DCRRC / PVTC Indoor Track Meet, Thomas Jefferson Community Center #1
Arlington, VA
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Conducted by DC Road Runners Running Club

Before the start of the 3000 meter racewalk, David Talcott proposed marriage to Erin Taylor. She accepted, and the crowd cheered and applauded. Then she and Trevor Barron qualified for the 3000 meter racewalk at the USA Indoor Track & Field Championships.

Cody Wellons lapped all but two runners in the children's mile. (Note: We are missing one finish time in the children's mile.) Gloria Roberts won the women's mile by almost a full lap. Andrew Duncan ran 4:42.9 in the fastest mile of the day, and U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Steve Anderson took command in the masters' mile. Ted Poulos stayed just ahead of Malcolm Lester in the 3000 meter run, and Vance Berry ran 16:24 to win the 5000 meter.

Results compiled by Sharon Good, James Scarborough, and Jay Jacob Wind.
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Place Name                          G Age City State                  Time
  --  --------------------------     - --- ------------------------    -----

1500 Meter Racewalk 1 Peter Blank M 55 Annandale VA 8:44.5

3000 Meter Racewalk 1 Trevor Barron M 17 Bethel Park PA 12:30.8 2 Erin Taylor F 31 Bergenfield NJ 14:38.6 3 David Talcott M 49 Johnson City NY 14:39.0 4 Victor N. Litwinski M 67 McLean VA 19:56.5 5 Sheldon Contract M 70 North Bethesda MD 21:51.8

Children's Mile 1 Cody Wellons M 14 Midlothian VA 5:20.5 2 Corey Tooke M 14 Bristow VA 5:37.1 3 Jay Hall M 10 Waldorf MD 5:59.5 4 Brianna Kinder F 13 Greenbelt MD 6:00.8 5 Joshua Hall M 12 Waldorf MD 6:04.5 6 Page Lester F 10 Washington DC 6:05.2 7 Frederick Marseille M 13 Owings Mills MD 6:07.0 8 Jett Hall M 10 Waldorf MD 6:19.1 9 Roamel Henry M 12 Randallstown MD 6:32.5 10 Zeya Luo F 13 Potomac MD 7:00.5 11 Nicolas Yslas M 13 Centreville VA 7:02.2 12 Kyle Lyons M 12 Fairfax VA 7:16.5 13 Briana B. Broccoli F 12 Herndon VA 7:24.8 14 Leya Salis F 10 Fairfax VA 7:49.0 15 Shayna Salis F 8 Fairfax VA 7:53.9 16 Sebastian Perez M 11 Fairfax VA 8:16.4 17 Rheinhardt Harrison M 5 Falls Church VA 8:45.4 18 Casey Goettlicher F 12 Annandale VA 8:52.6 19 Carson Goettlicher F 10 Annandale VA NT

Women's Mile 1 Gloria Roberts F 17 Upper Marlboro MD 5:23.5 2 Julie Hayden F 49 Ashburn VA 6:02.8 3 Jennifer Cassidy F 38 Vienna VA 6:41.5 4 Bernadette Flynn F 52 Springfield VA 7:45.9 5 Tami Graf F 73 Lusby MD 8:30.3

Open Mile 1 Andrew Duncan M 42 Washington DC 4:42.9 2 Michael Niederhausen M 33 Arlington VA 5:00.6 3 Matthew Kim M 16 Bethesda MD 5:01.8 4 Wendall E. Brown Jr. M 16 District Heights MD 5:19.9 5 Gary Rossen M 41 Springfield VA 5:28.7 6 Jarrett Wharton M 17 Owings Mills MD 5:32.4 7 George Hall, Jr. M 41 Waldorf MD 5:33.7 8 Christopher Johnston M 46 Fairfax VA 5:37.4 9 JJ LaPointe M 14 Arlington VA 5:39.7 10 Raymond Roy Addison Jr. M 30 Montgomery Village MD 5:41.5 11 Jereamy Hall M 12 Waldorf MD 5:44.9 12 Joe Burno M 56 Mitchellville MD 5:45.8 13 David Phillips M 47 Arlington VA 5:46.9 14 Alexander Basta M 16 Potomac MD 5:53.9 15 Mossab Alhadi Alsadig M 15 Alexandria VA 5:59.2 16 Terry McLaughlin M 49 Spotsylvania VA 6:11.9 17 Peter Blank M 55 Annandale VA 7:38.7

