Last year, he set a world record on 2:27:21 for the indoor marathon. This year, he ran this marathon just three days after finishing 3rd (and 1st American) at Badwater 135-mile Ultramarathon across Death Valley in California.
Dana Casanave was the only female finisher, running her all-time personal best and breaking 4 hours for the first time. Last year, she ran 52 marathons in 52 weeks.
Helen White served as chief timer, ably assisted by Liza Recto and many other
volunteers. The cheering section included Joanne Criniti, Alan Levine, Rebecca
Nathan, Dean Shulman, Vivienne Wardian, and young Pierce and Grant Wardian.
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45 Finishers Place Name G Age City State Time M F 1 Michael Wardian M 37 Arlington VA 3:15:19 1 2 Abdelillah Razah M 45 Arlington VA 3:40:19 2 3 Jay Jacob Wind M 61 Arlington VA 3:45:31 3 4 Hideki Kinoshita M 32 Leonia NJ 3:58:02 4 5 Dana Casanave F 30 Leesburg VA 3:59:25 1 6 John Eric Baker M 29 Chesapeake VA 4:30:58 5 7 LTC Edward Gerard Keller M 49 Topeka KS 5:26:07 6 8 Francesco Criniti M 67 Philadelphia PA 5:41:54 7 9 Ashis Roy M 79 New Delhi INDIA 6:59:37 8 10 George E. "Ted" Hobart M 44 Arlington VA 7:02:10 9 |
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