Fat Tuesday 2 Mile
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Columbia, MD
Conducted by Bullseye Running

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37 Finishers
Place   Name           Gender   Time
1   Adam Wytko             M   10:32
2   Cameron Bowling        M   10:40
3   Karsten Brown          M   10:42
4   Phil Lang              M   11:32
5   Corey Hamilton         M   11:33
6   Isaac Kirk-Davidoff    M   12:02
7   Shane McGovern         M   12:45
8   Matthew Bernstein      M   12:45
9   Ian Holderman          M   12:47
10  Kieran Saienni         M   13:11
11  Vicki Lang             F   13:15
12  Ryan Zovko             M   13:35
13  Anders Chattin         M   13:39
14  Chris Chattin          M   13:39
15  Alyssa Hemler          F   13:46
16  MacKenzie Snyder       F   14:50
17  Eric Johnston          M   15:23
18  Isabella Nelson        F   16:07
19  Noah Kim               M   16:25
20  Susan Kim              F   16:27
21  Connor Croft           M   16:44
22  Ivan Croft             M   16:44
23  Logan Kim              M   17:09
24  Mats Chattin           M   17:09
25  Pat Huffman            F   17:14
26  Carina Chattin         F   17:15
27  Brian Nelson           M   17:17
28  Taylor Nelson          M   17:32
29  Rosa Kirk-Davidoff     F   17:35
30  Patrick McGovern       M   19:41
31  Matthew Ganel-Constant M   19:44
32  Raquelli Ganel         F   19:45
33  Mike Andrews           M   21:29
34  Christopher Maloy      M   21:46
35  Phil Heiliger          M   21:47
36  Tami Graf              F   22:17
37  Jennifer Nelson        F   29:20


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