One Hour Track Run
Alexandria, VA
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

This was the 2009 Virginia State RRCA Championship. Race Director Bob Platt wishes to thank Chuck Evans, Roland Elliott, and Dillon Bartlett for volunteering as lap counters.
RacePacket Home | 2008 Results
The start, James Moreland, and our lap counters
8 Finishers
   Name                age sex distance (m)
1. Doug Landau         49  M   13,724.8
2. Robert Rodriguez    53  M   13,472.8
3. James Moreland      56  M   13,045.3
4. James Scarborough   51  M   12,469.0
5. Lisa Schaefer       38  F   11,838.6
6. Jon Palks           59  M   11,431.6
7. Brian Allen         37  M    9,345.3 racewalker
8. Jay Wind            58  M    6,704.3 started late
Lisa Schaefer, Doug Landau and Robert Rodriguez


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