 15/19 
47.  Kalil  Smallwood, 5          Lorton VA                   39:34 8/13 
48.  Jeremy LeClair, 6            Lorton VA                   41:31 9/13 
49.  Ahmed Alsadig, 10            Alexandria VA               41:32 10/13 
50.  Kyle Vermeulen, 12           Alexandria VA               42:15 11/13 
51.  Joe  DelCampo, 38            Alexandria VA               45:50 12/14 
52.  Rece  DelCampo, 8            Alexandria VA               45:52 10/13 
53.  John LeClair, 36             Lorton VA                   46:07 13/14 
54.  Thomas Smith, 52             Alexandria VA               46:42 4/4 
55.  William Wilkerson, 9         Alexandria VA               46:44 11/13 
56.  Rob Wilkerson, 43            Alexandria VA               46:44 16/19 
57.  Andy  Charbonneau, 11        Alexandria VA               47:26 12/13 
58.  John Wattendorf, 66          Alexandria VA               47:29 1/1 
59.  David Mazyck, 40             Mason Neck VA               48:11 17/19 
60.  Devon  Davis-Miller, 6       FT. Belvoir VA              49:11 12/13 
61.  Tim Tobiasz, 41              Alexandria VA               51:07 18/19 
62.  Matt Whiteside, 12           Alexandria VA               52:02 13/13 
63.  Bill Whiteside, 44           Alexandria VA               52:02 19/19 
64.  Rheyan Ampoyo, 8             Alexandria VA               55:23 13/13 
65.  Greg  Matos, 35              Bristow VA                  56:20 14/14 


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