PVTC Go Fourth 9K
Monday, July 4, 2011
Bluemont Park, Arlington VA
Conducted by Potomac Valley Track Club

This race was originally scheduled to be a 5K and 10K at Belle Haven. However, permitting issues caused it to be moved to Bluemont Park. Because the turnaround was misplaced, the race was about 9K rather than 10K. Race director Rolland Elliott wishes to thank his many volunteers.
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133 Finishers
Num Place Name                       G Age City State          Time    M  F     Award
 ---  -- --------------------------  - --- ----------------    ------  -  -   --------
 501  1  Thomas Pesch                M  21 Elgin MN            31:55   1      M20-29 1
 375  2  Cory Herold                 M  27 Arlington VA        32:21   2      M20-29 2
 361  3  Lisa Thomas                 F  35 Alexandria VA       32:34      1   F30-39 1
 642  4  Edi Turco                   M  38 Arlington VA        32:54   3      M30-39 1
 305  5  Andrew Edward Jarvis        M  21 Annandale VA        33:03   4      M20-29 3
 735  6  Lindsay Wilkins             F  33 Arlington VA        33:07      2   F30-39 2
 447  7  Andrew Miner                M  34 Alexandria VA       33:15   5      M30-39 2
 360  8  Erin Swain                  F  29 Arlington VA        33:17      3   F20-29 1
 422  9  Kristi Markowicz            F  41 Arlington VA        34:03      4   F40-49 1
 370  10 Craig Chasse                M  41 Reston VA           34:12   6      M40-49 1
 362  11 Jimmy Sosinski              M  28 Alexandria VA       34:36   7
 261  12 Reid Haflich                M  22 Glen Ellen CA       35:09   8
 58   13 James Andrew Brennan        M  32 Alexandria VA       35:35   9      M30-39 3
 198  14 Anne Feldman                F  29 Arlington VA        35:38      5   F20-29 2
 68   15 Dave J. Cahill              M  39 Arlington VA        36:23  10
 376  16 Stephen G. Wills            M  50 College Park MD     36:39  11      M50-59 1
 596  17 Matthew Smith               M  41 Oakville ON         37:29  12      M40-49 2
 159  18 Anthony Drake               M  41 Arlngton VA         37:40  13      M40-49 3
 743  19 Abdelillah Razah            M  45 Arlington VA        37:53  14
 136  20 Kelly Devine                F  27 Arlington VA        37:54      6   F20-29 3
 203  21 Matthew Fenske              M  22 Elgin MN            38:06  15
 367  22 Alex Galanes                M  34 Arlington VA        38:37  16
 378  23 Mark Hand                   M  44 Arlington VA        38:51  17
 74   24 Rachel Clattenburg          F  27 Washington DC       39:35      7
 602  25 Anna Stone                  F  16 Vienna VA           39:59      8  F19&under 1
 646  26 Mickey Tveter               M  32 Arlington VA        40:17  18
 116  27 Patricia Cuff               F  46 Alexandria VA       40:38      9   F40-49 2
 53   28 Betty Blank                 F  58 Falls Church VA     41:08     10   F50-59 1
 372  29 Corky Sturtevant            F  40 Springfield VA      41:08     11   F40-49 3
 18   30 Jay Jacob Wind              M  61 Arlington VA        41:19  19      M60-69 1
 622  31 Rebecca Swann               F  37 Springfield VA      41:21     12   F30-39 3
 161  32 Andy Dreby                  M  53 Springfield VA      41:33  20      M50-59 2
 267  33 Cameron Harvey              M  18 Alexandria VA       42:44  21     M19&under 1
 207  34 Tehani Finch                M  36 Washington DC       43:04  22
 36   35 Ted Baca                    M  65 Arlington VA        43:11  23      M60-69 2
 379  36 Rodney Fennell              M  52 Clinton MD          43:26  24      M50-59 3
 480  37 Simonetta Nussio            F  37 Arlington VA        43:36     13
