HCS Burleigh Manor 5M
Columbia, MD
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Results By Howard County Striders

62 brave souls came out on an extremely hot, muggy day to run the weekly race at burleigh manor middle school. Stephen Olenick and Nicole Dawson won the 2 mile run. Peter Sloan and Karen Harvey won the 5 mile run.

Volunteers: Robert Blanco, Karsten Brown, Barbara Calvert, Marsha Demaree, Chris Farmer, Lisa Fichman, Denise Hyde, David Jun, Erin Rickard.
Race Lead: Donnie Chapman
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2 Mile Finishers
1. Stephen Olenick          10:40
2. Sean Kwen                10:47
3. Thomas Orzechowski       11:29
4. LeRoy Wenstrom           11:31
5. John Chall               11:33
6. Nicole Dawson            12:20
7. Jim Gross                12:39
8. John Way                 12:50
9. Sean Dawson              13:00
10. Michael Dusenbery       13:09
11. Chad Burger             13:19
12. Beth Lowenthal          14:05:02
13. Alan Murray             14:05:06
14. Marc Burger             14:36
15. Mike Fleming            14:49
16. Simon DeBruin           15:37:02
17. Brianna Walker          15:37:06
18. Nathan Gears            15:55
19. Roger Calvert           16:09
20. Tonya Harrison          16:29
21. Yvonne DeBruin          16:53
22. Debbie Sharp            17:14
23. Ann Goodwin             17:30:03
24. Bruce Breon             17:30:07
25. Len Guralnick           17:31
26. Husain Waheed           18:03
27. Ginger Rowley           18:15
28. Elizabeth Konicki       19:09
29. Pamela West             19:17:05
30. Helena Solana           19:17:09
31. Jen Elkonoh             20:02
32. Robert Gurtler          20:44
33. Debbie Wilhelm          20:58
34. Paula Shepherd          21:02
35. Bryant Smith            21:19
36. Steve Reading           21:31
37. Sara Waheed             21:50:04
38. Natalia Diaz            21:50:08
39. Brian Lawton            21:53:02
40. Nelson Yellowhair       21:53:07
41. Luis Diaz               22:00
42. Joe Broderick           22:12
43. John Wheatland          22:57
44. Melissa Burger          24:45
5M Finishers
1. Peter Sloan              34:29
2. Greg Schuler             35:55
3. Larry Boodin             40:35
4. Michael Yapp             41:33
5. Ken Sevik                41:49
6. Bromley Lowe             42:47
7. James Blackwood          43:21
8. Jon Palks                43:35
9. Dave Hogue               44:37
10. Karen Harvey            46:34
11. Becky Holtz             47:22
12. Mike Elkonoh            47:30
13. Kirk Gordon             48:55
14. Pat Brooks              50:24
15. Stephen McGovern        50:37
16. Julie Mackel            50:58
17. Amy Korman              59:09
18. Michael Mbugi           59:11


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