Alzheimer's Association Brain Health 5K
Washingtonian Center, Gaithersburg MD
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Results by LizaRD Timing

Julie Sapper led for three of the four laps, before Bobby Huynh took over to win.

David Kasriel and Cathy Kasriel of Atlanta just happened to be out for a walk at 7:45 AM wearing their Peachtree Road Race t-shirts -- seeing the race, they signed up and ran the race.
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30 Finishers
Place Name                        G Age City State          Time    M   F     Award
  1  Bobby Huynh                  M  21 Baltimore MD        19:43   1          M 1
  2  Julie Sapper                 F  37 Rockville MD        19:53       1      F 1
  3  Joan Fowler                  F  50 Silver Spring MD    21:13       2      F 2
  4  Edouardo Rincon              M  31 Germantown MD       22:50   2          M 2
  5  Charles Mehrling             M  23 Rockville MD        23:34   3          M 3
  6  Sean McKenna                 M  42 Gaithersburg MD     23:38   4       M40-49 1
  7  Fidel Rincon                 M  37 Glasburg MD         24:15   5       M30-39 1
  8  Jane Sarapuu                 F  26 Rockville MD        24:20       3      F 3
  9  Cory Newman                  M  31 Gaithersburg MD     24:40   6       M30-39 2
  10 David Kasriel                M  60 Atlanta GA          25:01   7       M60-69 1
  11 Charles Blum, Jr.            M  44 Ellicott City MD    25:19   8       M40-49 2
  12 Ali Al-Hakim                 M  58 Gaithersburg MD     25:24   9       M50-59 1
  13 Barry Burns                  M  54 Bethesda MD         26:10   10      M50-59 2
  14 Jonathan Satria              M  21 North Potomac MD    26:51   11      M20-29 1
  15 Marvin Matus                 M  32 Gaithersburg MD     27:34   12      M30-39 3
  16 David Brown                  M  67 Potomac MD          29:25   13      M60-69 2
  17 Jamin Bartolomeo             M  29 Falls Church VA     29:27   14      M20-29 2
  18 Janelle Newman               F  33 Gaithersburg MD     30:01       4   F30-39 1
  19 Brian Hak                    M  33 Gaithersburg MD     30:19   15
  20 Mike Fox                     M  38 Gaithersburg MD     30:34   16
  21 Sherry Fox                   F  37 Gaithersburg MD     30:36       5   F30-39 2
  22 Michael Zhuang               M  42 Bethesda MD         30:59   17      M40-49 3
  23 Janet McMillan               F  50 Germantown MD       31:59       6   F50-59 1
  24 Edouardo Rincon              M  62 Glasburg MD         32:55   18      M60-69 3
  25 Kevin Smith                  M  39 Dickerson MD        32:58   19
  26 Jonathan Cohen               M  47 Potomac MD          33:17   20
  27 Cathy Kasriel                F  59 Atlanta GA          44:30       7   F50-59 2
  28 Terry Tropin                 F  59 Takoma Park MD      46:14       8   F50-59 3
  29 Mitch Tropin                 M  59 Takoma Park MD      46:14   21      M50-59 3
  30 Robert Smith                 M  76 Dickerson MD        49:50   22     M70&over 1



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