5K Race for Liberty
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Front Royal, VA
Warren County Teen Republican Committee

Note: A last-minute alteration of the course requested by the police resulted in the route coming out to about 3.06 miles, or around 260 feet short of five kilometers.
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45 Finishers
Place NAME              AGE  SEX   TIME    PACE  IN SEX  IN DIVISION
1.  Karsten Brown        37   M   17:01    5:34   1st    1st M Overall
2.  Thomas Benner        19   M   19:13    6:17   2nd    2nd M Overall
3.  Stephen Wills        50   M   19:54    6:30   3rd    1st M 50-59
4.  Kayla Gibbons        16   F   20:48    6:48   1st    1st F Overall
5.  Misty Bordner        32   F   21:57    7:10   2nd    2nd F Overall
6.  Sam Catalani         17   M   22:45    7:26   4th    1st M 13-19
7.  Jess Ferguson        30   M   23:10    7:34   5th    1st M 30-39
8.  Rebecca Hall         37   F   23:29    7:40   3rd    1st F 30-39
9.  Linsey Mingo         24   M   24:10    7:54   6th    1st M 20-29
10. Judy Grigsby         18   F   24:44    8:05   4th    1st F 13-19
11. Patty Hugo           44   F   25:17    8:16   5th    1st F 40-49
12. David Sharpe         43   M   22:08    7:14   7th    1st M 40-49
13. Jenn Kimbal          24   F   27:23    8:57   6th    1st F 20-29
14. Jon Palks            61   M   27:30    8:59   8th    1st M 60+
15. Luke Cline           13   M   27:58    9:08   9th    2nd M 13-19
16. Will Spencer         14   M   27:58    9:08   10th   3rd M 13-19
17. Joey Hugo            13   M   28:35    9:20   11th   4th M 13-19
18. Nick Hogan           37   M   28:36    9:21   12th   2nd M 30-39
19. Rob Hall             44   M   30:12    9:52   13th   2nd M 40-49
20. Heather Ploski       28   F   30:23    9:56   7th    2nd F 20-29
21. Phil Laub            59   M   30:50   10:05   14th   2nd M 50-59
22. Abigail Stockton     10   F   31:23   10:15   8th    1st F 12 & Un.
23. Greg Stockton        50   M   31:24   10:16   15th   3rd M 50-59
24. Michael Huff         36   M   31:36   10:20   16th   3rd M 30-39
25. Leanna Comstock      26   F   32:14   10:32   9th    3rd F 20-29
26. Walter Mazzouccolo   33   M   33:02   10:48   17th   4th M 30-39
27. Laura Whitlock       40   F   33:02   10:48   10th   2nd F 40-49
28. Cara Laub            31   F   33:59   11:06   11th   2nd F 30-39
29. Allie Mingo          16   F   34:37   11:19   12th   2nd F 13-19
30. Stephanie Blevins    37   F   35:00   11:26   13th   3rd F 30-39
31. Andrea Ferguson      47   F   35:37   11:38   14th   3rd F 40-49
32. Shelly Stockton      46   F   35:39   11:39   15th   4th F 40-49
33. Sonja Eackles        42   F   37:26   12:14   16th   5th F 40-49
34. Bethany Hall         14   F   39:45   12:59   17th   3rd F 13-19
35. Riley Oates           9   M   42:56   14:02   18th   1st M 12 & Un.
36. Nate Groves          10   M   43:11   14:07   19th   2nd M 12 & Un.
37. Leise Oliva          51   F   44:39   14:35   18th   1st F 50-59
38. Susan Salmano        38   F   44:39   14:35   19th   4th F 30-39
39. Cari Davis           26   F   45:49   14:58   20th   4th F 20-29
40. Rachel Flint         29   F   45:49   14:58   21st   5th F 20-29
41. Terry Williams       54   F   45:49   14:58   22nd   2nd F 50-59
42. Barbara Gimber       48   F   46:34   15:13   23rd   6th F 40-49
43. Rose Mary Comstock   57   F   46:36   15:14   24th   3rd F 50-59
44. Felicia Hamilton     19   F   55:05   18:00   25th   4th F 13-19
45. Dawn Huff            35   F   55:05   18:00   26th   5th F 30-39


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