Pl. First Name Last Name Gender Age Finish Time Pace 1 Charlie Schindler M 26 56:41.8 5:40 2 Michael Insler M 32 56:52.7 5:41 3 Andrew Ackley M 30 58:58.0 5:53 4 Matthew Shanks M 26 00:40.6 6:03 5 Colin Russell M 34 00:53.4 6:05 6 Kurt Zepeda M 20 01:50.1 6:10 7 Peter Tango M 52 02:23.4 6:14 8 Karsten Brown M 41 03:08.8 6:18 9 Conor Keating M 19 03:14.6 6:19 10 Jeloni Moore M 31 04:00.9 6:24 11 David Phipps M 52 04:15.8 6:25 12 Danny Bennett M 45 05:41.5 6:34 13 Casey Rayburg M 36 05:50.1 6:35 14 Thomas Henson M 19 06:20.3 6:38 15 Katie Demers F 26 06:37.8 6:39 16 James Cooper M 46 06:59.8 6:41 17 Dylan Jensen M 20 07:38.4 6:45 18 Stephen Bohse M 48 08:09.0 6:48 19 Cornelius Griggs M 32 08:15.8 6:49 20 Ben Hoffman M 19 08:23.4 6:50 21 Michael Bohse M 52 08:50.0 6:52 22 Martin Shpuntoff M 22 08:53.1 6:53 23 Matthew Mace M 55 09:07.1 6:54 24 Gwenn Porter F 23 09:38.6 6:57 25 Christopher Mairs M 43 10:20.6 7:02 26 Lloyd Rawley M 55 10:39.3 7:03 27 Chris Gower M 26 10:42.9 7:04 28 Amanda Beal F 35 11:02.7 7:06 29 Riley Castle M 22 11:12.3 7:07 30 Rob Young M 21 11:12.8 7:07 31 Stephen Wills M 54 11:29.7 7:08 32 Zach Gawboy M 22 11:38.6 7:09 33 Casey Jolicoeur F 28 11:46.5 7:10 34 Craig Trent M 38 12:10.6 7:12 35 Alan Cook M 45 12:14.4 7:13 36 Nathan Nudelman M 40 12:20.6 7:14 37 Shane Russell M 29 12:25.9 7:14 38 Amy Zbikowski F 37 12:34.3 7:15 39 Jeremy Fuchs M 30 12:37.9 7:15 40 Stephen Ward M 21 12:48.1 7:16 41 Robert Biddle M 56 12:50.9 7:17 42 Jack Gasper M 19 13:02.0 7:18 43 Mike Bickford M 51 13:12.1 7:19 44 Perry Rapp M 50 13:15.3 7:19 45 J Gregory Eggleston M 37 14:25.4 7:26 46 Caitlyn Vernon F 19 14:25.7 7:26 47 Mitch Keiler M 55 14:26.2 7:26 48 Douglas Bailey M 45 14:34.3 7:27 49 Jose Romero M 50 14:41.6 7:28 50 Donn Aberin M 36 14:49.7 7:28 51 Patty Andrews F 52 14:59.8 7:29 52 Ben Nortz M 20 15:04.8 7:30 53 Tim Lowe M 48 15:20.6 7:32 54 Mark Bolado M 40 15:25.6 7:32 55 Jane Herschelman F 47 15:32.8 7:33 56 Maria Beltre F 26 16:25.3 7:38 57 Brian Robinson M 47 16:46.4 7:40 58 Andrea Boni M 42 16:56.5 7:41 59 Wilhelm Anderson M 60 16:57.1 7:41 60 Thomas Dekornfeld M 62 17:04.1 7:42 61 Winico Martinez M 41 17:19.2 7:43 62 Suzanne Furr F 55 17:21.2 7:44 63 Patsy Craig F 26 17:25.9 7:44 64 Bill Bamford M 41 17:55.1 7:47 65 Rachel Seggel F 23 18:23.6 7:50 66 Marc Mayo M 51 18:35.5 7:51 67 Derek Trott M 28 18:41.5 7:52 68 Cameron Stokes M 46 18:51.3 7:53 69 Jill Snyder F 55 18:56.6 7:53 70 Richard Snyder