Tidal Basin Presidential Fitness Runs
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Washington DC
Results by Tidal Basin Runs

Peter Blank led Ted Poulos early in the mile, before Ted pulled away to win. Dee Nelson topped the women's mile. John Way was the only finisher in the 3K, after running Mason-Dixon Line 6 Mile Hill Challenge in the morning. James Blackwood trumped the 5K, and his betrothed Erin Rickard won her first race. Edi Turco and Simonetta Nussio won the 10K in their last race in the DC area for a while, as they travel back to Italy for the winter.

Volunteers: Jay Jacob Wind, Peter Blank, and Chris Farmer RacePacket Home
1M Finishers
Place Name                                 G Age City State                        M  F  Time
  --  --------------------------           - --- -----------------------          ------ ----
  1   Ted Poulos                           M  49 McLean VA                         1     6:30
  2   Peter Blank                          M  57 Annandale VA                      2     6:53
  3   Dee Nelson                           F  68 Gaithersburg MD                      1  7:37
  4   Scott Michael Gordon                 M  30 Alexandria VA                     3     9:04

3K Finisher
  1   John Way                             M  46 Montgomery Village MD             1     12:38

5K Finishers
  1   James Blackwood                      M  27 Ellicott City MD                  1     23:25
  2   Travis Woodruff                      M  40 Rockville MD                      2     26:46
  3   Luis A. Diaz                         M  34 Jessup MD                         3     26:54
  4   Jon Palks                            M  62 Bowie MD                          4     27:57
  5   Erin Rickard                         F  32 Ellicott City MD                     1  28:05
  6   Bum Lee                              M  56 McLean VA                         5     31:48
  7   Tim Ramsey                           M  52 Alexandria VA                     6     37:53

10K Finishers
  1   Edi Turco                            M  38 Arlington VA                      1     36:59
  2   Chris Farmer                         M  32 Columbia MD                       2     48:44
  3   Simonetta Nussio                     F  37 Arlington VA                         1  49:43
  4   Karen Harvey                         F  54 Ellicott City MD                     2  55:49
  5   Amanda An                            F  24 Ellicott City MD                     3  55:49


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