PVTC Indoor Track Meet
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Thomas Jefferson Community Center, Arlington VA
Conducted by Potomac Valley Track Club

We thank our volunteers: Coach Van, Peter Blank, John Haubert, Abdelillah Razah, Don Riggs, Elizabeth Row, James Scarborough, Jen Stephens, Jay Jacob Wind, and many more.
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Results by events
Place  Name                          G Age City State                  Time
  5000 Meter Run
  1   Thomas Scott Johnson           M  26 Arlington VA               17:17.9
  2   Art Vandelay                   M  29 Washington DC              18:12.9
  3   Kevin Foley                    M  32 Bethesda MD                18:35.4
  4   Tam Nguyen                     M  18 Front Royal VA             19:27.9
  5   Ted Poulos                     M  50 McLean VA                  20:09.9
  6   Abdelillah Razah               M  46 Arlington VA               20:22.9
  7   Christopher Johnston           M  48 Fairfax VA                 21:26.3
  8   Louis Tomsic                   M  47 Honolulu HI                23:10.0
  9   Jay Jacob Wind                 M  62 Arlington VA               23:20.1
  10  Annaliese Rose Ponzi           F  10 Alexandria VA              29:02.1
  11  Reese Hardman                  M  11 Alexandria VA              29:04.6
  12  Lynnel Ruckert                 F  42 Washington DC              34:25.8

  3000 Meter Run
  1   Kevin Foley                    M  32 Bethesda MD                10:25.4
  2   Jereamy R. Hall                M  14 Waldorf MD                 10:31.8
  3   Terry McLaughlin               M  51 Spotsylvania VA            10:32.9
  4   Chris Chattin                  M  48 Columbia MD                10:35.9
  5   Brian Goebel                   M  40 Vienna VA                  10:38.1
  6   Joshua R. Hall                 M  14 Waldorf MD                 10:57.7
  7   Lillie Perella                 F  12 Thurmont MD                11:10.7
  8   Erin Demchko                   F  26 Dumfries VA                11:16.6
  9   Samantha Cole                  F  43 Arlington VA               11:19.4
  10  Lindsay LaRose                 F  29 Arlington VA               11:23.5
  11  Michael Alber                  M  14 Silver Spring MD           11:41.3
  12  Christopher Johnston           M  48 Fairfax VA                 11:42.9
  13  Leigh Rankin                   F  13 Frederick MD               11:45.6
  14  John Way                       M  46 Montgomery Village MD      11:52.6
  15  Jens Alber                     M  63 Silver Spring MD           12:33.0
  16  Ted Poulos                     M  50 McLean VA                  12:44.3
  17  Jay Jacob Wind                 M  62 Arlington VA               14:44.9
  18  Bob Weiner                     M  64 Accokeek MD                15:02.0
  19  Henry Otto                     M  52 Kensington MD              16:08.7
  20  Cameron Byrd                   M  9  Woodbridge VA              16:18.7
  21  Andie LeDoux                   F  8  Arlington VA               16:25.5
  22  Elizabeth J. Row               F  56 Arlington VA               16:27.7
  23  Liam Hardman                   M  8  Alexandria VA              17:24.0

  Children's Mile
  1   Jay W. Hall                    M  12 Waldorf MD                  5:36.4
  2   Jett D. Hall                   M  12 Waldorf MD                  5:45.0
  3   Oskar Wells                    M  11 Vienna VA                   6:09.6
  4   Shane McGovern                 M  13 Silver Spring MD            6:16.9
  5   Anders Chattin                 M  11 Columbia MD                 6:31.5
  6   Rheinhardt Harrison            M  7  Falls Church VA             6:36.5
  7   Matthew Kovalenko              M  12 Ashburn VA                  6:41.4
  8   Seneca Marie Willen            F  10 Fairfax VA                  6:44.4
  9   Unknown Runner                                                   6:45.3
  10  Cindy Lay                      F  11 Falls Church VA             6:49.2
  11  Cameron Byrd                   M  9  Woodbridge VA               7:15.7
  12  Ben Calloway                   M  54 Fairfax VA                  7:24.6
  13  Sameer Shantaram               M  33 Odenton MD                  7:30.8
  14  Mats Chattin                   M  8  Columbia MD                 7:39.1
  15  Steven Kirby                   M  12 Alexandria VA               7:47.8
  16  Joseph Shomers                 M  47 Clifton VA                  7:51.3
  17  Andie LeDoux                   F  8  Arlington VA                7:56.0

