Kentlands 5K
Saturday, September 03, 2016
Gaithersburg, MD
Conducted by Montgomery County Road Runners Club

Future Featured Races

RacePacket Home | This race has been included in RacePacket's Regional Runner Rankings.
965 Finishers
  PLACE BIB  FIRST NAME              LAST NAME               AGE SEX DIVTOT    CITY                TIME     CHIPTIME PACE
    1   1040 Billy                   McManus                 24  M   1/9       Frederick MD          15:56    15:55   5:08
    2   844  Christophe              Shaw                    41  M   1/62      Silver Spring MD      16:06    16:06   5:11
    3   794  Steve                   Heagy                   33  M   1/28      Lansdale PA           16:12    16:12   5:13
    4   1048 Chris                   Pruitt                  34  M   2/28      Sandy Spring MD       16:15    16:15   5:14
    5   1063 Aaron                   Anderson                33  M   3/28      Germantown MD         17:10    17:09   5:32
    6   695  Chris                   Thoms                   17  M   1/44      Gaithersburg MD       17:11    17:10   5:32
    7   759  Yonatan                 Babore                  17  M   2/44      Gaithersburg MD       17:26    17:26   5:37
    8   465  Wyatt                   McCabe                  17  M   3/44      North Potomac MD      17:28    17:27   5:37
    9   506  Mark                    Neff                    54  M   1/40      Derwood MD            17:34    17:33   5:39
   10   533  Matthew                 Owens                   16  M   4/44      Gaithersburg MD       17:34    17:34   5:39
   11   472  Brian                   McMahon                 34  M   4/28      Washington DC         17:36    17:36   5:40
   12   583  Nic                     Riley                   30  M   5/28      Washington DC         17:45    17:43   5:43
   13   440  Ethan                   Mara                    16  M   5/44      Gaithersburg MD       17:48    17:48   5:44
   14   218  Jonathan                Ferguson                35  M   1/55      Rockville MD          17:54    17:54   5:46
   15   290  Dave                    Haaga                   55  M   1/40      Rockville MD          18:05    18:04   5:49
   16   605  Miguel                  Salcido                 16  M   6/44      Gaithersburg MD       18:05    18:04   5:49
   17   37   Peter                   Bandettini              50  M   2/40      Bethesda MD           18:16    18:15   5:53
   18   309  Hasan                   Hobbs                   42  M   2/62      North Potomac MD      18:20    18:19   5:54
   19   353  Jeff                    Kase                    52  M   3/40      Elkton MD             18:26    18:26   5:56
   20   124  William                 Chambers                53  M   4/40      York PA               18:35    18:33   5:59
   21   119  Philippe                Castillo                17  M   7/44      Gaithersburg MD       18:35    18:35   5:59
   22   470  Jessica                 McGuire                 36  F   1/56      Arlington VA          18:41    18:39   6:00
   23   103  Noah                    Buchsbaum               15  M   8/44      Gaithersburg MD       18:40    18:39   6:01
   24   828  Jennifer                Paul                    28  F   1/17      Washington DC         18:43    18:41   6:01
   25   72   Jeffrey                 Blazar                  26  M   1/11      Montgomery Vill MD    18:48    18:46   6:03
   26   314  Marty                   Horan                   56  M   2/40      Gaithersburg MD       19:03    19:01   6:08
   27   261  Jordan                  Gaskins                 15  M   9/44      Gaithersburg MD       19:07    19:07   6:09
   28   208  Jeffrey                 Fagan                   39  M   2/55      Gaithersburg MD       19:19    19:17   6:13
   29   398  Preston                 Lane                    15  M   10/44     Gaithersburg MD       19:23    19:21   6:14
   30   886  Cooper                  Hall                    14  M   1/96      Gaithersburg MD       19:40    19:39   6:20
   31   404  Daniel                  Lee                     17  M   11/44     Gaithersburg MD       19:42    19:41   6:21
   32   851  Darcy                   Strouse                 52  F   1/43      Frederick MD          19:47    19:46   6:22
   33   332  Stephan                 Jacobson                14  M   2/96      Gaithersburg MD       19:47    19:46   6:22
   34   819  Sajan                   Mistry                  17  M   12/44     Gaithersburg MD       19:53    19:51   6:24
   35   468  Jason                   McFadden                16  M   13/44     Gaithersburg MD       19:56    19:55   6:25
   36   516  Andrew                  Nyborg                  45  M   1/59      Gaithersburg MD       20:00    19:58   6:26
   37   294  Sebastian               Harkness                15  M   14/44     Gaithersburg MD       21:07    20:00   6:27
   38   421  Margaret                Lilyestrom              15  F   1/26      Gaithersburg MD       20:09    20:07   6:29
   39   331  Maya                    Jacobson                17  F   2/26      Gaithersburg MD       20:09    20:09   6:29
   40   771  Antonio                 Claro                   54  M   5/40      Rockville MD          20:15    20:12   6:31
   41   838  Blake                   Sajonia                 57  M   3/40      Columbia MD           20:17    20:16   6:32
   42   864  Felix                   Wang                    40  M   3/62      Rockville MD          20:20    20:17   6:32
   43   206  Eric                    Fagan                   14  M   3/96      Gaithersburg MD       20:21    20:18   6:32
   44   571  Maf                     Quispe                  39  M   3/55      Germantown MD         20:29    20:25   6:34
   45   666  William                 Spano                   14  M   4/96      Gaithersburg MD       20:27    20:27   6:35
   46   55   Chris                   Benham                  35  M   4/55      North Bethesda MD     20:31    20:27   6:35
   47   726  Pete                    Wergin                  50  M   6/40      Gaithersburg MD       20:35    20:32   6:37
   48   108  Kristy                  Buzzi                   40  F   1/63      Marshall VA           21:40    20:34   6:38
   49   840  Julie                   Sapper                  43  F   2/63      Rockville MD          20:41    20:38   6:39
   50   272  Sahil                   Goel                    15  M   15/44     Gaithersburg MD       20:44    20:42   6:40
   51   918  Buddy                   McLaughlin              36  M   5/55      Hyattsville MD        23:02    20:49   6:42
   52   460  Calvin                  Mayer                   17  M   16/44     Gaithersburg MD       20:51    20:50   6:43
   53   500  Gavin                   Nash                    14  M   5/96      Gaithersburg MD       20:51    20:50   6:43
   54   517  Natalie                 Nyborg                  15  F   3/26      Gaithersburg MD       20:52    20:50   6:43
   55   1049 William                 Lacy                    51  M   7/40      Gaithersburg MD       20:57    20:52   6:43
   56   159  Tim                     Creed                   34  M   6/28      Kensington MD         20:59    20:56   6:45
   57   283  John                    Gresh                   52  M   8/40      Gaithersburg MD       20:59    20:56   6:45
   58   434  Carl                    Lyon                    39  M   6/55      Gaithersburg MD       22:07    21:04   6:47
   59   162  Jack                    Dacy                    15  M   17/44     Gaithersburg MD       21:10    21:08   6:48
   60   452  Tate                    Martinis                15  M   18/44     Darnestown MD         22:12    21:10   6:49
   61   550  Colin                   Pelkey                  14  M   6/96      Gaithersburg MD       21:12    21:11   6:49
   62   799  Jack                    Kammerer                54  M   9/40      Washington DC         21:15    21:12   6:50
   63   205  Jared                   Ezrin                   15  M   19/44     Gaithersburg MD       22:16    21:15   6:51
   64   118  Elizabeth               Cassell                 16  F   4/26      Darnestown MD         21:17    21:15   6:51
   65   57   Joseph                  Benham                  36  M   7/55      Arlington VA          21:20    21:17   6:51
   66   1042 David                   Rothman                 29  M   2/11      Bodys MD              21:22    21:17   6:51
   67   522  Dylan                   Olen                    15  M   20/44     North Potomac MD      22:19    21:17   6:51
   68   1003 Austin                  Czarnecki               10  M   7/96      Gaithersburg MD       22:23    21:17   6:51
   69   545  Bradley                 Pasekoff                15  M   21/44     Gaithersburg MD       22:20    21:19   6:52
   70   793  Jen                     Heagy                   33  F   1/41      Lansdale PA           21:28    21:24   6:54
   71   368  Adam                    Kiely                   49  M   2/59      Gaithersburg MD       21:28    21:24   6:54
   72   893  Felipe                  Bermudez                11  M   8/96      Gaithersburg MD       22:31    21:25   6:54
   73   934  Bennett                 Rushkoff                58  M   4/40      North Potomac MD      22:30    21:29   6:55
   74   727  Jeremy                  Westin                  38  M   8/55      Brooklyn NY           22:30    21:29   6:55
   75   687  Anders                  Sundstrom               41  M   4/62      Clarksburg MD         21:35    21:32   6:56
   76   225  Ben                     Fleischer               14  M   9/96      Gaithersburg MD       21:32    21:32   6:56
   77   402  Scott                   Lebowitz                16  M   22/44     Gaithersburg MD       22:38    21:33   6:56
   78   51   Jacob                   Beard                   16  M   23/44     North Potomac MD      21:37    21:36   6:57
   79   105  Steven                  Burns                   41  M   5/62      Gaithersburg MD       22:49    21:36   6:58
   80   1060 Tom                     Winkert                 52  M   10/40     Potomac MD            21:41    21:37   6:58
   81   823  Rene                    Mugabo                  16  M   24/44     North Potomac MD      22:40    21:39   6:58
   82   145  Jack                    Cline                   46  M   3/59      Gaithersburg MD       22:42    21:40   6:59
   83   296  Charles                 Harrington              57  M   5/40      Gaithersburg MD       21:45    21:42   7:00
   84   343  Sungmin                 Joo                     17  M   25/44     Gaithersburg MD       21:44    21:43   7:00
   85   488  Matthew                 Mondonedo               31  M   7/28      Gaithersburg MD       22:46    21:44   7:00
   86   859  Peter                   Vaka                    17  M   26/44     Gaithersburg MD       22:51    21:45   7:00
   87   916  Lukas                   Luetzenkirchen          22  M   2/9       Betzdorf              22:47    21:45   7:00
   88   646  Colby                   Sisco                   13  M   10/96     Gaithersburg MD       22:58    21:48   7:01
   89   1001 Lawrence                Chep                        M             Gaithersburg MD       22:55    21:50   7:02
   90   356  Jason                   Kearney                 15  M   27/44     Gaithersburg MD       22:52    21:51   7:02
   91   99   Jessica                 Bruner                  41  F   3/63      Gaithersburg MD       22:55    21:52   7:03
   92   980  Jinhut                  Dou                     52  M   11/40     Boyds MD              22:59    21:53   7:03
   93   66   Laini                   Bettencourt             46  F   1/63      Gaithersburg MD       22:56    21:54   7:03
   94   839  Isabelle                Sajonia                 16  F   5/26      Gaithersburf MD       21:57    21:55   7:04
   95   278  Michael                 Goozh                   41  M   6/62      Gaithersburg MD       22:05    22:01   7:06
   96   601  Bridget                 Ryder                   48  F   2/63      Gaithersburg MD       23:07    22:03   7:06
   97   875  Leah                    Williams                32  F   2/41      Olney MD              23:11    22:06   7:07
   98   628  Mark                    Shafer                  40  M   7/62      Gaithersburg MD       24:20    22:08   7:08
   99   567  Frank                   Prusik                  55  M   6/40      Gaithersburg MD       22:13    22:10   7:08
  100   894  Santiago                Bermudez                9   M   11/96     Gaithersburg MD       23:24    22:17   7:11
  101   749  Ning                    Zhang                   35  M   9/55      Gaithersburg MD       23:20    22:18   7:11
  102   413  Adam                    Levey                   17  M   28/44     Gaithersburg MD       23:20    22:18   7:11
  103   123  Tara                    Chait                   37  F   2/56      Bethesda MD           23:30    22:20   7:12
  104   288  Tony                    Guerra                  44  M   8/62      Ankeny IA             22:28    22:22   7:12
  105   650  Tina                    Sledge                  38  F   3/56      Gaithersburg MD       23:29    22:24   7:13
  106   498  Matthew                 Nagy                    14  M   12/96     Darnestown MD         23:39    22:29   7:14
  107   328  Martin                  Ivanchev                15  M   29/44     North Potomac MD      23:30    22:29   7:15
  108   13   Jake                    Alalouf                 15  M   30/44     Gaithersburg MD       23:41    22:32   7:15
  109   778  Ron                     Ely                     45  M   4/59      Nort MD               23:45    22:32   7:16
  110   258  Tushar                  Garg                    34  M   8/28      Gaithersburg MD       23:47    22:33   7:16
  111   450  Malcolm                 Martin                  14  M   13/96     Gaithersburg MD       23:35    22:34   7:16
  112   238  Carter                  France                  14  M   14/96     Gaithersburg MD       23:38    22:34   7:16
  113   685  Joe                     Sullivan                60  M   1/19      Brookeville MD        22:38    22:35   7:16
  114   400  Michael                 Laurencell              57  M   7/40      Ellicott City MD      23:37    22:36   7:17
  115   1050 Kert                    Mease                   42  M   9/62      Gaithersburg MD       22:39    22:37   7:17
  116   237  Matthew                 France                  48  M   5/59      Gaithersburg MD       23:38    22:37   7:17
  117   209  Jennifer                Fagan                   38  F   4/56      Gaithersburg MD       23:42    22:38   7:17
  118   1068 Luis                    Bermute                 46  M   6/59      Gaithersburg MD       23:49    22:40   7:18
