Tidal Basin Run
Hains Point, East Potomac Park, Washington DC
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
  • Results by Jay Jacob Wind - Send additions or corrections
  • Before the race, Jay passed out certificates commemorating Juneteenth, June 19, 1865, the day General Gordon Granger rode into Galveston TX to announce the liberation of slaves nationwide, a million in Texas alone. It was the largest single day of liberation in human history. National Juneteenth Outreach Program founder Rev. Dr. Ronald V. Myers twice served as our official starter at our Juneteenth race. Sadly, Dr. Myers died this year, and we conducted the race in his memory.
    1500 meter
     1.  5:30.7 Evan Poulos           M12 McLean VA
     2.  5:42.3 Adam Kiely            M52 Gaithersburg MD
     3.  5:58.6 John Way              M54 Rockville MD
     4.  6:03.5 Leibo Ding            M49 Fairfax VA
     5.  6:10.7 Zuza Modzelewska      F28 Szczecin POLAND / Chevy Chase MD
     6.  6:17.2 Paige Poulos          F11 McLean VA
     7.  6:29.2 Ted Poulos            M57 McLean VA
     8.  6:45.4 Kirk Gordon           M63 Glenn Dale MD
     9.  7:11.7 Mike Southwood        M65 Fairfax VA
    10.  7:13.1 Mike Cannon           M61 Fairfax Station VA
    11.  7:50.1 Jay Jacob Wind        M69 Arlington VA
    12.  8:42.6 David Donahue         M66 Chevy Chase MD
    13. 11:56.3 Jeanette Novak        F75 Damascus MD
    14. 12:03.5 Terry McLaughlin      M58 Spotsylvania VA
    15. 12:49.3 Bob Platt             M66 Arlington VA
    16. 13:52.7 Tami Graf             F82 Lusby MD
    3000 meter
     1. 13:55.8 Ted Poulos            M57 McLean VA
     2. 15:14.6 Mike Cannon           M61 Fairfax Station VA
     3. 16:12.4 Jim Mort              M72 Burke VA
     4. 16:28.7 Dee Nelson            F75 Gaithersburg VA
     5. 19:09.5 David Donahue         M66 Chevy Chase MD
     6. 23:58.7 Bob Platt             M66 Arlington VA
     7. 24:15.4 Terry McLaughlin      M58 Spotsylvania VA
     8. 24:20.8 Tami Graf             F82 Lusby MD
     9. 25:51.1 Jeanette Novak        F75 Damascus MD
    5000 meter
     1. 20:17.0 Duane Novotni         M40 Fairfax VA
     2. 21:56.5 Donald Junta          M57 Springfield VA
     3. 22:41.0 Kirk Gordon           M63 Glenn Dale MD
     4. 23:10.3 John Way              M54 Gaithersburg MD
     5. 24:49.7 Adam Kiely            M52 Gaithersburg MD
     6. 25:24.5 Zuza Modzelewska      F28 Szczecin POLAND / Chevy Chase MD
     7. 31:11.5 Jay Jacob Wind        M69 Arlington VA
    Thanks to James Scarborough and RunWashington writer Ashley Davidson for their help today!