Live Out Loud Obstacle Run
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Huntingtown, MD
Conducted by RacePacket

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We are literally still digging through the mud to find the missing times, but we are posting what we have so far with revised results coming on Sunday night.
109 Finishers
   Place    Num   Name                   Time      Age   Gender  City              State         Age Ranking       
      1      18   Biehn, Eric            00:21:39  43    M       Huntingtown      MD           1st 5K Male
      2      17   Biehn, Emma            00:21:40  12    F       Huntingtown      MD           1st 5K Female
      3     359   Cawrence, Brent        00:24:34  57    M       Huntingtown      MD           2nd 5K Male
      4     104   McLean, Andrew         00:25:39  25    M       Huntingtown      MD           3rd 5K Male
      5      19   Boone, Barrett         00:25:57  16    M       Owings           MD           1st 19 & Under Males
      6      22   Brady, John            00:26:16  40    M       Dunkirk          MD           1st 40 - 49 Males
      7     149   Spears, Samantha       00:28:10  13    F       Dunkirk          MD           2nd 5K Female
      8     164   Tracy, Steven          00:28:20  42    M       Prince Frederic  MD           2nd 40 - 49 Males
      9     108   Morrison, Rachael      00:28:35  31    F       Prince Frederic  MD           3rd 5K Female
     10     174   Weeks, Peter           00:30:57  57    M       owings           MD           1st 50 - 59 Males
     11      32   Crumbley, Molly        00:30:59  40    F       Huntingtown      MD           1st 40 - 49 Females
     12      96   Kyle, Carson           00:31:13  13    M       Huntingtown      MD           2nd 19 & Under Males
     13     116   Norton, Kamryn         00:32:57  13    F       Owings           MD           1st 19 & Under Females
     14      92   Kelsh, McKenna         00:32:59  13    F       Huntingtown      MD           2nd 19 & Under Females
     15     159   Taylor, Brendan        00:33:30  26    M       Huntingtown      MD           1st 20 - 29 Males
     16      42   Desko, Cheryl          00:33:37  55    F       Owings           MD           1st 50 - 59 Females
     17      21   Brady, Dominic         00:33:50  15    M       Dunkirk          MD           3rd 19 & Under Males
     18     235   Brookman, Nathan       00:33:56  14    M       Owings           MD           4th 19 & Under Males
     19     240   Simpson, Luke          00:33:58  14    M       Chesapeake Beac  MD           5th 19 & Under Males
     20     201   O'Conner, Aimee        00:34:01  39    F       Huntingtown      MD           1st 30 - 39 Females
     21      52   Drummond, Canon        00:34:11  11    M       Huntingtown      MD           6th 19 & Under Males
     22     111   Nielsen, Kyle          00:34:27  12    M       Chesapeake Beac  MD           7th 19 & Under Males
     23     189   Hamilton, David        00:34:34  62    M       Hughesville      MD           1st 60 & Over Males
     24     222   Prwybocki, Katherine   00:35:02  13    F       Huntingtown      MD           3rd 19 & Under Females
     25     242   Godfrey, Logan         00:35:09  99    M                                     1st No Age
     26      56   Freeman, Lawrence      00:35:11  49    M       Elkridge         MD           3rd 40 - 49 Males
     27     206   Dulley, Hunter         00:35:24  17    M       Huntingtown      MD           8th 19 & Under Males
     28      95   Kyle, Aidan            00:35:39  12    M       Huntingtown      MD           9th 19 & Under Males
     29     107   Montalvo, Adrian       00:36:51  27    M       Harwood          MD           2nd 20 - 29 Males
     30     181   Witchey, Dawn          00:36:57  47    F       Huntingtown      MD           2nd 40 - 49 Females
     31     198   Akers, Justin          00:37:02  15    M       Chesapeake beac  MD           10th 19 & Under Males
     32      76   Hillman, Jack          00:37:03  19    M       Dunkirk          MD           11th 19 & Under Males
     33     106   Melcher, Robert        00:37:24  44    M       Saint Leonard    MD           4th 40 - 49 Males
     34     191   Harris, Kelsi          00:37:38  13    F       Chesapeake beac  MD           4th 19 & Under Females
