HCS Thunder Hill 2M
Columbia, MD
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Conducted by Howard County Striders

Forty-three runners braved the 95 degree heat at the two mile course at Thunder Hill Elementary. The 10k race was cancelled due to the heat and poor air quality. Karsten Brown and Laura Gidley were the top male and female finishers. Spring awards were handed out as well as special volunteer random prizes for the winter and spring seasons. Kelly Dixon, Karsten Brown, Nora Blanco, and Bill Wright were the lucky winners. Again thanks to Chris Farmer for bringing the fla-vor-ice.

Volunteers : Bill Arbelaez, Marc Burger, Mike Fleming, Melinda Krummerich, David Jun, John Way
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2M Finishers
1. Karsten Brown                  11:17
2. Stephen Olenick                11:32
3. Luis Navarro                   11:55
4. LeRoy Wenstrom                 12:06
5. Gregg Ford                     12:36
6. Greg Schuler                   13:07
7. Paul Eyes                      13:25
8. Bjorn Moreau                   13:43
9. Michael Dusenbery              14:52
10. Chris Farmer                  14:58
11. Eric Johnston                 15:02
12. Noah Wood                     15:05
13. Mike Elkonoh                  15:24
14. Michael Mbugi                 15:44
15. Kevin Tezlaf                  15:56
16. Kirk Gordon                   15:59
17. Hans Meurer                   16:00
18. Laura Gidley                  16:05.2
19. Evan Calvert                  16:05.9
20. Dwight Mikulis                16:11
21. James Scarborough             16:14
22. James Koo                     16:33
23. Brianna Walker                16:55
24. Roger Calvert                 17:27
25. Kevin Feinberg                17:28
26. Howard Feinberg               17:30
27. Nathan Gears                  17:41
28. Ann Goodwin                   17:47
29. Karen Harvey                  17:49
30. Pat Brooks                    18:13
31. Patrick Mikulis               18:22
32. Leslie Nissenberg             18:52
33. Len Guralnick                 20:36
34. Paula Shepherd                21:42
35. Zoe Reading                   21:45
36. Chris Reading                 21:46
37. Andrew Holdridge              21:51
38. John Wheatland                22:23
39. Brian Lawton                  23:00
40. Sarah Moreau                  23:28
41. Kenny Reading                 24:24
42. Barbara Calvert               25:20
43. Yon Sik Meurer                30:24


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