 594  38 Daniel Raymond Smith        M  48 Arlington VA        43:45  25
 368  39 Jerry Obey                  M  27 Falls Church VA     44:00  26
 721  40 Joshua B. Wellner           M  33 Arlington VA        44:17  27
 485  41 Elizabeth Ottaway           F  47 Alexandria VA       44:43     14
 242  42 Margaret Stonerock          F  16 Vienna VA           44:49     15  F19&under 2
 46   43 Vicki Bentley-Condit        F  53 Grinnell IA         44:59     16   F50-59 2
 354  44 Devyn L. Kreb               M  13 Aldie VA            46:01  28     M19&under 2
 710  45 Stacy Weina                 F  41 Springfield VA      46:19     17
 77   46 Scott Michael Clendaniel    M  32 Arlington VA        46:23  29
 385  47 Michael Roy Nelson          M  51 Arlington VA        46:24  30
 64   48 Courtenay Brinckerhoff      F  43 Alexandria VA       46:24     18
 84   49 Lesbia A. Matos Colon       F  39 Alexandria VA       46:28     19
 527  50 James Scarborough           M  53 McLean VA           46:36  31
 456  51 Mark Morze                  M  37 Arlington VA        46:48  32
 741  52 Sarah Willyard              F  29 Arlington VA        46:48     20
 492  53 Christopher Joseph Paldino  M  39 Arlington VA        46:49  33
 55   54 Robert B. Bluey             M  31 Alexandria VA       47:19  34
 122  55 Rachael Cullins             F  27 Alexandria VA       47:23     21
 374  56 John Brittain               M  67 Alexandria VA       47:47  35      M60-69 3
 545  57 Benjamin Serinsky           M  26 Washington DC       47:50  36
 221  58 Chris Flynn                 M  46 Arlington VA        48:03  37
 727  59 Katherine Wellner           F  30 Arlington VA        48:27     22
 25   60 Raymond L Adams             M  38 Springfield VA      48:34  38
 57   61 Christine Darden Brennan    F  39 Arlington VA        48:36     23
 539  62 Jenny Schwab                F  34 Washington DC       48:52     24
 24   63 Alyssa S. Adams             F  38 Springfield VA      49:06     25
 366  64 Jerry Landry                M  26 Falls Church VA     49:25  39
 387  65 Kent Allen                  M  51 Washington DC       49:36  40
 215  66 Shana Michele Gelb Finkel   F  28 Washington DC       49:42     26
 353  67 Austin A. Kreb              M  11 Aldie VA            49:55  41     M19&under 3
 605  68 Catherine Stone             F  13 Vienna VA           50:03     27  F19&under 3
 23   69 Naomi Louise Adam           F  31 Silver Spring MD    50:07     28
 12   70 Diana Abbott                F  31 Durham NC           50:20     29
 650  71 Amy Udy                     F  33 Eagle Mountain UT   50:27     30
 66   72 Thomas Brouns               M  44 Falls Church VA     50:28  42
 380  73 Tyler Moore                 M  41 Fort Washington MD  50:32  43
 265  74 Bradley Hall                M  27 Monroe MI           51:19  44
 278  75 Caitlin High                F  22 Lexington VA        51:28     31
 316  76 Veronica Jean Jarvis        F  50 Annandale VA        51:29     32   F50-59 3
 324  77 Karen Kazmerzak             F  35 Washington DC       52:21     33
 56   78 Lastenia Itzel Bober        F  32 Alexandria VA       52:22     34
 369  79 Peter B. Howe               M  48 Alexandria VA       52:25  45
 253  80 Carlos Gomez                M  26 Manassas VA         53:07  46
 494  81 Elena Papadopoulos          F  26 Bethesda MD         53:16     35
 206  82 Jessica Noelle Fetter       F  26 Cross Plains TN     53:22     36
 54   83 Peter Blank RW              M  56 Annandale VA        53:26  47        MRW 1
 383  84 Cheryl Cotton               F  47 McLean VA           53:27     37
 382  85 Arthur Cotton               M  48 McLean VA           53:29  48
