Athletes selected distances from 4 miles to 20 miles and predicted their times.
CLOCK times are each athlete's actual time of finish. NET times are from each athlete's start to finish, as best we can know.
PREDICTION is each athlete's estimate for the selected distance.
DELTA is the absolute difference between NET time and PREDICTION.
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Num Place Name G Age City State Clock Time Net Time Distance Prediction Delta ---- -- -------------------------- - --- ---------------- ---------- -------- -------- ---------- ------- 330 1 Laura Yost F 32 Washington DC 0:40:33 0:40:33 5 0:42:30 0:01:57 329 2 Kyle Yost M 40 Washington DC 0:40:34 0:40:35 5 0:42:30 0:01:55 87 3 J.R. Stratton M 32 Arlington VA 0:46:42 0:46:42 5 0:44:00 0:02:42 331 4 Rita Cronley F 57 Arlington VA 0:56:09 0:56:10 5 1:00:00 0:03:50 58 5 Leland Middleton F 42 Washington DC 1:08:31 1:08:32 8 1:12:00 0:03:28 69 6 Lisa Paska F 27 North Beach MD 1:09:37 1:09:37 5 1:10:00 0:00:23 9 7 Jodie Cook F 38 Washington DC 1:10:26 1:10:26 5 1:08:00 0:02:26 63 8 Glenn Olsen M 41 Rockville MD 1:20:58 1:20:59 8 1:12:00 0:08:59 91 9 Michael Sundquist M 29 Fairfax VA 1:36:25 1:36:25 12 1:39:00 0:02:35 74 10 Doug Powell M 61 Falls Church VA 1:36:37 1:36:38 8 1:30:00 0:06:38 42 11 Kimberly Kramer F 33 Vienna VA 1:36:37 1:36:38 8 2:08:00 0:31:22 24 12 Kendra Goffredo F 30 Washington DC 1:41:01 1:41:02 12 1:42:00 0:00:58 28 13 Matthew Hall M 33 Arlington VA 1:41:33 1:41:34 12 1:48:15 0:06:41 316 14 Lawson Wilder M 45 Bethesda MD 1:46:02 1:46:02 12 1:49:00 0:02:58 337 15 Janet Chow F 35 Ashburn VA 1:52:46 1:52:47 10 1:40:00 0:12:47 32 16 Laila Howar F 12 Leesburg VA 1:58:58 1:58:59 12 2:05:00 0:06:01 335 17 Avery Gallison F 26 St. Paul MN 1:59:55 1:59:55 12 2:00:00 0:00:05 334 18 Malai Turnbull F 28 Arlington VA 1:59:57 1:59:57 12 2:00:00 0:00:03 43 19 Alexis Layne F 28 Falls Church VA 2:00:18 2:00:18 10 2:00:00 0:00:18 338 20 Rich Grove M 39 Ashburn VA 2:00:44 2:00:44 12 2:05:00 0:04:16 54 21 Jackie McCarthy M 34 Arlington VA 2:04:17 2:04:17 13 2:10:00 0:05:43 336 22 Ester Letsche F 39 Centreville VA 2:04:20 2:04:21 16 3:00:00 0:55:39 88 23 Timra Stump F 43 Reston VA 2:05:08 2:05:08 10 2:00:00 0:05:08 342 24 Melissa Benik F 30 Falls Church VA 2:06:59 2:07:00 12 2:10:00 0:03:00 79 25 Kevin Rosenblum M 28 Arlington VA 2:08:06 2:08:06 12 2:12:00 0:03:54 45 26 Leanne Layne F 59 Clifton VA 2:09:18 2:09:18 11 2:12:00 0:02:42 323 27 Michele Olson F 35 Alexandria VA 2:10:56 2:10:56 12 2:12:00 0:01:04 322 28 Teaka Robba F 38 Alexandria VA 2:11:04 2:11:05 12 2:12:00 0:00:55 332 29 Keri Hadley F 37 Fairfax VA 2:11:11 2:11:12 12 2:24:00 0:12:48 44 30 Judith Layne M 50 Clifton VA 2:11:13 2:11:13 11 2:12:00 0:00:47 34 31 Erin Hypes F 26 Alexandria VA 2:11:17 2:11:18 12 2:00:00 0:11:18 10 32 Jon Cooper M 35 Arlington VA 2:11:39 2:11:39 20 4:00:00 1:48:21 51 33 Sam Maness M 31 Arlington VA 2:12:47 2:12:47 15 2:15:00 0:02:13 50 34 Patrizia Maness F 29 Arlington VA 2:13:34 2:13:35 15 2:13:00 0:00:35 71 35 Austin Perez M 37 Silver Spring MD 2:14:47 2:14:48 16 2:13:00 0:01:48 100 36 Jeffrey Webb M 33 Arlington VA 2:17:09 2:17:10 15 2:20:00 0:02:50 333 