Georgetown Running Company Father's Day 8K
Capital Crescent Trail, Washington DC
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Results by Marathon Charity Cooperation

Georgetown Running Company running team member Joe Wiegner ran more than a minute ahead of his closest pursuer, Michael Wardian.

Wardian, a two-time Olympic Trials qualifier, celebrated Father's Day by stopping 50 feet from the finish and picking up his son Pierce to carry him across the finish line.

In third place, Birhanu Wukaw Zeleke led seven top-flight Ethiopian runners.

Kayley Byrne won the women's race, head of Wukaw's teammate Almaz Megerssa.

Georgetown Running Company manager Max Lockwood and team captain Jake Klim thank their many volunteers and sponsors, including Georgetown Cupcake, Skinny Water, and Whole Foods Market of Gaithersburg.
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195 Finishers
# Place  Name                        G Age City State         Time    M   F     Award
---  -- --------------------------   - --- ----------------   ------  -   -    ------
498  1  Joe Wiegner                  M  28 Rockville MD       24:52   1          M 1
473  2  Michael Wardian              M  36 Arlington VA       26:01   2          M 2
528  3  Birhanu Wukaw Zeleke         M  27 Washington DC      26:21   3          M 3
287  4  Yuri Horwitz                 M  31 Washington DC      27:41   4       M30-39 1
 m1  5  Max Lockwood                 M  40 Washington DC      28:13   5       M40-49 1
457  6  Edi Turco                    M  37 Arlington VA       28:18   6       M30-39 2
182  7  Haile Gelelcha               M  26 Washington DC      28:21   7       M20-29 1
294  8  Ted Poulos                   M  48 McLean VA          28:45   8       M40-49 2
312  9  Malcolm Lester               M  42 Washington DC      29:04   9       M40-49 3
 2   10 Dawit Assefa                 M  29 Washington DC      29:35   10      M20-29 2
330  11 Tesfaye Dirba                M  28 Washington DC      30:08   11      M20-29 3
 57  12 Kayley Byrne                 F  22 Oak Hill VA        30:38       1      F 1
246  13 Almaz Megerssa               F  28 Washington DC      31:49       2      F 2
272  14 Bart Forsyth                 M  32 Arlington VA       31:54   12      M30-39 3
288  15 Joseph Ralph Pelz            M  24 McLean VA          32:00   13
274  16 Michael Newman               M  44 Silver Spring MD   32:09   14
166  17 Alan Eder                    M  27 Washington DC      32:11   15
 88  18 Toby Cole                    M  34 Washington DC      32:33   16
188  19 Chris Hatton                 M  33 Washington DC      32:59   17
463  20 Emmy Waldman                 F  22 Washington DC      33:06       3      F 3
357  21 Skipper Seabold              M  27 Washington DC      33:12   18
277  22 Keneni Orgessa               F  28 Washington DC      33:17       4   F20-29 1
597  23 Rebecca Maier                F  25 Arlington VA       33:26       5   F20-29 2
199  24 Orla Kastberg                M  44 Cabin John MD      33:28   19
543  25 Jack Kammerer                M  47 Washington DC      33:40   20
388  26 Teferi Debebe                M  29 Chevy Chase MD     33:50   21
442  27 James Thomas                 M  18 Germantown MD      34:24   22     M19&under 1
106  28 Thomas Steckler              M  46 Mol BELGIUM        34:47   23
333  29 Jason Rosenberg              M  30 Washington DC      34:50   24
598  30 Jessica McGuire              F  29 Arlington VA       35:00       6   F20-29 3
876  31 Tony Metzger                 M  35 Colorado Springs C 35:08   25
 55  32 David Brown                  M  48 Norfolk VA         35:09   26
470  33 Matthew Wardian              M  32 Arlington VA       35:10   27
424  34 Bill Stahr                   M  49 The Plains VA      35:18   28
269  35 Mindy Ko                     F  27 Bethesda MD        35:27       7
104  36 Brian Cooke                  M  27 Washington DC      35:30   29
295  37 Emily Norton                 F  28 Arlington VA       35:31       8