 708  86 Richard Weekes              M  26 Manassas VA         53:41  49
 59   87 Shelley Brennan             F  31 Alexandria VA       53:48     38
 43   88 Ali Bart                    F  25 Washington DC       53:52     39
 567  89 Karen Silhol                F  35 Arlington VA        53:53     40
 143  90 Valerie Dexter              F  41 Springfield VA      54:20     41
 266  91 Douglas Dean Hartman        M  52 Springfield VA      54:39  50
 61   92 Terrence Brennan            M  37 Washington DC       54:45  51
 384  93 Margaret Farrell            F  46 Kensington MD       54:49     42
 210  94 Jesse Kyle Finkel           M  27 Washington DC       55:25  52
 528  95 Katie Godburn Schubert      F  29 Alexandria VA       55:49     43
 392  96 Kristy Lutjen               F  40 Bristow VA          56:24     44
 522  97 Viviana Reyes               F  31 McLean VA           56:46     45
 520  98 Franco Reyes                M  31 McLean VA           56:48  53
 608  99 Mark Edward Stricherz       M  40 Washington DC       57:31  54
 488 100 Sara Padilla                F  37 Portland OR         57:31     46
 377 101 Tania Harbourt              F  37 Burke VA            57:31     47
 629 102 Rita S. Trimarchi           F  57 Alexandria VA       57:36     48
 336 103 Andrew Kennedy              M  35 Washington DC       57:54  55
 600 104 Ellyn Stecker               F  33 Arlington VA        57:55     49
 365 105 Tish Few                    F  33 Washington DC       57:57     50
 327 106 Kate Keenan                 F  22 Falls Church VA     58:13     51
 195 107 Vera D. Feinhaus            F  26 Washington DC       58:14     52
 446 108 Laura McNamee               F  39 San Antonio TX      58:21     53
 269 109 Jim Harvey                  M  46 Alexandria VA       58:43  56
 563 110 Dan Sherman                 M  52 Alexandria VA       58:50  57
 39  111 Destiny Iorg Bachman        F  28 Arlington VA        59:19     54
 552 112 Christy Shah                F  40 Alexandria VA       59:19     55
 104 113 Kevin Connolly              M  36 Washington DC       59:40  58
 586 114 Randy Skidmore RW           M  56 Parkersburg WV      59:48  59        MRW 2
 346 115 Amanda L. King              F  25 Alexandria VA       59:53     56
 732 116 Russ Werner                 M  51 Sterling VA       1:00:39 60
 449 117 Natalia Lucia Morales RW    F  23 Manassas VA       1:01:22    57     FRW 1
 27  118 Elizabeth Armstrong         F  46 Falls Church VA   1:01:45    58
 297 119 Kyle Hosmer                 M  23 Lexington VA      1:02:06 61
 706 120 Tracey Watson               F  33 Falls Church VA   1:02:32    59
 289 121 Deborah Hooker              F  40 Alexandria VA     1:02:33    60
 656 122 Adanna Lee Vardian          F  28 Alexandria VA     1:02:35    61
 32  123 Thomas Augustine RW         M  61 Woodbridge VA     1:05:30 62        MRW 3
 359 124 Rosanne Noelle Gillis       F  47 Falls Church VA   1:06:41    62
 373 125 John Schultz                M  79 Wilmington DE     1:07:21 63      M70-79 1
 33  126 Leander Francis Aulisio RW  M  64 Arlington VA      1:08:10 64
 381 127 Sarah Stella Lopez          F  54 Arlington VA      1:09:23    63
 478 128 Carrie Nguyen RW            F  27 Washington DC     1:09:24    64     FRW 2
 643 129 Ruth Turner                 F  50 Washington DC     1:11:03    65
 417 130 Toni Marechaux              F  52 Washington DC     1:11:04    66
 355 131 Lucy Kulm                   F  41 Falls Church VA   1:12:16    67
 386 132 Peggy Bradford              F  50 Washington DC     1:17:50    68
 219 133 Bernadette Flynn            F  53 Springfield VA    1:25:56    69


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