Father's Day 5k
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Fredericksburg, VA
Conducted by Bishop's Events

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Overall Finisher's Report
  Pl.      Bib #     Name                       Age     Gender   City                State    Time          Pace       Age Rank
  1        892       Jared Brewer               17         M     Spotsylvania        VA        00:23:05      7:26      1st 5K Male
  2        361       Ryan Shute                 29         M     Charlottesville     VA        00:23:35      7:36      2nd 5K Male
  3        912       James Harrell              33         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:24:08      7:46      3rd 5K Male
  4        932       Emmett Pilkington          55         M     Stafford            VA        00:24:42      7:57      1st 50 -59
  5        922       Elizabeth Maksymonko       30         F                                   00:25:43      8:17      1st 5K Female
  6        894       Matthew Cackowski          32         M     Culpeper            VA        00:26:11      8:26      1st 30 - 39
  7        895       Manuel Ceballos            38         M     Charlottesville     VA        00:26:26      8:31      2nd 30 - 39
  8        933       Rebecca Pilkington         19         F     Stafford            VA        00:27:20      8:48      2nd 5K Female
  9        950       Susan Ferrandino           47         F     Williamsburg        VA        00:27:25      8:50      3rd 5K Female
  10       896       Stacey Churchill           51         F     Fredericksburg      VA        00:27:35      8:53      1st 50 -59
  11       935       Ted Poulos                 54         M     McLean              VA        00:27:41      8:55      2nd 50 -59
  12       919       Emily Little               19         F     Fredericksburg      VA        00:27:44      8:56      1st 19 and Under
  13       942       Christine Witkowski        46         F     Glastonbury         CT        00:27:46      8:57      1st 40 - 49
  14       943       Al Witkowski               51         M     Glastonbury         CT        00:27:47      8:57      3rd 50 -59
  15       941       Andy Ulrich                34         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:27:51      8:58      3rd 30 - 39
  16       356       Abby Lutkehus              16         F     Warrenton           VA        00:28:45      9:16      2nd 19 and Under
  17       354       Justin Kelly               14         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:29:45      9:35      1st 19 and Under
  18       925       Paige Mcarthur             13         F     Stafford            VA        00:29:48      9:36      3rd 19 and Under
  19       945       Christian Castillo         39         M                                   00:30:12      9:44      4th 30 - 39
  20       357       Steve Lutkehus             45         M     Warrenton           VA        00:30:56      9:58      1st 40 - 49
  21       920       Matt Little                45         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:31:47      10:14     2nd 40 - 49
  22       891       Diane Abato                50         F     Doswell             VA        00:32:24      10:26     2nd 50 -59
  23       937       Darolyn Shute              62         F     Charlottesville     VA        00:33:01      10:38     1st 60 & Over
  24       936       Nicole Shute               30         F     Charlottesville     VA        00:33:07      10:40     1st 30 - 39
  25       893       Denise Brown               55         F     Fredericksburg      VA        00:33:23      10:45     3rd 50 -59
  26       358       Georgette Peterson         53         F     Spotsylvania        VA        00:33:51      10:54     4th 50 -59
  27       918       Donald Keyser              53         M     Stafford            VA        00:33:54      10:55     4th 50 -59
  28       359       Mark Peterson              57         M     Spotsylvania        VA        00:34:05      10:59     5th 50 -59
  29       363       Jonathan Bruce             28         M     Caroline            VA        00:34:40      11:10     1st 20 - 29
  30       362       James Swanson              57         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:34:47      11:12     6th 50 -59
  31       915       Zachary Hatfield           26         M     fredericksburg      VA        00:34:58      11:16     2nd 20 - 29
  32       947       William Donnelly           44         M     stafford            VA        00:35:51      11:33     3rd 40 - 49
  33       367       Joy Roach                  49         F     Alexandria          VA        00:36:16      11:41     2nd 40 - 49
  34       370       Marie Tate                 23         F     Stafford            VA        00:36:42      11:49     1st 20 - 29
  35       371       John Tate                  26         M     Stafford            VA        00:36:43      11:50     3rd 20 - 29
  36       366       Don Daugherty              68         M     Stafford            VA        00:37:34      12:06     1st 60 & Over
  37       948       Kristen Donnelly           23         F     stafford            VA        00:38:29      12:24     2nd 20 - 29
  38       923       Kaitlin Martin             24         F     Montpelier          VA        00:38:39      12:27     3rd 20 - 29
  39       914       Elliot Hatfield            65         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:40:40      13:06     2nd 60 & Over
  40       899       Kelly Fronczek             32         F     Stafford            VA        00:41:03      13:13     2nd 30 - 39
  41       938       St Pierre Katie            31         F     Woodbridge          VA        00:42:41      13:45     3rd 30 - 39
  42       355       Cynthia Keyser             49         F     Stafford            VA        00:43:10      13:54     3rd 40 - 49
  43       364       Robert Hunter              24         M     Fredericksburg      VA        00:43:14      13:55     4th 20 - 29
  44       365       Robin Hunter               47         F     Fredericksburg      VA        00:43:16      13:56     4th 40 - 49
  45       373       Becky Tassa                49         F     Dumfires            VA        00:44:03      14:11     5th 40 - 49
  46       939       Vince Tassa                50         M     Dumfries            VA        00:44:06      14:12     7th 50 -59
  47       934       Sandra Pilkington          50         F     Stafford            VA        00:45:59      14:49     5th 50 -59
  48       924       David Martin               54         M     Doswell             VA        00:47:15      15:13     8th 50 -59
  49       931       Michael Novak              68         M     Harrietta           MI        00:47:54      15:26     3rd 60 & Over
  50       940       Jessica Ulrich             26         F     Fredericksburg      VA        00:51:44      16:40     4th 20 - 29
  51       916       Lori Hatfield              24         F     fredericksburg      VA        00:52:17      16:50     5th 20 - 29
  52       369       Kevin Tate                 50         M     Stafford            VA        00:52:26      16:53     9th 50 -59
  53       368       Cathy Tate                 50         F     Stafford            VA        00:52:41      16:58     6th 50 -59
  54       913       Deborah Hatfield           62         F     Fredericksburg      VA        00:52:43      16:59     2nd 60 & Over
  55       897       Ashley Cole                32         F     Portsmouth          VA        00:53:49      17:20     4th 30 - 39
  56       898       Larry Cole                 70         M     Portsmouth          VA        00:53:52      17:21     4th 60 & Over
  57       360       Danielle Scott             31         F     fredericksburg      VA        00:56:34      18:13     5th 30 - 39

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