M 53 18:57.1 7:53 71 Dwight Mikulis M 58 19:05.2 7:54 72 Dana Smith F 52 19:10.1 7:55 73 John Barbour M 60 19:26.2 7:56 74 Chris Stein M 47 19:28.2 7:56 75 Kurt Zegowitz M 45 19:29.9 7:56 76 David Walser M 34 19:34.6 7:57 77 Sarah Kiser F 41 19:37.6 7:57 78 Dave Walser M 57 19:38.1 7:57 79 Terri Wytko F 34 19:45.9 7:58 80 Darrell Mak M 51 19:54.4 7:59 81 Kirk gordon M 60 20:06.0 8:00 82 Ronald Carpenetti M 44 20:07.9 8:00 83 Jonathan Stewart M 33 20:08.8 8:00 84 Emily Russell F 26 20:31.3 8:03 85 Alexandra Herschelman F 16 20:44.9 8:04 86 Debbie Pugh F 45 20:46.7 8:04 87 Court Herschelman M 49 20:50.8 8:05 88 Lauren Herschelman F 17 20:56.2 8:05 89 Jackie Bremer F 31 21:01.6 8:06 90 Dawn Pattarini F 45 21:05.4 8:06 91 Ronan Dowling M 47 21:23.4 8:08 92 Evan Brown M 50 21:33.2 8:09 93 Colleen Simpson F 45 21:52.2 8:11 94 Rachel MacGillivray F 26 21:56.7 8:11 95 Andrew Smith M 55 22:00.7 8:12 96 Erin Brady F 37 22:08.4 8:12 97 Nicole Connor F 40 22:29.3 8:14 98 Madi Pascale F 22 23:07.7 8:18 99 Juliana Mellgard F 21 23:08.2 8:18 100 Ross Heisman M 58 23:27.3 8:20 101 Natalie Lemek F 20 23:33.7 8:21 102 Lionel Jennings M 33 23:34.0 8:21 103 Jeff Painter M 42 23:46.2 8:22 104 Daniel Mandeville M 26 23:52.2 8:23 105 Tom Bateman M 47 23:55.7 8:23 106 Marc Haseltine M 41 23:58.5 8:23 107 Jim Favret M 55 24:03.5 8:24 108 John Heaphy M 60 24:13.4 8:25 109 Philip Deeter M 52 24:17.8 8:25 110 Lacey Barry F 33 24:19.2 8:25 111 Kristen Heist F 35 24:33.8 8:27 112 James Roberson M 43 24:35.9 8:27 113 Jane Meyer F 55 24:38.9 8:27 114 Ramona Lee F 33 24:39.4 8:27 115 Kim Burke F 43 24:59.1 8:29 116 Jeffrey Harper M 55 25:10.4 8:31 117 Lori Hanczaryk F 34 25:13.2 8:31 118 Heather Mahaffey F 30 25:13.8 8:31 119 Douglas Beizer M 47 25:19.1 8:31 120 Marianne Chapin F 42 25:22.8 8:32 121 Dan Sorensen M 35 25:26.8 8:32 122 Doug Tirpak M 46 25:38.9 8:33 123 Brenda Norman F 58 25:52.5 8:35 124 Vicky Mundt F 52 25:56.6 8:35 125 Paul Aumayr M 45 26:11.5 8:37 126 Christian Zazzali M 48 26:24.5 8:38 127 Peggy Vail F 63 26:35.6 8:39 128 Michael Cosenza M 55 26:37.7 8:39 129 Leigh Ann Cotter F 43 26:52.8 8:41 130 Andrea Clappsy F 51 26:53.8 8:41 131 Sarah Howard F 21 26:56.9 8:41 132 Derek Ammons M 55 27:05.7 8:42 133 Meredith Hering F 34 27:08.7 8:42 134 Shawn Geraghty M 51 27:10.3 8:43 135 Timothy Barrett M 41 27:20.5 8:44 136 Laura Raub F 27 27:24.0 8:44 137 Amy Blanch F 42 27:25.8 8:44 138 Bryan Quinn M 32 27:27.9 8:44 139 Amy Malone