     35     192   Williams, Natalie      00:37:40  13    F       North Beach      MD           5th 19 & Under Females
     36     176   Willoughby, Boston     00:37:44  12    M       Prince Frederic  MD           12th 19 & Under Males
     37     152   Stansbury, Allison     00:38:16  11    F       Dunkirk          MD           6th 19 & Under Females
     38     105   McLean, Stuart         00:38:17  56    M       Huntingtown      MD           2nd 50 - 59 Males
     39     175   Willoughby, Blaine     00:38:19  15    M       Prince Frederic  MD           13th 19 & Under Males
     40     162   Tolson, Michael        00:38:23  51    M       Dunkirk          LA           3rd 50 - 59 Males
     41     117   Novak, Nicholas        00:38:28  11    M       Huntingtown      MD           14th 19 & Under Males
     42     150   Stansbury, Michael     00:38:31  43    M       Dunkirk          MD           5th 40 - 49 Males
     43       8   Bauman, Joshua         00:38:58  13    M       Dunkirk          MD           15th 19 & Under Males
     44      54   Foy, Nina              00:39:25  23    F       Prince Frederic  MD           1st 20 - 29 Females
     45       4   Anderson, Wyatt        00:39:36  12    M       Dunkirk          MD           16th 19 & Under Males
     46       6   Anderson, Jeremy       00:39:37  42    M       Dunkirk          MD           6th 40 - 49 Males
     47      55   Foy, Scott             00:39:43  27    M       Prince Frederic  MD           3rd 20 - 29 Males
     48     182   Witchey, Steve         00:40:21  57    M       Huntingtown      MD           4th 50 - 59 Males
     49      75   Herritt, Jacob         00:40:45  22    M       Chesapeake Beac  MD           4th 20 - 29 Males
     50     118   O'Dell, Hailee         00:41:24  15    F       Edwardsville     IL           7th 19 & Under Females
     51     161   Tisone, Grace          00:41:39  14    F       Prince Fredrick  MD           8th 19 & Under Females
     52     382   Mabbott, Jackson       00:42:03  12    M       Sunderland       Md           17th 19 & Under Males
     53     381   Buckler, Mason         00:42:09  12    M       Owings           MD           18th 19 & Under Males
     54      67   Guttadauro, Giuliano   00:43:30  13    M       Huntingtown      MD           19th 19 & Under Males
     55     207   Kingsbury, Abby        00:43:46  15    F       Sunderland       MD           9th 19 & Under Females
     56      41   Davis, Paul            00:43:50  42    M       Lusby            MD           7th 40 - 49 Males
     57      25   Brenner, Sydney        00:43:53  13    F       Port Republic    MD           10th 19 & Under Females
     58      23   Brenner, Theresa       00:43:54  47    F       Port Republic    MD           3rd 40 - 49 Females
     59     128   Prinsen, Samantha      00:44:29  32    F       Dunkirk          MD           2nd 30 - 39 Females
     60      20   Boone, Bradlee         00:44:47  11    M       Owings           MD           20th 19 & Under Males
     61      66   Guttadauro, Lorenzo    00:45:49  13    M       Huntingtown      MD           21st 19 & Under Males
     62      85   Jury, Anny             00:45:53  37    F       Huntingtown      MD           3rd 30 - 39 Females
     63      84   Jury, Charles          00:45:57  34    M       Huntingtown      MD           1st 30 - 39 Males
     64     131   Ramirez, Jessica       00:46:51  28    F       Dunkirk          MD           2nd 20 - 29 Females
     65      93   Kinser, Nic            00:46:55  21    M       Prince Frederic  MD           5th 20 - 29 Males
     66     357   Raley, Elizabeth       00:47:04  23    F       Ridge            MD           3rd 20 - 29 Females
     67     356   Russell, Cory          00:47:05  25    M       Lexington Park   MD           6th 20 - 29 Males
     68      44   DeVerteuil, Quennel    00:47:18  36    M       Lusby            MD           2nd 30 - 39 Males
     69      28   Brown, Karissa         00:47:35  15    F       Huntingtown      MD           11th 19 & Under Females
     70      29   Brown, Kylie           00:47:38  14    F       Huntingtown      MD           12th 19 & Under Females
     71     143   Rymer, Melanie         00:47:48  58    F       Huntingtown      MD           2nd 50 - 59 Females
     72      30   Campbell, Robin        00:48:17  55    F       Dunkirk          MD           3rd 50 - 59 Females
