Tidal Basin Runs
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Washington DC
Results by Tidal Basin Runs

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Volunteers: Ric Francke and Mrs. McCann
1500M Finishers
Place  Name                       G Age City State               Time    M   F
  --  --------------------------  - --- -----------------------  -----   --  --
      1500 Meter
  1   Ted Poulos                  M  50 McLean VA                 5:10   1
  2   Peter Blank                 M  57 Annandale VA              6:42   2

      3000 Meter Run
  1   Scott McCann                M  31 Alexandria VA            10:09   1
  2   Denis Cloutier              M  50 Arlington VA             10:12   2
  3   Annie Grondin               F  39 Arlington VA             11:40       1
  4   Alison K. Suckling          F  56 Arnold MD                11:48       2
  5   Win Persina                 F  51 Washington DC            12:01       3
  6   James Moreland              M  59 Gaithersburg MD          13:23   3
  7   Ryan McCann                 M  29 Spokane WA               13:39   4
  8   John Elliott                M  73 Columbia MD              13:55   5
  9   Jim Mort                    M  65 Burke VA                 14:12   6
  10  Lataska Ross                F  45 Washington DC            17:13       4
  11  Bob Platt                   M  60 Arlington VA             17:55   7

      5000 Meter Run
  1   Karsten Brown               M  37 Front Royal VA           16:35   1
  2   Tom Matzke                  M  41 Rockville MD             18:53   2
  3   Bill Stahr                  M  51 The Plains VA            20:49   3
  4   Ben L. Gutman               M  38 Washington DC            21:00   4
  5   Nathan Matthews             M  41 Arlington VA             21:13   5
  6   Jay Jacob Wind              M  62 Arlington VA             21:27   6
  7   Kirk Gordon                 M  56 Glenn Dale MD            22:30   7
  8   Leibo Ding                  M  41 Fairfax VA               22:35   8
  9   Travis Woodruff             M  41 Rockville MD             23:33   9
  10  Miguel Gomez-Verdun         M  63 Alexandria VA            25:47   10
  11  Elizabeth J. Row            F  56 Arlington VA             29:36       1
  12  William Guey-Lee            M  64 Arlington VA             29:37   11


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