Tidal Basin Presidential Fitness Runs
Sunday, July 3, 2011
West Potomac Park, Washington DC
Conducted by Chesapeake Bay Running Club

This race was originally scheduled for Haines Point. However, when that site was unavailable, it was moved to the FDR Memorial. The last time the race was held here, 4K and 10K options were offered, but someone decided to offer a 5K, since that distance had been publicized based on a single lap around East Potomac Park. Unfortunately, the turnaround point for the 5K was placed too close to the start finish, resulting in a short course. The 10K was two 5K loops, so on the second loop Jay Wind took the turn around cone with him to the correct location, but the two other 10K runners still turned around at the original point, thinking that someone had stolen the cone. A pot luck picnic followed the run.

Volunteers: Peter Blank and Sarah Rainey.
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Results by heat
Place Name                                 G Age City State                        M  F  Time
  --  --------------------------           - --- -----------------------          ------ ----
George Washington One Mile
  1   Ted Poulos                           M  49 McLean VA                         1     6:51
  2   Peter Blank                          M  56 Annandale VA                      2     7:19

Thomas Jefferson 3 Kilometer
  1   Bob Weiner                           M  64 Accokeek MD                       1     14:46
  2   Karen Harvey                         F  54 Ellicott City MD                     1  15:40
  3   Janice Hattan                        F  59 Concordia KS                         2  17:41
  4   Susan Loney                          F  25 Arlington VA                         3  18:01
  5   Patrick Harvey                       M  27 Washington DC                     2     22:14
  6   Judy Rainey                          F  55 Vienna VA                            4  26:19
  7   Rosemary Loney                       F  58 Arlington VA                         5  26:18
  8   Ric Francke                          M  64 McLean VA                         3     27:13

James Madison 4,770 Meters
  1   John Way                             M  46 Montgomery Village MD             1     18:07
  2   Binh Ly                              M  21 Woodbridge VA                     2     18:30
  3   Justin Hattan                        M  33 Washington DC                     3     18:56
  4   Greg Hattan                          M  58 Concordia KS                      4     18:56
  5   Chris Farmer                         M  32 Columbia MD                       5     21:16
  6   Bob Platt                            M  59 Arlington VA                      6     21:59
  7   Justin Samson                        M  21 Vienna VA                         7     23:13
  8   Steve Dungan                         M  21 Vienna VA                         8     23:15
  9   Jon Palks                            M  62 Bowie MD                          9     23:37
  10  Amanda An                            F  24 Ellicott City MD                     1  24:34
  11  Jennifer Hattan                      F  29 Chicago IL                           2  25:28
  12  Leah Hattan                          F  29 Washington DC                        3  25:29
  13  Jeanne Larrison                      F  56 Chesapeake Beach MD                  4  34:33

John Tyler 10 Kilometer
  1   Jay Jacob Wind                       M  61 Arlington VA                      1     45:04

William Henry Harrison 9,540 Meters
  1   Dianna Carr                          F  26 Alexandria VA                        1  59:46
  2   Nicholas Carr                        M  26 Alexandria VA                     1     59:46


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