Thunder Hill 15K
Columbia, MD
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Conducted by Howard County Striders
For the final race of the Operation Iceberg 2010 series ninety six runners
showed up to Thunderhill elementary school to participate in one of three
races (2 Mile, 10K, and 15K). Conditions were cool and overcast. The
winners of the two mile race were James Blackwood at 11:34 and Heather
Ferron at 13:58. For the 10K, Andrew Towne at 37:02 and Tasha Hogan at
41:18 won. The winners of the 15K were Adam Wytko at 56:07 and Halsey
Sinclair at1:04:28.
Race Lead: Paul Goldenberg
Volunteers: Karston Brown, Marc Burger, Eric Johnston, Brian Lawton, Kit
Miller, Julie Trapp, Alan Tominack
RacePacket Home
2 Mile Finishers
1. James Blackwood 11:34
2. Thomas Orzechowski 12:09
3. Hafiz Shaikh 12:34
4. Michael Dusenbery 12:46
5. Robert Blanco 12:51
6. Greg Lepore 13:29
7. Marshall Demaree 13:48
8. Chad Burger 13:56
9. Heather Ferron 13:58
10. Bomley Lowe 14:15
11. Ryan Moss 14:16
12. Peter Janda 14:17
13. Alan Murray 14:54
14. Katie Gessler 14:59
15. Dawn Rudolph 15:11
16. Jim Gross 15:12
17. Dee Nelson 16:32
18. Anders Chattin 16:36
19. Erin Rickard 16:50
20. Javier Ramos 16:51
21. Bill Wood 17:08
22. Roger Calvert 17:12
23. Dave Lyon 18:46
24. Vijay Nallu 18:58
25. Bryan Tapper 19:21
26. Emily Elkonoh 20:01
27. John Wheatland 20:16
28. Audrick Brown 20:39
29. Carina Chattin 21:37.3
30. Mats Chattin 21:37.8
31. Kathy Lyon 22:27
32. Michelle Rockwell 22:29
33. Jack Elkonoh 23:43
34. Jennifer Elkonoh 23:45
35. Barbara Calvert 24:27
36. Tim Ramsey 24:44
37. Judy Feeney 25:21
38. Melissa Burger 25:26
39. Bebby Tapper 27:48
40. Mary Erickson 30:22
41. Ben Feeney DNF
10K Results
1. Andrew Towne 37:02
2. Paul Chasen 37:10
3. Thaddeus Arnold 39:35
4. John Chall 40:22
5. Tasha Hogan 41:18
6. Bobby Gessler 43:19
7. U'tonna Sherrod 44:21
8. Kyle Clifford 45:03
9. Delnora Erickson 45:59
10. Ed Reynolds 46:37
11. Kevin Tapper 49:21
12. Mike Flemming 49:40
13. Mike Elkonoh 51:56
14. Jon Palks 53:11
15. Lorraine Seelaus 53:49
16. Pamela Jock 54:15.5
17. Christine Berndt 54:15.7
18. Brianna Walker 55:50
19. Howard Feinberg 57:50
20. Scott Feeney 1:01:31
21. Ann Goodwin 1:02:39
22. Faye Weaver 1:02:44
23. Stephen McGovern 1:02:55
24. Curtis Zimmerman 1:03:18
25. Kris Zimmerman 1:03:19
26. Shannon Erickson 1:11:39
27. Shuntae Royster 1:24:52
28. Melinda Krummerich 1:26:38
29. Karen Harvey 1:30:27 **
30. Karen Denmark DNF
** Got lost
15K Finishers
1. Adam Wytko 56:07
2. Greg Hogan 59:17
3. Weems McFadden 1:00:32
4. Luis Diaz 1:04:18
5. Halsey Sinclair 1:04:28
6. Donnie Chapman 1:05:33
7. Richard Reinhardt 1:08:51
8. John Way 1:09:21
9. Rick Smith 1:12:16
10. Terri Wytko 1:12:31
11. Patrick Rotolo 1:16:46 *
12. Ashlyn Sinclair 1:17:05 *
13. Nick DelGroso 1:17:33 *
14. Chris Farmer 1:17:37 PR
15. Dave Orlik 1:18:26 *
16. Srini Rao 1:18:37 PR
17. Marsha Demaree 1:18:50
18. Karen Young 1:19:12
19. Tom Brown 1:24:16
20. Dwight Mikulis 1:24:33
21. Kelly Dixon 1:24:44
22. Pat Brooks 1:27:58
23. Matthew Benah 1:28:54
24. Kirk Gordon 1:34:18
25. Christopher Puin DNF
* Extra lap on way back.