Masters' Mile 1 Steve Anderson M 53 Arlington VA 5:18.8 2 Malcolm Lester M 42 Washington DC 5:21.2 3 Ted Poulos M 48 McLean VA 5:27.5 4 David Phillips M 47 Arlington VA 5:47.4 5 Terry McLaughlin M 49 Spotsylvania VA 5:51.3 6 John Way M 44 Montgomery Village MD 5:52.6 7 Christopher Johnston M 46 Fairfax VA 5:54.7 8 Aldo Salerno M 54 Laurel MD 6:14.0 9 Milan Basta M 58 Potomac MD 6:15.2 10 Spider Rossiter M 58 Washington DC 6:17.9 11 Jason Dennis Blatt M 35 Ashburn VA 6:22.1 12 Jay Jacob Wind M 59 Arlington VA 6:55.7 13 Keith R. Campbell M 50 Springfield VA 6:58.6 14 Joseph Welch M 60 Kensington MD 7:10.8 15 Robert S. Weiner M 62 Accokeek MD 7:20.1 16 Peter Blank M 55 Annandale VA 7:37.5 17 Bernadette Flynn F 52 Springfield VA 7:50.9 18 Ari Salis M 40 Fairfax VA 8:44.9 19 Kenton Pattie M 70 Annandale VA 9:37.8

3000 Meter Run 1 Ted Poulos M 48 McLean VA 10:40.7 2 Malcolm Lester M 42 Washington DC 10:44.7 3 Unknown Runner 11:03.2 4 Corey Tooke M 14 Bristow VA 11:15.3 5 Elizabeth Webb F 23 Middleburg VA 11:18.8 6 Shawn Johns M 44 Alexandria VA 11:30.0 7 Christopher Johnston M 46 Fairfax VA 11:41.1 8 John Way M 44 Montgomery Village MD 11:51.3 9 Nicole Dawson F 15 Jessup MD 12:01.8 10 Elizabeth Jones F 32 Rockville MD 12:06.1 11 Alison Suckling F 54 Arnold MD 12:35.3 12 Sean Dawson M 41 Jessup MD 12:36.7 13 Betty Blank F 56 Falls Church VA 13:20.1 14 Carla White Freyvogel F 52 McLean VA 13:35.8 15 Jean-Mark Guilloux M 44 Stafford VA 13:47.4 16 Keith R. Campbell M 50 Springfield VA 14:23.8 17 Peter Blank M 55 Annandale VA 14:44.0 18 Lance Rooks M 14 Baltimore MD 15:57.3 19 Kenton Pattie M 70 Annandale VA 16:36.4 20 Tami Graf F 73 Lusby MD 18:56.4

5000 Meter Run 1 Vance Berry M 23 Middleburg VA 16:24.3 2 Karsten Brown M 35 Front Royal VA 16:56.0 3 Edi Turco M 37 Arlington VA 17:26.2 4 Maurice Pointer M 54 Baltimore MD 18:12.7 5 Terry McLaughlin M 49 Spotsylvania VA 19:22.4 6 Brittney Rooks F 15 Baltimore MD 20:15.4 7 Abdelillah Razah M 43 Arlington VA 20:17.0 8 Jay Jacob Wind M 59 Arlington VA 22:02.8 9 Clark Bowden M 11 Vienna VA 22:06.4 10 Cynthia L. Evans F 54 Randallstown MD 23:33.3 11 Susan Anderson F 48 Vienna VA 27:42.9

Additional noted performances: 200m Del'Vaughn Rooks M 18 Baltimore MD 0:28.3 200m Caleb Johnson M 10 Baltimore MD 0:39.7 200m Nathan Johnson M 8 Baltimore MD 0:48.1 400m Remus Medley M 39 Baltimore MD 0:58.2 400m Alison Suckling F 54 Arnold MD 1:14.0 800m Del'Vaughn Rooks M 18 Baltimore MD 2:16.2 800m Caleb Johnson M 10 Baltimore MD 3:41.9 800m Nathan Johnson M 8 Baltimore MD 3:51.4


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