  119   399  Kerry                   Lanham                  61  M   2/19      Montgomery Vill MD    23:44    22:42   7:19
  120   721  Paige                   Waterman                49  F   3/63      Bethesda MD           23:51    22:48   7:21
  121   917  David                   Lukowski                46  M   7/59      Germantown MD         22:53    22:48   7:21
  122   582  Madeline                Rico                    22  F   1/10      Rockville MD          24:51    22:49   7:21
  123   433  Marc                    Luchtefeld              12  M   15/96     Germantown MD         24:59    22:53   7:22
  124   463  Christophe              Mayer                   44  M   10/62     Gaithersburg MD       23:58    22:54   7:22
  125   305  Rick                    Hinton                  50  M   12/40     Gaithersburg MD       24:01    22:59   7:24
  126   595  Grace                   Rowe                    12  F   1/77      Clarksburg MD         24:05    23:02   7:25
  127   1045 Greg                    Sneed                   32  M   9/28      Gaithersburg MD       24:06    23:02   7:25
  128   551  Charlotte               Pelliccia               53  F   2/43      Gaithersburg MD       24:07    23:03   7:25
  129   543  Enrique                 Parra                   43  M   11/62     Gaithersburg MD       24:12    23:05   7:26
  130   1062 Huaifei                 Wang                    28  M   3/11      Boyds MD              24:08    23:06   7:26
  131   857  William                 Tulloch                 15  M   31/44     Gaithersburg MD       24:08    23:06   7:27
  132   327  Javier                  Isassi                  49  M   8/59      Gaithersburg MD       23:09    23:07   7:27
  133   255  Jesse                   Galliani                18  M   32/44     Gaithersburg MD       24:20    23:08   7:27
  134   790  Pj                      Hakopian                19  M   33/44     Gaithersburg MD       24:13    23:12   7:28
  135   775  Joe                     Creed                   36  M   10/55     Gaithersburg MD       24:21    23:15   7:29
  136   1041 Michael                 Mason                   60  M   3/19      Spencerville MD       23:24    23:19   7:31
  137   1054 Chris                   Roberts                 39  M   11/55     Gaithersburg MD       24:26    23:20   7:31
  138   477  Sara                    Mercer                  14  F   2/77      Darnestown MD         24:31    23:21   7:31
  139   786  Angelo                  Garcia                  16  M   34/44     Gaithersburg MD       24:24    23:23   7:32
  140   553  Mikkel                  Petrich                 43  M   12/62     Gaithersburg MD       24:34    23:23   7:32
  141   164  Luca                    Dallasta                10  M   16/96     Gaithersburg MD       24:30    23:27   7:33
  142   699  David                   Topol                   50  M   13/40     Bethesda MD           24:32    23:28   7:34
  143   207  Ian                     Fagan                   12  M   17/96     Gaithersburg MD       24:33    23:29   7:34
  144   987  Elijah                  Jones                   14  M   18/96     Gaithersburg MD       24:46    23:33   7:35
  145   693  Amalendu                Thakur                  43  M   13/62     Germantown MD         25:49    23:35   7:36
  146   739  Chris                   Wright                  45  M   9/59      Gaithersburg MD       25:41    23:40   7:38
  147   779  Matthias                Englert Fernan          9   M   19/96     Gaithersburg MD       24:51    23:42   7:38
  148   827  Katie                   Pahigiannis             37  F   5/56      Olney MD              24:48    23:43   7:38
  149   983  Jamie                   Snyder                  41  M   14/62     Germantown MD         24:54    23:44   7:39
  150   469  Kyle                    McFadden                12  M   20/96     Gaithersburg MD       25:00    23:49   7:40
  151   808  Christina               Majkrzak                36  F   6/56      Olney MD              24:52    23:49   7:40
  152   478  Jason                   Millen                  14  M   21/96     Gaithersburg MD       25:03    23:53   7:42
  153   32   Mateusz                 Bak                         M             McLean VA             25:01    23:54   7:42
  154   339  James                   Jones                   60  M   4/19      Silver Spring MD      25:07    23:56   7:43
  155   350  Eileen                  Kao                     34  F   3/41      Gaithersburg MD       25:01    23:56   7:43
  156   529  Emily                   Orr                     17  F   6/26      North Potomac MD      25:02    23:58   7:43
  157   256  Paula                   Galliani                56  F   1/27      Gaithersburg MD       24:04    24:01   7:44
  158   50   Steve                   Baumgartner             52  M   14/40     N Potomac MD          25:11    24:04   7:45
  159   511  John                    Newman                  29  M   4/11      Potomac MD            25:19    24:11   7:47
  160   932  Mark                    Robien                  54  M   15/40     Rockville MD          26:16    24:13   7:48
  161   885  Chuck                   Potter                  45  M   10/59     Germantown MD         25:23    24:14   7:48
  162   380  Marc                    Kravitz                 38  M   12/55     North Potomac MD      25:27    24:17   7:49
  163   320  Andy                    Imboden                 39  M   13/55     Gaithersburg MD       25:27    24:19   7:50
  164   746  Maddy                   Zarchin                 17  F   7/26      Gaithersburg MD       25:31    24:27   7:52
  165   884  Michele                 Potter                  50  F   3/43      Germantown MD         25:30    24:27   7:52
  166   837  Emily                   Sachs                   29  F   2/17      York PA               26:55    24:30   7:54
  167   981  Zachary                 Dou                     16  M   35/44     Boyds MD              26:32    24:31   7:54
  168   134  Peter                   Chung                   44  M   15/62     North Potomac MD      25:36    24:31   7:54
  169   984  Nicholas                Jiffas                  19  M   36/44     Frederick MD          26:35    24:31   7:54
  170   769  Kathy                   Cea                     56  F   2/27      Gaithersburg MD       24:38    24:34   7:55
  171   223  James                   Fitzpatrick             62  M   5/19      N. Potomac MD         25:36    24:35   7:55
  172   240  Alice                   Franks                  68  F   1/15      Rockville MD          24:50    24:45   7:58
  173   140  Emilie                  Class                   54  F   4/43      Freeland MD           25:55    24:48   7:59
  174   113  Thomas                  Campos                  22  M   3/9       Gaithersburg MD       27:25    24:50   8:00
  175   924  Umesh                   Niroula                 41  M   16/62     Gaithersburg MD       25:53    24:51   8:00
  176   242  Emma Lee                Freeman                 12  F   3/77      Gaithersburg MD       25:55    24:54   8:01
  177   243  Phoebe                  Freeman                 11  F   4/77      Gaithersburg MD       25:55    24:54   8:01
  178   821  Colleen                 Morse                   28  F   3/17      Gaithersburg MD       26:04    24:55   8:01
  179   856  Mark                    Trullinger              32  M   10/28     Silver Spring MD      27:35    24:56   8:02
  180   547  John                    Patterson               67  M   1/13      Gaithersburg MD       26:03    24:59   8:03
  181   76   Jens                    Bolch                   49  M   11/59     Gaithersburg MD       26:07    24:59   8:03
  182   1047 Jim                     Woods                   35  M   14/55     North Potomac MD      26:10    25:00   8:03
  183   241  Steven                  Freedman                50  M   16/40     Gaithersburg MD       27:06    25:02   8:04
  184   798  James                   Iciek                   61  M   6/19      Rockville MD          27:07    25:03   8:04
  185   102  Jeff                    Buchoff                 45  M   12/59     North Potomac MD      27:09    25:03   8:04
  186   161  Craig                   Curless                 53  M   17/40     Germantown MD         26:09    25:06   8:05
  187   412  Keith                   Levchenko               49  M   13/59     Germantown MD         26:17    25:09   8:06
  188   432  Chris                   Luchtefeld              41  M   17/62     Germantown MD         27:17    25:10   8:06
  189   788  Ethan                   Grossman                11  M   22/96     Boyds MD              27:19    25:13   8:07
  190   168  Brad                    Dashoff                 40  M   18/62     Gaithersburg MD       27:16    25:13   8:07
  191   1034 Bob                     Deak                    62  M   7/19      Burke VA              26:21    25:17   8:08
  192   183  Donald                  Derrenbacher            46  M   14/59     Gaithersburg MD       25:22    25:17   8:09
  193   179  Brett                   Derrenbacher            9   M   23/96     Gaithersburg MD       25:23    25:18   8:09
  194   466  Andrew                  McCaffrey               38  M   15/55     Gaithersburg MD       26:33    25:19   8:09
  195   637  Tim                     Shiner                  14  M   24/96     Gaithersburg MD       26:31    25:23   8:11
  196   54   Alan                    Benedict                53  M   18/40     Gaithersburg MD       27:27    25:25   8:11
  197   475  James                   Menzies                 51  M   19/40     Gaithersburg MD       27:34    25:26   8:12
  198   482  Rachel                  Miller                  46  F   4/63      Gaithersburg MD       26:33    25:28   8:12
  199   866  Jake                    Weiner                  8   M   25/96     Potomac MD            27:37    25:33   8:14
  200   313  Louann                  Honacki                 40  F   4/63      Gaithersburg MD       26:43    25:35   8:15
  201   489  Randy                   Mongold                 57  M   8/40      North Potomac MD      26:43    25:36   8:15
  202   814  Art                     Menis                   53  M   20/40     North Potomac MD      27:42    25:38   8:15
  203   153  Christophe              Cook                    60  M   8/19      Silver Spring MD      26:52    25:40   8:16
  204   700  Melissa                 Townsend                34  F   4/41      Gaithersburg MD       26:49    25:41   8:16
  205   701  Mike                    Townsend                34  M   11/28     Gaithersburg MD       26:49    25:41   8:16
  206   306  James                   Hittinger               33  M   12/28     Gaithersburg MD       27:51    25:43   8:17
  207   326  Adrian                  Isassi                  13  M   26/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:05    25:45   8:18
  208   149  Alfred                  Colin                   38  M   16/55     Silver Spring MD      28:23    25:48   8:19
  209   1017 Aidan                   Goettsh                 13  M   27/96     Gaithersburg MD       26:58    25:54   8:20
  210   467  Emily                   McFadden                14  F   5/77      Gaithersburg MD       27:58    25:55   8:21
  211   1005 Parker                  Jones                   10  M   28/96     Gaithersburg MD       27:01    25:58   8:22
  212   946  Ben                     Sossa                   47  M   15/59     Rockville MD          27:59    25:58   8:22
  213   363  Bruce                   Kessler                 70  M   1/8       Chambersburg PA       28:03    26:00   8:22
  214   111  Ben                     Cahen                   34  M   13/28     Gaithersburg MD       27:16    26:02   8:23
  215   110  Aryn                    Cahen                   31  F   5/41      Gaithersburg MD       27:16    26:02   8:23
  216   410  Ethan                   Rambo                   16  M   37/44     Gaithersburg MD       28:06    26:04   8:24
  217   574  Philip                  Raskin                  38  M   17/55     Gaithersburg MD       27:11    26:04   8:24
  218   486  John                    Mobarry                 23  M   4/9       Gaithersburg MD       28:14    26:08   8:25
  219   303  Langdon                 Himebaugh               50  M   21/40     Gaithersburg MD       28:12    26:09   8:25
  220   1015 Jack                    Colub                   9   M   29/96     Gathersburg MD        28:22    26:11   8:26
  221   1014 Andrew                  Golub                   39  M   18/55     Gaithersburg MD       28:22    26:11   8:26
  222   536  Neeta                   Pal                     29  F   4/17      Washington DC         27:23    26:11   8:26
  223   512  Quintin                 Nguyen                  16  M   38/44     Gaithersburg MD       28:35    26:12   8:26
  224   647  Nathan                  Siu                     60  M   9/19      North Potomac MD      28:16    26:12   8:26
  225   718  Benjamin                Waterman                11  M   30/96     Bethesda MD           27:16    26:12   8:26
  226   957  Sebastien               Zeineddin               12  M   31/96     Gaithersburg MD       30:23    26:15   8:27
  227   285  Andrew                  Griffith                56  M   9/40      Gaithersburg MD       27:31    26:17   8:28
  228   1053 Mark                    Mathewson               43  M   19/62     Gaithersburg MD       28:20    26:18   8:28
  229   796  Chris                   Hogan                   46  M   16/59     Rockville MD          27:32    26:20   8:29
  230   664  Anthony                 Spano                   12  M   32/96     Gaithersburg MD       27:30    26:20   8:29
  231   154  Paige                   Copenhaver              15  F   8/26      Gaithersburg MD       27:35    26:25   8:31
  232   372  Marisa                  Kish                    42  F   5/63      Gaithersburg MD       28:31    26:25   8:31
  233   586  Christian               Roetert                 33  F   6/41      North Potomac MD      27:33    26:26   8:31
  234   1057 Patrick                 Melton                  46  M   17/59     Dearborn MI           27:36    26:27   8:31
  235   682  Caleb                   Su                      8   M   33/96     Gaithersburg MD       27:33    26:28   8:31
  236   449  Bennett                 Martin                  10  M   34/96     Gaithersburg MD       27:34    26:30   8:32
  237   362  Veronica                Kerr                    51  F   5/43      Derwood MD            27:36    26:32   8:33
  238   334  Maddie                  Jamsa                   16  F   9/26      North Potomac MD      27:33    26:33   8:33
  239   181  Corey                   Derrenbacher            44  F   6/63      Gaithersburg MD       27:37    26:34   8:33
