HCS Snow Sucks Marathon
Burleigh Manor, Ellicott City, MD
Saturday, February 14, 2010
Conducted by Howard County Striders

by Dwight Mikulis
This is a quick substitute for the race that DC Road Runners Club was going to conduct on this date, but was postponed due to the snow.

We had 18 sign up for the full marathon with 17 finishers. Joe Curcio from Pennsylvania accompanied Dolly Denney our second overall female and first masters female for the first 3 loops and nearly 17 miles. Highlights of the race besides the fantastic energy from the runners and the volunteers was another sub 3 hour result for Karsten Brown and special award champagne glasses designed by Strider Jean Evansmore. Jean was the local connection to have the 50 State Marathon Club guest runners come to our town for the substitute marathon when Washington's Birthday Marathon in Greenbelt was postponed.

A huge thank you to Judith Weber who not only ran the entire marathon but opened up her house for bathroom facilities and brought terrific home baked goodies. A big thank you to the numerous Hero Friends who volunteered at the aid stations and also ran many loops with the marathoners on a cold and windy day. Too many to list here but special thanks to Greg Lepore for helping to design the course and for all the prep work.
RacePacket Home
Name                Gen Age Band    Home State      Time
Karsten Brown*      M   35 to 39    Virginia        2:58:25
Conrad Fernandes*+  M   40 to 44    Maryland        3:34:31
Jeff Garstecki*     M   40 to 44    Maryland        3:45:37
Greg Lepore*+       M   35 to 39    Maryland        4:19:09
Joe Hanle*          M   50 to 54    Maryland        4:19:13
Shelly Choo         F   25 to 29    New Jersey      4:25:51
Art Perraud*        M   50 to 54    Maryland        4:25:51
Srini Rao*+         M   40 to 44    Maryland        4:31:01
Keith Horvey        M   60 to 64    Maryland        4:46:41
Dolly Denney        F   45 to 49    Pennsylvania    4:52:02
Clay Shaw           M   55 to 59    Pennsylvania    4:54:08
Walt Prescott       M   55 to 59    Georgia         4:58:32
Marv Solberg        M   45 to 49    Maryland        5:01:07
Judith Weber        F   50 to 54    Maryland        5:07:07
Kendel Prescott     F   45 to 49    Georgia         5:11:25
Tammy Mossie        F   35 to 39    Maryland        5:17:28
Tim Maraquardt      M   45 to 49    Illinois        5:58:23

*Howard County Striders
+Members of BoganŐs Heroes


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