F 47 27:50.0 8:47 140 Mary Cavanagh F 19 28:07.9 8:48 141 Bethany McGee F 35 28:15.6 8:49 142 Ann Garduno-Carlson F 44 28:17.6 8:49 143 Irina Kebreau F 42 28:32.9 8:51 144 George Edwards M 35 28:33.5 8:51 145 Jesse Whitmore M 40 28:34.4 8:51 146 Scott Fowler M 26 28:36.4 8:51 147 Lisa Kumer F 21 28:42.8 8:52 148 Liz Tirpak F 42 28:57.9 8:53 149 Charles Schindler M 62 29:06.7 8:54 150 Maria Shields F 65 29:27.0 8:56 151 Chrystal Smith F 39 29:36.2 8:57 152 Manrico Mirabelli M 50 29:41.4 8:58 153 Kevin Lynch M 54 29:50.2 8:59 154 Gregory Hill M 54 29:53.2 8:59 155 Nina Fisher F 58 29:55.2 8:59 156 Cindy Cohen F 48 29:56.2 8:59 157 Carl Messineo M 48 30:08.4 9:00 158 Daniel Stoudt M 34 30:37.9 9:03 159 Matt Whitney M 53 30:39.5 9:03 160 Lisa Zamostny F 50 30:41.3 9:04 161 Henry Schut M 47 30:44.8 9:04 162 Sarah Wolff F 36 30:47.0 9:04 163 Cara Buzard F 26 30:48.2 9:04 164 Luke Frey M 61 31:00.2 9:06 165 Candice Rhine F 27 31:01.5 9:06 166 Sue Treacy F 53 31:02.1 9:06 167 Terri Daubert F 44 31:07.1 9:06 168 Anne Slabinski F 40 31:13.2 9:07 169 Brenda Boultwood F 51 31:19.9 9:07 170 Benjamin Mckeown M 34 31:23.5 9:08 171 Shannon Woodard F 39 31:24.7 9:08 172 Stacie Oliver F 39 31:26.7 9:08 173 Kevin Nestor M 47 31:35.3 9:09 174 Jennifer Bevan-Dangel F 35 31:35.6 9:09 175 Kelly Barnes-Smith F 42 31:43.9 9:10 176 Richard Aulbach M 66 31:51.2 9:11 177 Patricia Maggio F 28 32:00.8 9:12 178 Jeffrey Jackson M 55 32:05.0 9:12 179 Sharyn Collinson F 49 32:09.2 9:12 180 Chris Vaughan M 51 32:13.7 9:13 181 William Bowen M 54 32:28.9 9:14 182 Kara Reese F 36 32:30.7 9:15 183 Brian Reise M 45 32:31.7 9:15 184 Marie Friedland F 61 32:44.1 9:16 185 Jennifer Dulaney F 49 32:45.3 9:16 186 Mindi Perry F 51 32:48.0 9:16 187 Michael tegtmeyer M 43 32:49.1 9:16 188 Eric Gyaki M 67 32:52.8 9:17 189 Patricia Sorrells F 50 32:58.2 9:17 190 Eric Peltosalo M 66 33:02.7 9:18 191 Christine Eck F 42 33:21.5 9:20 192 Mary Abadiez F 33 33:23.6 9:20 193 Anton Auth M 49 33:30.5 9:21 194 Robert Smith M 58 33:45.8 9:22 195 Kelly Gardner F 45 33:50.2 9:22 196 Jacy Zegowitz F 42 34:02.7 9:24 197 William Rey M 51 34:09.7 9:24 198 Meghan Curley F 34 34:20.9 9:25 199 George Myers M 69 34:28.9 9:26 200 Miguel Meza Midence M 33 34:41.0 9:28 201 Lou Shapiro M 74 34:49.6 9:28 202 Sandi Delcore F 52 34:52.9 9:29 203 Nicholas Deangelis M 34 34:57.4 9:29 204 Lauren Colvin F 41 35:04.7 9:30 205 Andrew Gatanas M 41 35:07.3 9:30 206 Richard Meidenbauer M 59 