DCRRC Al Lewis 10M
Kensington, MD
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Conducted by DC Road Runners Running Club

The rescheduled Al Lewis 10 Miler (Snowball Series race 3 or 4) went off without a hitch on another cold winter morning. The 111 runners left the start on a clear Rock Creek Trail and were greeted with 20 degree temperatures and a few snow flakes falling. Those flakes were joined a few million of their friends as the course was covered. Ken Dusen outran the field and most of the snow finishing in 53:09. Slaloming through the snow Kristin Andrews won the women's title in 1:05:39. The runners who did not head straight home after the race enjoyed the warmth of the Ken Gar Recreation Center and refreshments.

Thanks goes out to Hugh Toland, Nick Nahas, Kate Katz, Jacob Green, Kristin Blanchat, and Brian Danza for volunteering; Officers Snoots and McDonnell who assisted at the major crossings; and Alex Girr-Borrayo and Sandra Petersen of the Maryland Capital Park and Planning Commission for working with us for the permitting and assisting in the rescheduling of the race from its initial, icier date. Additional thanks to Sharone Cheskis for obtaining the refreshments and prizes and to Noah Cheskis for supervising while Mommy and Daddy completed the pre-race tasks.
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First Name    Last Name       G   Age Age G Net TimeGun TimeRankG RaA Rank
Karl          Dusen           M    27 20-29  53:09.2 53:09.0   1   1   1
Colin         Fishwick        M    32 30-39  54:49.7 54:49.5   2   2   1
Ben           Ingram          M    32 30-39  58:30.7 58:32.7   3   3   2
Edi           Turco           M    37 30-39  59:15.6 59:15.4   4   4   3
Paul          Jacobson        M    46 40-49  03:29.4 03:29.2   5   5   1
Andrew        Towne           M    27 20-29  03:39.2 03:39.0   6   6   2
Elijah        Green           M    25 20-29  03:49.3 03:49.0   7   7   3
Hugh          Toland          M    29 20-29  04:01.2 04:01.8   8   8   4
Matt          Anderson        M    43 40-49  05:23.5 05:23.3   9   9   2
Adam          Rubinstein      M    35 30-39  05:27.8 05:27.6  10  10   4
Kristin       Andrews         F    28 20-29  05:38.7 05:39.4  11   1   1
Joerg         Schroeder       M    42 40-49  06:15.0 06:14.8  12  11   3
Faith         Korbel          F    31 30-39  06:31.0 06:35.4  13   2   1
Stephen       Wills           M    48 40-49  07:55.7 07:55.5  14  12   4
Bill          Bernier         M    34 30-39  09:07.1 09:06.9  15  13   5
lisa          chilcote        F    39 30-39  09:54.2 09:54.5  16   3   2
Jamey         Fry             M    35 30-39          10:05.2  17  14   6
Joshua        Lambert         M    23 20-29  10:14.9 10:15.0  18  15   5
Tim           Arnade          M    53 50-59  11:30.5 11:30.2  19  16   1
Dan           Northrup        M    29 20-29  11:35.3 11:38.9  20  17   6
William       Olson           M    34 30-39  12:01.8 12:07.9  21  18   7
Brian         Danza           M    29 20-29  12:12.0 12:11.8  22  19   7
Bill          Stahr           M    49 40-49  12:39.2 12:38.9  23  20   5
Noone         Jim             M    65 60-69  13:22.0 13:25.1  24  21   1
christopher   Martin          M    40 40-49  13:25.3 13:31.1  25  22   6
Alejandro     Fernandez       M              13:58.8 14:04.0  26  23   1
Shannon       Oneill          F    28 20-29  14:18.3 14:18.0  27   4   2
Allison       Lawruk          F    29 20-29  14:44.7 14:49.9  28   5   3
John          Way             M    44 40-49  14:50.9 14:52.0  29  24   7
Alan          Ryder           M    40 40-49  15:18.8 15:19.6  30  25   8
Jim           Lawruk          M    30 30-39          15:55.0  31  26   8
Ken           Krehbiel        M    56 50-59  16:00.2 15:59.9  32  27   2
Chris         Ward            M    28 20-29  16:31.8 16:45.2  33  28   8
Anthony       DiFruscio       M    27 20-29  16:38.3 16:51.3  34  29   9
Dave          Orlik           M    47 40-49  17:28.9 17:32.4  35  30   9
Lou           Shapiro         M    68 60-69  17:44.2 17:45.6  36  31   2
Chris         Miller          M    37 30-39  18:10.0 18:11.8  37  32   9
Time          Good            M    50 50-59  18:24.5 18:29.5  38  33   3
Frank         Estes           M    35 30-39  18:37.3 18:40.1  39  34  10
Ann           Abbott          F    31 30-39  19:09.7 19:13.5  40   6   3
Marc          Burger          M    37 30-39  19:24.0 19:25.4  41  35  11
KYLE          WALLACE         M    25 20-29  19:31.7 19:31.5  42  36  10
Caroline      Little          F    29 20-29  19:27.6 19:33.6  43   7   4
greg          Chaconas        M    64 60-69  19:36.5 19:36.3  44  37   3
Elisa         Weiss           F    34 30-39  19:55.9 20:01.4  45   8   4
Amanda        Hicks           F    26 20-29  20:04.3 20:07.7  46   9   5
