Fairfax Five and Dime
Fairfax City, VA
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Results by RacePacket, Inc.

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10K Female Finishers
1.   Allison Valentine, 29        Fairfax VA                  46:00 1/6 
2.   Karen Dickerson, 24          Springfield VA              46:08 2/6 
3.   Karen Young, 41              Beallsville MD              48:44 1/3 
4.   Melinda Klavon, 24           Fairfax VA                  53:46 3/6 
5.   Britt Anderson, 38           Fairfax VA                  55:58 1/7 
6.   Tamara Donohue, 32           Oak Hill VA                 56:34 2/7 
7.   Kelly Partin-Yi, 33          Fairfax VA                  56:35 3/7 
8.   Mollie Marchant, 30          Reston VA                   56:48 4/7 
9.   Sokphal Tun, 30              Lorton VA                   61:17 5/7 
10.  Jennifer Whitaker, 34        Burke VA                    62:08 6/7 
11.  Kirsten Krivonak, 26         Manassas VA                 64:09 4/6 
12.  Trish Wakeham, 40            Fairfax VA                  68:49 2/3 
13.  Jody Christopher, 44         Burke VA                    74:05 3/3 
14.  Amanda Geldard, 28           Alexandria VA               75:58 5/6 
15.  Molly Finn, 25               washington DC               75:59 6/6 
16.  Lisa Cole, 34                Haymarket VA                79:49 7/7 
10K Male Finishers
1.   Nathan Soules, 26            Leesburg VA                 40:13 1/7 
2.   Matt Salerno, 28             Arlington VA                41:39 2/7 
3.   Bill Stahr, 49               The Pains VA                44:21 1/6 
4.   Michael Slawski, 34          Fairfax VA                  46:44 1/2 
5.   F Scott Bauer, 43            Herndon VA                  47:43 2/6 
6.   Scott Brabrand, 42           Fairfax VA                  48:36 3/6 
7.   Robert Helland, 42           Alexandria VA               49:57 4/6 
8.   Patrick Benedict, 21         Fairfax VA                  51:26 3/7 
9.   Nick Peterson, 29            Fairfax VA                  51:29 4/7 
10.  Brent Justice, 33            Fairfax VA                  51:44 2/2 
11.  jon palks, 60                bowie MD                    52:50 1/1 
12.  Steven Anderson, 44          Fairax VA                   56:25 5/6 
13.  Elliot Meyer, 17             Fairfax VA                  57:17 1/1 
14.  Garry Epple, 29              bristow VA                  58:46 5/7 
15.  David Foster, 42             Chesapeake VA               59:55 6/6 
16.  Hillary Cullins, 29          Reston VA                   59:56 6/7 
17.  Kristen Mims, 25             Woodbridge VA               63:29 7/7 
18.  George  Sellers, 53          Manassas VA                 73:29 1/1 
19.  Dick Coogan, 78              McLean VA                   77:57 1/1 
5K Female Finishers
1.   Cathy Ross, 38               Burke VA                    21:36 1/21 
2.   Katie Montgomery, 14         Vienna VA                   24:34 1/6 
3.   Luann Peterson, 44           Centreville VA              26:58 1/11 
4.   Catherine Morris, 27         Fairfax VA                  28:13 1/16 
5.   Amy McConaghie, 36           Centreville VA              28:23 2/21 
6.   Bernadette Flynn, 52         Springfield VA              29:18 1/4 
7.   Sarah Higginbotham, 15       Fairfax VA                  29:47 2/6 
8.   Andrea Slawski, 32           Fairfax VA                  30:26 3/21 
9.   Jennifer Arnold, 33          Fairfax VA                  30:51 4/21 
10.  Christina Suh, 24            Asburn VA                   31:05 2/16 
11.  Stephanie Pacheco, 22        McLean VA                   31:06 3/16 
12.  Jennifer Denk, 42            Fairfax VA                  31:06 2/11 
13.  Jennifer Wright,             Fairfax VA                  31:07  
14.  Jan Litschgi, 52             Fairfax VA                  31:32 2/4 
15.  Christy Henderson, 28        Woodbridge VA               31:50 4/16 
16.  Ruth Bueter, 30              Fairfax VA                  32:01 5/21 
17.  Suni Shah, 32                Arlington VA                32:15 6/21 
18.  Jerri Robertson, 32          Reston VA                   32:31 7/21 
19.  Catherine E. Dressler, 34    Millboro VA                 32:33 8/21 
20.  Colleen Keltz, 24            Arlington VA                32:47 5/16 
21.  Cynthia Meyer, 52            Fairfax VA                  32:54 3/4 
22.  Andrea Gardner, 31           Springfield VA              33:18 9/21 
23.  Debra Milberg, 29            Fairfax VA                  33:19 6/16 
24.  Nancy Danisek, 59            Medina OH                   33:30 4/4 
25.  Heather Burt, 32             Washington DC               33:46 10/21 
26.  Gayle Van Horn, 62           Glenwood MD                 34:10 1/2 
27.  Sandra Newman, 35            Herndon VA                  34:38 11/21 
28.  Stephanie Balceniuk, 21      Washington DC               34:46 7/16 
29.  Genevieve Norton, 20         Chapel Hill NC              34:47 8/16 
30.  Elizabeth Zamborsky, 36      Reston VA                   34:59 12/21 