37 Erica Pacheco F 30 Fairfax VA 2:18:15 2:18:16 16 2:18:00 0:00:16 64 38 Derek O'Mara M 31 Alexandria VA 2:19:44 2:19:44 13 2:20:00 0:00:16 4 39 Jeff Bowers M 49 Ashburn VA 2:20:18 2:20:19 17 2:16:00 0:04:19 327 40 Clyde Anderson M 61 Washington DC 2:21:48 2:21:48 12 1:50:00 0:31:48 89 41 Jim Sullivan M 45 Kensington MD 2:23:32 2:23:32 10 2:00:00 0:23:32 16 42 Mark Edmunds M 44 Rockville MD 2:25:43 2:25:44 12 2:23:00 0:02:44 93 43 Masaki Takahashi M 57 McLean VA 2:26:45 2:26:45 15 2:30:00 0:03:15 29 44 William Hancock M 34 Washington DC 2:26:47 0:36:48 5 0:37:30 0:00:42 22 45 Janet Garber F 58 Alexandria VA 2:28:42 2:28:42 13 2:23:00 0:05:42 5 46 Todd Bromberg M 48 Bethesda MD 2:30:17 2:30:17 12 1:52:00 0:38:17 14 47 Valerie Dix F 29 Woodbridge VA 2:32:29 2:32:29 13 2:42:00 0:09:31 86 48 Hans Staffelbach M 38 Arlington VA 2:34:11 2:34:12 15 2:30:00 0:04:12 328 49 Jennifer Fier F 24 Arlington VA 2:34:49 2:34:49 14 2:10:00 0:24:49 13 50 Linda Devlin F 49 North Potomac MD 2:37:53 0:47:54 5 0:48:17 0:00:23 27 51 Katherine Hahn M 48 Alexandria VA 2:39:49 2:39:49 16 2:50:00 0:10:11 37 52 Eric Klaiber M 33 Arlington VA 2:44:35 2:44:35 17 2:55:00 0:10:25 40 53 Jason Knowles M 41 Alexandria VA 2:45:37 2:45:38 20 2:50:00 0:04:22 83 54 Aaron Schneider M 42 Rockville MD 2:46:14 2:46:15 20 3:00:00 0:13:45 1073 55 Tim Olson M Washington DC 2:47:13 0:57:13 6 1:00:00 0:02:47 67 56 Siri Oswald F 38 Seattle WA 2:47:22 0:57:23 5 0:58:30 0:01:07 31 57 Martha Howar F 46 Leesburg VA 2:50:07 2:50:08 20 3:05:00 0:14:52 326 58 Rodrigo Garcia M 37 Centreville VA 2:50:08 2:50:08 20 2:48:00 0:02:08 85 59 Dennis Smith M 44 Brambleton VA 2:51:50 2:51:50 16 3:00:00 0:08:10 325 60 Jim Howard M 50 Alexandria VA 2:58:15 2:58:15 20 4:30:00 1:31:45 341 61 Laura Greeson F 41 Alexandria VA 2:58:51 2:58:52 17 2:15:00 0:43:52 94 62 Maria Takahashi F 27 McLean VA 3:00:28 3:00:28 20 2:55:00 0:05:28 25 63 Kai Goodrich M 46 Arlington VA 3:04:38 3:04:38 17 3:05:00 0:00:22 73 64 Susan Poorbaugh F 51 Alexandria VA 3:05:28 3:05:28 20 0:00:00 3:05:28 75 65 Bill Prochazka M 30 Ashburn VA 3:06:23 3:06:23 20 3:00:00 0:06:23 1 66 Kristina Ament F 48 Alexandria VA 3:06:30 3:06:31 17 2:55:00 0:11:31 340 67 Alex Heiche M 40 Fairfax VA 3:06:30 3:06:31 17 2:55:00 0:11:31 1074 68 Marlene Tomaszkiewicz F 32 Arlington VA 3:08:47 1:18:48 8 1:21:00 0:02:12 39 69 Mary Klima F 34 Arlington VA 3:11:17 3:11:18 20 3:20:00 0:08:42 59 70 Kate Morse F 35 Alexandria VA 3:13:38 3:13:38 20 3:20:00 0:06:22 65 71 Katie Osei F 32 Falls Church VA 3:14:02 3:14:02 14 3:09:00 0:05:02 20 72 Sheri Francis F 32 Arlington VA 3:16:58 3:16:58 20 3:30:00 0:13:02 82 73 Karlos Sachs M 35 Arlington VA 3:17:55 1:27:56 10 1:30:00 0:02:04 70 74 Debbie Pederson F 32 Alexandria VA 3:18:00 3:18:01 13 3:30:00 0:11:59 26 75 Glenn Hagmann M 44 Arlington VA 3:19:59 3:19:59 12 1:30:00 1:49:59 8 76 Christopher Cheok M 25 North Beach MD 3:21:35 3:21:35 17 2:50:00 0:31:35 97 77 Ryan Vear M 26 Arlington VA 3:23:24 3:23:24 20 3:22:00 0:01:24 77 78 Adele Ratcliff F 45 Springfield VA 3:23:57 3:23:58 17 3:24:00 0:00:02 1075 79 Lonnie Lazear M 42 Reston VA 3:24:27 1:34:28 9 1:32:00 0:02:28 47 80 Samantha Mader F 24 Arlington VA 