  Women's Mile
  1   Lindsay LaRose                 F  29 Arlington VA                5:38.7
  2   Sarah Kureshi                  F  32 Arlington VA                6:04.1
  3   Lillie Perella                 F  12 Thurmont MD                 6:14.3
  4   Katherine Mariska              F  27 Washington DC               6:17.2
  5   Anne Maynard                   F  26 Washington DC               6:18.2
  6   Leigh Rankin                   F  13 Frederick MD                6:32.1
  7   Laurie Lightner                F  12 Leesburg VA                 6:32.7
  8   Nicole Lyon                    F  16 Alexandria VA               6:34.0
  9   Sara Mariska                   F  30 Arlington VA                7:22.4

  Open Mile
  1   Bryan Kirby                    M  25 Alexandria VA               4:37.9
  2   Donovan Bates                  M  26 Woodbridge VA               5:00.4
  3   Jeff Taylor, Jr.               M  17 Orange VA                   5:03.0
  4   Unknown Runner                                                   5:04.1
  5   Tam Nguyen                     M  18 Front Royal VA              5:09.7
  6   Jereamy R. Hall                M  14 Waldorf MD                  5:11.1
  7   Scott McCann                   M  31 Alexandria VA               5:13.8
  8   Henry Wigglesworth             M  53 Washington DC               5:16.4
  9   Sean McLaughlin                M  24 Centreville VA              5:29.4
  10  Karina Lubell                  F  31 Washington DC               5:31.9
  11  Daniel Vogel                   M  39 Silver Spring MD            5:39.3
  12  Clark Bowden                   M  13 Vienna VA                   5:57.3

  Masters' Mile
  1   Wayne Cottrell                 M  49 Benicia CA                  5:26.5
  2   Henry Wigglesworth             M  53 Washington DC               5:27.8
  3   George R. Hall, Jr.            M  42 Waldorf MD                  5:29.9
  4   Craig Richard Greene           M  47 Manassas VA                 5:34.1
  5   Ted Poulos                     M  50 McLean VA                   5:39.8
  6   Christopher Johnston           M  48 Fairfax VA                  5:42.0
  7   John Way                       M  46 Montgomery Village MD       5:43.2
  8   Ty Harris                      M  41 Fairfax VA                  5:45.1
  9   Curtis E. Davis                M  54 Gaithersburg MD             5:46.3
  10  Larry Washington               M  60 Rockville MD                5:53.5
  11  Terry McLaughlin               M  51 Spotsylvania VA             6:16.5
  12  Louis Tomsic                   M  47 Honolulu HI                 6:23.4
  13  Clifford A. Tell               M  48 Harpers Ferry WV            6:29.5
  14  Keith Salisbury                M  42 Lorton VA                   6:33.0
  15  Jay Jacob Wind                 M  62 Arlington VA                7:06.2
  16  Bob Weiner                     M  64 Accokeek MD                 7:21.1
  17  Peter Blank                    M  57 Annandale VA                7:25.6
  18  Carina Chattin                 F  49 Columbia MD                 7:32.9
  19  Henry Otto                     M  52 Kensington MD               7:35.2
  20  Maynard Weyers                 M  75 Alexandria VA               7:47.8
  21  John Duffy                     M  50 Manassas VA                 7:50.5
  22  Kevin Nelson                   M  47 Hershey PA                  8:31.1

  1600 Meter Racewalk
  1   Irene Fletemeyer               F  16 Germantown MD               9:24.9
  2   Milena Gungor                  F  9  Arlington VA               12:51.0
  3   Jesslyn Manni                  F  13 Leesburg VA                18:11.7
  4   Kiley Turner                   F  11 Leesburg VA                10:46.?

  3000 Meter Racewalk
  1   Peter Blank                    M  57 Annandale VA               18:06.6
  2   Jim Wass                       M  59 Riverdale MD               18:34.0
  3   Donna Green                    F  59 Washington DC              19:06.0
  4   Jim Carmines                   M  68 Etters PA                  19:29.3
  5   Frank Nott Bain                M  65 Crozier VA                 20:28.5
  6   Sheldon Contract               M  72 North Bethesda MD          20:50.4
  7   Thomas Augustine               M  62 Woodbridge VA              21:07.9
  8   Victor N. Litwinski            M  69 McLean VA                  21:23.0


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