PVTC By George 5K & 10K
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Washington, DC
Conducted by Potomac Valley Track Club

In the 5K, Matt Logan led the race approaching Hains Point, but then cut the course by 314 meters, running through the parking lot (226 meters) rather than around the point (540 meters). [See detailed map.] The five runners behind him, Brian McMahon through Dustin Metz, followed Logan and also ran the course short. Betty Blank paced the women, who all ran the correct distance. Larry Dickerson and Jack McMahon, both over 80, ran a highly-competitive 5K, finishing just 12 seconds apart. In the 10K, Michael Stanton-Geddes outkicked defending champion Edi Turco, and Kristine Johnston led Alison K. Suckling for the women's win. Race director Rolland Elliott presented cherry pies to award winners and thanked all his volunteers: Peter Blank, Sheldon Contract, Jim Darr, John Haubert, Don Riggs, Jen Stephens, Allen Vaughan, Jay Jacob Wind, and Lillian Wolfe. RacePacket Home
5K Finishers
Number Place  Name                        G Age City State            Time    M  F     Award
 ---  -- --------------------------       - --- ----------------      ------  -  -   --------
 463  1  Matt Logan                       M  26 Washington DC         15:32   1      M20-29 1   Ran 314 meters short
 467  2  Brian McMahon                    M  29 Washington DC         16:05   2      M20-29 2   Ran 314 meters short
 489  3  Michael Sohal                    M  33 Springfield VA        17:09   3      M30-39 1   Ran 314 meters short
 908  4  Aaron Lyss                       M  31 Washington DC         17:22   4      M30-39 2   Ran 314 meters short
 485  5  Michael Rohlf                    M  37 Washington DC         17:48   5      M30-39 3   Ran 314 meters short
 469  6  Dustin Metz                      M  28 Washington DC         19:05   6      M20-29 3   Ran 314 meters short
 916  7  Dan Eddy                         M  60 Alexandria VA         20:47   7      M60-69 1
 472  8  Jim Noone                        M  67 Fairfax VA            20:50   8      M60-69 2
 336  9  Jay Jacob Wind                   M  62 Arlington VA          21:27   9      M60-69 3
 480  10 Jason A. Page                    M  67 Hamilton VA           21:28  10
 904  11 Nils Olson Weinstein             M  23 Washington DC         21:59  11
 443  12 Betty Blank                      F  58 Falls Church VA       22:35      1   F50-59 1
 445  13 Sarah Buckheit                   F  51 Reston VA             23:11      2   F50-59 2
 457  14 Newton Kendig                    M  54 Washington DC         23:16  12      M50-59 1
 498  15 Robert P. Trost                  M  65 Falls Church VA       24:21  13
 442  16 Tiffany L. Bittenbender          F  32 Arlington VA          24:25      3   F30-39 1
 484  17 Chan Robbins                     M  74 Arlington VA          24:27  14      M70-79 1
 437  18 Kent Allen                       M  51 Washington DC         24:55  15      M50-59 2
 906  19 John Thomas Wurzer               M  50 Ellicott City MD      24:57  16      M50-59 3
 481  20 Robert Platt                     M  60 Arlington VA          26:17  17
 453  21 Cathy Gallahan                   F  47 Springfield VA        26:19      4   F40-49 1
 471  22 Michael Mullane                  M  11 Washington DC         27:23  18     M19&under 1
 447  23 Larry Dickerson                  M  80 Burke VA              27:25  19     M80&over 1
 468  24 Jack McMahon                     M  81 Silver Spring MD      27:37  20     M80&over 2
 441  25 Mark R. Bittenbender             M  33 Arlington VA          28:35  21
 454  26 Chris Gallahan                   M  60 Springfield VA        28:49  22
 902  27 Nick Wakeman                     M  48 Alexandria VA         29:06  23      M40-49 1
 913  28 Hugh Mullane                     M  9  Washington DC         29:24  24     M19&under 2
 466  29 Catherine McCarthy               F  44 Washington DC         29:35      5   F40-49 2
 907  30 Maryann Yoo                      F  52 Potomac MD            29:59      6   F50-59 3
 910  31 Lindsay Kathryn Javel            F  28 Alexandria VA         31:09      7   F20-29 1
 903  32 Betty Ann Ward-Zukerman          F  52 Bethesda MD           31:49      8
 444  33 Peter Blank RW                   M  57 Annandale VA          31:57  25        MRW 1
 914  34 Jim Wass RW                      M  59 Riverdale MD          32:25  26        MRW 2
 487  35 Harry Sherman                    M  34 Lorton VA             34:05  27
 462  36 Victor N. Litwinski RW           M  68 McLean VA             35:43  28        MRW 3
 438  37 Thomas Augustine RW              M  62 Woodbridge VA         37:43  29
 464  38 Erin Lucas                       F  26 Washington DC         42:27      9   F20-29 2
 909  39 Eric E. Kreb                     M  48 Aldie VA              44:06  30      M40-49 2

10K Finishers
 491  1  Michael Stanton-Geddes           M  30 Washington DC         35:12   1      M30-39 1
 499  2  Edi Turco                        M  39 Arlington VA          35:27   2      M30-39 2
 446  3  Matt Deters                      M  26 Washington DC         35:36   3      M20-29 1
 482  4  Ted Poulos                       M  50 McLean VA             38:02   4      M50-59 1
 436  5  Miles Aitken                     M  28 Washington DC         38:04   5      M20-29 2
 452  6  Howard Bruce Frost               M  46 Falls Church VA       38:13   6      M40-49 1
 497  7  Oskar Tiger                      M  39 Washington DC         39:17   7      M30-39 3
 911  8  Stephen G. Wills                 M  50 College Park MD       40:42   8      M50-59 2
 915  9  David Whitehead                  M  26 Falls Church VA       42:55   9      M20-29 3
 456  10 Kristine Johnston                F  24 Arlington VA          43:13      1   F20-29 1
 493  11 Alison K. Suckling               F  56 Arnold MD             43:41      2   F50-59 1
 451  12 Rory Finneren                    M  29 Washington DC         44:50  10
 450  13 Chris Farmer                     M  32 Columbia MD           45:25  11
 500  14 Allen Vaughan                    M  61 Stafford VA           45:42  12      M60-69 1
 470  15 Paul A. Mounier                  M  42 Annandale VA          49:21  13      M40-49 2
 479  16 Simonetta Nussio                 F  37 Arlington VA          49:29      3   F30-39 1
 448  17 John Elliott                     M  73 Columbia MD           49:39  14      M70-79 1
 492  18 Haley Stevens                    F  28 Washington DC         50:01      4   F20-29 2
 449  19 Tracey Enright                   F  43 Washington DC         50:40      5   F40-49 1
 459  20 Devyn L. Kreb                    M  14 Aldie VA              51:53  15     M19&under 1
 490  21 John Thompson Stahr              M  64 Arlington VA          52:14  16      M60-69 2
 458  22 Austin A. Kreb                   M  11 Aldie VA              55:12  17     M19&under 2
 460  23 Russell Kruse                    M  28 Arlington VA         1:05:26 18
 486  24 Vimi Shad                        F  28 Arlington VA         1:05:27     6   F20-29 3
 440  25 Kianna Banks                     F  32 District Heights MD  1:08:59     7   F30-39 2
 439  26 Leander Francis Aulisio RW       M  64 Arlington VA         1:22:31 19        MRW 1


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