River Bend Country Club Turkey Trot 5K
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Great Falls, VA
Conducted by RacePacket, Inc

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10M Finishers
Place     Num   Name                   Time      Pace    Gender  Age   Age Ranking
    1      86   Viala, Mathieu         00:19:53    6:24  M       99    1st 5K Male
    2      72   Rogers, Kelly          00:20:09    6:29  F       99    1st 5K Female
    3      29   Exley, Regan           00:20:58    6:45  F       11    1st Female Under 18
    4      85   Viala, Eric            00:21:10    6:49  M       99    1st No age
    5      82   Stoltzfus, Lamar       00:21:27    6:54  M       50    1st Male 50 & over
    6       5   Bovim, Alex            00:21:41    6:59  M       10    1st Male Under 18
    7      11   Brown, Margaret        00:22:02    7:06  F       50    1st Female 50 & over
    8      95   West, Mark             00:22:10    7:08  M       46    1st Male 30-49
    9     118   DeSimone, Jenn         00:22:13    7:09  F       99    1st No age
   10     146   Decker, Sam            00:23:00    7:24  M       14    2nd Male Under 18
   11     113   Rothemeijer, Quinn     00:23:03    7:25  M       99    2nd No age
   12     121   Exley, Grant           00:23:15    7:29  M       99    3rd No age
   13     107   Zavrel, Tommy          00:23:18    7:30  M       99    4th No age
   14     106   Zavrel, Mark           00:23:33    7:35  M       50    2nd Male 50 & over
   15     114   McCarthy, Jack         00:23:51    7:41  M       99    5th No age
   16     120   Kiley, Sara            00:23:53    7:42  F       99    2nd No age
   17     148   Schulman, Rebecca      00:23:56    7:42  F       13    2nd Female Under 18
   18     125   Maguire, Taylor        00:23:57    7:43  F       99    3rd No age
   19      20   Daley, Marisa          00:23:59    7:43  F       99    4th No age
   20     117   Smith, Tori            00:24:02    7:44  F       99    5th No age
   21     142   Welch, Patrick         00:24:14    7:48  M       17    3rd Male Under 18
   22      83   Vandon, Eric           00:24:28    7:53  M       99    6th No age
   23     162   Wolak, Ethan           00:24:44    7:58  M       16    4th Male Under 18
   24      32   Givens, James          00:24:47    7:59  M       99    7th No age
   25     127   Rothermeijer, Cullen   00:25:12    8:07  M       9     5th Male Under 18
   26      59   Maruca, Sam            00:26:24    8:30  M       14    6th Male Under 18
   27     116   Manset, Vanessa        00:26:31    8:32  F       99    6th No age
   28     126   Maguire, Katie         00:26:36    8:34  F       99    7th No age
   29      39   Hamilton, Zack         00:26:37    8:34  M       15    7th Male Under 18
   30       9   Bovim, Sarah           00:26:46    8:37  F       99    8th No age
   31     154   Shames, John           00:26:56    8:40  M       55    3rd Male 50 & over
   32     115   Lawrence, Justin       00:27:12    8:46  M       99    8th No age
   33      13   Chewning, Eric         00:27:20    8:48  M       99    9th No age
   34      12   Cassey, Marie          00:27:25    8:50  F       99    9th No age
   35      15   Collins, Addison       00:27:28    8:51  F       9     3rd Female Under 18
   36      17   Collins, Julie         00:27:29    8:51  F       99    10th No age
   37      18   Collins, Tyler         00:27:29    8:51  M       11    8th Male Under 18
   38      96   West, Peyton           00:27:29    8:51  F       9     4th Female Under 18
   39      47   Kaufman, Sam           00:28:45    9:16  M       12    9th Male Under 18
   40      28   Exley, Marin           00:28:49    9:17  F       8     5th Female Under 18
   41      74   Sabin, Barry           00:28:53    9:18  M       50    4th Male 50 & over
   42      38   Hamilton, Issabelle    00:28:56    9:19  F       15    6th Female Under 18
   43      34   Givens, Mia            00:28:57    9:19  F       99    11th No age
   44     100   Williams Jr., Thomas   00:29:06    9:22  M       11    10th Male Under 18
   45      87   Viala, Michael         00:29:13    9:25  M       99    10th No age
   46      44   Kaufman, Jason         00:29:24    9:28  M       40    2nd Male 30-49
   47      37   Hamilton, Haley        00:29:29    9:30  F       19    1st Female 18-29
   48     128   Brown, Will            00:29:42    9:34  M       99    11th No age
   49      21   Daley, Peyton          00:29:42    9:34  F       99    12th No age
   50      93   Watkinson, Troy        00:29:45    9:35  M       53    5th Male 50 & over
   51      58   Maruca, Don            00:29:54    9:38  M       50    6th Male 50 & over
   52      98   Williams, Julia        00:30:08    9:42  F       9     7th Female Under 18
   53      57   Maruca, Caroline       00:30:10    9:43  F       18    2nd Female 18-29
   54      99   Williams, Thomas       00:30:12    9:44  M       99    12th No age
   55      97   Williams, Christine    00:30:17    9:45  F       99    13th No age
   56      19   Daley, Harrison        00:30:45    9:54  M       99    13th No age
   57      60   Moline, Andrew         00:30:47    9:55  M       99    14th No age
   58       8   Bovim, Mila            00:31:05   10:01  F       12    8th Female Under 18
   59      84   Vandon, Mark           00:31:38   10:11  M       99    15th No age
