MV Independence Day 5K
Monday, July 04, 2016
Montgomery Village, MD
Conducted by Montgomery County Road Runners

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115 Finishers

PLACE BIB  NAME                    AGE SEX DIV       CITY                TIME     CHIPTIME
  1   195  Andrew Scott            29  M   1/8       Arlington VA          18:44    18:44
  2   137  Mark Byrd               30  M   1/11      Montgomery Vill       18:46    18:45
  3   232  Weston Middleton        15  M   1/10      Montgomery Vill       18:56    18:56
  4   134  Jeffrey Blazar          26  M   2/8       Gaithersburg MD       18:57    18:57
  5   127  Salim Addrey            19  M   3/8       Montgomery Vill       19:31    19:30
  6   216  Redeate Kidane          15  M   2/10      Montgomeryvillg       19:39    19:39
  7   215  Argaw Kidane            50  M   1/18      Montgomery Vill       19:43    19:43
  8   220  Dan Lawson              60  M   1/3       Gaithersburg MD       19:48    19:47
  9   135  Daniel Briggs           19  M   4/8       Gaithersburg MD       20:00    19:59
 10   194  Robert Scheibal         45  M   1/12      Montgomery Vill       21:12    21:10
 11   187  Phil Reding             56  M   2/18      Montgomery Vill       21:16    21:16
 12   231  Brandon Nelson          15  M   3/10      Montgomery Vil M      21:16    21:16
 13   179  Zachary Pepperl         15  M   4/10      Montgomery Vill       21:19    21:17
 14   214  Lorenzo Pettus          38  M   2/11      Bethesda MD           21:31    21:30
 15   206  Paul White              33  M   3/11      Gaithersburg MD       21:39    21:37
 16   246  William Lacy            51  M   3/18      Gaithersburg MD       21:49    21:48
 17   145  Shane Danielson         37  M   4/11      Montgomery Vill       22:12    22:09
 18   233  Adam Kiely              49  M   2/12      Gaithersburg MD       22:26    22:25
 19   201  James Snee              55  M   4/18      Montgomery Vill       22:45    22:43
 20   170  Neris Medina            33  F   1/15      Montgomery Vill       22:47    22:46
 21   252  Greg Snellings          48  M   3/12      Montgomery Vil M      22:56    22:54
 22   166  Monte Lewis             40  M   4/12      Montgomery Vill       22:58    22:55
 23   176  Matthew Navato          16  M   5/10      Montgomery Vill       22:59    22:56
 24   182  Frank Prusik            55  M   5/18      Gaithersburg MD       23:31    23:28
 25   197  Danny Shannon           51  M   6/18      Montgomery Vill       23:36    23:33
 26   167  Peijun Li               44  M   5/12      Montgomery Vill       23:59    23:55
 27   211  Stephen Ravas           37  M   5/11      Montgomery Vill       24:11    24:06
 28   163  Kerry Lanham            61  M   2/3       Montgomery Vill       24:15    24:13
 29   185  Celina Raaf             47  F   1/13      Montgomery Vill       24:22    24:20
 30   188  Alyssa Rishell          17  F   1/10      Montgomery Vill       24:28    24:26
 31   213  Patrick Kuhn            56  M   7/18      Montgomery Vill       24:35    24:33
 32   228  Tom Levesque            37  M   6/11      Fort Kent             24:42    24:35
 33   183  Joey Putonen            15  M   6/10      Germantown MD         24:48    24:45
 34   132  Brent Bayes             45  M   6/12      Germantown MD         24:51    24:48
 35   196  Arnold Sewall           51  M   8/18      Gaithersburg MD       25:27    25:21
 36   189  Jessica Rothenberg      12  F   2/10      Germantown MD         25:25    25:22
 37   186  Theodore Ravas          36  M   7/11      Germantown MD         25:34    25:30
 38   221  Isaac Wu                15  M   7/10      Montgomery Vill       25:37    25:37
 39   138  Kathy Cea               56  F   1/2       Gaithersburg MD       25:39    25:37
 40   224  John David              58  M   9/18      Montgomery Vill       25:49    25:42
 41   152  Hugues Guimfack         44  M   7/12      Montgomery Vill       26:02    25:58
 42   236  Elise Durr              15  F   3/10      Gaithersburg MD       26:09    26:06
 43   129  Fiorella Alvarez        15  F   4/10      Gaithersburg MD       26:09    26:06
 44   191  Frank Salatto           27  M   5/8       Montgomery Vill       26:37    26:33
 45   169  Ian McIntyre            26  M   6/8       Montgomery Vill       26:47    26:42
 46   144  Alison Danielson        32  F   2/15      Montgomery Vill       26:50    26:42
 47   251  John Kane               50  M   10/18     Montgomery Vil M      27:16    27:07
 48   242  Ilana Frey-Kim          16  F   5/10      Rockville MD          27:14    27:08
 49   175  Ma. Guadalu Nava        25  F   1/8       Montgomery Vill       27:13    27:08
 50   225  Katherine Berg          34  F   3/15      Rockville MD          27:23    27:14
 51   168  Jim Marsh               54  M   11/18     Montgomery Vill       27:27    27:21
 52   193  Maggie Scheibal         14  F   6/10      Montgomery Vill       27:38    27:31
 53   204  George Tobin            56  M   12/18     Montgomery Vill       27:43    27:37
 54   217  Nancy Carr              47  F   2/13      Montgomery Vill       27:50    27:40
 55   238  Nicholas Lenzi          32  M   8/11      Germantown MD         27:48    27:41
 56   151  Julia Guevara           34  F   4/15      Montgomery Vill       27:53    27:47
