Alzheimer's Association Brain Health Blitz 5K
Washingtonian Center, Gaithersburg MD
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Conducted by LizaRD Timing

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36 Finishers
Num Place Name                     Sex Age City State            Time   M  F       Award       Pace
 ---  --  -------------------------  - --- ----------------     ------  -  -     --------     -------
 802   1  John Reuland               M  33 Princeton NJ          16:35  1           M 1       5:19.9
 757   2  Amy Bortnick               F  21 Gaithersburg MD       20:05     1        F 1       6:27.5
 779   3  Matthew France             M  43 Gaithersburg MD       20:13  2        M40-49 1     6:30.0
 799   4  Jamie Reuland              F  27 Princeton NJ          20:45     2     F19-29 1     6:40.3
 756   5  Shelli Beard               F  41 Montgomery Village MD 21:07     3     F40-49 1     6:47.4
 797   6  Dan Montgomery             M  41 Washington DC         21:19  3        M40-49 2     6:51.3
 769   7  Achal Dua                  M  31 Germantown MD         21:56  4        M30-39 1     7:03.2
 763   8  Aaron Chidakel             M  40 Rockville MD          21:59  5        M40-49 3     7:04.1
 758   9  Linda Brenner              F  48 Rockville MD          22:04     4     F40-49 2     7:05.7
 831  10  Charles Blum               M  45 Ellicott City MD      23:00  6                     7:23.7
 830  11  Dee Nelson                 F  67 Gaithersburg MD       23:08     5      F60+ 1      7:26.3
 822  12  Ulrich Drotschmann         M  43 Potomac MD            23:16  7                     7:28.9
 825  13  Sam Riede                  M  14 Bethesda MD           23:29  8        M11-14 1     7:33.1
 832  14  Tammy Jeanne Massie        F  39 Gaithersburg MD       23:38     6     F30-39 1     7:35.9
 823  15  Joe Riede                  M  54 Bethesda MD           24:16  9        M50-59 1     7:48.2
 778  16  Sarah Fortney              F  25 Gaithersburg MD       25:54     7     F19-29 2     8:19.7
 781  17  Carter France              M  9  Snellville GA         26:18 10       M10&under 1   8:27.4
 798  18  Kathryn Nichol             F  35 Silver Spring MD      28:21     8     F30-39 2     9:06.9
 806  19  Chelsea Smith              F  18 Gaithersburg MD       28:23     9     F15-18 1     9:07.6
 807  20  Dorota Staniewska          F  34 Highland Park NJ      28:51    10     F30-39 3     9:16.6
 820  21  Karin Bues                 F  42 Bethesda MD           30:01    11     F40-49 3     9:39.1
 818  22  Emily Bantleon             F  33 Frederick MD          30:50    12                  9:54.9
 833  23  Chris Berkowitz            F  42 Potomac MD            31:27    13                  10:06.8
 827  24  Jessica Shontz             F  33 College Park MD       32:27    14                  10:26.0
 803  25  Kendra Seaman              F  31 Washington DC         32:33    15                  10:28.0
 828  26  Rene Butlers               F  29 Germantown MD         32:52    16     F19-29 3     10:34.1
 796  27  Aziza Mashariki            F  36 Gaithersburg MD       33:09    17                  10:39.5
 766  28  Christine Chin Choy        F  34 Gaithersburg MD       33:20    18                  10:43.1
 768  29  Julianne DiTommaso         F  36 Gaithersburg MD       34:01    19                  10:56.3
 794  30  Ekta Kochar                F  29 Germantown MD         34:30    20                  11:05.6
 821  31  Nicola Lamb                F  41 Olney MD              35:49    21                  11:31.0
 793  32  Maggie Keller              F  27 Gaithersburg MD       37:16    22                  11:59.0
 819  33  Allison Daniels            F  31 Frederick MD          37:30    23                  12:03.5
 817  34  Uzma Zafer                 F  31 Gaithersburg MD       37:37    24                  12:05.7
 812  35  James Weir                 M  33 Gaithersburg MD       39:38 11        M30-39 2     12:44.6
 826  36  Liz Rubin                  F  49 North Potomac MD      43:40    25                  14:02.4
 * Started 2:20 late, net time 41:20


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