Hugh Jascourt 4M
Fletcher's Boat House, Washington, DC
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

On the Summer Solstice, a typical hot and muggy DC evening, The DC Road Runners Club ran its 50th Anniversary race. Thanks to all the runners, volunteers and club members who have made the first half century possible. Bob Platt delivered a summary of the Club's history.

Ben Richter posted a photo album of some of the finishers (between times 35:40 and 57 minutes); you can view it here. (Facebook login is required, but the album is visible to all.)

For corrections or questions please email, if possible include your chip number and DOB in the initial email to save some time.
RacePacket Home | 2010 Results

Bob Platt and the 50th Birthday Cake
106 Finishers
Place First    Last     Sex  Age City           St  Net Time Gun Time G-RaA-Rank
 --  -----     ----       -  --  ---            --  ----     ----     --------
  1  William   Rawson     M  28  Washington     DC    22:15.8  22:15.8   1   1
  2  Edi       Turco      M  38  Arlington      VA    22:29.6  22:29.6   2   1
  3  Jared     Campbell   M  25  Alexandria     VA    22:40.6  22:40.6   3   2
  4  Karsten   Brown      M  37  Front Royal    VA    22:44.3  22:44.3   4   2
  5  Ben       Danforth   M  31  Arlington      VA    23:52.3  23:53.2   5   3
  6  Brennan   Cain       M  29  Arlington      VA    24:00.9  24:00.8   6   3
  7  Roberts   Rich       M  39  Washington     DC    24:20.5  24:21.0   7   4
  8  Matt      Deters     M  --  --             --    24:35.5  24:37.1   8   1
  9  Adam      Rubinstein M  36  Arlington      VA    24:38.4  24:38.2   9   5
 10  Mark      Walchinsky M  32  Alexandria     VA    24:49.1  24:49.1  10   6
 11  Jesse     Gaylord    M  --  Washington     DC    25:26.0  25:27.5  11   2
 12  Dylan     Barlett    M  24  Arlington      VA    25:39.9  25:41.2  12   4
 13  David     Sneeringer M  19  Washington     DC    26:35.1  26:36.1  13   5
 14  Joerg     Schroeder  M  43  --             --    26:40.5  26:40.5  14   1
 15  Scott     Smith      M  31  Arlington      VA    26:58.3  26:58.3  15   7
 16  Michael   Collins    M  29  Arlington      VA    27:16.5  27:16.5  16   6
 17  Mike      Fox-Boyd   M  31  Arlington      VA    27:25.1  27:25.6  17   8
 18  AbdellilahRazah      M  45  Arlington      VA    27:30.3  27:31.2  18   2
 19  Jonathan  Abrams     M  26  Arlington      VA    27:24.5  27:33.2  19   7
 20  Hao       Ding       M  25  Washington     DC    27:59.4  28:04.9  20   8
 21  Schryver  Tom        M  22  Washington     DC    28:02.8  28:07.6  21   9
 22  Alex      Pape       M  24  Arlington      VA    28:05.5  28:09.0  22  10
 23  Alex      Albertini  M  29  Washington     DC    28:11.6  28:12.5  23  11
 24  Dave      Kranich    M  39  Washington     DC    28:07.3  28:17.1  24   9
 25  Mike      Cannon     M  53  Springfield    VA    28:20.1  28:21.5  25   1
 26  Jim       Noone      M  67  Fairfax        VA    28:19.7  28:23.3  26   1
 27  Sundel    Michael    M  51  Falls Church   VA    28:25.0  28:26.5  27   2
 28  Angela    Sellars    F  28  Germantown     MD    28:23.5  28:34.7   1   1
 29  David     Forsythe   M  29  Washington     DC    28:32.6  28:41.6  28  12
 30  Mark      Weisbrot   M  56  Washington     DC    28:38.9  28:44.6  29   3
 31  Audrey    Perlow     F  30  Arlington      VA    29:00.2  29:01.5   2   1
 32  David     Gewertz    M  37  Arlington      VA    29:05.2  29:11.9  30  10
 33  Roberto   Rodriguez  M  55  Arlington      VA    29:13.0  29:14.1  31   4
 34  Betty     Blank      F  58  Falls Church   VA    29:19.3  29:19.3   3   1
 35  Ken       Krehbiel   M  57  Washington     DC    29:29.8  29:31.7  32   5
 36  Vincent   Mcdonald   M  52  Arlington      VA    29:39.5  29:41.3  33   6
 37  Ann       Abbott     F  33  Annandale      VA    29:38.0  29:43.8   4   2
 38  Jeremy    Castle     M  37  Washington     DC  --         29:50.4  34  11
 39  Miguel    Cuya       M  34  Clifton        VA    29:59.3  30:02.2  35  12
 40  Raj       Bhanot     M  43  Vienna         VA    30:09.4  30:13.1  36   3
 41  Jay       Wind       M  61  Arlington      VA    30:20.5  30:21.1  37   2
 42  Kirk      Gordon     M  55  Glenn Dale     MD    30:17.9  30:23.6  38   7
 43  Janet     Braunstein F  45  Washington     DC    30:18.0  30:25.3   5   1
 44  Susan     Greenspan  F  34  Washington     DC    30:31.3  30:36.1   6   3
 45  David     Royle      M  56  Washington     DC    30:34.3  30:43.6  39   8
 46  Mike      Smith      M  49  Alexandria     VA    30:50.6  30:57.6  40   4
 47  Simonetta Nussio     F  37  Arlington      VA    30:58.3  31:05.6   7   4