35:20.5 9:32 207 David Barry M 72 35:25.2 9:32 208 Brienne Lang F 37 35:26.7 9:32 209 Craig Pulford M 50 35:32.0 9:33 210 Tom Lyden M 65 35:35.5 9:33 211 Liani Setyawan F 44 35:44.1 9:34 212 Christy Gribble F 50 35:57.3 9:35 213 Michael Simpson M 52 36:09.3 9:36 214 Chip Tucker M 53 36:21.0 9:38 215 Todd Olson M 67 36:23.9 9:38 216 Heather Bencivenga F 46 36:26.3 9:38 217 Pamela Anderson F 56 36:41.1 9:40 218 Christopher Puin M 51 36:57.9 9:41 219 John Brown M 44 37:03.9 9:42 220 Theresa Sullivan F 37 37:10.6 9:43 221 Tim Casey M 72 37:14.5 9:43 222 Stephen Chavez M 63 37:35.1 9:45 223 Kim Lewis F 45 37:36.1 9:45 224 Alice Massey F 52 37:45.9 9:46 225 Daniela Van Wambeke F 37 37:56.8 9:47 226 Brenda Stansbury F 50 38:00.9 9:48 227 Katie Forman F 36 38:02.4 9:48 228 Kathy Hennes F 63 38:12.6 9:49 229 Larry Puglisi M 61 38:29.2 9:50 230 Bill Haskell M 70 38:40.8 9:52 231 Meredith Sanders F 54 38:42.1 9:52 232 Paige Kelly F 22 39:06.8 9:54 233 Kelly Martin F 24 39:33.3 9:57 234 Liz Panter F 35 39:34.7 9:57 235 Emily Miller F 30 39:42.3 9:58 236 Dennis Meyer M 66 39:47.1 9:58 237 Oliver Baranczyk M 31 39:53.0 9:59 238 Tara Mahanti F 37 39:55.7 9:59 239 April Arnold F 30 39:56.0 9:59 240 Arnel Tagle M 47 39:56.6 9:59 241 Tammy Roberson F 41 40:41.4 10:04 242 Jane Schindler F 57 40:43.5 10:04 243 David Titus M 59 41:33.6 10:09 244 Jack Snowden M 50 41:47.0 10:10 245 Erica Lewis-Mead F 42 41:57.9 10:11 246 Danielle Dailey F 34 42:05.9 10:12 247 John Curley M 67 42:14.0 10:13 248 Anastasia Trent F 38 42:29.5 10:14 249 Mark Layton M 58 42:38.7 10:15 250 Ronald Schmidt M 43 42:47.3 10:16 251 Eileen Snowden F 49 43:19.5 10:19 252 Chesley Neubauer F 42 43:25.9 10:20 253 Haley Mcney F 21 43:45.4 10:22 254 Roger Shanks M 54 43:48.7 10:22 255 Andrew Smith M 34 44:26.4 10:26 256 Catherine Kilgore F 33 45:01.1 10:30 257 Alison Purvis F 42 45:44.4 10:34 258 Jerry Berkow M 61 46:03.6 10:36 259 Delia Edelmann F 63 46:15.1 10:37 260 Deborah Love F 54 46:19.6 10:37 261 Stephanie Spring F 26 46:42.2 10:40 262 Daniel Jolicoeur M 34 47:04.3 10:42 263 David Mutschler M 52 47:14.8 10:43 264 Lisa Moore F 54 47:18.0 10:43 265 Mahasin El-Amin F 34 47:30.9 10:45 266 Jeff Carlson M 49 48:05.7 10:48 267 Denise Tegtmeyer F 39 48:32.5 10:51 268 Joseph Clorety M 73 49:06.3 10:54 269 George Sisson M 68 49:16.8 10:55 270 Elizabeth Keohan F 44 49:20.9 10:56 271 Zachary Noakes M 33 49:40.4 10:58 272 Kristy D'Angelo F 36 50:10.0 11:01 273 Susan Tant