Tidal Basin Runs
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Washington DC
Results by Tidal Basin Runs

Ted Poulos repeated as winner in the 1500m, and Victor Papagno set a personal best to win the 3000m. Simonetta Nussio ran and won her second Tidal Basin 3000m. Volunteers: Nancy Bullock, S.M. Worthen, Victor Papagno. Kevin Stack, and Peter Blank
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1500M Finishers
Place  Name                      G Age City State               Time    M   F
  1   Ted Poulos                 M  49 McLean VA                 5:25   1
  2   Kevin Stack                M  43 Reston VA                 5:40   2
  3   Dustin Palmer              M  37 Oakton VA                 6:12   3
  4   Rodney Wells               M  40 Manassas Park VA          6:40   4
  5   Peter Blank                M  56 Annandale VA              6:45   5
  6   Jay Jacob Wind             M  61 Arlington VA             23:51   6
3000 Meter Run
  1   Victor Papagno             M  43 Hughesville MD           10:14   1
  2   Mike Piet                  M  33 Arlington VA             11:24   2
  3   Max Ahmadi                 M  55 Dunn Loring VA           12:30   3
  4   Simonetta Nussio           F  37 Arlington VA             13:23       1
  5   David Buffum               M  41 Washington DC            13:34   4
  6   Dale Johnson               M  43 Washington DC            13:34   5
  7   Jim Mort                   M  64 Burke VA                 14:31   6
  8   Bob Platt                  M  59 Arlington VA             16:30   7
  9   Robert L. Gurtler          M  76 The Plains VA            18:06   8
  10  Bernadette Flynn           F  53 Springfield VA           19:58       2
5000 Meter Run
  1   Karsten Brown              M  36 Front Royal VA           17:25   1
  2   Bill Stahr                 M  50 The Plains VA            20:53   2
  3   Noah Wood                  M  27 Catonsville MD           21:06   3
  4   Andy Garin                 M  23 Washington DC            23:32   4
  5   Tristan Worthen            M  11 North Beach MD           26:02   5
  6   Jim Meyers                 M  61 York Haven PA            26:04   6


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