 48  Ted       Baca       M  65  Arlington      VA    31:07.9  31:14.2  41   3
 49  Ben       Richter    M  54  Washington     DC    31:15.9  31:17.0  42   9
 50  Eammon    Mcevilly   M  68  Springfield    VA  --         31:18.2  43   4
 51  Brigid    Mcevilly   F  28  Springfield    VA  --         31:18.9   8   2
 52  Greg      Chaconas   M  65  Washington     DC    31:23.9  31:27.9  44   5
 53  Kristin   Dahling    F  35  Arlington      VA    31:30.2  31:37.2   9   5
 54  Laura     Forsythe   F  29  Washington     DC    31:30.7  31:39.6  10   3
 55  Sarah     Hunt       F  32  Arlington      VA    31:46.6  31:53.4  11   6
 56  Karen     Young      F  43  Boyds          MD    31:50.3  31:54.4  12   2
 57  Aaron     Cheskis    M  35  Wheaton        MD    32:21.1  32:28.8  45  13
 58  Dara      Schulman   F  35  Arlington      VA    32:31.0  32:37.6  13   7
 59  James     ScarboroughM  53  Mclean         VA    32:42.9  32:46.0  46  10
 60  Robert    Trost      M  65  Falls Church   VA    32:49.1  32:49.3  47   6
 61  Dwight    Van Winkle M  47  Seattle        WA    32:47.1  32:54.8  48   5
 62  Jackie    Horstmann  F  24  Centreville    VA    33:03.0  33:11.9  14   4
 63  James     Moreland   M  58  Gaithersburg   MD    33:22.4  33:22.4  49  11
 64  Renee     Souris     F  26  Washington     DC    33:18.8  33:28.2  15   5
 65  Jennifer  Stuhr      F  25  Washington     DC    33:18.5  33:36.9  16   6
 66  Dick      Conway     M  63  Springfield    VA    33:31.8  33:46.9  50   7
 67  Robert    Platt      M  59  Arlington      VA    34:42.3  34:44.2  51  12
 68  David     Harrell    M  68  Chevy Chase    MD    34:56.8  34:56.8  52   8
 69  Joshua    Rothenberg M  26  --             --    34:43.5  34:57.8  53  13
 70  Abigail   Potter     F  27  Arlington      VA    34:52.6  35:06.9  17   7
 71  Jamie     Poslosky   F  26  Washington     DC    35:03.4  35:22.0  18   8
 72  Lisa      Schaefer   F  40  Vienna         VA    35:15.3  35:30.2  19   3
 73  Dorin     Methfessel F  20  Clifton        VA    35:24.7  35:40.5  20   9
 74  Kent      Allen      M  51  Washington     DC    35:37.5  35:48.2  54  13
 75  Sheree    Wood       F  52  Capitol HeightsMD    35:41.5  35:54.0  21   2
 76  Saori     Endo       F  27  Washington     DC    36:39.7  36:54.1  22  10
 77  Grace     Lundell    F  9   Washington     DC    36:45.8  36:58.5  23  11
 78  Robert    Lasken     M  67  Clinton        VA    37:12.5  37:23.8  55   9
 79  Ava       Lundell    F  9   Washington     DC    37:50.3  38:03.5  24  12
 80  Melissa   Schutte    F  42  Washington     DC    38:00.6  38:16.0  25   4
 81  Laurie    Horstmann  F  51  Centreville    VA    38:33.4  38:43.4  26   3
 82  Richard   Rhoads     M  71  Arlington      VA    39:55.7  40:09.5  56  10
 83  Tace      Samet      F  23  Washington     DC    40:11.6  40:19.9  27  13
 84  Eric      Lundell    M  43  Washington     DC    40:54.2  41:07.9  57   6
 85  Lara      Evans      F  37  Washington     DC    41:01.2  41:12.6  28   8
 86  Deborah   Margraff   F  53  Reston         VA    41:43.5  41:58.3  29   4
 87  Paul      Thompson   M  64  Washington     DC    41:54.1  41:58.6  58  11
 88  Barbara   Saffir     F  57  Mclean         VA    42:47.4  43:06.3  30   5
 89  Robert    Gurtler    M  77  The Plains     VA    43:25.1  43:35.7  59  12
 90  Safa      Ashrafi    F  26  Silver Spring  MD    43:31.4  43:48.4  31  14
 91  Stephanie Kiman      F  25  Washington     DC    43:31.3  43:48.6  32  15
 92  Beth      Methfessel F  49  Clifton        VA    43:38.7  43:54.9  33   5
 93  Maureen   Lynch      F  47  Washington     DC    43:41.0  43:56.9  34   6
 94  Megan     Cowen      F  --  --             --    45:12.0  45:20.2  35   1
 95  Valerie   Hoglund    F  28  Washington     DC    45:26.9  45:45.1  36  16
 96  Sopeany   Keo        F  25  Washington     DC    45:27.5  45:45.2  37  17
 97  Frederick Mccray Jr  M  --  Laurel         MD    46:05.1  46:17.1  60   3
 98  Ethan     Kolasky    M  10  Washington     DC    47:04.8  47:17.4  61  14
 99  Mary      Coyne      F  --  Washington     DC    48:03.5  48:19.2  38   2
 100 Tim       Ramsey     M  52  Alexandria     VA    52:30.5  52:47.6  62  14
 101 Ihab      Rimawi     M  --  Flushing       NY    53:37.8  53:40.8  63   4
 102 Sharyn    Gordon     F  53  Glenn Dale     MD    53:35.7  53:54.1  39   6
 103 John      Winkert    M  55  South Riding   VA    55:05.6  55:15.6  64  15
 104 BernadetteFlynn      F  53  Springfield    VA    55:40.9  56:17.5  40   7
 105 Edward    Barnes     M  54  Washington     DC    58:43.1  59:03.4  65  16
 106 Lee       Glassco    F  80  Mclean         VA  --         01:08.8  41   1


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