  240   1024 John                    O'Brien                 32  M   14/28     Gaithersburg MD       28:51    26:36   8:34
  241   41   Stuart                  Barr                    43  M   20/62     Gaithersburg MD       29:01    26:36   8:34
  242   180  Casey                   Derrenbacher            14  F   6/77      Gaithersburg MD       27:41    26:37   8:34
  243   490  Carlos                  Montalvan               34  M   15/28     Gaithersburg MD       28:52    26:37   8:34
  244   569  Kevin                   Puscas                  48  M   18/59     Gaithersburg MD       29:12    26:39   8:35
  245   52   Zoe                     Bell                    14  F   7/77      Gaithersburg MD       28:59    26:40   8:35
  246   988  Christine               Koubek                  48  F   5/63      Gaithersburg MD       27:54    26:40   8:35
  247   625  Brian                   Shafer                  44  M   21/62     Haymarket VA          28:52    26:40   8:35
  248   654  Maeve                   Smith                   14  F   8/77      North Potomac MD      27:52    26:40   8:35
  249   424  Sung                    Lin                     41  M   22/62     Rockville MD          28:56    26:41   8:36
  250   616  Lisa                    Schreiber               46  F   6/63      Gaithersburg MD       28:54    26:43   8:36
  251   658  Anna                    Sohn                    16  F   10/26     North Potomac MD      27:54    26:43   8:36
  252   867  Ryan                    Weiner                  11  M   35/96     Potomac MD            28:47    26:43   8:36
  253   813  Joe                     McGowan                 17  M   39/44     North Potomac MD      27:51    26:45   8:37
  254   56   Heidi                   Benham                  32  F   7/41      North Bethesda MD     27:48    26:46   8:37
  255   394  Joe                     Lam                     44  M   23/62     Gaithersburg MD       29:00    26:46   8:37
  256   121  Jen                     Chacon                  45  F   7/63      Gaithersburg MD       28:51    26:46   8:37
  257   810  Damon                   Mazza                   40  M   24/62     Lexington KY          29:05    26:48   8:38
  258   752  Matthew                 Zwick                   16  M   40/44     Germantown MD         29:16    26:48   8:38
  259   457  Martin                  Matsen                  46  M   19/59     Rockville MD          29:08    26:51   8:39
  260   765  Madeline                Bonchick                16  F   11/26     Gaithersburg MD       28:01    26:51   8:39
  261   491  Steven                  Moore                   35  M   19/55     Montgomery Vill MD    29:02    26:52   8:39
  262   554  Chris                   Pickett                 39  M   20/55     Silver Spring MD      29:03    26:53   8:39
  263   17   Mrinal                  Alfred                  14  M   36/96     Gaithersburg MD       27:54    26:53   8:39
  264   836  Kara                    Roby                    30  F   8/41      Gaithersburg MD       28:56    26:55   8:40
  265   766  Lauren                  Bridgens                17  F   12/26     Darnestown MD         29:18    26:59   8:41
  266   905  Sarah                   Gleason                 17  F   13/26     North Potomac MD      29:19    27:00   8:42
  267   921  William                 Mooers                  50  M   22/40     Gaithersburg MD       29:11    27:00   8:42
  268   672  Kelly                   Stief                   23  F   2/10      Rockville MD          29:02    27:00   8:42
  269   868  Olivia                  Weston                  10  F   9/77      Gaithersburg MD       28:07    27:00   8:42
  270   1022 Tim                     O'Brien                 54  M   23/40     Gaithersburg MD       28:16    27:01   8:42
  271   750  Paul                    Zoccola                 54  M   24/40     Gaithersburg MD       29:24    27:02   8:42
  272   204  Gabi                    Eyrich                  15  F   14/26     Gaithersburg MD       28:14    27:03   8:43
  273   548  Jennifer                Payne                   36  F   7/56      Germantown MD         28:12    27:04   8:43
  274   781  Mackenzie               Finn                    10  F   10/77     Gaithersburg MD       28:16    27:07   8:44
  275   645  Danny                   Sinno                   14  M   37/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:16    27:08   8:44
  276   843  Lou                     Shapiro                 74  M   2/8       Silver Spring MD      29:13    27:09   8:45
  277   184  David                   Ding                    35  M   21/55     Gaithersburg MD       29:17    27:09   8:45
  278   90   Chris                   Boyer                   14  M   38/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:17    27:09   8:45
  279   416  Jason                   Levine                  45  M   20/59     Gaithersburg MD       28:19    27:10   8:45
  280   415  Avinash                 Levine                  12  M   39/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:19    27:10   8:45
  281   802  Zachary                 Kramer                  14  M   40/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:22    27:12   8:46
  282   215  Steve                   Feld                    65  M   2/13      Gaithersburg MD       28:15    27:12   8:46
  283   202  Tiffany                 Evans                   16  F   15/26     Gaithersburg MD       28:24    27:13   8:46
  284   555  Alyssa                  Pickoff                 14  F   11/77     North Potomac MD      28:23    27:14   8:46
  285   754  Brandon                 Adams                   37  M   22/55     Clarksburg MD         28:22    27:14   8:46
  286   129  Andrew                  Cheng                   36  M   23/55     Rockville MD          29:31    27:14   8:46
  287   502  Jennifer                Nash                    44  F   7/63      Gaithersburg MD       28:19    27:14   8:46
  288   649  Eli                     Sledge                  9   M   41/96     Gaithersburg MD       29:18    27:15   8:46
  289   185  Katie                   Ding                    30  F   9/41      Gaithersburg MD       29:23    27:16   8:47
  290   189  Julie                   Donovan                 52  F   6/43      Bethesda MD           31:54    27:17   8:47
  291   501  Graham                  Nash                    11  M   42/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:23    27:18   8:48
  292   217  Sara                    Feldman                 27  F   5/17      Gaithersburg MD       29:36    27:19   8:48
  293   341  Paul                    Jones                   55  M   10/40     Gaithersburg MD       28:32    27:19   8:48
  294   951  Scarlett                Stasko                  10  F   12/77     Gaithersburg MD       28:26    27:20   8:48
  295   818  Scott                   Mingione                47  M   21/59     Fairfax VA            29:32    27:20   8:48
  296   670  Leonard                 Stewart                 43  M   25/62     Gaithersburg MD       29:44    27:21   8:49
  297   669  Jennifer                Stewart                 40  F   8/63      Gaithersburg MD       29:45    27:22   8:49
  298   998  Eric                    Gatz                    40  M   26/62     Gaithersburg MD       28:29    27:23   8:49
  299   958  Jillian                 Donmoyer                13  F   13/77     North Potomac MD      29:31    27:30   8:51
  300   68   Stan                    Binder                  37  M   24/55     Gaithersburg MD       29:56    27:30   8:51
  301   1044 Chatonda                Mtika                   52  M   25/40     Boyds MD              28:39    27:30   8:52
  302   61   Brian                   Bennighoff              46  M   22/59     Germantown MD         29:38    27:31   8:52
  303   929  Tao                     Peng                    44  F   9/63      Rockville MD          29:57    27:33   8:52
  304   963  Sawyer                  Smith                   10  M   43/96     Gaithersburg MD       28:37    27:34   8:53
  305   614  John                    Schlichting             57  M   11/40     Gaithersburg MD       29:41    27:35   8:53
  306   459  Greg                    Matthews                39  M   25/55     Gaithersburg MD       29:53    27:37   8:54
  307   1002 Heather                 Czarnecki               43  F   10/63     Gaithersburg MD       28:44    27:37   8:54
  308   829  Rolando                 Pezan                   36  M   26/55     Columbia MD           29:47    27:38   8:54
  309   160  Sarah                   Cudd                    30  F   10/41     Gaithersburg MD       29:56    27:38   8:54
  310   485  Clark                   Mobarry                 56  M   12/40     Gaithersburg MD       29:45    27:39   8:54
  311   228  David                   Foelber                 32  M   16/28     Gaithersburg MD       30:14    27:40   8:54
  312   46   Kris                    Basilio                 38  M   27/55     North Potomac MD      30:08    27:40   8:55
  313   594  Bart                    Rowe                    56  M   13/40     Clarksburg MD         29:44    27:41   8:55
  314   250  Paul                    Fronstin                50  M   26/40     Gaithersburg MD       28:53    27:41   8:55
  315   298  Kathy                   Hennes                  64  F   1/20      Annapolis MD          31:45    27:41   8:55
  316   865  Emily                   Weiner                  38  F   8/56      Potomac MD            29:46    27:42   8:55
  317   128  Emily                   Chee                    14  F   14/77     Gaithersburg MD       28:55    27:44   8:56
  318   914  Senthil                 Kaliamurthy             47  M   23/59     Gaithersburg MD       28:49    27:44   8:56
  319   1065 Christina               Papoulias               35  F   9/56      Boyds MD              32:12    27:47   8:57
  320   193  John                    Eckert                  52  M   27/40     Gaithersburg MD       30:09    27:48   8:57
  321   745  Betty                   Yu                      35  F   10/56     Gaithersburg MD       28:57    27:49   8:57
  322   347  Priya                   Kalra                   13  F   15/77     Gaithersburg MD       28:56    27:50   8:58
  323   135  Jean                    Ciscato                 42  F   11/63     Gaithersburg MD       30:03    27:52   8:58
  324   92   Inga                    Brissman                33  F   11/41     Gaithersburg MD       29:57    27:52   8:59
  325   173  Nathaniel               Dates                   10  M   44/96     Gaithersburg MD       29:00    27:54   8:59
  326   275  Gavin                   Goodenough              7   M   45/96     Baltimore MD          30:01    27:58   9:00
  327   271  Angela                  Godman                  47  F   8/63      Gaithersburg MD       30:04    27:59   9:01
  328   503  Bella                   Neal                    12  F   16/77     Gaithersburg MD       30:00    27:59   9:01
  329   276  Guy                     Goodenough              45  M   24/59     Baltimore MD          30:03    27:59   9:01
  330   768  Robert                  Cassels                 44  M   27/62     Gaithersburg MD       30:04    28:03   9:02
  331   640  Rachel                  Simko                   31  F   12/41     Gaithersburg MD       30:22    28:03   9:02
  332   104  Erica                   Burns                   39  F   11/56     Gaithersburg MD       30:08    28:03   9:02
  333   976  Dillon                  Clark                   12  F   17/77     Laytonsville MD       30:41    28:04   9:02
  334   342  Sharon                  Jones                   56  F   3/27      Gaithersburg MD       29:14    28:04   9:02
  335   40   Aileen                  Baron                   33  F   13/41     Gaithersburg MD       30:21    28:04   9:02
  336   254  Sara                    Gaab                    31  F   14/41     Gaithersburg MD       30:21    28:05   9:03
  337   523  Brian                   O'Looney                47  M   25/59     Gaithersburg MD       30:12    28:06   9:03
  338   806  Ann                     Loew                    54  F   7/43      Gaithersburg MD       30:20    28:07   9:03
  339   953  Dayna                   Werner                  44  F   12/63     Clarksburg MD         29:17    28:09   9:04
  340   863  John                    Vierra                  55  M   14/40     Gaithersburg MD       30:15    28:09   9:04
  341   293  Shayleigh               Hannigan                10  F   18/77     Gaithersburg MD       29:15    28:09   9:04
  342   996  Jamie                   Oconnor                 52  F   8/43      Gaithersburg MD       32:17    28:10   9:04
  343   789  Michael                 Grossman                43  M   28/62     Boyds MD              30:24    28:18   9:07
  344   330  Zachary                 Jackson                 10  M   46/96     Gaithersburg MD       29:25    28:20   9:08
  345   552  Elizabeth               Petraglia               31  F   15/41     Gaithersburg MD       30:50    28:22   9:08
  346   736  Kyle                    Wong                    26  M   5/11      Gaithersburg MD       29:28    28:22   9:08
  347   456  Rohin                   Marwaha                 13  M   47/96     Darnestown MD         32:46    28:24   9:09
  348   931  Michael                 Recker                  47  M   26/59     Gaithersburg MD       30:27    28:24   9:09
  349   282  Andrew                  Gresh                   19  M   41/44     Gaithersburg MD       31:00    28:24   9:09
  350   454  Harsh                   Marwaha                 44  M   29/62     Darnestown MD         32:46    28:25   9:09
  351   930  Davis                   Recker                  10  M   48/96     Gaithersburg MD       29:30    28:26   9:09
  352   651  Dan                     Slone                   37  M   28/55     Gaithersburg MD       30:53    28:26   9:10
  353   556  Sarah                   Pinto                   34  F   16/41     Rockville MD          30:40    28:28   9:10
  354   892  Craig                   Barsi                   56  M   15/40     Gaithersburg MD       30:43    28:29   9:10
  355   592  Bryan                   Roslund                 51  M   28/40     Potomac MD            30:50    28:29   9:10
  356   880  Kam                     Yee                     46  M   27/59     Gaithersburg MD       33:31    28:32   9:11
  357   882  Jonathan                Young                   25  M   6/11      Gaithersburg MD       30:37    28:32   9:11
  358   387  Victor                  Lacy                    50  M   29/40     Gaithersburg MD       30:55    28:32   9:11
  359   139  Tim                     Clark                   47  M   28/59     Gaithersburg MD       30:48    28:33   9:12
  360   137  Denise                  Clark                   46  F   9/63      Gaithersburg MD       30:48    28:33   9:12
