Buddy Attick 3M/1.75M
Greenbelt, MD
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Conducted by PG Running Club

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3M Finishers
PL  Name                 Sex Age Time
1   McCullough, Kent      M  54  20:00.8
2   O'Rourke, Polly       F  40  21:57.3
3   Larsen, Christopher   M  45  23:33.4
4   Hutchinson, Dexter    M  42  24:37.9
5   Paradee, Gary         M  26  25:06.8
6   Cameron, Wil          M  51  25:17.4
7   Giamalva, John        M  57  25:24.4
8   Mawuli, Safa          F  33  26:24.9
9   Williams, Michael     M  36  26:26.8
10  Carl, Dana            F  40  26:32.4
11  Roberts, Nicole       F  37  26:52.6
12  Ramsey, John          M  50  26:54.8
13  Green, Kate           F  32  27:56.7
14  Coppock, Gary         M  48  28:54.7
15  Williams, Angela      F  30  28:56.6
16  Robert, P             M  46  29:00.2
17  Coppock, Gillian      F  41  29:06.9
18  Noakes, Zachary       M  28  29:12.5
19  Teyssier, Andrea      F  27  29:48.1
20  El-Amin, Mahasin      F  29  29:54.0
21  Tyler, Kyra           F  22  32:15.7
22  Kennedy, Katrina      F  34  32:18.0
23  Shroder, Mark         M  57  33:16.5
24  Martin, Glenda        F  51  34:42.8
25  Keller, Susan         F  56  35:00.6
26  Thompson, Laurie      F  38  36:50.8
27  Hutchinson, Antoinette F 43  37:52.5
28  Ford, Andrea          F   0  38:05.4
29  Proctor, Don          M  74  39:16.6
30  Flowers, Catina       F  29  40:11.3
31  Campbell, Laverne     F  43  40:51.5
32  Davis, Lorna          F  46  43:51.2
1.75M Finishers 
PL	Name                 Sex Age Time
1   Poulos, Ted           M  49  11:36.8
2   Tran, Alex            M  31  15:26.7
3   Clark, Patricia       F  41  16:05.0
4   Saddler, Elizabeth    F  10  16:06.5
5   Davis, Vee            F  38  16:54.7
6   Saddler, Talisha      F  33  18:16.9
7   O'Heir, Tracy         F  37  20:47.2
8   Gordon, Kirk          M  55  21:56.4
9   Ossi Van Brecht, Kim  F  32  23:10.2
10  Lynk Smith, Lisa      F  46  24:16.0
11  Merene, Shayla        F  12  25:03.2
12  Merene, Khalid        M  13  25:03.2
13  Smith, Gwendolyn      F  46  25:06.7
14  Butler, Tina          F  52  25:11.2
15  Massiah, Charmaine    F  42  25:30.1
16  Smalls, Marguerite    F  37  25:36.1
17  Wicker, Ruth          F  53  25:39.8
18  Gordon, Sharyn        F  53  34:30.1


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