 57   149  Jennifer Gangemella     39  F   5/15      Montgomery Vill       28:01    27:50
 58   249  Douglas Ominde          41  M   8/12      Germantown MD         27:51    27:50
 59   223  Tony Farnham            52  M   13/18     Montgomery Vill       28:03    27:56
 60   241  Justin Yackoski         35  M   9/11      Gaithersburg MD       28:14    28:05
 61   240  Liam Yackoski           9   M   8/10      Gaithersburg MD       28:15    28:06
 62   239  Carter Ortiz            9   M   9/10      Montgomery Vil M      28:15    28:13
 63   141  Jordana Coronel         23  F   2/8       Rockville MD          28:28    28:24
 64   229  Dee Nelson              72  F   1/5       Gaithersburg MD       28:26    28:25
 65   180  John Postulka           36  M   10/11     Montgomery Vill       28:41    28:31
 66   181  Kristin Postulka        31  F   6/15      Montgomery Vill       28:42    28:32
 67   247  Nolinda Stanton         48  F   3/13      Montgomery Vil M      28:51    28:46
 68   237  Maithili Daphtary       49  F   4/13      Montgomery Vil M      30:15    30:06
 69   177  Anne Olson              17  F   7/10      Ellicott City MD      30:25    30:11
 70   178  Steven Olson            50  M   14/18     Ellicott City MD      30:25    30:11
 71   165  Matthew Leuck           29  M   7/8       Montgomery Vill       30:22    30:15
 72   212  Karen Craney            60  F   2/5       Poolesville MD        30:29    30:23
 73   202  Jesse Tang              21  M   8/8       Gaithersburg MD       30:32    30:26
 74   250  Jennifer Holzman        35  F   7/15      Rockville MD          30:49    30:39
 75   192  Abby Scheibal           12  F   8/10      Montgomery Vill       30:52    30:44
 76   159  Ron Hunter              47  M   9/12      Montgomery Vill       30:58    30:47
 77   245  Toni Ellison            39  F   8/15      Gaithersburg MD       31:47    31:34
 78   200  Carolyn Snee            27  F   3/8       Montgomery Vill       33:02    32:55
 79   230  Lea Nanfack             36  F   9/15      Montgomery Vil M      33:01    32:57
 80   234  Julie Espina            28  F   4/8       Montgomery Vil M      33:46    33:39
 81   209  Daniel Yankie           48  M   10/12     Montgomery Vill       34:27    34:16
 82   207  Karen Wilson Sanders    49  F   5/13      Montgomery Vill       34:29    34:16
 83   226  Barbara Graham          46  F   6/13      Arden NC              34:56    34:49
 84   210  Linda Yankie            47  F   7/13      Montgomery Vill       35:21    35:11
 85   235  Mariateresf Gomezarel   63  F   3/5       Montgomery Vil M      35:52    35:41
 86   142  Jorge Coronel           53  M   15/18     Rockville MD          35:46    35:42
 87   136  Jessie Butler           22  F   5/8       Gaithersburg MD       36:01    35:46
 88   243  Lili Leon               42  F   8/13      Montgomery Vil M      36:01    35:46
 89   244  Doug Cremin             48  M   11/12     Montgomery Vil M      36:01    35:47
 90   254  John Driscoll           65  M   3/3       Montgomery Vill       36:09    35:57
 91   148  Jonelle Drugan          47  F   9/13      Montgomery Vill       36:33    36:22
 92   253  Rebecca Wagner          52  F   2/2       Frederick MD          36:45    36:33
 93   184  Joyce Putonen           49  F   10/13     Germantown MD         37:09    36:54
 94   219  Casey Neubold           37  M   11/11     Gaithersburg MD       37:41    37:27
 95   128  Susan Akers             64  F   4/5       Montgomery Vill       38:26    38:18
 96   190  Amy Salatto             26  F   6/8       Montgomery Vill       38:47    38:30
 97   164  Marcie Lerner           46  F   11/13     Montgomery Vill       38:45    38:33
 98   255  Kina Jenkins            36  F   10/15     Montgomery Vil M      39:17    39:08
 99   256  Nadia Stokes            35  F   11/15     Germantown MD         39:18    39:09
100   146  Lindsay Davis           33  F   12/15     Gaithersburg MD       39:25    39:11
101   172  Justin Miller           11  M   10/10     Montgomery Vill       39:43    39:30
102   133  Linda Bayes             48  F   12/13     Germantown MD         39:47    39:33
103   171  Joy Miller              48  F   13/13     Montgomery Vill       39:58    39:45
104   203  Jeffrey Thomas          53  M   16/18     Montgomery Vill       40:14    40:04
105   227  Rick Malament           59  M   17/18     Gaithersburg MD       41:26    41:15
106   208  Caitlin Wright          31  F   13/15     Falls Church VA       41:33    41:23
107   218  Pat Cuff                79  F   5/5       Montgomery Vill       42:29    42:07
108   205  Roxana Valencia         26  F   7/8       Montgomery Vill       42:38    42:32
109   131  Jessica Ballantine      26  F   8/8       Montgomery Vill       44:07    43:55
110   173  Faith Nah               11  F   9/10      Gaithersburg MD       47:57    47:42
111   174  Joseph Nah              45  M   12/12     Gaithersburg MD       47:58    47:42
112   248  Ashlyn Ominde           12  F   10/10     Germantown MD         47:48    47:46
113   157  Shana Hattis            35  F   14/15     Silver Spring MD      48:12    47:49
114   143  Greg Czajkowski         58  M   18/18     Montgomery Vill       51:16    50:55
115   160  Evelyn Hutchinson       38  F   15/15     Montgomery Vill     1:06:26  1:06:10

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