3:24:30 3:24:30 20 3:23:00 0:01:30 78 81 Dawn Riebeling F 25 Washington DC 3:25:35 3:25:35 12 1:40:00 1:45:35 2 82 Wanda Ayuso F 36 Alexandria VA 3:25:49 3:25:50 20 3:32:00 0:06:10 23 83 David Gearin M 66 Arlington VA 3:32:17 3:32:18 20 3:15:00 0:17:18 33 84 Michelle Huang F 23 Gaithersburg MD 3:34:39 3:34:39 20 3:43:33 0:08:54 319 85 Bob Young M 59 McLean VA 3:36:30 3:36:31 20 3:31:00 0:05:31 30 86 Kenton Hasson M 47 Germantown MD 3:42:04 3:42:04 20 3:10:00 0:32:04 90 87 Donna Sumption F 47 Arlington VA 3:43:36 3:43:36 20 4:00:00 0:16:24 61 88 Nicolas Nouvel M 45 Springfield VA 3:43:37 3:43:38 20 3:35:48 0:07:50 66 89 Rebecca Oser F 32 Washington DC 3:43:39 3:43:39 20 3:30:00 0:13:39 317 90 Cathy Wolfe F 50 Arlington VA 3:46:45 3:46:46 15 3:45:00 0:01:46 320 91 Mike Zaetta M 36 Arlington VA 3:46:47 1:56:47 8 1:28:00 0:28:47 96 92 Holly Tompkins F 27 Arlington VA 3:46:47 3:46:48 20 3:50:00 0:03:12 62 93 Misha O'Hanlan M 53 Falls Church VA 3:48:51 1:58:52 8 2:00:00 0:01:08 7 94 Deborah Chamberlin F 44 Alexandria VA 3:49:49 1:59:50 10 2:00:00 0:00:10 56 95 Tim McGonigle M 41 Arlington VA 3:53:11 2:03:11 13 2:00:00 0:03:11 57 96 Scott McQuade M 30 McLean VA 4:00:27 2:10:28 10 2:03:00 0:07:28 1076 97 Sean Dixon M 43 Waldorf MD 4:07:17 4:07:17 10 1:35:00 2:32:17 52 98 Lynn Mattucci F 54 Arlington VA 4:13:34 2:23:34 12 2:18:00 0:05:34 321 99 Barbara Zanotti F 48 Burke VA 4:13:35 2:23:36 12 2:25:00 0:01:24 15 100 Gregory DuMont M 44 Alexandria VA 4:13:49 4:13:50 20 4:10:00 0:03:50 95 101 Kate Thomas F 26 Arlington VA 4:17:49 4:17:50 20 3:40:00 0:37:50 81 102 Katherine Ryan F 28 Washington DC 4:20:20 4:20:20 20 4:10:00 0:10:20 38 103 Nick Kleinschmidt M 27 Arlington VA 4:29:47 2:39:47 17 3:05:00 0:25:13 339 104 AJ McIntyre M 39 Cabin John MD 4:52:00 4:52:00 20 4:45:00 0:07:00 Top 20 Predicted Times 77 1 Adele Ratcliff F 45 Springfield VA 3:23:58 17 3:24:00 0:00:02 334 2 Malai Turnbull F 28 Arlington VA 1:59:57 12 2:00:00 0:00:03 335 3 Avery Gallison F 26 St. Paul MN 1:59:55 12 2:00:00 0:00:05 7 4 Deborah Chamberlin F 44 Alexandria VA 1:59:50 10 2:00:00 0:00:10 51 5 Sam Maness M 31 Arlington VA 2:12:47 15 2:15:00 0:02:13 333 6 Erica Pacheco F 30 Fairfax VA 2:18:16 16 2:18:00 0:00:16 64 7 Derek O'Mara M 31 Alexandria VA 2:19:44 13 2:20:00 0:00:16 43 8 Alexis Layne F 28 Falls Church VA 2:00:18 10 2:00:00 0:00:18 25 9 Kai Goodrich M 46 Arlington VA 3:04:38 17 3:05:00 0:00:22 69 10 Lisa Paska F 27 North Beach MD 1:09:37 5 1:10:00 0:00:23 13 11 Linda Devlin F 49 North Potomac MD 0:47:54 5 0:48:17 0:00:23 50 12 Patrizia Maness F 29 Arlington VA 2:13:35 15 2:13:00 0:00:35 29 13 William Hancock M 34 Washington DC 0:36:48 5 0:37:30 0:00:42 44 14 Judith Layne M 50 Clifton VA 2:11:13 11 2:12:00 0:00:47 322 15 Teaka Robba F 38 Alexandria VA 2:11:05 12 2:12:00 0:00:55 24 16 Kendra Goffredo F 30 Washington DC 1:41:02 12 1:42:00 0:00:58 323 17 Michele Olson F 35 Alexandria VA 2:10:56 12 2:12:00 0:01:04 67 18 Siri Oswald F 38 Seattle WA 0:57:23 5 0:58:30 0:01:07 62 19 Misha O'Hanlan M 53 Falls Church VA 1:58:52 8 2:00:00 0:01:08 97 20 Ryan Vear M 26 Arlington VA 3:23:24 20 3:22:00 0:01:24 |
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