Potomac Overlook Trail 4k & 8K
Arlington, VA
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Results by RacePacket, Inc.
by Ed Demoney, RD
Despite a wet course and drizzle, 122 runners finished and had a lot of fun doing so. There aren't that many opportunities to run trails in Northern Virginia with 36 enjoying a 4K finish and 86 the 8K. There were surprisingly few falls on the muddy and leaf covered trails and slippery water crossings.
The trail runs were a successful fund raising event for Gulf Branch Nature Center and Potomac Overlook Regional Park. Friends of Gulf Branch Nature Center (FoGBNC) will receive $1,771.50 for the benefit of the nature center and Potomac Overlook $590.50. FoGBNC needs to raise $10,000 by December 31, 2009, to prevent Gulf Branch Nature Center's operations being reduced to 3-1/2 days from the current 4-1/2.
Martha Nelson ran a course record 37:57, breaking the 38:40 mark set by Tammy Southworth in 2001, and finishing first overall in the 8K. Lukas McGowan, 39:09, led the men runners. David Reynolds, 44, (40:32) and Mary Catherine Malin, 50, (53:25) were the winning masterŐs runners.
In the 4K Emily Blagg, age 15, was the overall winner with a time of 19:42, just two seconds slower than the 19:40 record she set in 2006 at age 11. Emily took it easy since she had competed in a high school race a day earlier. First man was Phil Ennis, age 47, with a time of 21:17. Youth captured three of the first four places in the 4K. Master's winners in the 4K were Mark Mullen, 43, (23:07) and Karen Bate, 52, (27:34).
The race would not have been possible without the enthusiastic support of volunteers from Virginia Happy Trails Running Club and FoGBNC managed by VHTRC's Maria Bertacchi. Also providing valuable support were VHTRC's Anstr Davidson and Valerie Meyer, TriTeam Z's Ed Zerkle, and Bob Platt of RacePacket. And in a continuation of a long tradition of the event, awards were contributed by the Mad Bomber.
[There are 76 photos from the run on VHTRC Flickr site. That site has the original, high resolution versions of the photos. You may download a photo for any non-comercial purpose.]
RacePacket Home | 2005 Results
4k Finishers
Place Name Age Gender Time
1 Emily Blagg 15 F 19:42.65
2 Phil Ennis 47 M 21:17.05
3 Christopher Blagg 12 M 21:18.83
4 Dustin Reynolds 14 M 21:20.84
5 Daniel Spelacy 24 M 21:22.95
6 Mark Mullen 43 M 23:07.49
7 Eric Larsen 37 M 24:29.26
8 Amy Lewis 32 F 26:47.58
9 Karen Bate 52 F 27:34.76
10 Marlene Tomaszkiewi 35 F 29:26.05
11 Eren Guendelsberger 13 M 29:30.01
12 John Guendelsberger 58 M 29:31.79
13 Janet Blagg 42 F 29:42.70
14 Connor Koch 13 M 30:02.08
15 Johannna Hooks 28 F 30:32.45
16 Edwin Fountain 45 M 30:43.23
17 Marla Stadeli 36 F 31:56.84
18 Glen McLeod 19 M 32:10.06
19 Joann Sharp 39 F 33:25.78
20 Cathy Wague 39 F 33:40.67
21 Ehren Harvey 22 M 33:40.67
22 Julie Vasseur 51 F 34:00.01
23 Sophie McLeod 11 F 34:57.83
24 Lynn Mattucci 53 F 35:13.07
25 Molly Kaplan 63 F 36:47.51