  361   259  Anna                    Garlem                  38  F   12/56     Stafford VA           31:03    28:35   9:12
  362   869  Timothy                 Weston                  49  M   29/59     Gaithersburg MD       29:44    28:36   9:13
  363   629  Bhaval                  Shah                    41  F   13/63     Gaithersburg MD       31:08    28:38   9:13
  364   12   Michelle                Ackley                  37  F   13/56     Gaithersburg MD       30:42    28:39   9:14
  365   69   Rebecca                 Bixler                  40  F   14/63     Gaithersburg MD       30:43    28:40   9:14
  366   830  Bogdan                  Poplacean               33  M   17/28     Rockville MD          31:00    28:47   9:16
  367   226  Ingemar                 Flores                  36  M   29/55     Gaithersburg MD       31:11    28:53   9:18
  368   708  Nicholas                Vencill                 15  M   42/44     Gaithersburg MD       31:18    28:53   9:18
  369   792  Jun                     Han                     30  M   18/28     Gaithersburg MD       32:55    28:54   9:18
  370   587  Daniel                  Roetert                 33  M   19/28     North Potomac MD      30:01    28:55   9:19
  371   767  Wayne                   Carson                  59  M   16/40     Germantown MD         30:03    28:56   9:19
  372   659  Gene                    Sohn                    46  M   30/59     North Potomac MD      30:08    28:56   9:19
  373   126  Teresa                  Chan                    41  F   15/63     Vienna VA             31:14    29:01   9:21
  374   728  Sarah                   Will                    39  F   14/56     Germantown MD         31:33    29:01   9:21
  375   579  Kellie                  Reynolds                50  F   9/43      Gaithersburg MD       33:06    29:03   9:21
  376   458  Erika                   Matthews                37  F   15/56     Gaithersburg MD       31:23    29:07   9:23
  377   510  Casey                   Neubold                 37  M   30/55     Gaithersburg MD       31:38    29:09   9:23
  378   286  Janet                   Griffiths               53  F   10/43     Gaithersburg MD       31:39    29:09   9:23
  379   663  Bill                    Sollers                 77  M   1/5       Silver Spring MD      30:17    29:09   9:23
  380   689  Jesse                   Tang                    21  M   5/9       Gaithersburg MD       29:13    29:13   9:24
  381   895  David                   Birely                  47  M   31/59     Gaithersburg MD       33:19    29:13   9:25
  382   29   Thomas                  Bahls                   57  M   17/40     Gaithersburg MD       31:33    29:14   9:25
  383   47   Kristine                Basilio                 40  F   16/63     Germantown MD         31:44    29:17   9:26
  384   351  Sudipan                 Karmakar                41  M   30/62     Germantown MD         31:32    29:17   9:26
  385   570  Donna                   Quackenbush             47  F   10/63     Germantown MD         31:40    29:20   9:27
  386   157  Karen                   Craney                  60  F   2/20      Poolesville MD        31:33    29:20   9:27
  387   438  Lucy                    Mangan                  22  F   3/10      Rockville MD          31:28    29:23   9:28
  388   431  Aaron                   Luchtefeld              10  M   49/96     Germantown MD         31:54    29:24   9:28
  389   653  Barry                   Smith                   46  M   32/59     N Potomac MD          31:34    29:24   9:28
  390   617  Scott                   Schumacher              37  M   31/55     Gaithersburg MD       31:35    29:25   9:28
  391   562  Elisabeth               Poplacean               39  F   16/56     Silver Spring MD      31:37    29:25   9:28
  392   1066 Tosha                   Luchtefeld              41  F   17/63     Germantown MD         31:56    29:26   9:29
  393   318  Eiran                   Hurwitz                 44  M   31/62     Gaithersburg MD       31:35    29:26   9:29
  394   125  Anthony                 Chan                    47  M   33/59     Germantown MD         31:44    29:28   9:30
  395   425  Jacob                   Lindner                 14  M   50/96     Gaithersburg MD       30:43    29:30   9:30
  396   599  Lila                    Rust                    7   F   19/77     Gaithersburg MD       31:47    29:30   9:30
  397   725  Carole                  Welsch                  42  F   18/63     Gaithersburg MD       31:47    29:30   9:30
  398   1058 Angie                   Wood                    34  F   17/41     Gaithersburg MD       31:46    29:30   9:30
  399   251  Tim                     Fuller                  48  M   34/59     Bethesda MD           31:49    29:31   9:30
  400   239  Jerry                   Frankenheim             73  M   3/8       Germantown MD         32:03    29:33   9:31
  401   357  Beth                    Keaton                  44  F   19/63     Rockville MD          31:55    29:34   9:31
  402   943  Cortney                 Smith                   42  M   32/62     Germantown MD         30:49    29:36   9:32
  403   38   Michael                 Baris                   58  M   18/40     Olney MD              32:13    29:37   9:32
  404   9    Bryan                   Ackerman                38  M   32/55     Gaithersburg MD       32:00    29:39   9:33
  405   942  Marcia                  Simon                   53  F   11/43     Gaithersburg MD       31:53    29:41   9:34
  406   580  Steve                   Reynolds                50  M   30/40     Gaithersburg MD       33:44    29:41   9:34
  407   505  Emma                    Neal                    12  F   20/77     Gaithersburg MD       31:43    29:42   9:34
  408   676  Phillip                 Strong                  36  M   33/55     Olney MD              32:17    29:43   9:34
  409   940  Yolanda                 Scott                   46  F   11/63     Gaithersburg MD       31:46    29:45   9:35
  410   64   Lisa Green              Berry                   40  F   20/63     Gaithersburg MD       33:52    29:45   9:35
  411   267  Mariam                  Ghovanlou               40  F   21/63     Gaithersburg MD       33:52    29:46   9:35
  412   787  Adam                    Gotkin                  12  M   51/96     North Potomac MD      30:57    29:46   9:35
  413   1046 Sean                    Jackson                 46  M   35/59     Gaithersburg MD       31:51    29:48   9:36
  414   310  Rodrick                 Hobbs                   34  M   20/28     Silver Spring MD      32:01    29:52   9:37
  415   471  Janet                   McLeod                  37  F   17/56     Rockville MD          32:10    29:52   9:37
  416   995  Jennifer                Burghardt               49  F   12/63     Gaithersburg MD       34:00    29:52   9:37
  417   648  Ben                     Sledge                  39  M   34/55     Gaithersburg MD       31:58    29:55   9:38
  418   994  Susan                   Wilson                  58  F   4/27      Rockville MD          32:11    29:58   9:39
  419   130  Grant                   Cheung                  41  M   33/62     Gaithersburg MD       35:23    29:58   9:39
  420   526  Wren                    O'Looney                9   M   52/96     Gaithersburg MD       32:08    29:59   9:39
  421   249  Rick                    Fritz                   46  M   36/59     Rockville MD          31:03    30:01   9:40
  422   785  Harini                  Ganeshan                44  F   22/63     Germantown MD         32:08    30:03   9:41
  423   504  Christine               Neal                    47  F   13/63     Gaithersburg MD       32:05    30:04   9:41
  424   435  Charis                  Lyon                    40  F   23/63     Gaithersburg MD       32:32    30:04   9:41
  425   93   Seth                    Brodie                  38  M   35/55     Gaithersburg MD       32:28    30:05   9:41
  426   729  Philip                  Williams                11  M   53/96     Gaithersburg MD       31:07    30:05   9:41
  427   49   Anne                    Baumgartner             50  F   12/43     North Potomac MD      32:07    30:05   9:41
  428   639  Jason                   Silverberg              33  M   21/28     Gaithersburg MD       32:34    30:08   9:42
  429   636  Molly                   Sherwood                74  F   1/8       Annapolis MD          34:12    30:09   9:43
  430   300  Rachel                  Herrera                 45  F   14/63     Gaithersburg MD       32:41    30:10   9:43
  431   70   Maricela                Blanco                  37  F   18/56     North Potomac MD      32:16    30:13   9:44
  432   244  Rob                     Freeman                 44  M   34/62     Gaithersburg MD       32:39    30:16   9:45
  433   263  Kaitlyn                 Geraghty                7   F   21/77     Gaithersburg MD       32:17    30:17   9:45
  434   264  Laura                   Geraghty                34  F   18/41     Gaithersburg MD       32:18    30:17   9:45
  435   985  Dennis                  Jiffas                  56  M   19/40     Frederick MD          32:33    30:18   9:45
  436   11   Marsha                  Ackerman                36  F   19/56     Gaithersburg MD       32:39    30:18   9:46
  437   133  Willie                  Choi                    39  M   36/55     Gaithersburg MD       32:40    30:20   9:46
  438   954  Irina                   Stavitsky               50  F   13/43     Gaithersburg MD       34:31    30:22   9:47
  439   308  Trung                   Hoang                   34  M   22/28     Laurel MD             33:01    30:23   9:47
  440   635  Lauren                  Sheintal                35  F   20/56     Gaithersburg MD       34:37    30:28   9:49
  441   634  Jack                    Sheintal                8   M   54/96     Gaithersburg MD       34:36    30:28   9:49
  442   1056 Melissa                 Blue                    38  F   21/56     Las Vegas NV          31:42    30:29   9:49
  443   150  Riah Taylo              Colin                   34  F   19/41     Silver Spring MD      33:05    30:30   9:49
  444   608  Johnn                   Santell                 58  M   20/40     Gaithersburg MD       32:53    30:30   9:49
  445   879  Michelle                Yan                     20  F   4/10      Potomac MD            32:45    30:31   9:50
  446   733  Gavin                   Wolinsky                8   M   55/96     Gaithersburg MD       34:38    30:31   9:50
  447   850  Youngsam                Song                    44  M   35/62     Gaithersburg MD       32:51    30:32   9:50
  448   941  Ritu                    Sharma                  39  F   22/56     Gaithersburg MD       34:46    30:33   9:50
  449   696  George                  Tobin                   56  M   21/40     Montgomery Vill MD    33:12    30:38   9:52
  450   100  Molly                   Bruner                  10  F   22/77     Gaithersburg MD       31:52    30:40   9:52
  451   688  Daphna                  Szanto                  56  F   5/27      Germantown MD         34:46    30:43   9:54
  452   977  Lauren                  Storbrauck              25  F   6/17      Rockville MD          33:03    30:47   9:55
  453   978  Jack                    Przywara                27  M   7/11      Rockville MD          33:03    30:48   9:55
  454   376  Gregory                 Knoop                   49  M   37/59     Gaithersburg MD       35:00    30:48   9:55
  455   655  Melissa                 Smith                   41  F   24/63     Gaithersburg MD       33:22    30:49   9:55
  456   847  Jack                    Sircus                  13  M   56/96     North Potomac MD      35:20    30:49   9:55
  457   535  Barbara                 Padgett                 51  F   14/43     Laytonsville MD       35:00    30:54   9:57
  458   744  Mary                    Yan                     48  F   15/63     Potomac MD            33:09    30:55   9:57
  459   65   Chad                    Beswick                 38  M   37/55     Germantown MD         33:09    30:57   9:58
  460   25   David                   Asofsky                 48  M   38/59     Gaithersburg MD       35:13    31:00   9:59
  461   423  Raymond                 Lin                     48  M   39/59     Boyds MD              33:15    31:01   9:59
  462   528  Rebecca                 Onuschak                45  F   16/63     Germantown MD         33:42    31:04  10:00
  463   575  Jennifer                Redden                  32  F   20/41     Germantown MD         33:16    31:05  10:01
  464   975  Carson                  Clark                   10  F   23/77     Laytonsville MD       33:45    31:07  10:01
  465   621  Arnold                  Sewall                  51  M   31/40     Gaithersburg MD       33:26    31:08  10:01
  466   622  Caeleigh                Sewall                  14  F   24/77     Gaithersburg MD       33:26    31:08  10:02
  467   1010 Alexia                  McClure                 48  F   17/63     Gaithersburg MD       35:16    31:08  10:02
  468   1011 Jeff                    McClure                 43  M   36/62     Gaithersburg MD       35:16    31:08  10:02
  469   1008 Saravanan               Muthusamy               37  M   38/55     Gaithersburg MD       33:27    31:08  10:02
  470   525  Shihoko                 O'Looney                44  F   25/63     Gaithersburg MD       33:21    31:10  10:02
  471   873  Jacquelyn               Williams                6   F   25/77     Gaithersburg MD       33:25    31:10  10:02
  472   876  Lowell                  Williams                31  M   23/28     Gaithersburg MD       33:25    31:11  10:02
  473   1006 Vasanthi                Sekar                   44  F   26/63     Gaithersburg MD       33:19    31:12  10:03
  474   822  Tom                     Morse                   58  M   22/40     Gaithersburg MD       33:26    31:13  10:03
  475   811  Megan                   Mazza                   11  F   26/77     Lexington KY          33:30    31:14  10:03
  476   420  Clare                   Lilyestrom              13  F   27/77     Gaithersburg MD       32:26    31:17  10:05
  477   1007 Chandra                 Sekar                   44  M   37/62     Gaithersburg MD       32:27    31:21  10:06
  478   735  Jeffrey                 Wolinsky                37  M   39/55     Gaithersburg MD       35:29    31:21  10:06
  479   524  Hana                    O'Looney                12  F   28/77     Gaithersburg MD       33:31    31:22  10:06
  480   349  Chris                   Kao                     36  M   40/55     Gaithersburg MD       33:33    31:26  10:07
  481   348  Brady                   Kao                     7   M   57/96     Gaithersburg MD       33:33    31:26  10:07
