Tidal Basin 3K
Washington DC
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Conducted by Tidal Basin Runs

Mike Hamberger arrived by bike just one minute before the start, and without even warming up, went on to win. Dr. Clare Johnson, newly arrived to work at Washington Hospital Center, ran and won her first Tidal Basin Run, with Dee Nelson second.

Volunteers: Gerald Ives, Peter Blank, Edwin Ridout, and Jay Jacob Wind
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1500 Meter Finishers
Place Name                       G Age City State               Time   M   F
  --  -------------------------- - --- -----------------------  -----  --  --
      1500 Meter
  1   Ted Poulos                 M  48 McLean VA                  5:04 1
  2   Aldo Salerno               M  55 Laurel MD                  6:02 2
  3   Peter Blank                M  55 Annandale VA               6:10 3
  4   Tim Ramsey                 M  51 Alexandria VA              8:54 4
3000 Meter Finishers
  1   Mike Hamberger             M  30 Washington DC              9:57 1
  2   Josh Henson                M  37 Frederick MD              10:30 2
  3   Tom Matzke                 M  39 Rockville MD              10:44 3
  4   Chris McKee                M  41 Vienna VA                 11:07 4
  5   Adam Henson                M  34 Frederick MD              11:17 5
  6   Don Junta                  M  48 Springfield VA            11:27 6
  7   Mark Fox                   M  36 Sterling VA               11:31 7
  8   Matthew Nicholson Beer     M  44 Washington DC             11:55 8
  9   Bill Stahr                 M  49 The Plains VA             12:05 9
  10  Larry Washington           M  59 Rockville MD              12:24 10
  11  James Moreland             M  57 Gaithersburg MD           12:52 11
  12  David Gayer                M  58 McLean VA                 13:17 12
  13  Jose L. Salazar            M  46 Falls Church VA           13:29 13
  14  Jay Jacob Wind             M  60 Arlington VA              13:29 14
  15  Dr. Clare Johnson          F  27 Washington DC             13:33     1
  16  Bruce Reynolds             M  59 Arlington VA              13:34 15
  17  Chandler Robbins           M  72 Arlington VA              13:36 16
  18  Unknown Runner                                             13:45
  19  Bob Platt                  M  58 Arlington VA              14:09 17
  20  Edwin Ridout               M  60 Stafford VA               14:11 18
  21  Dee Nelson                 F  66 Gaithersburg MD           14:25     2
  22  Jim Mort                   M  63 Burke VA                  14:32 19
  23  Peter Fernandes            M  48 Annandale VA              15:27 20
  24  Walter Hill                M  58 Takoma Park MD            15:42 21
  25  Roxane Sismanidis          F  54 Washington DC             15:43     3
  26  Sharlene Deskins           F  46 Seabrook MD               17:10     4


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