Leapin' Lizards 5K
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Lexington Park, MD
Conducted by LizaRD Timing

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by Noah Wood
The hot summer evening drew many participants from southern Maryland and the Washington D.C./northern Virginia area to John G. Lancaster Park in Lexington Park, Maryland on Thursday, June 28. Lined up neatly along the park’s paved paths and pavilions were arrows and mile markers, setting the stage for the Inaugural Leapin' Lizards 5K Run.

The field for this low-key race included 42 runners and walkers, 40 of whom completed the relatively flat 3.1 miles of suburban roads and paved park paths. For a little over a mile, the participants made a large loop through the gravelly concrete roads of the WWII-era Flattops neighborhood, a wooded parcel that now serves as a disc golf course. Crossing the start at the neck of the figure-8 course, they entered the park proper, completed two loops on the paved pedestrian path, and finished where they’d started. A water stop had been strategically placed near the start and finish line so runners would pass it twice during the race. The small group of race staff and spectators cheered enthusiastically throughout the race, their energy surpassed only by that of the runners.

A pavilion at the finish line provided a shaded retreat for the runners, who snacked on carrots, crackers, chips, dip, Rice Krispies treats, and assorted cold drinks during the brief wait for the awards presentation.

"It was a run through the park, so there was just enough scenery to keep you on your toes," said Joe Dowgiallo, who finished 2nd overall with a time of 18:34. Hot on his heels was Perry Rapp, finishing in 18:40 and taking the Masters (over 40) Men’s title. Not much further ahead of Dowgiallo and Rapp was David Raley, who won the race in a time of 18:17, winning the Open Men’s age group (ages 19-40). Matt Sebacher was the Youth Male Champion, being the first male among the 18 and under age group participants, with a time of 22:01.

The women’s field boasted a solid number of participants and strong finishes as well. Gloria Roberts was the first female overall, winning the Open Women’s age group, with a time of 22:47. Runner up was Sandra Griffin, champion of the Master’s Women age group in a time of 23:42. Rounding out the top three women was Andrea DeWitt in a time of 25:46. Catherine Raley, a cross-country runner from Saint Mary’s Ryken High School, was the Youth Female Champion, finishing fourth overall among the women in a time of 26:41.

"Nice park, bits of shade,” said Raley about the race course. "It was very hot. I ran 6.4 miles two days before the race, so it helped prepare me.” In addition, Raley earned her driver’s license hours before the race.

Many people expressed that they had fun at the race and enjoyed the course, despite the heat. Liza Recto, the race director, was quite pleased with the attendance. “We had an excellent turnout, thanks to Sarah Strickland, who brought her sons and their cross- country teammates from Great Mills High School," said Recto. "I’m thinking about doing another one next month. We need more low-key, low-fee races around here."

Recto owns her timing business called LizaRD Timing, which has been involved in timing various races in the tri-county southern Maryland area. She has expressed an interest in developing and timing more low-key races for the local running scene, and hopes to continue this summer.

40 Finishers
Place   Name          City                 Sex   Age   Time
1    David Raley      Mechanicsville, MD    M     28   18:17
2    Joe Dowgiallo    Lexington Park, MD    M     29   18:24
3    Perry Rapp       Lexington Park, MD    M     46   18:40
4    German Albalopez Great Mills, MD       M     25   19:21
5    Noah Wood        Prince Frederick, MD  M     29   19:57
6    Stephen Roe      California, MD        M     38   20:16
7    Mark Converse    Tall Timbers, MD      M     52   20:33
8    Joseph Spears    Temple Hills, MD      M     46   21:00
9    John Hancock                           M     30   21:19
10   Doug Nassif      California, MD        M     30   21:31
11   Matt Sebacher                          M     16   22:01
12   Dave Walser      Lusby, MD             M     53   22:28
13   Gloria Roberts                         F     20   22:47 
14   Bill Stahr       The Plains, VA        M     51   22:53   
15   Richard Poust                          M     24   23:24
16   Sandra Griffin   Upper Marlboro, MD    F     45   23:42 
17   David Strickland Lexington Park, MD    M     16   23:44
18   Joshua Simmons   Great Mills, MD       M     34   24:23
19   Ryan Lindsay     Lexington Park, MD    M     16   24:53
20   Alec Gough                             M     17   24:54
21   Radames Colon    Lexington Park, MD    M     27   25:20
22   Robbie Romano                          M     14   25:33
23   Kevin Dicola                           M     15   25:42
24   Andrea DeWitt                          F     37   25:46
25   Matthew Mussomele                      M     16   26:12
26   Hunter Strickland Lexington Park, MD   M     15   26:13
27   Phillip Ransford                       M     15   26:14
28   Andrew Weems                           M     16   26:18
29   Catherine Raley  Ridge, MD             F     16   26:41 
30   Clint Clearwater Mechanicsville, MD    M     24   27:37   
31   Mark Gonzalez                          M     55   27:59
32   Khalel Cabacon   Lexington Park, MD    M     15   28:06
33   George Sisson    Owings, MD            M     64   28:22
34   Dave Clearwater  Mechanicsville, MD    M     52   28:58
35   Jon Palks        Bowie, MD             M     62   29:04
36   Gary Howard      Valley Lee, MD        M     62   35:12
37   Harry Thompson   Lexington Park, MD    M     16   39:01
38   Debbie Francisco St. Leonard, MD       F     59   42:37
39   Jennifer Wright  Lexington Park, MD    F     24   44:50
40   Milton Taylor    Odenton, MD           M     79   47:47

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