  482   791  Katie                   Hamill                  24  F   5/10      North Potomac MD      33:37    31:27  10:08
  483   406  Doug                    Lefevre                 57  M   23/40     New Market MD         34:06    31:29  10:08
  484   564  Anna                    Prall                   34  F   21/41     Gaithersburg MD       36:26    31:31  10:09
  485   214  Cindy                   Feld                    62  F   3/20      Gaithersburg MD       32:35    31:31  10:09
  486   565  Christophe              Prall                   37  M   41/55     Gaithersburg MD       36:26    31:32  10:09
  487   662  Thomas                  Soileau                 56  M   24/40     Potomac MD            33:37    31:33  10:10
  488   427  Katherine               Loiselle                26  F   7/17      New Market MD         33:50    31:37  10:11
  489   986  Maria                   Jiffas                  14  F   29/77     Frederick MD          33:43    31:39  10:11
  490   935  Christina               Sardelis                49  F   18/63     North Potomac MD      34:17    31:39  10:12
  491   964  Karen                   Whitesell               56  F   6/27      North Potomac MD      34:19    31:41  10:12
  492   902  Jeanie                  Glasser                 55  F   7/27      Potomac MD            34:19    31:48  10:15
  493   146  Michael                 Cohen                   65  M   3/13      Silver Spring MD      34:16    31:49  10:15
  494   44   Jeffrey                 Basilio                 42  M   38/62     Germantown MD         34:16    31:50  10:15
  495   127  Randhir                 Chauhan                 72  M   4/8       Rockville MD          35:55    31:50  10:15
  496   1023 Jeffrey                 Cohen                   59  M   25/40     Gaithersburg MD       35:58    31:51  10:16
  497   22   Barbara                 Armstrong               65  F   2/15      Gaithersburg MD       34:20    31:52  10:16
  498   97   David                   Bruner                  46  M   40/59     Gaithersburg MD       33:08    31:56  10:17
  499   603  Eriks                   Sage                    8   M   58/96     Olney MD              34:14    31:57  10:17
  500   604  Ron                     Sage                    48  M   41/59     Olney MD              34:14    31:57  10:17
  501   1019 Yolanda                 Goettsh                 45  F   19/63     Gaithersburg MD       36:14    31:58  10:18
  502   289  Ashish                  Gulati                  41  M   39/62     Gaithersburg MD       34:29    31:59  10:18
  503   1020 Anya                    Goettsh                 8   F   30/77     Gaithersburg MD       36:14    31:59  10:18
  504   630  Lisa                    Shames                  61  F   4/20      Rockville MD          34:21    32:00  10:18
  505   3    Kathy                   Abbett                  54  F   15/43     Gaithersburg MD       34:26    32:06  10:20
  506   568  Sasha                   Pryborowski             34  F   22/41     Rockville MD          36:19    32:07  10:21
  507   474  Chris                   McMurry                 35  M   42/55     Rockville MD          36:20    32:07  10:21
  508   760  Jason                   Beene                   29  M   8/11      Gaithersburg MD       34:36    32:15  10:23
  509   761  Peachy                  Beene                   31  F   23/41     Gaithersburg MD       34:37    32:15  10:23
  510   598  Cleo                    Rust                    8   F   31/77     Gaithersburg MD       34:35    32:16  10:23
  511   784  Melodie                 Galamo                  15  F   16/26     Gaithersburg MD       34:37    32:17  10:24
  512   600  William                 Rust                    45  M   42/59     Gaithersburg MD       34:35    32:17  10:24
  513   714  Jackie                  Warncke                 51  F   16/43     Gaithersburg MD       34:56    32:20  10:25
  514   997  Yat-Lun                 Kwok                    41  M   40/62     Rcokville MD          34:28    32:20  10:25
  515   832  Eugene                  Rhee                    37  M   43/55     Gaithersburg MD       33:34    32:21  10:25
  516   158  Todd                    Creasy                  41  M   41/62     Gaithersburg MD       34:44    32:28  10:27
  517   546  Danielle                Pasekoff                17  F   17/26     Gaithersburg MD       34:48    32:29  10:28
  518   776  Surajit                 Dasgupta                40  M   42/62     Germantown MD         34:45    32:29  10:28
  519   304  Maria                   Himebaugh               49  F   20/63     Gaithersburg MD       34:57    32:29  10:28
  520   753  Ashton                  Zylstra                 27  F   8/17      Gaithersburg MD       34:49    32:30  10:28
  521   542  Beth                    Parent                  47  F   21/63     Gaithersburg MD       36:33    32:32  10:29
  522   201  Rene                    Espina                  22  M   6/9       Germantown MD         35:10    32:32  10:29
  523   974  Karin                   Clark                   42  F   27/63     Laytonsville MD       35:11    32:34  10:29
  524   740  Dianne                  Wright                  61  F   5/20      Winchester VA         36:35    32:34  10:29
  525   541  Susan                   Pappas                  67  F   3/15      Gaithersburg MD       34:47    32:34  10:29
  526   731  Doug                    Wolf                    62  M   10/19     Gaithersburg MD       36:47    32:35  10:29
  527   187  Julianne                Ditommaso               41  F   28/63     Gaithersburg MD       35:12    32:35  10:30
  528   417  Corynne                 Levy                    50  F   17/43     Gaithersburg MD       35:12    32:36  10:30
  529   537  Claire                  Palmer                  11  F   32/77     Gaithersburg MD       37:06    32:39  10:31
  530   872  Chase                   Williams                10  M   59/96     Rockville MD          36:50    32:42  10:32
  531   950  Gwyneth                 Stasko                  8   F   33/77     Gaithersburg MD       35:03    32:42  10:32
  532   949  Gerald                  Stasko                  41  M   43/62     Gaithersburg MD       35:04    32:43  10:32
  533   220  Jordan                  Ferris                  14  F   34/77     Gaitherburg MD        34:00    32:47  10:33
  534   114  Rick                    Canter                  53  M   32/40     Gaithersburg MD       35:16    32:50  10:34
  535   742  Robert                  Wu                      39  M   44/55     Gaithersburg MD       35:22    32:51  10:35
  536   219  Amy                     Ferris                  49  F   22/63     Gaitherburg MD        34:04    32:51  10:35
  537   947  Lucas                   Sossa                   10  M   60/96     Rockville MD          37:00    32:52  10:35
  538   122  Ryan                    Chacon                  8   M   61/96     Gaithersburg MD       37:11    32:52  10:35
  539   677  Pooja                   Strope                  39  F   23/56     Gaithersburg MD       34:55    32:54  10:36
  540   777  Brent                   Donmoyer                40  M   44/62     North Potomac MD      37:10    32:54  10:36
  541   612  Nick                    Sbrockey                63  M   11/19     Gaithersburg MD       35:29    32:56  10:36
  542   620  Michael                 Sesma                   63  M   12/19     Gaithersburg MD       35:30    32:57  10:37
  543   2    Jonathan                Abbett                  53  M   33/40     Gaithersburg MD       35:25    33:03  10:39
  544   773  Jose                    Contreras               37  M   45/55     Gaithersburg MD       37:39    33:06  10:39
  545   1043 Rachel                  Oziel                   29  F   9/17      Gaithersburg MD       35:38    33:06  10:40
  546   446  Sophia                  Marks                   11  F   35/77     Gaithersburg MD       35:12    33:10  10:41
  547   607  Lou                     Samels                  72  M   5/8       Rockville MD          37:28    33:11  10:41
  548   920  Susan                   Mentus                  37  F   24/56     Gaithersburg MD       37:24    33:12  10:41
  549   174  Sae                     Davis                   48  F   23/63     Germantown MD         35:33    33:12  10:42
  550   473  Jack                    McMahon                 85  M   1/2       Silver Spring MD      35:27    33:13  10:42
  551   763  Ryan                    Binder                  12  M   62/96     North Potomac MD      37:17    33:15  10:43
  552   762  Rachel                  Binder                  14  F   36/77     North Potomac MD      37:17    33:16  10:43
  553   845  Sarah                   Shore                   35  F   25/56     Germantown MD         35:46    33:18  10:43
  554   212  Daniele                 Falco                   21  F   6/10      Gaithersburg MD       38:03    33:19  10:44
  555   374  Jordan                  Klinger                 37  M   46/55     Gaithersburg MD       37:29    33:22  10:45
  556   373  Jesse                   Klinger                 8   M   63/96     Gaithersburg MD       37:29    33:22  10:45
  557   710  Archi                   Vishnu                  24  F   7/10      Hyattsville MD        35:58    33:23  10:45
  558   253  Sela                    Furutan                 16  F   18/26     Germantown MD         35:49    33:24  10:45
  559   606  Barbara                 Samels                  71  F   2/8       Rockville MD          37:47    33:30  10:47
  560   496  Rani                    Murray                  32  F   24/41     Baltimore MD          35:43    33:31  10:48
  561   825  Anthony                 Neal                    49  M   43/59     Gaithersburg MD       35:33    33:32  10:48
  562   576  Maggie                  Regan                   16  F   19/26     Gaithersburg MD       35:54    33:32  10:48
  563   782  Dana                    Freedman                17  F   20/26     North Potomac MD      35:52    33:33  10:48
  564   396  Katrina                 Lamb                    54  F   18/43     Gaithersburg MD       37:57    33:34  10:49
  565   809  Mike                    Marino                  33  M   24/28     Gaithersburg MD       36:10    33:45  10:52
  566   375  Aphrodite               Knoop                   49  F   24/63     Gaithersburg MD       38:04    33:48  10:53
  567   175  Sarah                   Deak                    29  F   10/17     Philadelphia PA       36:22    33:53  10:55
  568   764  Hannah                  Bloom                   17  F   21/26     Gaithersburg MD       36:15    33:56  10:56
  569   381  Alexander               Kreins                  13  M   64/96     Gaithersburg MD       36:22    34:00  10:57
  570   723  Ted                     Weiner                  61  M   13/19     Germantown MD         36:37    34:02  10:58
  571   928  Vittorio                Oprandi                 13  M   65/96     Gaithersburg MD       38:03    34:02  10:58
  572   927  Peter                   Oprandi                 13  M   66/96     Gaithersburg MD       38:05    34:02  10:58
  573   618  Vicky                   Schumacher              30  F   25/41     Gaithersburg MD       36:13    34:02  10:58
  574   730  Tina                    Winters                 46  F   25/63     Gaithersburg MD       38:28    34:06  10:59
  575   715  Phil                    Warncke                 49  M   44/59     Gaithersburg MD       36:49    34:10  11:00
  576   63   Jack                    Berry                   39  M   47/55     Gaithersburg MD       38:19    34:11  11:00
  577   638  Colleen                 Sico                    46  F   26/63     Gaithersburg MD       34:11    34:11  11:00
  578   531  Tom                     Ouellette               48  M   45/59     Gaithersburg MD       38:26    34:11  11:00
  579   883  Stan                    Young                   59  M   26/40     Gaithersburg MD       36:18    34:13  11:01
  580   441  Roger                   Marchant                60  M   14/19     Winchester VA         38:14    34:13  11:01
  581   136  Aidan                   Clark                   12  M   67/96     Gaithersburg MD       36:37    34:15  11:02
  582   138  Phoebe                  Clark                   16  F   22/26     Gaithersburg MD       36:37    34:15  11:02
  583   197  Stacie                  Edhegard                35  F   26/56     Gaithersburg MD       36:26    34:19  11:03
  584   171  Alex                    Dates                   10  M   68/96     N. Potomac MD         35:25    34:20  11:03
  585   711  Caitlyn                 Walters                 33  F   26/41     Rockville MD          38:27    34:20  11:03
  586   172  Max                     Dates                   6   M   69/96     Gaithersburg MD       35:30    34:24  11:05
  587   262  Vicky                   George                  63  F   6/20      Gaithersburg MD       38:41    34:24  11:05
  588   824  Margaret                Murphy                  51  F   19/43     Germantown MD         38:38    34:27  11:06
  589   870  Stephanie               Wheeler                 25  F   11/17     Waldorf MD            38:38    34:28  11:06
  590   352  Jennifer                Karvar                  37  F   27/56     Gaithersburg MD       38:39    34:29  11:06
  591   573  Jodi                    Rapaport                44  F   29/63     Gaithersburg MD       37:04    34:31  11:07
  592   534  Darcy                   Ozdany                  56  F   8/27      Germantown MD         38:44    34:37  11:09
  593   774  Maria                   Contreras               35  F   28/56     Gaithersburg MD       39:14    34:39  11:10
  594   321  Dayna                   Ingrassia               46  F   27/63     Gaithersburg MD       39:27    34:43  11:11
  595   801  Emmanuelle              Kramer                  46  F   28/63     Gaithersburg MD       39:10    34:43  11:11
  596   165  Isaiah                  Daniel                  9   M   70/96     Clarksburg MD         37:06    34:47  11:12
  597   392  Carlett                 Laing                   58  F   9/27      Germantown MD         39:06    34:47  11:12
  598   1071 Dylan                   Flaim                   9   M   71/96     Gaithersburg MD       39:34    34:55  11:15
  599   1072 John                    Flaim                   45  M   46/59     Gaithersburg MD       39:34    34:55  11:15
  600   26   Bob                     Bachman                 69  M   4/13      Gaithersburg MD       37:38    35:02  11:17
  601   24   Shaun                   Aschenbach              29  M   9/11      Gaithersburg MD       37:15    35:07  11:18
  602   713  Carla                   Ward                    42  F   30/63     Gaithersburg MD       37:40    35:07  11:18
