All Fruit Relay
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Columbia, MD
Conducted by the Howard County Striders

Sixteen teams; most with punny names, came out to compete in the Howard County Striders all fruit relay at Oakland Mills middle school. Every team was required to use a fruit baton to pass between team members. There were coconuts, pineapples, lemons, limes, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, kiwis, dragonfruits (one team had dragon tails), even a fruit loop necklace flying around the Oakland Mills neighborhood. The Lovely Bunch of Coconuts finished 1st, carrying not one but two coconuts. A fun time was had by all.
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16 teams
4 x 2 mile relay

1. Lovely Bunch of Coconuts      42:36
  Carlos Renjifo
  Mark Buschman
  Andrew Madison 

2. Is it a fruit or not?         46:19
  Brian Fleming
  Seth Geohagan
  Dave Goldberg

3. Delicious Green Banana        48:19
  Luis Diaz
  Michael Dusenbery
  David Jun
  Leonard Supsic      

4. Team Dominate                 48:36
  J.P. Allera
  John Henderson
  John Briguglio       
  Travis Boccher 

5. Oxidate                       49:47
  John Chall 
  Tasha Hogan
  Greg Hogan
  Stephanie Cummins 

6. Fresh Pace                    55:59
  Grant Stadler
  Michael Shing
  Eliot Fenton
  Marshall Demaree    

7. Kiwi will rock you            57:17
  Greg Lepore
  Marc Burger 
  Alan Tominack
  Mike Mbugi 

8. Puff the magic Dragonfruit    58:25
  Chris Farmer
  Amanda An
  Mike Fleming
  Robert Blanco 

9. Fruit Loops                 1:02:30
  Judith Weber
  Marha Demaree
  Meredith Olson
  Becky Holtz                  

10. Blimey!                    1:04:15
  Patty Swank
  Chris Hardy 
  Jeff Ward
  Amanda Gorski 

11. Dragonfruit tails          1:06:09
  Debbie Sharp
  Jenny Blysma
  Faye Weaver
  Cecilia Murach         

12. Clockwork Orange           1:07:27
  John Way
  Stanley Way
  Karen Harvey
  Ron Weber

13. Lean, Green and Mean       1:11:05
  Jeanne Larrison
  Kirk Gordon
  James Scarborough
  John Wheatland  

14. Thompson                   1:15:25
  Don Thompson 
  Mary Thompson
  Scott Thompson
  Bridget Thompson 

15. Muma                       1:23:10
  Lauren Muma
  Jake Muma
  Eileen Muma
16. Lovely Lemons             1:23:11
  Colleen Craney
  Morgan Craney 


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