DCRRC Langley 8K
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Langley VA
Conducted by DC Road Runners Club

Race Director James Scarborough thanks his volunteers who helped make the race possible despite the cold temperatures and the dusting of white, powdery stuff: Rajinda Bonat, Roger Burkhart, John Churchman, Ted Cochrane, Jim Darr, Chuck Evans, Gene Fox, Lee Glassco, Joe Halm, John Haubert, Roger Hoskin, Jessica Landis, Eammon McEvilly and Lisa Schaefer.
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56 Finishers
Place Name              G  Age City           St Net Time  Gun Time  G-RankA-Rank
 1  Edi Turco           M  38  Arlington      VA 30:00.2   30:00.8       1     1
 2  Ben Danforth        M  32  Arlington      VA 30:21.2   30:21.8       2     2
 3  Joseph Diaz         M  40  Bethesda       MD 31:57.2   31:58.6       3     1
 4  Matt Anderson       M  45  Fairfax        VA 32:25.4   32:25.8       4     2
 5  Marek Sotola        M  25  Washington     DC 35:04.7   35:08.0       5     1
 6  Michael Arrowsmith  M  22  Ashburn        VA --        35:13.5       6     2
 7  Rich Mendelowitz    M  52  Arlington      VA 36:17.9   36:19.0       7     1
 8  Robert Rodriguez    M  55  Arlington      VA 39:03.7   39:05.3       8     2
 9  Abby Halm           F  --  Alexandria     VA 39:58.4   40:00.3       1     1
 10 James Engle         M  51  Arlington      VA 40:01.7   40:05.3       9     3
 11 Erin Bougie         F  26  Arlington      VA 40:09.4   40:11.8       2     1
 12 Ken Krehbiel        M  57  Washington     DC 40:14.7   40:16.8      10     4
 13 Matthew Sherry      M  23  Falls Church   VA 40:16.7   40:19.8      11     3
 14 Ann Abbott          F  33  Annandale      VA 40:26.2   40:28.5       3     1
 15 Sarah Hunt          F  32  Arlington      VA 40:27.5   40:31.5       4     2
 16 Jay Wind            M  61  --             -- 40:50.9   40:53.3      12     1
 17 Kirk Gordon         M  55  Glenn Dale     MD 41:20.2   41:23.3      13     5
 18 Janet Braunstein    F  45  Washington     DC 41:24.2   41:29.1       5     1
 19 Terry Gricher       M  63  Burke          VA 41:31.4   41:32.5      14     2
 20 Joe Carlile         M  31  Arlington      VA 41:28.2   41:32.8      15     3
 21 Simonetta Nussio    F  37  Arlington      VA 42:02.7   42:08.8       6     3
 22 Paul Carrillo       M  37  Vienna         VA 42:09.2   42:11.8      16     4
 23 Nathan Young        M  45  Falls Church   VA 42:10.7   42:17.3      17     3
 24 Eamonn Mcevilly     M  69  Springfield    VA 42:21.9   42:23.8      18     3
 25 Alex Albertini      M  29  Washington     DC 42:29.7   42:34.0      19     4
 26 Estelle Maletz      F  32  Alexandria     VA 42:45.0   42:50.6       7     4
 27 Joslyn Chesson      F  16  Alexandria     VA 43:09.2   43:11.3       8     1
 28 James Chesson       M  50  Alexandria     VA 43:10.0   43:12.1      20     6
 29 Rick Loughery       M  59  Oak Hill       VA 43:25.0   43:27.8      21     7
 30 Carla Freyvogel     F  54  Mclean         VA 43:52.5   43:55.3       9     1
 31 Belen Rogers        F  15  Alexandria     VA 43:58.5   44:01.3      10     1
 32 Liza Recto          F  55  Lexington Park MD 44:00.0   44:03.3      11     2
 33 Elisabeth Merten    F  16  Alexandria     VA 44:02.0   44:04.3      12     2
 34 Robert Trost        M  65  Falls Church   VA 44:19.5   44:20.6      22     4
 35 Terri Nelson        F      Ellicott City  MD 44:27.2   44:31.3      13     2
 36 Susan Aaronson      F  57  Arlington      VA 45:17.7   45:22.5      14     3
 37 Carlos Avila        M  44  Falls Church   VA 45:18.2   45:26.0      23     4
 38 Allegra Wham        F  14  --             -- 45:44.9   45:49.8      15     2
 39 Suzanne Ammari      F  28  Arlington      VA 45:49.7   45:55.0      16     2
 40 Sergio Arango       M  38  Arlington      VA 46:05.0   46:12.5      24     5
 41 Vince Sprouls       M  50  Mclean         VA 46:29.4   46:32.0      25     8
 42 Christopher McBride M  35  Arlington      VA 47:05.9   47:09.0      26     6
 43 Mahesh Mahajan      M  38  Herndon        VA 47:16.7   47:17.8      27     7
 44 Lisa Schaefer       F  41  Vienna         VA 47:18.5   47:25.3      17     2
 45 Patrick Howard      M  31  Lake Ridge     VA 48:03.7   48:09.3      28     8
 46 Jennifer Short      F  41  Mclean         VA 48:53.4   48:58.0      18     3
 47 Mary Ellen Gonyea   F  64  --             -- --        49:00.5      19     1
 48 Erin Owens          F  23  Washington     DC 49:01.7   49:07.0      20     3
 49 Bethany Bernzen     F  23  Washington     DC 49:01.9   49:07.3      21     4
 50 Andy Buechele       M  69  Washington     DC 52:23.2   52:29.1      29     5
 51 Faith Stoutamire    F  35  Waldorf        MD 00:00.4   00:10.3      22     5
 52 Nancy Ningard       F  59  --             -- --        01:13.6      23     4
 53 Benedicta Oliveros  F  53  --             -- 03:39.2   03:45.8      24     5
 54 Sarah Waldron       F  23  Arlington      VA 05:38.2   05:46.0      25     5
 55 Jeanette Waldron    F  48  Richmond       VA 06:24.0   06:33.8      26     4
 56 Audrey Hardwick     F  24  Arlington      VA 10:06.5   10:11.5      27     6


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