  603   610  Intissar                Sarker                  30  F   27/41     Washington DC         37:54    35:19  11:22
  604   5    Heather                 Abramowitz              34  F   28/41     Rockville MD          37:54    35:19  11:23
  605   698  Margaret                Tomeo                   34  F   29/41     Germantown MD         39:32    35:22  11:23
  606   79   Ella                    Borkat                  10  F   37/77     Gaithersburg MD       39:59    35:32  11:27
  607   972  Lawrence                Kokajko                 60  M   15/19     Damascus MD           39:45    35:43  11:30
  608   1018 Amelia                  Goettsh                 9   F   38/77     Gaithersburg MD       40:01    35:45  11:31
  609   365  Adam                    Keyes                   44  M   45/62     Gaithersburg MD       39:50    35:45  11:31
  610   371  Angela                  King                    49  F   29/63     N. Potomac MD         40:11    35:45  11:31
  611   366  Blake                   Keyes                   10  M   72/96     Gaithersburg MD       39:50    35:46  11:31
  612   1021 Derek                   Stone                   57  M   27/40     Gaithersburg MD       37:51    35:46  11:31
  613   1016 Bryan                   Goettsh                 46  M   47/59     Gaithersburg MD       40:01    35:47  11:31
  614   78   Angie                   Borkat                  37  F   29/56     Gaithersburg MD       40:14    35:47  11:31
  615   959  Stacey                  Donmoyer                40  F   31/63     North Potomac MD      40:09    35:55  11:34
  616   889  Vilma                   Marino                  53  F   20/43     Gaithersburg MD       38:26    35:59  11:35
  617   445  Adam                    Marks                   45  M   48/59     Gaithersburg MD       38:08    36:00  11:36
  618   211  Victoria                Falade                  10  F   39/77     Germantown MD         40:06    36:01  11:36
  619   210  Tunde                   Falade                  39  M   48/55     Germantown MD         40:06    36:01  11:36
  620   982  Eva                     Sledge                  7   F   40/77     Gaithersburg MD       38:43    36:02  11:36
  621   476  Sandra                  Menzies                 47  F   30/63     Gaithersburg MD       40:22    36:05  11:37
  622   561  Alpita                  Popat                   39  F   30/56     Gaithersburg MD       40:29    36:07  11:38
  623   455  Neil                    Marwaha                 11  M   73/96     Darnestown MD         40:30    36:09  11:38
  624   411  Michael                 Leonard                 78  M   2/5       Silver Spring MD      38:50    36:11  11:39
  625   479  Eric                    Miller                  40  M   46/62     Jackson Center PA     37:20    36:11  11:39
  626   906  Catherine               Grosh                   50  F   21/43     Gaithersburg MD       40:17    36:12  11:40
  627   386  Marie                   L                       41  F   32/63     Los Altos CA          38:54    36:13  11:40
  628   344  Sam                     K                       42  M   47/62     Los Altos CA          38:54    36:13  11:40
  629   907  Jordan                  Grosh                   7   F   41/77     Gaithersburg MD       40:17    36:13  11:40
  630   35   Cailan                  Band                    9   F   42/77     Gaithersburg MD       40:41    36:15  11:41
  631   908  Mark                    Grosh                   55  M   28/40     Gaithersburg MD       40:21    36:16  11:41
  632   1012 Janice                  Reeves                  48  F   31/63     Gaithersburg MD       38:51    36:17  11:41
  633   34   Arielle                 Band                    40  F   33/63     Gaithersburg MD       40:43    36:17  11:41
  634   30   Gina                    Baisburd                43  F   34/63     North Potomac MD      38:57    36:19  11:42
  635   27   Joanne                  Bagshaw                 47  F   32/63     Gaithersburg MD       40:34    36:22  11:43
  636   671  Stacia                  Stewart                 36  F   31/56     Gaithersburg MD       36:33    36:33  11:46
  637   589  Michael                 Rosenberg               47  M   49/59     Gaithersburg MD       38:48    36:35  11:47
  638   279  Tami                    Graf                    80  F   1/1       Lusby MD              37:43    36:36  11:47
  639   804  Jon                     Liniak                  17  M   43/44     Gaithersburg MD       39:16    36:40  11:48
  640   805  Thomas                  Liniak                  56  M   29/40     Gaithersburg MD       39:16    36:40  11:49
  641   758  Yette                   Asfaw                   41  F   35/63     Clarksburg MD         41:24    36:47  11:51
  642   388  Steve                   Lahn                    45  M   50/59     Gaithersburg MD       41:11    36:49  11:51
  643   797  Hannah                  Hwang                   33  F   30/41     Gaithersburg MD       40:54    36:52  11:52
  644   855  Mary                    Tonelson                53  F   22/43     North Potomac MD      41:08    37:01  11:55
  645   224  Susan                   Fitzpatrick             58  F   10/27     N.Potomac MD          39:07    37:02  11:55
  646   333  Julie                   Jamsa                   56  F   11/27     North Potomac MD      39:37    37:08  11:57
  647   169  Gabriel                 Dashoff                 9   M   74/96     Gaithersburg MD       41:13    37:10  11:58
  648   544  Sai                     Paruchuru               29  M   10/11     Germantown MD         41:19    37:12  11:59
  649   45   Katie                   Basilio                 35  F   32/56     North Potomac MD      39:42    37:13  11:59
  650   287  Latrice                 Grimes                  43  F   36/63     Germantown MD         39:52    37:14  11:59
  651   937  Eli                     Schwartzman             1   M   75/96     Rockville MD          41:42    37:14  11:59
  652   7    Meredith                Abramson                10  F   43/77     Gaithersburg MD       41:44    37:18  12:01
  653   780  Maria                   Fernandez               41  F   37/63     Gaithersburg MD       41:24    37:20  12:01
  654   527  David                   Onuschak                45  M   51/59     Germantown MD         40:07    37:27  12:03
  655   36   Josh                    Band                    68  M   5/13      Gaithersburg MD       41:54    37:28  12:04
  656   577  Claudia                 Renehan                 45  F   33/63     Clarksburg MD         41:49    37:28  12:04
  657   20   Aggie                   Alvez                   60  F   7/20      Rockville MD          39:49    37:31  12:05
  658   591  Lawrence                Rosenblum               62  M   16/19     Boyds MD              39:49    37:31  12:05
  659   757  Summer                  Allen                   9   F   44/77     Gaithersburg MD       40:03    37:33  12:05
  660   437  Dave                    Mangan                  59  M   30/40     Rockville MD          41:40    37:36  12:06
  661   234  Zoey                    Forrester-Fron          21  F   8/10      Gaithersburg MD       38:50    37:38  12:07
  662   191  Sonny                   Duttweiler              20  M   7/9       Laurel MD             38:50    37:39  12:07
  663   1009 Sanjana                 Seetharam               25  F   12/17     Gaithersburg MD       44:29    37:45  12:09
  664   888  Robert                  Butler                  56  M   31/40     Gaithersburg MD       40:17    37:51  12:11
  665   835  Julie                   Robinson                49  F   34/63     Rockville MD          40:27    37:52  12:12
  666   405  Sophia                  Lee                     9   F   45/77     Gaithersburg MD       40:03    37:54  12:12
  667   260  Barbara                 Garner                  77  F   1/2       Catonsville MD        41:58    37:54  12:12
  668   31   Yohai                   Baisburd                42  M   48/62     North Potomac MD      40:34    37:57  12:13
  669   403  Christy                 Lee                     36  F   33/56     Gaithersburg MD       40:07    37:58  12:14
  670   203  Laura                   Eyester                 47  F   35/63     Gaithersburg MD       42:12    38:08  12:17
  671   657  Alison                  Soffer                  43  F   38/63     Gaithersburg MD       42:10    38:09  12:17
  672   960  Nancy                   Rasavage                53  F   23/43     Rockville MD          42:11    38:09  12:17
  673   684  Gary                    Sullivan                50  M   34/40     Germantown MD         40:53    38:20  12:21
  674   81   Olivia                  Borkat                  8   F   46/77     Gaithersburg MD       42:46    38:22  12:21
  675   756  Joseph                  Allen                   43  M   49/62     Gaithersburg MD       41:01    38:29  12:24
  676   80   Jarrod                  Borkat                  44  M   50/62     Gaithersburg MD       42:57    38:30  12:24
  677   800  Lauren                  Knausenberger           35  F   34/56     Washington DC         41:06    38:30  12:24
  678   1033 Fiona                   Armentrout              8   F   47/77     Gaithersburg MD       42:58    38:33  12:25
  679   354  Dina                    Kastner                 43  F   39/63     Silver Spring MD      43:06    38:33  12:25
  680   407  Erica                   Lefkowitz               34  F   31/41     Gaithersburg MD       41:10    38:34  12:25
  681   360  Dwayne                  Kendall                 55  M   32/40     Laurel MD             41:12    38:36  12:26
  682   292  Patsy                   Hall                    69  F   4/15      North Potomac MD      41:17    38:36  12:26
  683   874  Janet                   Williams                42  F   40/63     Rockville MD          42:47    38:36  12:26
  684   871  Blake                   Williams                7   M   76/96     Rockville MD          42:47    38:38  12:26
  685   925  Isabella                Oprandi                 14  F   48/77     Gaithersburg MD       43:00    38:57  12:32
  686   926  Liza                    Oprandi                 45  F   36/63     Gaithersburg MD       43:00    38:58  12:33
  687   155  Kathryn                 Crane                   12  F   49/77     Gaithersburg MD       43:09    39:04  12:35
  688   156  Kirstin                 Crane                   47  F   37/63     Gaithersburg MD       43:10    39:05  12:35
  689   513  Jeanette A              Novak                   72  F   3/8       Damascus MD           41:18    39:08  12:36
  690   18   Bob                     Allnutt                 58  M   33/40     Gaithersburg MD       43:47    39:10  12:37
  691   19   Jack                    Allnutt                 14  M   77/96     Gaithersburg MD       43:47    39:10  12:37
  692   913  Jenese                  Jackson                 39  F   35/56     Washington DC         41:53    39:18  12:39
  693   336  Melanie                 Jewell                  53  F   24/43     Derwood MD            43:49    39:18  12:39
  694   939  Ryan                    Schwartzman             9   M   78/96     Rockville MD          44:01    39:32  12:44
  695   936  Adam                    Schwartzman             41  M   51/62     Rockville MD          44:01    39:32  12:44
  696   391  Lauren                  Laimon                  35  F   36/56     Nort Potomac MD       43:55    39:33  12:44
  697   848  Josh                    Sircus                  38  M   49/55     North Potomac MD      44:08    39:38  12:46
  698   846  Ella                    Sircus                  9   F   50/77     North Potomac MD      44:08    39:38  12:46
  699   1000 Humberto                Chacon                  51  M   35/40     Gaithersburg MD       43:59    39:38  12:46
  700   999  Gabriel                 Chacon                  8   M   79/96     Gaithersburg MD       43:59    39:39  12:46
  701   854  Gopi Krish              Tallapaneni             37  M   50/55     Gaithersburg MD       43:46    39:40  12:46
  702   812  Christine               McDonald                66  F   5/15      Germantown MD         43:52    39:43  12:47
  703   112  Pamela                  Campos                  49  F   38/63     Gaithersburg MD       44:12    39:44  12:48
  704   899  Maria                   Fano                    47  F   39/63     Grasonville MD        42:08    39:44  12:48
  705   900  Norbert                 Fischer                 53  M   36/40     Grasonville MD        42:08    39:44  12:48
  706   887  Edward                  Axler                   63  M   17/19     Gaithersburg MD       42:09    39:47  12:49
  707   53   Claudia                 Benack                  64  F   8/20      Gaithersburg MD       42:16    39:47  12:49
  708   297  Debra                   Hein                    59  F   12/27     Germantown MD         43:59    39:48  12:49
  709   956  Pierre                  Zeineddin               13  M   80/96     Gaithersburg MD       43:55    39:48  12:49
  710   340  Mary                    Jones                   53  F   25/43     Gaithersburg MD       44:15    39:58  12:52
  711   596  Greg                    Rubenstein              21  M   8/9       Gaithersburg MD       44:11    39:58  12:52
  712   393  Anna                    Lam                     9   F   51/77     Gaithersburg MD       42:17    40:01  12:53
  713   395  Kaman                   Lam                     39  F   37/56     Gaithersburg MD       42:21    40:05  12:54
  714   8    Audrey                  Ackerman                8   F   52/77     640 Kent Oaks W MD    44:55    40:07  12:55
  715   10   Christophe              Ackerman                44  M   52/62     Gaithersburg MD       44:56    40:08  12:55
  716   521  Stephanie               Older                   39  F   38/56     Gaithersburg MD       44:28    40:08  12:55
  717   520  Owen                    Older                   9   M   81/96     Gaithersburg MD       44:29    40:08  12:56
  718   166  Rashidah                Daniel                  39  F   39/56     Clarksburg MD         42:29    40:10  12:56
  719   58   Jackie                  Benko                   35  F   40/56     Germantown MD         40:12    40:12  12:57
  720   21   Howard                  Andres                  32  M   25/28     Alexandria VA         44:38    40:15  12:58
  721   270  Jacek                   Glinkowski              61  M   18/19     Gaithersburg MD       44:52    40:21  13:00
  722   743  Bridget                 Yan                     46  F   40/63     North Bethesda MD     42:39    40:25  13:01
  723   390  Jeanne                  Laimon                  64  F   9/20      Jackson MI            42:59    40:30  13:02
