Riverside HS Pink Run 5K
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Leesburg, VA
Conducted by RacePacket, Inc

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35 Finishers
  Place     Num   Name                   Time        Pace  Gender  Age   City             State        Age Ranking
      1      36   ROCHA, JUSTIN          00:19:05    6:09  M       16    Leesburg         VA           1st 5K Male
      2      38   SPORRE, CHRISTIAN      00:19:33    6:18  M       14    Ashburn          VA           2nd 5K Male
      3      41   WILLIAMSON, TQ         00:20:04    6:28  M       14    ashburn          VA           3rd 5K Male
      4       9   FERGUSON, ZACHARY      00:20:40    6:39  M       17    Leesburg         VA           1st 19 & under
      5      34   OSUCH, JOSEPH          00:21:27    6:54  M       14    ASHBURN          VA           2nd 19 & under
      6      11   KANE, JAKE             00:21:31    6:56  M       16    Ashburn          VA           3rd 19 & under
      7      35   ROCHA, JULIAN          00:21:48    7:01  M       14    Leesburg         VA           4th 19 & under
      8       3   BIENICK, ETHAN         00:21:55    7:04  M       14    Leesburg         VA           5th 19 & under
      9      21   MILCH, ERIK            00:22:00    7:05  M       44    Leesburg         VA           1st 40 - 49
     10      10   JONES, NATE            00:22:41    7:18  M       14    Ashburn          VA           6th 19 & under
     11      88   Ferrus-Ferri, Carlos   00:23:02    7:25  M       16                     VA           7th 19 & under
     12       4   COLE, ANNA KATE        00:24:11    7:47  F       14    Ashburn          VA           1st 5K Female
     13      12   LAMB, K                00:24:57    8:02  F       16    Leesburg         VA           2nd 5K Female
     14      44   Grim, Paul             00:25:35    8:14  M       61                     VA           1st 60 & over
     15      39   SPORRE, ELLIE          00:25:36    8:15  F       14    Ashburn          VA  VA       3rd 5K Female
     16       1   ASTORGA, ANGELA        00:26:27    8:31  F       31    Ashburn          VA           1st 30 - 39
     17      22   MILCH, GRANT           00:28:13    9:05  M       13    Leesburg         VA           8th 19 & under
     18      30   MILLER, GABRIEL        00:28:14    9:06  M       14    Leesburg         VA           9th 19 & under
     19      43   Lumpp, Scott           00:28:52    9:18  M       40                     VA           2nd 40 - 49
     20      18   MEINCKE, ERICA         00:28:55    9:19  F       42    Ashburn          VA           1st 40 - 49
     21      17   MEINCKE, BRIAN         00:28:56    9:19  M       42    Ashburn          VA           3rd 40 - 49
     22      16   MEINCKE, BENNETT       00:28:57    9:19  M       12    Ashburn          VA           10th 19 & under
     23       2   BIENICK, ELLA          00:29:57    9:39  F       10    Leesburg         VA           1st 19 & under
     24      46   Zhang, Michael         00:30:19    9:46  M       17                     VA           11th 19 & under
     25      31   MILLER, JEFFREY        00:33:03   10:39  M       54    Leesburg         VA           1st 50 - 59
     26      48   m, Bryn                00:34:35   11:08  F       14                     VA           2nd 19 & under
     27      49   Greason, Jenna         00:34:45   11:11  F       14                     VA           3rd 19 & under
     28      47   Gartlen, Annabel       00:35:48   11:32  F       14                     VA           4th 19 & under
     29      45   Grim, Kim              00:36:01   11:36  F       55                     VA           1st 50 - 59
     30      27   MILITELLO, JENNIFER    00:38:14   12:19  F       47    Lansdowne        VA           2nd 40 - 49
     31      13   MALACHIAS, ANGELA      00:47:29   15:18  F       11    Leesburg         VA           5th 19 & under
     32      14   MALACHIAS, PAULA       00:48:03   15:29  F       0     Leesburg         VA           1st
     33      37   SHAH, SAPANA           00:48:58   15:46  F       45    Lansdowne        VA           3rd 40 - 49
     34      32   MILLER, LULADEY        00:49:01   15:47  F       43    Leesburg         VA           4th 40 - 49
     35      24   MILCH, KRISTINE        00:49:30   15:57  F       44    Leesburg         VA           5th 40 - 49

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