Next free monthly runs:
Hains Point, East Potomac Park, Washington DC, at 12:00 noon:
- #550 Wednesday, November 20, 2019 -- Post-Marine Corps Marathon Limp
- #551 Wednesday, December 18, 2019 -- Christmas is in the Air
- #552 Wednesday, January 15, 2020 -- One more year! One more year!
- #553 Wednesday, February 19, 2020 -- Late Valentine Card Exchange
- #554 Wednesday, March 18, 2020 -- As mad as a March hare!
- #555 Wednesday, April 15, 2020 -- One last shot before Boston
- #556 Wednesday, May 20, 2020 -- Post-Boston Excuse Exchange
Tidal Basin Runs
East Potomac Park, Washington DC
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Place Name G Age City State Time M F
===== ========================== = === ======================== ====== = =
1500 Meter Run
1 Jamie McGuire M 40 Kensington MD 5:12.6 1
2 Luther Lemon M 37 Washington DC 5:13.7 2
3 Kenny Ames M 42 Washington DC 5:43.9 3
4 Terry McLaughlin M 59 Spotsylvania VA 5:58.6 4
5 Adam Kiely M 52 Gaithersburg MD 6:04.2 5
6 Robert McManmon M 38 Alexandria VA 6:10.3 6
7 Ted Poulos M 57 McLean VA 6:34.8 7
8 Alan Mulindwa M 46 Columbia MD 6:44.3 8
9 Michael Lynn Southwood M 65 Fairfax VA 6:47.6 9
10 Bill Stahr M 58 The Plains VA 6:52.8 10
11 Jeanette A. Novak F 75 Damascus MD 16:11.7 1
12 Bob Platt M 68 Arlington VA 16:31.2 11
13 John Winkert M 63 South Riding VA 18:00.0 12
14 Jay Jacob Wind M 69 Arlington VA 18:01.3 13
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3000 Meter Run
1 Ted Poulos M 57 McLean VA 12:38.4 1
2 Terry McLaughlin M 59 Spotsylvania VA 12:47.8 2
3 Jeanette A. Novak F 75 Damascus MD 25:21.2 1
4 John Winkert M 63 South Riding VA 29:42.7 3
5 Jay Jacob Wind M 69 Arlington VA 29:43.7 4
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5000 Meter Run
1 Jamie McGuire M 40 Kensington MD 19:44.7 1
2 Luther Lemon M 37 Washington DC 19:51.1 2
3 Steven Andrews M 38 Rockville MD 20:47.8 3
4 Adam Kiely M 52 Gaithersburg MD 23:06.9 4
5 Bill Stahr M 58 The Plains VA 23:19.6 5
6 Alan Mulindwa M 46 Columbia MD 25:25.7 6
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Tony Lammers
Jeanette A. Novak
James Scarborough
Jay Jacob Wind