Howard Univ Middle School 5K for Education
Washington, DC
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Conducted by RacePacket, Inc.

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Female Finishers
1.   Elizabeth Sadoff, 61         Washington DC               27:12 1/2 
2.   Claudia Hines, 38            Washington DC               41:02 1/4 
3.   Kelly Quarles, 31            Washington DC               43:22 2/4 
4.   Trina Cureton, 41            Washington DC               48:31 1/3 
5.   Noelle Green,                                            50:58 1/4 
6.   Malachi Flack,                                           51:26 2/4 
7.   Audrey Buggs, 52             Washington DC               57:46 1/4 
8.   H Yvonne Buggs, 50           Washington DC               57:47 2/4 
9.   Taylor Quarles, 11           Washington DC               57:52 1/4 
10.  Joan Young, 67               Temple HIlls MD             58:28 2/2 
11.  Leslie Flack,                                            58:31 3/4 
12.  Beryl Jackson,                                           62:32 4/4 
13.  Anninah Henry, 10            Washington DC               62:48 2/4 
14.  Dana Williams, 38            Washington DC               62:50 3/4 
15.  Mertine Moore Brown, 57      Washington DC               70:07 3/4 
16.  Maimouna Youssef, 25         Washington DC               70:29 1/2 
17.  Odessa Casimiro, 46          Lanham MD                   79:25 2/3 
18.  Leslie Knight, 23            Washington VA               82:33 2/2 
19.  Charlene Exum, 59            Washington DC               85:23 4/4 
20.  Medina Ahmad, 31             Washington DC               85:25 4/4 
21.  Taylor Thomas, 13            Washington DC               94:29 3/4 
22.  Catherine Thomas, 43         Washington DC               94:34 3/3 
23.  Loreana Briscoe, 11          Washington DC               96:04 4/4
Male Finishers
1.   Leonard Adler, 41            Walnut Creek CA             20:52 1/2 
2.   Justin Knight, 25            Washington DC               22:07 1/2 
3.   Yohance Maqubela, 37         Washington DC               23:51 1/5 
4.   Kyree Payne, 12              Washington DC               26:42 1/4 
5.   BILL Sollers, 71             SILVER SPRING MD            26:56 1/1 
6.   John Mercer,                                             27:31 1/5 
7.   Lee Vason, 31                Washington DC               28:51 2/5 
8.   Steve Hayes, 29                                          30:27 2/2 
9.   Shaheed Rajah, 13                                        37:04 2/4 
10.  Cedrick Dickens,                                         37:28 2/5 
11.  Brian McAllister,                                        39:35 3/5 
12.  Busayo Bird-Maqubela, 8      Washington DC               41:18 4/5 
13.  Ellis Cummings,                                          41:42 5/5 
14.  christine kim, 35            Falls Church VA             41:49 3/5 
15.  Tyrone McCandies, 34         Greenbelt MD                42:33 4/5 
16.  Matthew McAllister, 11         DC                        43:32 3/4 
17.  Don Feliciana, Sr, 39                                    75:10 5/5 
18.  Don Feliciana, Jr, 11                                    75:12 4/4 
19.  Roach Brown, 66              Washington DC               76:50 1/1 
20.  Delmar Williams, 47          Lanham VA                   79:27 2/2 
21.  Joel Asikiwe, 53                                         95:17 1/1 
22.  Udoh Opiotennione, 99        Brentwood MD                96:00 1/1 


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