26 Maddie Koch 10 F 37:38.60
27 John Lewis 44 M 40:19.14
28 Marna Louis 42 F 40:20.08
29 Tim Greten 34 M 40:43.28
30 Duke Banks 63 M 43:17.27
31 Lilo Stephens 53 F 44:49
32 Betty Miracle 56 F 45:17
33 Misha O'Hanlon 51 M 46:35.21
34 Helen Hipps 55 F 48:52.32
35 Ed Cacciapaglic 55 M 49:25.96
36 Jen Baker (& baby) 33 F 51:29.23
37 Mark Norris 43 M 54:46.66
8k Finishers
1 Martha Nelson 28 F 37:57.20
2 Lukas McGowan 24 M 39:09.19
3 David Reynolds 44 M 40:32.50
4 Alex Novelli 41 M 42:11.66
5 Clint Cosner 45 M 42:22.28
6 Tim Steis 17 M 42:26.51
7 Alexis Lopez-Buitra 45 M 42:32.26
8 Eileen Kickish 29 F 42:33.54
9 Tom Davidson 34 M 42:45.15
10 Greg Jones 37 M 43:06.95
11 Cathy Bernasek 37 F 43:13.34
12 Mary Catherine Mali 50 F 43:23.73
13 Fabria Beaulieu 28 M 43:48.31
14 Christian Spranger 42 M 43:52.18
15 David Pflugfelder 27 M 45:10
16 Kerri Kramer 31 F 45:11
17 Dan Carroll 46 M 45:12
18 Greg Smiley 39 M 45:58
19 Jen Norris 38 F 46:30.15
20 Tracy Ford 36 F 47:08.14
21 Ajay Koduri 32 M 47:11.24
22 Sean Flanagan 35 M 47:20.61
23 Richard Beier 42 M 47:42.37
24 Daniel Sanborn 46 M 47:50.64
25 Andrew Prior 40 M 48:29.45
26 Tony D'Alessio 38 M 49:48.44
27 David McKesson 44 M 49:59.19
28 Mar Tarres 38 F 50:23.81
29 Keri Lewis 35 F 52:04.64
30 Michael Bigman 50 M 52:25.43
31 Savannah Jenkins 24 F 52:28.52
32 Brian Trammell 28 M 52:34.42
33 Jeff McIntyre 42 M 52:38.87
34 Steve Heinzman 45 M 53:05.98
35 Sam Bachman 46 M 53:10.06
36 Lisa Brousseau 42 F 53:25.74
37 Jeff Clarke 45 M 53:48.40
38 Anna Clark 22 F 54:16.54
39 Sara Davidson 26 F 54:45.33
40 Maski Takahashi 55 M 55:04.84
41 Mary Campbell 41 F 55:16.40
42 Teresa Lent 47 F 55:19.11
43 Peg Hoyle 44 F 55:35.23
44 Lauren Uranga 29 F 55:56.36
45 Lauren Golden 24 F 56:00.65
46 Gretchen Henderson 30 F 56:03.63
47 Lenny Mayor 51 F 56:09.23
48 Adam Schwartz 49 M 56:30.63
49 Kevin McCall 51 M 56:39.03
50 Jeff Webb 37 M 57:34.77
51 David Sproat 47 M 57:48.39
52 William Grove 38 M 58:06.68
53 Corey Meyers 40 M 59:02.46
54 James Moore 65 M 59:15.06
55 Sara Manska 28 F 59:17.13
56 Carol Stahl 39 F 59:53.02
57 Anthony Vitucci 32 M 59:57.36
58 Debbie Pedersen 31 F 60:32.19
59 Mike Schmidt 37 M 60:41.30
60 Wendy Iversen 52 F 60:54.38
61 Sebastian Perez 10 M 61:07.52
62 Kate Abbott 44 F 61:15.44
63 Mary Rosenbohm 46 F 61:17.45
64 Colleen Cassidy 23 F 61:23.13
65 Christine Lesando 36 F 61:24.69
66 Raquel Wright 33 F 61:31.70
67 Victoria Arthaud 42 F 61:43.17
68 Janet Chow 34 F 61:48.81
69 Laurel Angell 39 F 61:50.13
70 Rachel Peck 26 F 61:50.56
71 Michele McLeod 51 F 63:32.66
72 Donna Sumpton 46 F 64:09.07
73 Sherri Brothers 36 F 64:51.72
74 Sean Henderson 39 M 64:53.02
75 Sarah Calvert 47 F 65:04.24
76 Greg Wilska 37 M 65:21.42
77 Katherine Hahn 46 F 66:14.45
78 Jen Harvey 29 F 66:27.15
79 Mark Monborne 52 M 66:43.46
80 Karen Monborne 50 F 66:45.19
81 Colleen Smith 39 F 68:28.04
82 Kate Blood 28 F 68:31.27
83 Jamie Koch 45 F 68:33.76
84 Sonja Benson 48 F 72:18.23
85 Priscilla Demeo 38 F 92:57.35