  724   483  Connie                  Mitchell                49  F   41/63     Derwood MD            40:33    40:33  13:03
  725   200  Roy                     Englert                 93  M   1/1       Springfield VA        44:46    40:37  13:05
  726   1039 Matt                    Krieg                   40  M   53/62     Gaithersburg MD       45:09    40:38  13:05
  727   364  Merrilynn               Kessler                 73  F   4/8       Chambersburg PA       43:07    40:42  13:06
  728   1004 Grace                   Jones                   40  F   41/63     Gaithersburg MD       42:53    40:46  13:08
  729   188  Stacy                   Dobres                  38  F   41/56     Rockville MD          43:27    41:00  13:12
  730   755  Audrina                 Allen                   7   F   53/77     Gaithersburg MD       41:01    41:01  13:12
  731   257  Derek                   Garcia                  9   M   82/96     Gaithersburg MD       45:44    41:04  13:13
  732   540  Trent                   Palmer                  50  M   37/40     Gaithersburg MD       45:36    41:08  13:15
  733   192  Barbara                 Eaton                   44  F   42/63     Silver Spring MD      45:44    41:08  13:15
  734   418  Frank                   Lewis                   67  M   6/13      Germantown MD         45:30    41:19  13:18
  735   382  Mark                    Kresloff                57  M   34/40     Rockville MD          46:11    41:24  13:20
  736   480  Isla                    Miller                  7   F   54/77     Gaithersburg MD       43:48    41:24  13:20
  737   481  Kayleen                 Miller                  42  F   43/63     Gaithersburg MD       43:50    41:26  13:21
  738   1052 John                    Noble                   79  M   3/5       Bethesda MD           46:17    41:32  13:22
  739   493  Jennifer                Morrissey               43  F   44/63     Gaithersburg MD       43:43    41:33  13:23
  740   163  Giorgia                 Dallasta                11  F   55/77     Gaithersburg MD       43:42    41:33  13:23
  741   307  Susan                   Hmel                    37  F   42/56     Gaithersburg MD       45:45    41:34  13:23
  742   383  Ruth                    Kresloff                52  F   26/43     Rockville MD          46:22    41:36  13:24
  743   248  Jill                    Fristoe                 48  F   42/63     Gaithersburg MD       45:52    41:37  13:24
  744   751  Janet                   Zwick                   49  F   43/63     Germantown MD         45:52    41:39  13:25
  745   1038 Emily                   Shorb                   16  F   23/26     Germantown MD         44:13    41:41  13:25
  746   448  Bob                     Marshall                69  M   7/13      Gaithersburg MD       45:48    41:42  13:26
  747   409  Kenneth                 Lefkowitz               66  M   8/13      Gaithersburg MD       44:19    41:47  13:27
  748   408  Janis                   Lefkowitz               64  F   10/20     Gaithersburg MD       44:19    41:47  13:27
  749   422  Jill                    Lin                     36  F   43/56     Gaithersburg MD       46:14    41:48  13:28
  750   494  Jack                    Mullis                  10  M   83/96     Germantown MD         46:29    41:50  13:28
  751   495  Trina                   Mullis                  41  F   45/63     Germantown MD         46:30    41:51  13:28
  752   109  Beverly                 Byron                   63  F   11/20     Ellicott City MD      46:12    41:51  13:28
  753   231  Mark                    Fornasiero              49  M   52/59     Gaithersburg MD       46:19    41:52  13:29
  754   232  Mia                     Fornasiero              9   F   56/77     Gaithersburg MD       46:18    41:53  13:29
  755   903  Nathan                  Glasser                 12  M   84/96     Potomac MD            44:30    41:58  13:31
  756   1037 Amy                     Saorb                   55  F   13/27     Germantown MD         44:30    41:59  13:31
  757   195  Anna Clair              Edhegard                11  F   57/77     Gaithersburg MD       44:14    42:08  13:34
  758   447  Stephanie               Marks                   7   F   58/77     Gaithersburg MD       44:14    42:10  13:35
  759   697  Gina                    Tomaszewski             50  F   27/43     Boyds MD              46:56    42:12  13:35
  760   901  Andrea                  Gay                     55  F   14/27     Gaithersburg MD       46:41    42:12  13:35
  761   557  Brian                   Polk                    41  M   54/62     Germantown MD         44:19    42:15  13:36
  762   558  Sarah                   Polk                    8   F   59/77     Germantown MD         44:19    42:15  13:36
  763   803  Cynthia                 Lacey                   56  F   15/27     Montgomery Vill MD    46:36    42:17  13:37
  764   196  Gracie                  Edhegard                9   F   60/77     Gaithersburg MD       44:23    42:19  13:37
  765   833  Shannon                 Richards                38  F   44/56     Germantown MD         46:38    42:19  13:37
  766   6    Andra                   Abramson                46  F   44/63     Gaithersburg MD       46:47    42:21  13:38
  767   955  Paul                    Zeineddin               49  M   53/59     Gaithersburg MD       46:30    42:22  13:38
  768   572  Michael                 Rafter                  55  M   35/40     Odenton MD            45:05    42:33  13:42
  769   401  James                   Lavine                  71  M   6/8       Gaithersburg MD       47:03    42:33  13:42
  770   772  Kevin                   Colleran                40  M   55/62     Gaithersburg MD       44:53    42:36  13:43
  771   626  Christy                 Shafer                  40  F   46/63     Gaithersburg MD       46:55    42:39  13:44
  772   588  Alan                    Rosen                   67  M   9/13      Gaithersburg MD       47:15    42:39  13:44
  773   369  Emma                    Kim                     10  F   61/77     Boyds MD              47:29    42:40  13:44
  774   370  Insik                   Kim                     41  M   56/62     Boyds MD              47:30    42:41  13:45
  775   1067 John                    Winkert                 60  M   19/19     South Riding VA       45:28    42:46  13:46
  776   795  Renee                   Hill                    44  F   47/63     Silver Spring MD      46:59    42:48  13:47
  777   719  Emma                    Waterman                5   F   62/77     Bethesda MD           45:13    42:50  13:48
  778   720  John                    Waterman                49  M   54/59     Bethesda MD           45:13    42:51  13:48
  779   680  Sheena                  Strudwick               57  F   16/27     Silver Spring MD      47:03    42:53  13:49
  780   62   Erin                    Berman                  39  F   45/56     Gaithersburg MD       47:01    42:54  13:49
  781   311  Sally                   Hoffman                 35  F   46/56     Gaithersburg MD       47:01    42:55  13:49
  782   841  Michael                 Schroeder               34  M   26/28     Gaithersburg MD       47:00    42:55  13:49
  783   815  David                   Meyers                  68  M   10/13     Laytonsville MD       45:07    42:57  13:50
  784   973  Rachel                  Kruth                   33  F   32/41     Gaithersburg MD       45:32    42:57  13:50
  785   312  Lauren                  Hogan                   18  F   24/26     Rockville MD          45:38    42:58  13:50
  786   384  Courtney                Kula                    27  F   13/17     Rockville MD          45:37    42:59  13:50
  787   291  Joanne                  Hall                    49  F   45/63     Rockville MD          45:38    42:59  13:50
  788   673  Sue                     Stief                   65  F   6/15      Derwood MD            47:05    42:59  13:51
  789   831  Deepti                  Pradhan                 31  F   33/41     Silver Spring MD      45:39    43:00  13:51
  790   722  Barbara                 Weiner                  62  F   12/20     Germantown MD         45:48    43:14  13:55
  791   484  Janet                   Mitchell                59  F   17/27     Gaithersburg MD       45:47    43:15  13:56
  792   323  John                    Ingrassia               48  M   55/59     Gaithersburg MD       45:52    43:16  13:56
  793   613  Julia                   Scanlon                 23  F   9/10      North Potomac MD      45:55    43:16  13:56
  794   142  Kai                     Cleary                  10  M   85/96     Silver Spring MD      48:09    43:24  13:58
  795   656  Robert                  Smith                   82  M   1/1       Comus MD              44:28    43:24  13:58
  796   75   Avery                   Boesch                  9   F   63/77     Germantown MD         46:11    43:38  14:03
  797   563  Marie                   Potter                  65  F   7/15      Herndon VA            46:19    43:39  14:03
  798   623  Ryan                    Sewall                  10  M   86/96     Gaithersburg MD       48:16    43:39  14:03
  799   692  Kima                    Taylor                  46  F   46/63     Silver Spring MD      48:28    43:44  14:05
  800   912  Matthew                 Hausman                 41  M   57/62     Gaithersburg MD       48:12    43:47  14:06
  801   632  Drew                    Shea                    9   M   87/96     North Potomac MD      48:12    43:47  14:06
  802   633  Matthew                 Shea                    46  M   56/59     North Potomac MD      48:14    43:48  14:06
  803   84   Denny                   Bouley                  10  M   88/96     Gaithersburg MD       48:25    43:49  14:06
  804   315  Jennifer                Hough                   60  F   13/20     Gaithersburg MD       48:05    43:55  14:09
  805   359  Russell                 Kellogg                 39  M   51/55     Gaithersburg MD       48:18    44:07  14:12
  806   674  Hazel                   Strahorn                70  F   5/8       Damascus MD           48:22    44:11  14:14
  807   852  Bree                    Stuber                  8   F   64/77     Rockville MD          48:32    44:17  14:16
  808   737  Alana                   Wright                  8   F   65/77     Gaithersburg MD       48:32    44:18  14:16
  809   853  Kris                    Stuber                  49  F   47/63     Rockville MD          48:38    44:22  14:17
  810   132  Zachary                 Chidlow                 25  M   11/11     Gaithersburg MD       46:59    44:24  14:18
  811   948  Sofia                   Sossa                   8   F   66/77     Rockville MD          48:34    44:25  14:18
  812   748  Suzy                    Zgorski                 54  F   28/43     Gaithersburg MD       48:37    44:33  14:21
  813   877  Angelo                  Witten                  40  M   58/62     Gaithersburg MD       49:07    44:36  14:22
  814   878  Brandon                 Witten                  11  M   89/96     Gaithersburg MD       49:06    44:36  14:22
  815   74   Anh                     Boesch                  40  F   48/63     Germantown MD         47:10    44:36  14:22
  816   990  Rachel                  Reeder                  26  F   14/17     Gaithersburg MD       49:14    44:40  14:23
  817   992  Michael                 Smith                   30  M   27/28     Giathersburg MD       49:14    44:40  14:23
  818   993  McKenzie                Wagoner                 8   F   67/77     Gaithersburg MD       49:14    44:41  14:23
  819   1059 Kia                     Morning Flower          41  F   49/63     Montgomery Vill MD    49:16    44:41  14:23
  820   367  Holly                   Khalaf                  40  F   50/63     Gaithersburg MD       44:43    44:43  14:24
  821   704  Paolo                   Valencia                38  M   52/55     Rockville MD          49:03    44:52  14:27
  822   611  Cheryl                  Sbrockey                64  F   14/20     Gaithersburg MD       49:40    45:05  14:31
  823   453  Cherry                  Marwaha                 42  F   51/63     Darnestown MD         49:45    45:06  14:31
  824   85   Sheila                  Bouley                  51  F   29/43     Gaithersburg MD       49:45    45:08  14:32
  825   464  Connie                  McAvoy                  54  F   30/43     Rockville MD          47:49    45:10  14:33
  826   667  Julie                   Spitz                   50  F   31/43     Rockville MD          47:50    45:10  14:33
  827   131  Jennifer                Chidlow                 28  F   15/17     Gaithersburg MD       47:49    45:15  14:34
  828   1061 Suzanne                 Schmelzer               37  F   47/56     Chevy Chase MD        47:54    45:26  14:38
  829   1036 James                   Bond                    38  M   53/55     Silver Spring MD      47:54    45:26  14:38
  830   462  Charlotte               Mayer                   14  F   68/77     Gaithersburg MD       49:55    45:28  14:38
  831   178  Arleen                  Denis                   65  F   8/15      Gaithersburg MD       47:44    45:33  14:40
  832   706  Eleanora                Vencill                 9   F   69/77     Gaithersburg MD       48:14    45:48  14:45
  833   709  Paul                    Vencill                 15  M   44/44     Gaithersburg MD       48:14    45:48  14:45
  834   451  Michelle                Martin                  43  F   52/63     Clarksburg MD         50:28    45:49  14:45
  835   702  Beverley                Trotman                 54  F   32/43     Gaithersburg MD       50:10    45:52  14:46
  836   83   David                   Bouley                  10  M   90/96     Gaithersburg MD       50:29    45:53  14:46
  837   532  Lynn                    Oundo                   44  F   53/63     Germantown MD         48:46    46:07  14:51
  838   358  Kenneth                 Kelley                  77  M   4/5       Barnesville MD        49:07    46:26  14:57
  839   1032 Steve                   Whelan                  65  M   11/13     Gaithersburg MD       50:57    46:33  14:59
  840   265  Anasuya                 Ghosh                   7   F   70/77     Gaithersburg MD       50:43    46:37  15:01
  841   266  Atish                   Ghosh                   44  M   59/62     Gaithersburg MD       50:44    46:37  15:01
  842   770  Sagarika                Chavan                  49  F   48/63     Gaithersburg MD       50:56    46:53  15:06
  843   442  Aye                     Mar-Czincila            44  F   54/63     Gaithersburg MD       51:08    46:56  15:07
  844   862  Juliet                  Ventura                 9   F   71/77     Damascus MD           51:38    46:56  15:07