31.  Sara Mojarrad, 14            McLean VA                   34:59 3/6 
32.  Katie Phillips, 22           Woodbridge VA               35:20 9/16 
33.  Wanda Ramos, 23              Alexandria VA               35:45 10/16 
34.  Cynthia Palmerino, 43        Alexandria VA               35:46 3/11 
35.  Claire Chimiel, 24           Washington DC               36:58 11/16 
36.  Amy Moorman, 39              Alexandria VA               37:48 13/21 
37.  Christen Jeckell, 27         Fairfax VA                  37:59 12/16 
38.  Margaret Smith, 26           Fairfax VA                  38:16 13/16 
39.  Elizabeth Guanlao, 29        Annandale VA                38:46 14/16 
40.  Laurel Romoser, 12           Fairfax VA                  39:04 4/6 
41.  Christie Johnson, 40         Fairfax VA                  39:41 4/11 
42.  Mylene Kedrock, 43           Fairfax VA                  39:53 5/11 
43.  Tami Morgan, 27              Reston VA                   39:58 15/16 
44.  Natalie Gunn, 38             Lorton VA                   39:59 14/21 
45.  Kim Lingham, 38              Springfield VA              39:59 15/21 
46.  Su Yi, 39                    Fairfax VA                  40:01 16/21 
47.  Angela Sakran,               Oakton VA                   40:05  
48.  Rosemary Romoser, 43         Fairfax VA                  40:31 6/11 
49.  Bernadette Wishom, 41        Dumfries VA                 40:38 7/11 
50.  Karen Elliott, 46            Fairfax VA                  41:31 8/11 
51.  Loice Gurupira, 38           Fairfax VA                  41:38 17/21 
52.  Julie Esson, 35              Gaithersburg MD             41:55 18/21 
53.  Winnie Yu, 35                Alexandria VA               41:55 19/21 
54.  Emily Morgan, 25             Woodbridge VA               42:28 16/16 
55.  Debbie Barbrand, 42          Fairfax VA                  42:59 9/11 
56.  Catherine Kihara, 35         Reston VA                   43:40 20/21 
57.  Rose Munene, 35              Fairfax VA                  43:43 21/21 
58.  Gillian Elliott, 13          Fairfax VA                  45:36 5/6 
59.  Jordan Elliott, 12           Fairfax VA                  45:36 6/6 
60.  Nancy McCurdy, 69            Oakton VA                   46:35 2/2 
61.  Julia Mason, 40              Fairfax VA                  49:22 10/11 
62.  Sue Newman, 47               Fairfax VA                  49:26 11/11 
5K Male Finishers
1.   Jason Richards, 16           McLean VA                   18:57 1/7 
2.   Dan Petouvis, 31             Fairfax VA                  20:17 1/7 
3.   Alex Mischke, 22             Washington DC               21:04 1/9 
4.   Nicholas Bussian, 14         Haymarket VA                21:05 2/7 
5.   Jim Noone, 65                Fairfax VA                  21:17 1/2 
6.   Andrew Kenworthy, 18         Falls Church VA             22:34 3/7 
7.   Jason Simoni, 28             Arlington VA                22:36 2/9 
8.   Harold Tracy, 32             Manassas VA                 22:56 2/7 
9.   Jason Herald, 34             Woodbridge VA               23:22 3/7 
10.  Connor Phillips, 13          Oakton VA                   23:56 4/7 
11.  Kevin Kenworthy, 50          Falls Church VA             24:40 1/1 
12.  Henry Hornbeck, 67           Vienna VA                   25:25 2/2 
13.  John Stamper, 39             Centreville VA              25:31 4/7 
14.  Bob Hammell, 23              Lebanon NJ                  25:50 3/9 
15.  Robert Lease, 41             Fairfax VA                  26:20 1/6 
16.  Carl Bernstsen, 33           Arlington VA                27:47 5/7 
17.  Renato Macedo, 25            Arlington VA                28:06 4/9 
18.  Steve Hayes, 27              Arlington VA                28:08 5/9 
19.  Justin Phillips, 12          Oakton VA                   28:37 5/7 
20.  Tim Litschgi, 48             Fairfax VA                  28:58 2/6 
21.  George Sarantis, 22          Burke VA                    29:58 6/9 
22.  William Barbrand, 06         Fairfax VA                  30:24 1/2 
23.  Louis Garcia, 45             Arlington VA                30:58 3/6 
24.  David Johnson, 11            Fairfax VA                  31:23 6/7 
25.  Robert Gardner, 36           Springfield VA              32:42 6/7 
26.  Mark Deaton, 49              Oakton VA                   34:09 4/6 
27.  Jaime Fitzgerald, 33         Fairfax VA                  34:37 7/7 
28.  Keith Johnson, 40            Fairfax VA                  38:05 5/6 
29.  Claire Moran, 10             Fairfax VA                  38:15 7/7 
30.  Marie Moran, 43              Fairfax VA                  38:16 6/6 
31.  Kenneth Jeckell, 28          Fairfax VA                  38:46 7/9 
32.  Daniel  Morgan, 28           Reston VA                   39:57 8/9 
33.  Peter Regan, 23              Lovettsvile VA              40:00 9/9 
34.  Bennett Barbrand, 06         Fairfax VA                  42:54 2/2 


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