532  38 David Pinnick                M  53 Manassas VA        35:58   30      M50-59 1
179  39 Eric Foust                   M  47 Washington DC      36:04   31
474  40 John Murray                  M  39 Washington DC      36:04   32
 9   41 Carlos Barcon                M  35 Washington DC      36:12   33
401  42 Joel P. O'Connell            M  32 Arlington VA       36:14   34
 7   43 Mathew Mund                  M  25 Arlington VA       36:40   35
1318 44 Juha Siikamaki               M  39 Washington DC      36:47   36
 3   45 Brian Athey                  M  34 Arlington VA       37:05   37
205  46 Hompeng Komthirath           M  35 Herndon VA         37:21   38
490  47 Oriana Wen                   F  21 College Park MD    37:32       9
556  48 Benjamin Cocanougher         M  21 Springfield  KY    37:33   39
 35  49 Aakash Bhatt                 M  30 Arlington VA       37:44   40
 1   50 Ellis Andrews                M  49 Washington DC      37:46   41
461  51 Wayne Dunbar                 M  43 Silver Spring MD   37:55   42
285  52 Kenneth Patterson            M  36 Washington DC      38:06   43
280  53 Erin Joy Patacsil            F  39 Alexandria VA      38:09      10   F30-39 1
145  54 Adam Duffy                   M  28 Washington DC      38:16   44
250  55 Eli Miller                   M  27 Washington DC      38:42   45
538  56 Erin Pulice                  F  27 Washington DC      38:44      11
403  57 Lisa Sikora                  F  29 Washington  DC     38:45      12
509  58 Carolee Williamson           F  33 Washington DC      38:54      13   F30-39 2
172  59 Emily Elliott                F  26 Washington DC      39:01      14
420  60 Ahmad Simms                  M  28 Washington DC      39:03   46
234  61 Christopher Loza             M  38 Arlington VA       39:03   47
105  62 Diribe Ayele                 F  25 Washington DC      39:07      15
468  63 Mike McCarthy                M  34 Washington DC      39:19   48
183  64 Teddy Gonzales               M  52 Rockville MD       39:28   49      M50-59 2
 22  65 Megan Bentzin                F  17 Austin TX          39:51      16  F19&under 1
344  66 James Scarborough            M  52 McLean VA          39:52   50      M50-59 3
144  67 Christoph Duenwald           M  44 Washington DC      40:19   51
415  68 Jacob Gelbaum                M  32 Arlington VA       40:28   52
223  69 Arthur Tiller                M  54 Alexandria VA      40:36   53
406  70 Alan Raul                    M  55 Washington DC      40:39   54
242  71 Sonya Mazumdar               F  26 Falls Church VA    40:56      17
300  72 Liza Recto                   F  54 Lexington Park MD  41:08      18   F50-59 1
329  73 Carol Byrne                  F  52 Oak Hill VA        41:23      19   F50-59 2
328  74 Cynthia Revesman             F  49 Oak Hill VA        41:36      20   F40-49 1
 96  75 Elliott Conklin              M  26 Arlington VA       41:40   55
 nc  76 Unknown Runner                                        41:41
347  77 Bob Weiner                   M  63 Accokeek MD        41:46   56      M60-69 1
537  78 Laura Pruitt                 F  24 Washington DC      42:17      21
279  79 Jon Palks                    M  60 Bowie MD           42:20   57      M60-69 2
290  80 Leah Penner                  M  31 Washington DC      42:23   58
258  81 Ken Mora                     M  41 Anthony NM         42:57   59
 36  82 Greg Blalock                 M  43 Washington DC      43:32   60
434  83 Ray Stewart                  M  51 Washington DC      43:34   61
555  84 Daniel Bristoll              M  19 Washington DC      43:34   62     M19&under 2
462  85 Hanani Wade                  M  36 Washington DC      43:50   63
524  86 Jennifer Wolters             F  22 Oak Hill VA        43:54      22
460  87 Pete Van Vleet               M  35 Washington DC      43:56   64
126  88 Dedric Davis                 M  34 Washington DC      43:57   65
241  89 Philip J. Marion             M  52 Washington DC      44:04   66