Ben           Richter         M    53 50-59  20:05.8 20:11.1  47  38   4
Jason         Edelin          M              20:27.5 20:37.5  48  39   2
Betty         Blank           F    56 50-59  20:43.0 20:42.8  49  10   1
Sonia         Ignatova        F    29 20-29  20:54.0 20:54.5  50  11   6
Kent          Shigetomi       M    47 40-49          20:58.3  51  40  10
Benjamin      Moore           M    38 30-39  20:59.3 21:07.0  52  41  12
Janet         Braunstein      F    43 40-49  21:36.8 21:38.7  53  12   1
Robert        Trost           M    63 60-69  22:30.1 22:29.8  54  42   4
Kevin         Brumback        M    36 30-39  22:56.3 23:07.2  55  43  13
Chris         Farmer          M    30 30-39  23:22.8 23:25.2  56  44  14
Elliott       Hamilton        M    49 40-49  23:32.7 23:40.3  57  45  11
Sarah         Flynn           F    30 30-39  24:34.0 24:35.5  58  13   5
Elijah        Reyes           M    20 20-29  24:17.0 24:37.3  59  46  11
Heather       Chen-Mayer      F    48 40-49  24:36.2 24:40.6  60  14   2
Immanuel      Steinhilper     M    33 30-39  25:05.2 25:12.1  61  47  15
Ryan          Biedlingmaier   M    26 20-29          25:23.0  62  48  12
Elizabeth     Krimmel         F    25 20-29          25:23.0  62  15   7
James         Scarborough     M    51 50-59  25:26.7 25:26.9  64  49   5
Gretchen      Chick           F    28 20-29  25:48.9 25:59.8  65  16   8
James         Moreland        M    57 50-59  26:13.6 26:13.3  66  50   6
Tom           Murphy          M    44 40-49  27:32.1 27:45.1  67  51  12
Amy           Trenkle         F    34 30-39  28:08.7 28:16.6  68  17   6
James         King            M    46 40-49  28:00.6 28:18.8  69  52  13
Katthleen     Hunter          F    29 20-29  28:42.6 28:46.6  70  18   9
Ben           Hudson          M    24 20-29  28:42.2 28:53.4  71  53  13
#N/A          #N/A                                   29:29.5  72 866 866
Margaret      Foley           F    22 20-29  31:26.2 31:34.8  73  19  10
Simonetta     Nussio          F    35 30-39  32:09.7 32:12.2  74  20   7
Kent          Allen           M    49 40-49  32:36.8 32:39.7  75  54  14
#N/A          #N/A                                   33:26.7  76 867 867
Mike          McPhate         M    34 30-39          34:04.1  77  55  16
Amy           Bucci           F    37 30-39  34:28.6 34:37.0  78  21   8
Kristen       Youngblood      F    29 20-29  34:31.1 34:38.5  79  22  11
Mieke         de Boer         F    29 20-29  34:31.8 34:38.9  80  23  12
Alyssa        Soumoff         F    33 30-39  35:09.9 35:14.4  81  24   9
Cynthia       Wallace         F    52 50-59  37:34.9 37:36.9  82  25   2
Mike          Zieginshy       M    51 50-59  37:31.1 37:41.6  83  56   7
Tiffany       Pham            F    26 20-29  37:59.8 38:06.9  84  26  13
Jennifer      Estes           F    35 30-39  38:31.7 38:35.8  85  27  10
Laurie        Horstmann       F    50 50-59  38:31.6 38:43.5  86  28   3
Andy          Buechele        M    67 60-69  39:22.3 39:31.6  87  57   5
Elizabeth     Sadoff          F    60 60-69  40:20.6 40:31.9  88  29   1
Bill          Sollers         M    70 >=70   40:21.4 40:32.6  89  58   1
Giao          Phan            F    49 40-49  40:33.2 40:40.9  90  30   3
Barry         Merritt         M    58 50-59          41:21.3  91  59   8
Ernest        Yombo           M    44 40-49  41:51.5 42:00.6  92  60  15
Kelly         Fairweather     F    36 30-39  42:32.1 42:47.9  93  31  11
Byron         Croley          M    48 40-49          42:49.7  94  61  16
Richard       Rhoads          M    70 >=70   42:38.8 42:55.6  95  62   2
Stephanie     Buxton          F    49 40-49  41:29.7 43:43.5  96  32   4
Mara          Glenshaw        F    43 40-49          44:03.7  97  33   5
Daniel        Clarke          M    34 30-39  41:50.2 44:03.8  98  63  17
Ryan          Dent            M    31 30-39  44:19.4 44:39.8  99  64  18
Deborah       Margraff        F    51 50-59  44:31.8 44:42.3 100  34   4
#N/A          #N/A                                   44:42.9 101
Christina     Borgatti        F    27 20-29  44:22.3 44:43.0 102  35  14
Alice         Wachira         F    33 30-39  45:43.0 45:49.7 103  36  12
Bernadette    Flynn           F    52 50-59  44:37.3 46:49.2 104  37   5
Angela        Becker-Dippman  F    35 30-39  47:17.7 47:17.5 105  38  13
Griffith      Jennifer        F    37 30-39  48:10.9 48:28.0 106  39  14
Terri         Gregory         F    47 40-49  51:53.4 52:11.3 107  40   6
Stephanie     Halloran        F    42 40-49  53:25.5 53:35.4 108  41   7
Jeanne        Larrison        F    55 50-59  56:11.5 56:24.0 109  42   6
Christina     Caravoulias     F    54 50-59  28:12.3 28:24.8 110  43   7
Sharyn        Gordon          F    51 50-59  28:14.1 28:26.6 111  44   8


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