   60     143   Welch, Maggie          00:31:46   10:14  F       13    9th Female Under 18
   61     147   Schulman, Leah         00:31:46   10:14  F       13    10th Female Under 18
   62     102   Yosaitis, Barbara      00:31:48   10:14  F       50    2nd Female 50 & over
   63     129   Welch, Kevin           00:31:51   10:15  M       53    7th Male 50 & over
   64     103   Yosaitis, John         00:31:54   10:16  M       50    8th Male 50 & over
   65     155   Shames, Alyssa         00:31:57   10:17  F       26    3rd Female 18-29
   66     130   Welch, Mary            00:32:07   10:21  F       53    3rd Female 50 & over
   67      33   Givens, Lisa           00:32:11   10:22  F       99    14th No age
   68      27   Exley, Fran            00:32:16   10:24  F       99    15th No age
   69     159   Elkas, Isabelle        00:32:35   10:30  F       16    11th Female Under 18
   70      67   Rafferty, JJ           00:33:11   10:41  M       41    3rd Male 30-49
   71     152   Schulman, Molly        00:33:23   10:45  F       18    4th Female 18-29
   72      45   Kaufman, Katie         00:33:28   10:47  F       39    1st Female 30-49
   73     124   Paxton, Linden         00:33:41   10:51  M       99    16th No age
   74       4   Bloom, Sara            00:33:42   10:51  F       99    16th No age
   75     153   Patton, Amelia         00:33:42   10:51  F       16    12th Female Under 18
   76     150   Schulman, Jordan       00:33:47   10:53  F       9     13th Female Under 18
   77     149   Schulman, Adam         00:33:48   10:53  M       47    4th Male 30-49
   78     144   Rippert, Don           00:34:09   10:59  M       57    9th Male 50 & over
   79     151   Schulman, Kelly        00:34:24   11:05  F       46    2nd Female 30-49
   80      79   Stoltzfus, Daniel      00:34:47   11:12  M       99    17th No age
   81      88   Viala, Patricia        00:35:17   11:22  F       99    17th No age
   82      91   Watkinson, Austin      00:35:48   11:32  M       13    11th Male Under 18
   83     112   Rothermeijer, Mireil   00:36:06   11:38  F       99    18th No age
   84     111   Rothmeijer, Julie      00:36:08   11:38  F       99    19th No age
   85     119   Backus, Caren          00:36:12   11:40  F       99    20th No age
   86      94   West, Jordan           00:36:24   11:43  M       11    12th Male Under 18
   87      61   Moline, Maryellen      00:37:08   11:58  F       99    21st No age
   88      73   Saad, Samia            00:37:17   12:00  F       50    4th Female 50 & over
   89      41   Hicks, Garrett         00:37:25   12:03  M       10    13th Male Under 18
   90      40   Hicks, Allen           00:37:27   12:04  M       99    18th No age
   91      30   Gazzie, Jen            00:37:35   12:06  F       50    5th Female 50 & over
   92     160   Wilson, Julie          00:38:00   12:14  F       16    14th Female Under 18
   93     158   Elkas, Olivia          00:38:01   12:15  F       14    15th Female Under 18
   94      66   Rafferty, Beth         00:38:10   12:18  F       40    3rd Female 30-49
   95      63   Nasr, Julia            00:38:18   12:20  F       50    6th Female 50 & over
   96      14   Chewning, Lauren       00:38:35   12:26  F       99    22nd No age
   97     163   Wolak, Owen            00:38:45   12:29  M       11    14th Male Under 18
   98      65   Raff, Susan            00:38:47   12:29  F       99    23rd No age
   99      78   Shires, Kelly          00:38:47   12:29  F       99    24th No age
  100     161   Wolak, Jim             00:38:48   12:30  M       49    5th Male 30-49
  101     145   Decker, Marcie         00:38:49   12:30  F       40    4th Female 30-49
  102     141   Welch, Kathleen        00:39:02   12:34  F       20    5th Female 18-29
  103     156   Shames, Sammy          00:39:25   12:42  F       19    6th Female 18-29
  104      75   Saunders, Danielle     00:40:29   13:02  F       99    25th No age
  105      35   Hamilton, David        00:42:06   13:34  M       99    19th No age
  106      16   Collins, Jude          00:42:06   13:34  M       99    20th No age
  107      22   Daley, Tristan         00:42:11   13:35  M       99    21st No age
  108      42   Hicks, Kara            00:42:12   13:35  F       99    26th No age
  109      25   Elkas, Jen             00:42:45   13:46  F       99    27th No age
  110      26   Elkas, Kim             00:42:45   13:46  F       99    28th No age
  111      62   Nasr, Hikmat           00:47:00   15:08  M       50    10th Male 50 & over
  112      89   Watkinson, Alexis      00:48:57   15:46  F       15    16th Female Under 18
  113     157   Elkas, Emily           00:48:57   15:46  F       16    17th Female Under 18
  114     138   ,                      00:52:11   16:48                8th No age
  115      69   Rippert, Darlene       00:52:17   16:50  F       50    7th Female 50 & over
  116      68   Rippert, Annette       00:52:20   16:51  F       50    8th Female 50 & over
  117      70   Rippert, Ginni         00:52:21   16:52  F       50    9th Female 50 & over
  118      71   Rippert, Lisa          00:52:23   16:52  F       50    10th Female 50 & over
  119      92   Watkinson, Diane       00:54:03   17:24  F       51    11th Female 50 & over

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