 34  90 Eamonn Bethel                M  30 Washington DC      44:06   67
244  91 Edward McCurty               M  38 Washington DC      44:24   68
267  92 Julia Nagle                  F  26 Washington DC      44:28      23
1347 93 Ernest Yombo                 M  44 Washington DC      44:31   69
 13  94 Derrick Beetso               M  33 Tempe AZ           44:37   70
218  95 Larry P. LaRocco             M  63 Arlington VA       44:40   71      M60-69 3
413  96 Jeff Aslen                   M  36 Centreville VA     44:45   72
240  97 Elyse Braner                 F  26 Washington DC      44:47      24
1266 98 Lacey Ramirez                F  28 New York NY        45:51      25
466  99 Julia Zhao                   F  23 Arlington VA       45:58      26
427 100 Lewis Smiley                 M  31 Washington DC      45:59   73
209 101 Michelle Tiller              F  49 Alexandria VA      46:06      27   F40-49 2
1285102 Jamie Reynolds               F  29 Arlington VA       46:20      28
217 103 Julia Lam                    F  23 Washington DC      46:20      29
 67 104 Sara Cartwright              F  24 Washington DC      46:25      30
475 105 Kim Atkinson                 F  31 Washington DC      46:28      31   F30-39 3
419 106 Linda Kwiatkowski            F  37 Derwood MD         46:49      32
356 107 Thomas Schultz               M  22 Vienna VA          47:10   74
292 108 Alla Plowman                 F  32 Gaithersburg MD    47:15      33
238 109 Will Lynch                   M  38 Washington DC      47:27   75
334 110 Stephen Russell              M  24 Washington DC      47:28   76
 77 111 Anastasia Christman          F  42 Annandale VA       47:29      34   F40-49 3
176 112 David Fitzgerald             M  36 Washington DC      47:33   77
575 113 Jeff Hunt                    M  28 Vienna VA          47:42   78
255 114 Jillian Minarich             M  25 Washington DC      47:46   79
445 115 Harold Thompson              M  50 Washington DC      47:49   80
 81 116 Brooke Clinton               F  26 Washington DC      47:50      35
229 117 Elizabeth Long               F  34 Washington DC      48:09      36
376 118 Alexis Serfaty               M  30 Washington DC      48:26   81
1176119 Sunlen Miller                F  29 Washington DC      48:27      37
560 120 Paula Fergusson              F  53 Vienna VA          48:28      38   F50-59 3
191 121 Gretchen M. Henderson        F  31 Great Falls VA     48:43      39
 40 122 Julie Bourbon                F  40 Washington DC      49:14      40
203 123 Alicia Kolaian               F  42 Washington DC      49:15      41
 74 124 Rebecca Chesney              F  26 Washington DC      49:30      42
 65 125 Elizabeth Cameron            F  23 Washington DC      49:37      43
 12 126 Paige Beatty                 F  29 Arlington VA       49:38      44
 8  127 Tammy Bagdasarian            F  42 Herndon VA         49:42      45
 69 128 Lauren Celestin              F  26 Suitland MD        49:55      46
588 129 Sami Ith                     F  26 Washington DC      49:57      47
477 130 Erin Wellen                  F  25 Washington DC      50:00      48
464 131 Preeti Wali                  F  28 Washington DC      50:29      49
181 132 Brandon Gay                  M  30 Washington DC      50:44   82
221 133 Stephen Leatherman           M  46 Middletown MD      50:48   83
 4  134 Lidia Baca                   F  46 Manassas VA        50:52      50
239 135 Devon MacWilliam             F  28 Washington DC      51:02      51
499 136 Scotty Williams              M  52 Washington DC      51:02   84
530 137 Martha Jane Zaring           F  29 Washington DC      51:11      52
 nc 138 Unknown Runner                                        51:11
467 139 Megan Fickel                 F  25 Arlington VA       51:13      53
520 140 David Withers                M  50 Washington DC      51:14   85
125 141 Ross Dannenberg              M  37 Washington DC      51:37   86
174 142 Kevin Findley                M  43 Washington DC      51:47   87