     73      78   Hooper, Conner         00:48:21  13    M       HUNTINGTOWN      MD           22nd 19 & Under Males
     74      40   Davies, Adam           00:49:24  34    M       North Beach      MD           3rd 30 - 39 Males
     75      53   Eddy, Nicole           00:49:25  27    F       North Beach      MD           4th 20 - 29 Females
     76     101   Lundberg, Hannah       00:50:16  21    F       Port Republic    MD           5th 20 - 29 Females
     77      88   Keeley, Cooper         00:50:18  10    M       Broomes Island   MD           23rd 19 & Under Males
     78      89   Keeley, Ian            00:50:20  24    M       Broomes Island   MD           7th 20 - 29 Males
     79     124   Patin, Justin          00:50:42  15    M       Huntingtown      MD           24th 19 & Under Males
     80     140   Rollins, Justin        00:50:43  28    M       Prince Frederic  MD           8th 20 - 29 Males
     81     129   Prinsen, Devin         00:50:48  12    M       Dunkirk          MD           25th 19 & Under Males
     82     127   Plater, Kaitlyn        00:51:04  13    F       Huntingtown      MD           13th 19 & Under Females
     83     139   Rocks, Hannah          00:51:49  13    F       Huntingtown      MD           14th 19 & Under Females
     84     137   Ringley, Brianna       00:52:07  17    F       Mechanicsville   MD           15th 19 & Under Females
     85      60   glencer, kimberly      00:52:12  45    F       gambrills        MD           4th 40 - 49 Females
     86     158   Swan, Lisa             00:52:18  46    F       upper marlboro   MD           5th 40 - 49 Females
     87     138   Ringley, Michael       00:52:22  38    M       Mechanicsville   MD           4th 30 - 39 Males
     88     238   Williams, Bethany      00:52:23  17    F       Mechanicsville   MD           16th 19 & Under Females
     89     225   Nickens, Jessica       00:53:28  27    F       Upper Marlboro   MD           6th 20 - 29 Females
     90     172   WEALER, JOSIE          00:54:33  11    F       OWINGS           MD           17th 19 & Under Females
     91     109   Mulvihill, Quinn       00:55:08  13    F       Huntingtown      MD           18th 19 & Under Females
     92      50   Doyle, Hannah          00:55:10  14    F       Chesapeake Beac  MD           19th 19 & Under Females
     93     244   Roberts, Toni          00:55:39  43    F       upper marlboro   MD           6th 40 - 49 Females
     94     227   Mitchell, Michelle     00:55:43  50    F       upper marlboro   MD           4th 50 - 59 Females
     95     226   Robertson, Autumn      00:58:05  22    F       upper marlboro   MD           7th 20 - 29 Females
     96     114   Norris, Alton          00:58:07  14    M       Owings           MD           26th 19 & Under Males
     97     115   Norris, Nate           00:58:09  14    M       Owings           MD           27th 19 & Under Males
     98     119   OBRIEN, TOMMY          00:58:17  17    M       OWINGS           MD           28th 19 & Under Males
     99     202   Gay, Barrak            00:58:19  17    M       Huntingtown      MD           29th 19 & Under Males
    100     100   Liese, Jennifer        00:58:39  34    F       Huntingtown      MD           4th 30 - 39 Females
    101      63   Gooding, Shelly        00:59:14  47    F       Chesapeake Beac  MD           7th 40 - 49 Females
    102     233   McGugan, Calie         00:59:16  13    F       Chesapeake Beac  MD           20th 19 & Under Females
    103     144   Santerre, Gavin        01:01:51  13    M       port republic    MD           30th 19 & Under Males
    104     355   santerre, Duncan       01:02:08  13    M       port republic    MD           31st 19 & Under Males
    105     354   Santerre, Charles      01:02:15  51    M       Port Republic    MD           5th 50 - 59 Males
    106     184   Davis, Jon             01:02:47  38    M       Prince Frederic  MD           5th 30 - 39 Males
    107     247   Harris, Nicole         01:03:54  46    F       Washignton       DC           8th 40 - 49 Females
    108      12   Bertolaccini, Debbie   01:25:22  60    F       huntingtown      MD           1st 60 - 69 Females
    109      37   Keller, Regan          01:26:45  11    F                        MD           21st 19 & Under Females

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