F 54 50:38.2 11:03 274 Chris Wirt F 43 50:42.3 11:04 275 Michael Regnell M 47 50:45.0 11:04 276 Michael Zielinski M 57 50:59.9 11:05 277 Judy Hollerbach F 54 51:19.5 11:07 278 Susan Byrd F 48 51:20.3 11:07 279 Melinda Krummerich F 57 51:29.2 11:08 280 Monica Arnold F 49 51:44.7 11:10 281 Audrey Wais F 14 52:02.1 11:12 282 Jennifer Warthling F 41 52:03.8 11:12 283 Jameson Cooke M 32 52:05.1 11:12 284 John Cooke M 59 52:05.8 11:12 285 Caren Appel F 52 52:11.5 11:13 286 Wendy Munsey F 39 52:13.2 11:13 287 Ashley Haas F 27 52:20.0 11:13 288 David Diggs M 54 52:43.4 11:16 289 Rae Jean Goodman F 68 53:28.8 11:20 290 Heather Newton F 45 53:38.5 11:21 291 Brev Moore M 75 54:36.5 11:27 292 Carol Churches F 46 54:46.1 11:28 293 Carol Brumsted F 55 55:20.9 11:32 294 Julie Buckel F 46 55:22.1 11:32 295 Suzanne Latham F 50 55:33.3 11:33 296 Marie Delaney F 67 55:38.1 11:33 297 Robin Dawson F 62 55:57.6 11:35 298 Melissa Mcarthur F 46 56:35.9 11:39 299 Jeanne Larrison F 61 56:45.3 11:40 300 Carrye Massey F 52 57:03.2 11:42 301 Jim Etchison M 63 57:03.8 11:42 302 Lara Mish F 43 57:08.6 11:42 303 Gloria Mullervy F 43 57:31.4 11:45 304 Susan Noble F 50 57:32.4 11:45 305 Charles Muskin M 66 57:48.0 11:46 306 Paul Doherty M 70 00:02.1 12:00 307 Clare Imholtz F 69 00:17.5 12:01 308 Arlene Rayburn F 63 01:30.5 12:09 309 Roxanne Hatcher F 57 01:33.2 12:09 310 Kathleen Mcmackin F 61 01:48.7 12:10 311 Nicole Roder F 39 02:16.6 12:13 312 Judy Smith F 61 02:17.2 12:13 313 Mary Mccall F 56 02:24.4 12:14 314 Mark Hamilton M 47 04:26.9 12:26 315 James Wais M 45 05:04.4 12:30 316 Leslie Spangler F 48 05:06.0 12:30 317 Eva Coale F 50 05:08.0 12:30 318 Byron Beam M 66 05:14.4 12:31 319 Leigh Ann Doyle F 25 05:34.3 12:33 320 Karen Brown F 35 05:49.4 12:34 321 Patricia Towle F 56 05:55.2 12:35 322 Florence Freund F 50 06:12.9 12:37 323 Reggie Haseltine M 66 06:27.0 12:38 324 Donna Mckenney F 66 06:27.1 12:38 325 Karen Geiser F 47 06:57.7 12:41 326 Sandra Pashley F 50 08:03.7 12:48 327 Sophia Quinn F 51 08:35.1 12:51 328 Marisela Flores F 16 10:08.4 13:00 329 Rosemary Smith F 70 10:30.9 13:02 330 William Derr M 77 12:09.4 13:12 331 John Koletty M 74 16:18.9 13:37 332 Zack Bamford M 13 16:24.6 13:38 333 Katie Bamford F 42 16:40.9 13:40 334 Deborah Francisco F 63 21:36.5 14:09 335 Lynn Berndt F 37 29:58.9 14:59 336 Lisa Alldredge F 39 30:24.4 15:02 337 Patrick Donahue M 64 31:29.8 15:08 |
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