458 143 Stephanie Van Arsdale        F  27 Arlington VA       51:48      54
459 144 Andrea Clark                 F  24 Washington DC      51:49      55
243 145 Kathleen McAllister          F  25 Washington DC      51:50      56
275 146 Laura O'Brien                F  29 Arlington VA       51:54      57
 51 147 Amanda Brown                 F  28 Washington DC      51:55      58
435 148 Amy Sticklor                 F  23 Washington DC      52:47      59
184 149 Robert L. Gurtler            M  75 The Plains VA      52:56   88     M70&over 1
437 150 Vanessa Tesoriero            F  29 Washington DC      53:03      60
281 151 Chika Patel                  F  28 Rockville MD       53:14      61
336 152 Tad White                    M  71 Washington DC      53:31   89     M70&over 2
178 153 Bernadette Flynn             F  52 Springfield VA     53:39      62
186 154 Corinne Hart                 F  28 Washington DC      53:48      63
262 155 Dave Moston                  M  43 Manassas VA        54:04   90
192 156 Sean P. Henderson            M  39 Great Falls VA     54:14   91
331 157 Vyvy Dean                    F  27 Falls Church VA    54:24      64
 66 158 Alex Canizares               M  33 Washington DC      54:38   92
 82 159 Pam Cogas                    F  32 Washington DC      55:01      65
 37 160 Michael Bottoms              M  43 Annandale VA       55:15   93
350 161 Eric Schlesinger             M  58 Silver Spring MD   55:16   94
187 162 Darell Hartwell              M  46 Washington DC      55:22   95
362 163 Amanda Sena                  F  28 Alexandria VA      55:23      66
342 164 Emily Bitetto                F  27 Washington DC      56:01      67
193 165 Rayshone Hodges              M  31 Upper Marlboro MD  56:18   96
140 166 Harvey Droke                 M  29 Washington DC      56:34   97
227 167 Jack Ledbetter               M  52 Washington DC      57:08   98
465 168 Stephanie Liotta             F  29 Washington DC      57:10      68
219 169 Jennifer Leatherman          F  38 Middletown MD      57:12      69
286 170 Julie Pekowski               F  35 Washington DC      57:12      70
469 171 Erin Ward                    F  26 Washington DC      57:15      71
 50 172 Michael Brody                M  24 Bethesda MD        57:46   99
233 173 Melanie Lowe                 F  23 Falls Church VA    57:47      72
139 174 Jen Drew                     F  28 Washington DC      58:08      73
494 175 Robert Whitaker              M  38 Bowie MD           58:21  100
197 176 Corina Johnson               F  37 Washington DC      58:22      74
200 177 Kenneth Keels                M  34 Greenbelt  MD      59:07  101
429 178 David Stevens                M  41 Washington DC      59:09  102
194 179 Pierre Huggins               M  31 Washington DC     1:00:51 103
 16 180 Jennifer Bellandi            F  37 Alexandria VA     1:00:53     75
557 181 Ernie Fergusson              M  55 Vienna VA         1:01:37 104
273 182 Marianne Nazzaro             F  35 Washington DC     1:02:21     76
 46 183 George Brandon               M  38 Washington DC     1:02:22 105
360 184 Jon Seelig                   M  27 Atlanta GA        1:03:10 106
180 185 Anne Marie Frere             F  32 Arlington VA      1:03:45     77
471 186 Justin Covert                M  29 Arlington VA      1:04:28 107
196 187 Ed Jenkins                   M  48 Washington DC     1:08:17 108
412 188 Kathleen Feehan              F  27 Washington DC     1:08:18     78
422 189 Allison Martin               F  29 Washington DC     1:08:21     79
 42 190 Eric Bradley                 M  50 Washington DC     1:08:22 109
531 191 Cynthia Zilke                F  37 Bethesda MD       1:08:45     80
392 192 Girish Seshagiri             M  67 Annandale VA      1:09:17 110
436 193 James G. Sullivan            M  56 Chevy Chase MD    1:19:49 111
397 194 Cardell Shelton              M  55 Washington DC     1:20:15 112
264 195 Kathy Moston                 F  46 Manassas VA       1:20:16     81


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