  845   860  Jasmine                 Ventura                 34  F   34/41     Damascus MD           51:38    46:56  15:07
  846   891  Eleni                   Antoniou                53  F   33/43     Gaithersburg MD       49:46    47:08  15:11
  847   42   Patrick                 Barrett                 11  M   91/96     North Potomac MD      51:47    47:14  15:12
  848   707  Margarita               Vencill                 42  F   55/63     Gaithersburg MD       49:47    47:20  15:14
  849   43   Tricia                  Barrett                 47  F   49/63     North Potomac MD      51:55    47:22  15:15
  850   660  Nicholas                Soileau                 21  M   9/9       Gaithersburg MD       49:29    47:24  15:16
  851   252  Saria                   Furutan                 14  F   72/77     Germantown MD         49:52    47:25  15:16
  852   938  Michele                 Schwartzman             41  F   56/63     Rockville MD          52:24    47:37  15:20
  853   461  Carol                   Mayer                   43  F   57/63     Gaithersburg MD       52:04    47:38  15:20
  854   911  Lara                    Hausman                 41  F   58/63     Gaithersburg MD       52:08    47:43  15:22
  855   221  Ethan                   Fiddleman               6   M   92/96     Gaithersburg MD       50:16    47:46  15:23
  856   444  Judy                    Marine                  78  F   2/2       Williamsville NY      52:19    47:46  15:23
  857   177  Beatriz                 Del Olmo-Fiddl          44  F   59/63     Gaithersburg MD       50:16    47:46  15:23
  858   1031 Laura                   Cain                    55  F   18/27     Gaithersburg MD       52:40    47:57  15:26
  859   881  Michelle                Yoon                    42  F   60/63     Rockville MD          52:17    48:01  15:28
  860   28   Betsey                  Bahls                   57  F   19/27     Gaithersburg MD       52:31    48:19  15:33
  861   87   William                 Bouley                  13  M   93/96     Gaithersburg MD       53:01    48:21  15:34
  862   86   Walter                  Bouley                  53  M   38/40     Gaithersburg MD       53:01    48:23  15:35
  863   89   Carole                  Bower                   66  F   9/15      Gaithersburg MD       53:35    48:54  15:45
  864   88   Beth                    Bower                   31  F   35/41     Gaithersburg MD       53:35    48:54  15:45
  865   858  Deborah                 Uzun                    39  F   48/56     Gaithersburg MD       53:08    48:56  15:45
  866   1    Yvonne                  Aasen                   85  F   1/1       Westminster MD        53:02    48:58  15:46
  867   269  Jenn                    Gladsden                32  F   36/41     Rockville MD          53:12    48:58  15:46
  868   335  Prasanna                Jayakumar               33  M   28/28     Gaithersburg MD       51:35    49:01  15:47
  869   668  Vidyalaksh              Srinivasan              30  F   37/41     Gaithersburg MD       51:35    49:01  15:47
  870   1028 Case                    Casden                  10  F   73/77     Gaithersburg MD       49:09    49:09  15:50
  871   1027 Mike                    Case                    45  M   57/59     Gaithersburg MD       49:09    49:09  15:50
  872   116  Tina                    Carlisle                54  F   34/43     Germantown MD         52:01    49:31  15:57
  873   115  Laura                   Carlisle                58  F   20/27     Gambrills MD          52:01    49:32  15:57
  874   966  Gail                    Mroz                    62  F   15/20     Gaithersburg MD       54:42    49:55  16:04
  875   826  Valery                  Nelson                  56  F   21/27     Gaithersburg MD       54:06    49:58  16:05
  876   816  Barry                   Miller                  35  M   54/55     Gaithersburg MD       54:58    50:01  16:06
  877   817  Laura                   Miller                  32  F   38/41     Gaithersburg MD       54:58    50:01  16:06
  878   661  Susan                   Soileau                 61  F   16/20     Gaithersburg MD       54:09    50:01  16:06
  879   971  Andrew                  Evans                   10  M   94/96     Gaithersburg MD       50:02    50:02  16:07
  880   952  Cheryl                  Weaver                  48  F   50/63     New Market MD         54:14    50:04  16:07
  881   1035 Heidi                   Casta                   47  F   51/63     Germantown MD         54:50    50:14  16:10
  882   968  Will                    Evans                   43  M   60/62     Gaithersburg MD       52:49    50:18  16:12
  883   96   Shannon                 Bruce                   36  F   49/56     Germantown MD         54:46    50:39  16:18
  884   919  Gary                    McLaughlin              76  M   5/5       Rockville MD          55:45    51:07  16:27
  885   268  Diane                   Gilman                  35  F   50/56     Gaithersburg MD       55:41    51:22  16:32
  886   302  Carol                   Hill                    68  F   10/15     Poolesville MD        55:49    51:29  16:35
  887   4    Joyce                   Abel                    65  F   11/15     Woodbine MD           55:50    51:30  16:35
  888   194  Ron                     Edelstein               69  M   12/13     Gaithersburg MD       55:34    51:31  16:35
  889   861  Joel                    Ventura                 39  M   55/55     Damascus MD           51:38    51:38  16:38
  890   807  Beverly                 Magda                   46  F   52/63     Germantown MD         56:04    51:45  16:40
  891   904  Kimberly                Gleason                 49  F   53/63     North Potomac MD      55:47    51:45  16:40
  892   499  Mary                    Nasatka                 45  F   54/63     Washington DC         56:04    51:45  16:40
  893   783  Debbie                  Freedman                50  F   35/43     North Potomac MD      55:48    51:45  16:40
  894   584  Gretchen                Rimkus                  52  F   36/43     Derwood MD            56:15    51:55  16:43
  895   965  Farnoosh                Ahmadi                  45  F   55/63     Germantown MD         56:56    52:43  16:59
  896   414  Alan                    Levin                   85  M   2/2       Gaithersburg MD       57:11    53:02  17:04
  897   497  Karen                   Myers                   46  F   56/63     Gaithersburg MD       58:01    53:26  17:12
  898   1051 Howard                  Young                   68  M   13/13     North Potomac MD      57:47    53:33  17:14
  899   644  Leslie                  Singman                 54  F   37/43     Gaithersburg MD       58:08    53:33  17:15
  900   148  Pierce                  Cole                    40  M   61/62     Gaithersburg MD       58:30    53:35  17:15
  901   147  Jen                     Cole                    37  F   51/56     Gaithersburg MD       58:29    53:36  17:15
  902   724  Judy                    Weiskopf                57  F   22/27     Derwood MD            58:33    54:14  17:28
  903   167  Tracy                   Danoff                  48  F   57/63     Gaithersburg MD       58:33    54:14  17:28
  904   143  Reed                    Cleary                  45  M   58/59     Silver Spring MD      59:05    54:19  17:29
  905   141  Anisha                  Cleary                  7   F   74/77     Silver Spring MD      59:05    54:20  17:30
  906   716  Bob                     Wasik                   71  M   7/8       Gaithersburg MD       59:40    54:57  17:41
  907   834  Mark                    Rimkus                  51  M   39/40     Derwood MD            59:33    55:13  17:47
  908   492  Sylvia                  Morin                   37  F   52/56     North Potomac MD      59:52    55:29  17:52
  909   717  Mary                    Wasik                   73  F   6/8       Gaithersburg MD     1:00:43    56:00  18:02
  910   732  Virginia                Wolf                    65  F   12/15     Rockville MD        1:00:45    56:05  18:03
  911   1064 Carole                  Reuben                  71  F   7/8       Gaithersburg MD     1:00:45    56:06  18:04
  912   23   Morgan                  Aschenbach              29  F   16/17     Gaithersburg MD     1:01:02    56:11  18:06
  913   1029 Kayla                   Thompson                36  F   53/56     Gaithersburg MD     1:01:12    56:29  18:11
  914   377  Ruth                    Koenigsberg             73  F   8/8       Rockville MD        1:01:15    56:34  18:13
  915   33   Margo                   Ball                    56  F   23/27     North Potomac MD    1:01:34    56:42  18:15
  916   213  Diane                   Faulkner                60  F   17/20     Gaithersburg MD     1:01:18    56:56  18:20
  917   962  Joan                    Brennan                 65  F   13/15     Gaithersburg MD       57:05    57:05  18:23
  918   615  Anne                    Schmidt                 33  F   39/41     Rockville MD        1:00:34    57:55  18:39
  919   60   Alexa                   Bennaim                 21  F   10/10     Rockville MD        1:00:34    57:56  18:39
  920   91   Joanne                  Briscoe                 50  F   38/43     Gaithersburg MD     1:02:22    57:57  18:40
  921   95   Michael                 Bruce                   44  M   62/62     Germantown MD       1:02:22    58:00  18:40
  922   120  Janice                  Caswell                 57  F   24/27     Germantown MD       1:02:43    58:14  18:45
  923   190  Gwendolyn               Dorsey                  60  F   18/20     Germantown MD       1:02:52    58:24  18:48
  924   559  Andy                    Pollin                  58  M   36/40     Rockville MD        1:03:13    58:41  18:54
  925   560  Roger                   Pollin                  56  M   37/40     Silver Spring MD    1:03:15    58:41  18:54
  926   741  Tina                    Wright                  39  F   54/56     Gaithersburg MD     1:03:08    58:55  18:58
  927   443  Debi                    Marine                  50  F   39/43     Williamsville NY    1:03:25    58:55  18:58
  928   738  Caden                   Wright                  10  M   95/96     Gaithersburg MD     1:03:08    58:58  18:59
  929   170  Jamie                   Dashoff                 41  F   61/63     Gaithersburg MD     1:03:01    58:59  18:59
  930   428  Gwen                    Love                    68  F   14/15     Gaithersburg MD     1:03:17    59:08  19:02
  931   602  Valerie                 Saffer                  60  F   19/20     Gaithersburg MD     1:04:12    59:48  19:15
  932   117  Eric                    Cary                    50  M   40/40     Gaithersburg MD     1:04:29  1:00:16  19:24
  933   426  Joanne                  Lipkind                 36  F   55/56     Germantown MD       1:05:01  1:00:31  19:29
  934   624  Valarie                 Shadwick                48  F   58/63     Germantown MD       1:05:02  1:00:32  19:29
  935   216  Elizabeth               Feldman                 57  F   25/27     North Potomac MD    1:05:22  1:00:36  19:31
  936   1026 Victoria                Rodriguez               10  F   75/77     Gaithersburg MD     1:00:51  1:00:51  19:35
  937   1025 Victor                  Rodriguez               45  M   59/59     Gaithersburg MD     1:00:56  1:00:56  19:37
  938   73   Sally                   Block                   57  F   26/27     Herndon VA          1:01:19  1:01:19  19:45
  939   77   Karen                   Boone                   29  F   17/17     Rockville MD        1:01:34  1:01:34  19:49
  940   690  Jonah                   Tash                    16  F   25/26     Gaithersburg MD     1:01:54  1:01:54  19:56
  941   519  C                       O'Brien                 48  F   59/63     Gaithersburg MD     1:01:54  1:01:54  19:56
  942   549  Beverly                 Pease                   53  F   40/43     Germantown MD       1:06:33  1:02:06  20:00
  943   151  Ceil                    Coliton                 64  F   20/20     Gaithersburg MD     1:06:32  1:02:07  20:00
  944   71   Melissa                 Blaner                  43  F   62/63     Germantown MD       1:06:34  1:02:08  20:00
  945   152  John                    Coliton                 57  M   38/40     Gaithersburg MD     1:06:36  1:02:08  20:00
  946   144  Tammy                   Clements                48  F   60/63     Gaithersburg MD     1:06:34  1:02:12  20:02
  947   979  Lisa                    Bryson                  56  F   27/27     North Potomac MD    1:02:22  1:02:22  20:05
  948   539  Kate                    Palmer                  8   F   76/77     Gaithersburg MD     1:08:38  1:04:09  20:39
  949   538  Eleanor                 Palmer                  13  F   77/77     Gaithersburg MD     1:08:41  1:04:11  20:40
  950   199  Kent                    England                 56  M   39/40     Gaithersburg MD     1:08:50  1:04:22  20:43
  951   198  Evelyn                  England                 53  F   41/43     Gaithersburg MD     1:08:50  1:04:22  20:43
  952   233  Nicole                  Fornasiero              42  F   63/63     Gaithersburg MD     1:09:31  1:04:33  20:47
  953   229  Maribeth                Foelber                 30  F   40/41     Gaithersburg MD     1:10:21  1:05:49  21:11
  954   186  Ellen                   Dirlam                  50  F   42/43     Gaithersburg MD     1:11:36  1:07:33  21:45
  955   361  Karen                   Kendrick                48  F   61/63     Gaithersburg MD     1:11:36  1:07:34  21:45
  956   641  Carrie                  Simkus                  39  F   56/56     Germantown MD       1:14:26  1:09:39  22:25
  957   509  Justina                 Nelson                  45  F   62/63     Rockville MD        1:14:50  1:10:32  22:43
  958   319  Grace                   Ifidigbo                32  F   41/41     Rockville MD        1:14:54  1:10:35  22:44
  959   230  Tiana                   Fogle                   51  F   43/43     Germantown MD       1:15:51  1:11:04  22:53
  960   274  Susan                   Goldberg                68  F   15/15     Gaithersburg MD     1:16:31  1:12:15  23:16
  961   273  David                   Goldberg                74  M   8/8       Gaithersburg MD     1:16:41  1:12:23  23:18
  962   705  Lorena                  Velarde                 48  F   63/63     Gaithersburg MD     1:16:43  1:12:27  23:19
  963   675  Scott                   Strickler               55  M   40/40     Gaithersburg MD     1:16:45  1:12:29  23:20
  964   325  Sydney                  Ingrassia               17  F   26/26     Gaithersburg MD     1:18:06  1:13:12  23:34
  965   1069 Kian                    Esfandiary              7   M   96/96     Gaithersburg MD     1:19:16  1:19:16  25:31


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